Way to go VERMONT!
@western_valleygirl (1363)
United States
March 9, 2007 10:59am CST
I was reading the news online, including world news, which I know that many people do not do, here in the U.S., but which I happen to like to do. And, when I was reading U.S. news, I came upon a story about towns in Vermont that are trying to impeach Bush. I am actually quite surprised that they are going for it, and I wonder if it will make progress. If they had the same thing going in my town, I would vote also, to urge congress to impeach him. What would you do about this issue? Do you find it surprising, beneficial, or just a waste of time? I know that in the story, they say that it is "symbolic," I have to agree, and say that, if that is the only goal achieved, it is good enough. So, if there is anyone from Vermont reading this, good for you, and I hope all of our states follow.
Here is the story, it is short, for those interested.
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14 responses
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I happen to disagree with this idea. It might gain steam and progress. I don't know what the grounds for impeachment would be. I imagine it has a lot to do with being in Iraq. Two things strike me as inevitable even if Bush is replaced and we leave Iraq. Terrorists will gain a stronger footing in the Middle East and will grow bolder in attacking this country, and we as a nation will still be overly dependent on Middle East oil. If we cannot get oil from the Middle East, this country will be in for the hardest times we have ever experienced. And I wonder what all the "impeachers" will say after we are struck again by terrorists in our homeland. They will be complaining about why we didn't stop terrorists when we had the chance. This is just my speculation.
If there is another reason for dumping Bush, you might as well dump the entire crooked government...Dems and Repubs alike. Let's go for a clean sweep of congress while we are at it.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Lol. You do have some points there. However, there has to be progress in the scientific field for us to make changes against our oil dependency, and perhaps, if our government dedicated more funds and energy into that instead of war, there would be. Also, I do not believe that Bush has in any shape or form, made any progress against terror or terrorists, due to the fact, that with his exploits we are more susceptible now, than we were before. He is making us more unliked in the Middle East and, he has not improved our homeland security situation very much. We could have retained our dependency on oil more peacefully, but that just did not appeal to Bush. In fact, I have not really seen any positive changes in the way we as a nation can be more secure. Furthermore, I have to say, although many of us speculated from the start that this war was about oil, many people did not have a clue, they feel deceived, and used. Especially, those that went to war thinking that they were fighting against "terrorists" and looking for Weapons of Mass destruction. I realize that you want us to understand the implications that would occur if we had no oil, and if we were attacked by terrorists, however, I just cannot see Bush as being a positive front against those things. Someone could have handled everything better, and I know, that he should have not been allowed to lead us to destruction in this way. I think, that with all the oil reserves we have, we would have found a solution to that problem, before we ran out. And, I know we have more enemies now, than we started out with before he took office.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you about the oil dependency issue. However, about the Saddam Hussein issue, it has been stated recently, and on the world news (from almost the on-set), that there was never any WMD, and that our government knew that, but still wanted to proceed, because of the oil issue. I believe that we were duped into thinking that this was against "terrorists" and even made to feel anti-patriotic because we did not support the war, when it had nothing to do with terrorists against us. That was a totally different issue. Who cares about Saddam Hussein, if it really were about removing him from power for the sake of the people (and I have said this before), we would have had support from other nations, and we would have done it a lot sooner. But, it was all misguided, and for our oil situation.
@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
10 Mar 07
The problem with oil dependency is that oil is easy, and big money, and the companies aren't run by the government, as far as I know. Alternative energy is expensive to develop, and business don't like unnecessary expenses. If America were communist or socialist, it wouldn't be a problem. The government would take care of us, but as a capitalist society, it's up to the individual businesses to pursue new products and technology. If the oil companies see a big enough market for alternative energy, something that will make them as much money as oil, they'll jump on it.
As for alternative ways to fighting in Iraq, what would you have done different? The USA sent inspector after inspector, and Hussein routinely brushed them off, obfuscated their investigations, and made it impossible to do their jobs.
If you've nothing to hide, then there's no point to protest. But if you are hiding something, protesting a search becomes a big deal. If you have nothing to hide and you protest over being searched, it makes people very suspicious, and they think you do have something to hide.
To repeat my question: What would you have done different from Bush? And do you honestly think it would work?

@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It is up to the people of a country to force the issues of changes and rules. I think it is great that they are trying to do this. I for one, would love to see him impeached. I think it is benefical, if the people can stick together and do this. There are many antiquated rules that need changing, as time changes. But the only way to do it is to go out and try. I'm giving you a + rating for a wonderful post. Thank you my friend.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Thank you. And you are right, we should all try to make a change, and fix the things that are not right, and that are not working for our system. Especially, as you say, if they are antiquated.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Yes. I agree with you. When I first read the article, and wrote my point of view, I was not as influenced by the idea as I am now. However, now, I hope that more people really are inspired to get him impeached. He deserves it.
