How can I get my childs teacher to listen to me?
@michelledarcy (5220)
March 9, 2007 1:27pm CST
Yet again I have had to speak to my daughters teacher about her having reading books that are too easy. She said she would change it for me and she didn't do it. This has happened several times before. Does anyone know how I can approach her teacher and actually get her to listen to me?
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23 responses
@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I would go over her head and talk to the principle about it. You're the one paying the taxes for her schooling so you deserve to be heard. If the principle doesn't listen go to the super intendant. Hopefully someone will listen. I had that problem when I was little. Children need to be educationally challenged or else they aren't learning anything.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I mentioned that if I was paying for her education in a private school she would be pushed much harder and they said that their school doesn't work like that.
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I have already talked to the headteacher about it and she said that they don't like to push them hard at her age. I told her I don't agree and I want them to push her, but nothing has changed.
@keela_mark (128)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I am a teacher and also a new vegan. :-) I believe the best way to approach your teacher is by constantly reminding her with notes or emails. Make sure you cc the principal and secretary too. Most teachers forget lots of verbal things until it's written down. If she still forgets, then I think you should ask her for a list of books that you can buy that is on your daughters level. She will know that you're serious. Not trying to give you another excuse, but teachers don't get a great number or variety of different-level books in their classes. That would be administration's duties to supply books for the teachers. I certainly know that if you're persistant, then you will get the results you're looking for. All schools test reading on certain levels, therefore, make sure that the words in the books go with the format for standardized test!!!
Good luck!
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@keela_mark (128)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well, reading and writing go hand and hand, but are graded on a different scale. The reason being because reading is based on phonics while writing is based on motor skills. I would stay persistant with the teacher about getting books or meet the teacher half-way by finding books on or above your daughter's level. That way you can keep you daughter focused and busy. (kids tend to get bored easily when they are not driven) You can go to Barnes & Nobles and get several writing workbooks on her grade level. I use their workbooks for my 8 year old son. Works great!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I hope the veganism is working out well for you!
Unfortunately my teacher doesn't have an individual email address there is just one for the whole school. Last time I emailed the school I was taken in to talk to the headteacher who wasn't very helpful at all.
I think if her teacher said that they don't have any books of her level she could read it wouldn't be satisfactory but at least I would know that they are recognising that she can read well. I am wondering if because she isn't writing that well that they don't realise she can read, so I am wondering whether I should be working on that rather than persisting with the reading lessons.
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I have got workbooks for her which I try to get for the same level as her reading. So when she was reading 'ch' 'st' etc at the start and end I got her a workbook that reinforced that.
When I was talking about writing I meant more so that she writes all her words phonectically even though when reading she knows the rules like 'naughty e' and 'when two vowels walk together the first one says its name' etc but she forgets them when she is writing and maybe thats why the teacher is still giving her books that teach words like 'want', 'the', 'and' etc and at home she is reading words like 'inside', 'lovely', 'building' etc

@thecaitycat (267)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Is your daughter already at the highest reading level for her grade? What about other subjects?
I hesitate to say this, but have you thought about having your daughter skip a grade? I did, and it didn't hurt me at all.
@michelledarcy (5220)
10 Mar 07
I don't know what the reading levels are for her class. It looks like she has one level higher of books she can go up to but I suspect these are far too easy for her like the ones she is reading.
It is difficult in this country to get them to move kids up to a higher class. My friend has a daughter who's school have told her is extremely gifted and talented and is at least 3 years above the reading level for her age, but she hasn't been moved up. My daughter isn't this good, so I can't imagine any hope of her going up.
@cyclonewriter (2168)
• United States
9 Mar 07
As a teacher, my advice is to ask for a sit sdown meeting with the teacher and explain your side of the story and listen to hers. Sometimes if a child can read at a higher level, they dod not always comprehend what the information. I am not saying this is the case but it is possible. If that is not the case and the teacher does not have a good reason for giving her higher levels of books, discuss the possibility of moving her to a higher grade level just for reading.
From the teachers point of view, she may be using the reading material mandated by the board of education. This is a problem when you have such diverse levels with in the same classroom. There could very well be other students on the other side who struggle with the same material.
If your meeting with the teacher fails to come to a resolution that you are happy with, then it is time to go the school administrator.
Good luck and I hope this helps a bit.
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I have a meeting withthe teacher next week. I would love to hear how you think I should approach this.
I have talked to her and the head and they seem to think she is too young to be pushed and I should trust them, but its really hard to do that.

@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
9 Mar 07
first , set a good example for your daughter
read good books yourself and bring her to the library and help her find some too
its free to take books out of the library and they like the high circulation numbers, so take out like 50 books at a time, then only read the most interesting ones, remember to return them ontime, skim if its not that interesting, read every word twice if it is.
Teachers are usually underpaid and overworked so don't expect too much.
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
We can only take 10 books out at a time, but yes you have a good point. It is a long time since we have been to the library and I think I will have a regular day a week that I take my girls after school so they can choose some books themselves.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
i guess you should be the one to startt listening to your daughter's teacher because what she is doing is slowly and surely molding your daughter's reading comprehension.learning has a process. even if your daughter can comprehend a higher degree of reading. she has to master the art of discipline,the discipline to follow intructions and the discipline and respect of taking over simple tasks. so you see it is not about the reading material it is how she would carry and manage herself in the fututre. if you want your daughter to read other things, then i would suggest that you should be the one to provide it.let the teacher be because primarily you are the teacher and they are just help in your chil'd education.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
9 Mar 07
If your daughter is not being challenged, maybe she should tell the teacher.
