Church of Christ
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
March 9, 2007 7:51pm CST
I was baptized into Christ on October 1, 1989 and became a member of the Church of Christ founded by Christ as shown in Acts Chapter 2. The members of this Church are called Christians. We have our worship services every Sunday - singing, praying, message (reading the Holy Bible), taking the Lord's Supper, and giving. The head of this Church is the Lord Iesous Christ, no human being on earth appointed to head His Church all over the world. The congregations worldwide are on the same level. We follow the Holy Bible. Have you heard of this Church? Or to what church do you belong? Pls tell us something about it.
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10 responses
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I am a member of the Church of Christ - this is not a building. This is the body of Christ - one body, one baptism, one Lord... I hope that there are some users of myLot who are also members of the Church of Christ, the congregations of which are found all over the world, only, they are but small in number.
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
12 Mar 07
I am a member of the Church of Christ. Only few people believe that is a Church of Christ as such. People usually say that they are also in the Church of Christ; they do not understand the difference. Many even presume that all people are Christians especially here in the Philippines because many never heard of atheists, wiccans, etc. Practically all Filipinos believe in God.
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@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I am a Roman Catholic. We believe that Jesus intended to leave behind a functioning church (the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it, He promised), with his apostles acting as priests, and we believe that, although Peter was a human being and weak, Jesus appointed him to be the head of this Church ("You are the Rock, and upon this Rock I build my church," and "Feed my sheep..."). We believe in sacraments that are tangibly real, like Jesus Himself was. We baptize infants. We believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We read out loud from the Bible during every Mass (one OT reading, one Psalm, one NT reading not from the Gospel, and then we stand and proclaim Alleluia before hearing one reading from Gospel). We recite the Nicene Creed and the Lord's Prayer during every Mass. And we have Communion during every Mass. We believe that all Christians are part of the body of Christ, but that the Catholic Church is the true apostolic church in the line of Peter, and that our Church possesses a fullness of truth, as well as an old and rich history.
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
"We believe that Jesus intended to leave behind a functioning church (the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it, He promised)" - that is your belief that the Roman Catholic Church is the functioning church left behind but that is not the truth. Check the history of the Roman Catholic Church. It became fully organized as such only in the year 606.
"Jesus appointed him to be the head of this Church" - this is never true.
Matthew 16:18 is the very big problem of the Roman Catholic Church insisting that Peter is the Rock. Rock never referred to Peter. The Rock is the Christ. If you know the Bible, you know where to find the word Rock and pls study them very well and you will find out that it is not Peter. The Rock is mentioned many times in the Old Testament. The Israelites when they were in the wilderness became thirsty but there was no water. God instructed Mouses and he struck the Rock and water came out. The Israelites drank from the Rock. Could that be Peter? Never.
The sacraments are in the Catechism, not in the Holy Bible. The Catechism is the one which is followed by the Roman Catholic Church, not the Holy Bible. Good if you know how to find verses in the Holy Bible. Ask other Catholics and if they were not able to attend Bible studies conducted by sectarian groups or someone taught them, they don't know how to find verses. The priests do not teach the Catholics how to find verses and they do not conduct Bible studies because they teach the Catechism if ever they assemble to study.
All Christians are part of the body of Christ - very true. The problem is Catholics are not Christians and therefore Catholics are not part of the body of Christ.
"I am a Roman Catholic." Do you understand that? That's what you said. I say "I am a Christian." Do you realize the difference?
"We baptize infants." This is one proof that the Roman Catholic Church does not follow the Holy Bible. There is never a single instance in the Holy Bible that an infant was baptized.
"We recite the Nicene Creed and the Lord's Prayer during every Mass." These are not in the Holy Bible.
"And we have Communion during every Mass." - not in the Holy Bible also.
"the Catholic Church is the true apostolic church in the line of Peter" - Peter was an apostle, never a Pope.
"and that our Church possesses a fullness of truth, as well as an old and rich history." This is only as far as the truth of the Catechism is concerned, not "Thy Word is truth" which is the Holy Bible.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I am a Seventh Day Adventist. We also follow the teaching of the Holy Bible. We keep all the The holy commandents. we worship on the Seventh Day of the week because it The Day that the Lord set aside for his day at the time of creation. It is also the only commandent that starts with remember. We also believe that the Church of Christ is every one that is baptisted and has a continuale relationship with Christ no matter what denomination they belong to. we believe that both the new and old testament are rellevent to today.
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@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
I do not belong to the Church of Christ but we worship every Sunday using musical instruments. There is a Church of Christ in our area but they use musical instruments when they worship. What is the difference of that Church of Christ from your group?
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@omnithought (199)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I was actually in it over a decade ago. I got pretty uncomfortable when I saw a video of the guy who started this chain of churches proclaim that it was his goal to convert the entire world to Christianity.