@silvatungfox (336)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I, who so rarely would consider marring my vehicle with a bumpersticker, have had my Impeach Bush sticker on for many months now. (even before it was a popular sentiment I had it on there.) I not only want him impeached, I want him to stand trial for his war crimes and the criminal acts he has continued to do that are the real threat to "homeland security"
I have a blog which has had much to say about the laws he has broken, and the correlation to Germany in the 1930's. If you are interested you can have a look at it at :http://silvaspoon.blogspot.com/. It is one of several blogs I have, in addition to just having launched a series of new information websites. (none of which pertain to this discussion which is why I am not listing them.)
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Good for you, about the sticker, I am surprised that it had never occurred to me before. This shows me how brainwashed into trusting him and thinking he was doing right for us we were to not speak up before. I am glad that we are all waking up to his deception.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It is reassuring to see that people are expressing their dissatisfaction and belief that his man has lied to us all along.
I hope that this thing with Libby starts taking out people up the line, all the way to Bush. His administration has made suer to persecute people who expressed any opinion that did fit in with what he had n mide before he got "elected" the first time around.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Yes, I believe that when we finally start speaking up for ourselves, we will make a positive change. Unfortunately, we just don't know where to start sometimes, and there are others, that just don't care, because they have other things going on in their lives. However, this is a good start, and as you said, it is reassuring.
@Masterfinder (45)
9 Mar 07
I used to live and work in Burlington, and travelled all over the state, so I still have a lot of friends there, and can easily believe that, if they are anything like my friends. Intriguing as living in the UK, I wish we had the same mechanism to do the same based on proportional representation , to Blair and the wicked witch !!!
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
You are so correct. I believe that this is the end of Blair's term, also, as Bush. If I were living in the UK, and there was someway to impeach him also, I would help do that. I believe that if people pushed for a change, it could be done, but, it is difficult to get a united group of people together towards one goal.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
9 Mar 07
You know, I remember when they had a picture online of Blair in which they showed how similar to the Grinch he really is. I don't know if you have seen that before, but I love it, lol. Because it is so true, he is like him in looks, and his personality is lousy also. I am sorry that things have been going so terribly for you, you would think that the UK, being one of the oldest established powers, would have something going right in that area, as with China and the Middle East, but, nope, they haven't learned anything in all those years (no offense to anyone)...America, is still a fairly new country, so I can understand how we ended up with a dork like Bush...
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@Masterfinder (45)
9 Mar 07
Thanks for your support!! I despair at the apathy in the voting public, no one is prepared to join a call to radical action.........until it actually effects their pockets!!!! then its too late.......have actually asked for comments on sentencing here ...................without a single response !!! take care
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@kyle930 (763)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I dont like bush but im not sure that impeaching him is the best solution. I think it would be good if we could just convince him to get out of Iraq. There is no way to win the war there without killing a lot more people and it isnt our war to fight. We should turn over control to the Iraqis and let them handle their own problems. There wouldnt even have been such a problem if we hadnt gone there in the first place.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I believe the thought about it is wonderful and I'm really loving the fact that a state is coming together, However, just like the ladies who went to Bush ranch in Texas, that went on for a while and nothing happened.
I believe Bush has so much power behind him, that unfortunately, it's either going to go to the backburner, or it's not going to be talked on.
When election came up this past time, I went out and voted and hoped that he would not be re-elected again. I was hurt :(
I give Vermont all the support in the world and glad that someone is standing up and hope that he does get impeached...that would be wonderful
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
10 Mar 07
well i live in stowe vermont and i can tell you that vermont has many issues to deal with that should be on the front burner, far more important than bush, hes going out any way so get on with important things for the people of vermont that we can do something about.
@Aryanbharani (209)
• India
10 Mar 07
Impeach Bush....yeah that might be a good way to go for the Americans.They need a better leader, who knows something other than war.Bush has been too bad , always wanting a war.......Doesnt he realize that human lives are being destroyed cos of his stupid wars. Please try and put a fullstop to him, even recently on his visit to Uraguay, people apposed him
@thegregg (11)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I live here in Vermont and would also like to see bush impeached, I relize that this late in the game it will mean nothing but it would be nice to have that note in the history books that people did disagree with his meglomeniacle ways, this wasnt very supprising to me, the guy couldnt even run an oil company let alone a country.........Also i just wanted to make a not that vermont is the only state that has a contract with the federal government and that our state can nullify contract and become its own republic. there is currently a faction(Second Republic)that has been trying to use this priviledge that our state forpersons had set just in case the federal government got out of hand and no longer decided to see to its people.
@maliki2 (255)
• United States
11 May 08
Many people look at Vermont as a Liberal state. There are a few, but the majority of us aren't. To think the government really cares what we think is absurd. I support our President no matter what happens or what decision he/she makes. That is their job, and I could care less what some redneck in the backwoods of Vermont thinks.