I agree, the child should be challenged, not a lot but a little, if they are not challenged they will not learn.
Send the teacher a note, tell her that since she is busy, that you will plan what your should be on your daughter reading list. And you will start using it ....., unless you hear from her otherwise with another list that you discuss with her.
This way you are not figner pointing, saying you ignored me, you have given her and easy way out by doing the work for her and probably you will control what your daughter reads, since the list she would want would mean she has to plan the list, then discuss why her list is better then yours.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
9 Mar 07
Oh dear i know exactly where you are coming from..some of these teachers can be patronising, whow it all old gits and they think that we parents shouldn't be telling them how to do their job lol.I think a letter in writing should do it..a polite one otherwise they don't tske much notice of the verbal only they expect us to take notice when they want to say something negative about our children.
@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I do feel sorry for my daughters teacher as it is her first year of teaching and she is pretty much told what to do by the other teacher of that year group, however I don't see why my daughter should suffer because of it.
@bunniestar (14)
10 Mar 07
I agree with previous posts, ask for a meeting with the teacher and explain that you think your child needs a higher level of books and if that fails go and see the head teacher.
I have a similar problem, my son reads at a much higher level than the other children in his class - he has Aspergers, he finds some of the reading material very boring, thankfully he has great teachers who allow him to choose his own reading materials and discuss these books with him on a one-to-one basis.
I do stuggle with his spellings sometimes tho, I have to keep asking them to give him harder ones as he loses interest with the ones he gets as they are much to easy.
Good luck, hope you get things sorted out
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@amitksing (1323)
• India
9 Mar 07
Just make sure that the books that your daughter is studying are in accordance with those prescribed in the syllabus of her grade. If this is so, then dont worry and just relax because she is getting the proper education. But if it is not the case, I think you need to be a bit strict. Try talking to the school headmaster and the respective authorities.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
9 Mar 07
I don't even know what the syllabus of her grade is. I know what she should have achieved by the age of 7 and I am working towards that but she is only 5 at the moment so she struggles sometimes with it.
The problem with schools in this country is that they are credited if the children are all up to a certain level, but get no extra credit if they are beyond that level so there is no incentive for them to push the higher achievers harder. I know it isn't the schools fault but I think they could be helping to guide me with what I can do with her at home.
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I,m not sure where you are from but I am a teacher and would like to know if these are ar books we are talking about. If you would like more information about how that works you acan contact me and I will be happy to explain. If it is another problem please let me know. I feel a teacher should listen to the parents becouse after all they were the first teachers.
@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
10 Mar 07
Is your teacher from school or a private teacher? If its a school teacher, please understand that learning in school is about group learning. And they have to fix the materials at a n average level to accommodate all the students. If really, you kid is doing so well, enroll her for some other places, where the level is higher. Where more attention would be given. I have seen some parents take their children out of school to groom them by themselves.
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@AngelNicki (412)
• United States
10 Mar 07
If you've already talked to the principal, could you go to someone who is even higher, like someone from the school district? When I was a kid I learned to read when I was very young and I loved reading so much, I was never without a book! I was already reading chapter books when the other kids were still learning to spell CAT... I don't know why, its just the way my brain was! They had me go to the next higher class for reading group every day.
If nobody at your daughter's school will listen to what you want, you maybe should try to get her into a different school that will be more challenging for her!
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@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
13 Mar 07
It does not make sense for your daughter to be reading books that are too easy for her, that becomes boring for her. Since the teacher has not done anything about the situation I suggest you contact the principal and set up a meeting with the principal and the teacher, this way your voice can be heard and something can be done about it.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Your child may be more advanced than the rest of her class however the teacher has to take the whole calss into consideration not just her so why not see the principal and see if they cant move your child into a more advanced reading class?
@bluewings (3857)
9 Mar 07
I think I would have a serious conversation with the teacher explaining how your daughters grades might suffer later if she isn't introduced to the right books at the right times and you fear that she might fall behind at school, which won't be good for her personality development.I think if the teacher really cares about her studies, she will appreciate your concerns and upgrade the standard of books.And if repeated reminders don't work ,then she perhaps doesn't care as much as you do.I guess,in that case, you might have to consider another option,if that is a possibility.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
If this teacher is so irresponsible, I suggest you approach the principal. I have friends who encountered the same situation as yours. Just speak to the principal and it would be done as you asked.
@srini_the_creator (196)
• India
9 May 07
Good Problem you are facing!
I want give an example for you:
A well educated parent wanted her children to be the top in education so consulted a genetic doctor and after that they made some experiments finally the doctor made some genetic changes during fetus, on birth the child started to grasp everything very fast and any book he reads in few hours and explain the situations so all are happy including school management and parents of the child for the extra ordinary talents within few years he completed Research studies in by 14 years then he had nothing to do ,
Now he started to do teasing people with the intellectual skills so on., teasing lead to misguiding and then planning for good robbery of banks with logical skills and then murdering, making law governing people to be in hectic circumstances and he is enjoying the game but now the parents started to cry for the thing they made.
So, You dont worry about the things happen in school along with your child there are so many studing in the same school if u think ur child is loosing then obviously other also face the same problem
If you get similar problems facing people then you decided what to do like change of school or the teacher