I've never felt comfortable with the idea of conversion. If one chooses to believe in a religion, then let them, but to try to in any way coerce a person into it (which is what CoC did with me through a very structured series of "discussions" and videos) is just wrong.
I can see how, from a Christian point of view, the idea of getting the whole world to be Christian would be a good thing, but from outside that point of view, it looks like a global theocracy, which can't be a good thing.
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
"I got pretty uncomfortable when I saw a video of the guy who started this chain of churches proclaim that it was his goal to convert the entire world to Christianity."
Guy who started this chain of churches - you might be referring to another group and not the Church of Christ. We are not under any guy or any human being for that matter. We are under the head of the Church of Christ - no other than our Lord Iesous Christ who is in heaven. We follow the Holy Bible and that binds us all members of the Church of Christ. We are all on the same level, no brethren higher than the other. There are elders in each congregation, or minister, but still he has authority only with his functions as such.
We follow the Holy Bible and therefore force or compulsion towards conversion is not applied. We do preach the Word of God but we do not compel anybody to believe. Preaching is a way of God to call His children so preaching is necessary that the other members of the flock who are not yet in the fold may hear and come to the flock which is the Church of Christ.
Here is a link to some congregations of the Church of Christ in the United States:
However, a link to a website does not mean an endorsement of the content of the site. We urge you to continually check content against the Holy Bible. Like working in a field of ripened grain, to be be of value, the grain must be separated from the chaff. Have a good harvest: keep the grain, dump the chaff.
I have to repeat: We are not forcing anybody to believe God and the Holy Bible as the Word of God and to be converted. All of us have the free will and freedom of choice. May God bless you.
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@omnithought (199)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It is most definitely the same.
There was a very influential elder at one of the largest Churches of Christ named Kip McKean. Many of the teachings the CoC uses were introduced by him, such as having prayer partners, checking everything against the Bible, using the NIV, etc.
He later went on to form the International Churches of Christ, which broke off from the CoC. For a several years, the CoC spread around much of his writings and videos and talks, and most of the churches that sprang up in the 70's and 80's were under his indirect influence. He was the one that said he wanted to convert the world.
Then, as now, the churches operated mostly autonomously, but still used the same version of the Bible, the same teachings, the same belief in the necessity of baptism, the same everything.
I'm sure you've had nothing but good experiences with your church, as many have. However, there have been many that haven't and it's okay for them to share their experinces too.
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@omnithought (199)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It's not because of Kip that I'm not Christian. It's because I don't think any being capable of creating an entire universe would have us buy into any religion. If I am to believe in a god, it will be one that does not judge, does not punish, and allows true freewill rather than a coerced choice. I also don't believe that such a being would make things so black and white as having only the options of heaven or hell after you die. The Christian theology simply doesn't make sense to me, and that's okay.
Besides, if god would send me to hell for using the brain he gave me, then he was never worth my worship. A truly loving god would understand and would feel no need to punish.

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I am a Seventh Day Adventist. We also follow the teaching of the Holy Bible. We keep all the The holy commandents. we worship on the Seventh Day of the week because it The Day that the Lord set aside for his day at the time of creation. It is also the only commandent that starts with remember. We also believe that the Church of Christ is every one that is baptisted and has a continual relationship with Christ no matter what denomination they belong to. we believe that both the new and old testament are relievent to today.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
I've been a member of a charismatic youth group called, 'Antioch'. The name came from the place Antioquia, where Christ's followers were first called as Christians.
Sadly, I am not that active anymore because I moved from another place and that it is very from where I reside now. We held some sharings during saturdays, and tell other members our stories about our everyday living with God.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
Yes, Antioch is a name of a place where the followers of Christ were firstly called Christians. You may want to check the congregations in the U.S.
There are also links there for congregations around the world if you are not from America. Antioch is not the right group. I hope that you look for the group that fits the Holy Bible. I have checked everything and I found it to be the Church of Christ.
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@LessSeriously (10)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I am a member of the Church of Christ too. We are not liberal and use the bible as our guide (no commitees or doctrines). We follow the biblical requirements for elders. It is hard to describe to people how we are non-denominational without being categorized as a "everybody goes to heaven" kind of church. We have a lot of good discussions at our bible studies and try to carry it over into our weekly lives.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
You referring to tazewell church of christ. That is one of the denomination of Protestant church, friend.
The true religion is the Church of Christ built by Christ as stated in Mateo 16:18 and as Apostle paul tells to the members in Roma 16:16 and Galatians 1:22 and prophecy about the emergence of the Church in the Far east...there are many attestation in the bible and which are all fulfilled...
Read the bible and not just rely on what the pastor said. If your church believed that Jesus Christ is God...that is not the true Church of Christ. Because as apostle paul said Gal. 1:6-9....
Read and understand. Because apostle did not teach that our lord Jesus Christ is not God...That is the reality. Which is the teaching of the apostle...