People with rates way up there

United States
March 9, 2007 12:46pm CST
Are you guys happy with all the changes of MyLot since it began? Have you noticed that the pay is in half now? Nothing for posts at all.
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11 responses
• United States
9 Mar 07
I have been here since 12/22/06 and it has changed a lot and not all for the better. I enjoyed posting photos that were relevant to the topic but they used to pay for each of them now it is $0.01 a day regardless of how many so I don't waste too much time on that anymore. As for everything else I haven't clue what is behind their reasoning.
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• United States
9 Mar 07
If not for the nice friends I have, including you, I would give it up I think. It isn't worth the time and effort anymore, and too many rules.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I have been wondering about this also. I know alot of people make quite a few posts daily and I always wondered if they earned pretty good from it. I have posted some discussions here also but I never did see any earnings from doing so. The only earnings that I could ever see was when I responded to other members discussions. I have also noticed that the earnings surely have dropped quite a bit. I hope they make some more changes to get everything back on track again. I have referred some people here and I told them the earnings was good, but it sure has changed since then.
• United States
9 Mar 07
I agree with you. I'm tired of it, except for a few really nice friends, including you, I would give it up.
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• United States
9 Mar 07
I've been a member since the end of October, and yes, there have been a lot of changes; not all for the better. I will agree with you, I believe they have cut earnings in half. I only earn about 1/2 now of what I was in the beginning for the same amount of posts. I've also noticed that many of us that have been around for a while seem to be losing interest and not posting as frequently. I surmise that it is due to the earnings and the increased amount of spamming that has been going on lately. I love myLot, but I think they need to look at some of the issues that the loyal members who have helped build this community are having. I would hate to see them lose those that have worked so hard to help make myLot a success.
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• United States
9 Mar 07
I could not have said that better. Thank you my friend.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Mar 07
Thank you very much for best response. I really appreciate it. I'm still waiting for Friday's earnings to update. They also seem to be getting slower and slower when it comes to that too. I guess I just don't have much patience today, lol. Thanks again my friend.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Hi Margieanneart, What do you mean "Nothing for posts at all"? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your point as I'm relatively new here, but I am getting credit for posting. I don't know what you mean about the pay being half either. It seems to me that the types of posts I make reflect the value. Would you please explain more in depth what you mean?
2 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 07
Read sigma below you. At one time we got more for posts, and now nothing. Sometimes a penny. We are working harder with longer posts and such, and making nothing. I was making an average of $91. a month for the same amount of work as I do now and am getting around $25. or so now. The $$$. speaks for itself. But the friendships are really great on this site. That's why I am here, but spending a lot less time now.
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• United States
10 Mar 07
Wow margieanneart, that is a very impressive figure of 91 dollars a month! I had too noticed that our earnings decreased. (But only after I had read a couple topics on it.) My pay for Thursday , paid out yesterday, was quite impressive though, and seemingly back to the way it was. I am still waiting for my earnings update today from yesterday's work. I spent A LOT of time on here yesterday, so I am very eager to see what it says.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
9 Mar 07
I have just been here for a few months so I donĀ“t see adifference, however I am not here mainly for the money so I do not really mind, it is nice to recive a cent here and there though=)
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Hi Marie2473, I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, your words made me chuckle because I've never received two cents for my two cents before. I know it's a goofy play on words, but it really amuses me.
• United States
9 Mar 07
It's like anything else in life. When you are used to more, and then it is gone, it is harder to get re ajusted. I used to make about $91. a month, and now for the same time or more, I make $25 to $35. See my point?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Yes, your point is valid. If the quality and quantity of the work does not change, but the reward does ... yeah, that's hard to accept. What would be of particular issue to me is: If I had joined up last fall, and attested to a certain earnings level to those that I referred, then saw a significant dip in the earnings, I would feel like my integrity would be open to challenge. That would really bother me!
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It sure seems like it is about half. A person has to work twice as hard to make half as Oh well, maybe things will pick up over the months. Then again, with the warmer weather coming in the US, many won't want to be on here as many other things to do in the nice weather.
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@abhi07 (186)
• India
9 Mar 07
yes I'm not happy coz a friend like you does not spend as much time to respond to all like as always
2 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 07
When you are the number one in rates, having thousands coming in a day, it is impossible to keep up like in the beginning. I do try very hard too. I'm sorry you are not happy with me.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Hi there friend yes I have noticed Im only getting a few cents a day now so Im not on here like I use to be its quite obivious they dont appreciate us. And I think they are way to sneaky anymore. I also think alot of members are feeling the same way they have gotten a little bit to big for their britches.heheheh
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• United States
9 Mar 07
I agree with you. Seems the sponser are running everything, as they take up half the page now.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I am making consistent money now. I can bank on what I am able to do and know pretty much what will be rewarded. My referral is getting better too, however, I still way outearn her. Knowing that this site is still in its growing system since it is new. The email is working better now but the glitches still are maddening. Also I think that they need people to answer the emails we send them better and more timely. Also the moderators are anonymous which is not a good thing in my mind. They should be well known. Anyway, I am still glad to be here and earning well and making friends.
• United States
9 Mar 07
I'm glad you are happy Willowlady. It is friends like you that have me here, as I am bord of it now.
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@patootie (3592)
18 Mar 07
Must admit MyLot does seem to be 'falling well behind' the pay scales that were being given when I first joined just before Christmas ... I usually add a token picture once a day just to get the 1c .. but I can't say as I take as much care as I did to get the 'perfect' picture for the discussion ... there's simply no incentive to take the time to search more than a few minutes for a picture now .. Sadly .. I am getting some definite 'bad vibes' about MyLot .. the folks who were so full of enthusiasm just a few short weeks ago are already starting to look elsewhere .. elsewhere that is .. where they KNOW what pay they'll get for how many posts they make .. and not some 'secret algorithm' that no one understands .. If there is one thing I have learnt in my lifetime it's that businesses MUST look after their existing customers to the very best of their ability .. because if they are happy then the project will go forwards .. but once the customer core of any business gets unsettled .. a big flop is usually only a few short steps away ...
• United States
10 Mar 07
I don't know user. I guess I will see if it turns out to be worth the effort or not.
• United States
10 Mar 07
Welcome, and have fun dear.