
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
March 10, 2007 3:29am CST
The other Day a dear Friend of mine started a Discussion about Dogs being on a leash, I have just had a very Scary Experience. I was taking Gissi for his morning Walk, I heard a car Screaching behind me and as I turn around I see this great big Boxer Dog charging up to me and Gissi. I pick Gissi up who saw him as well and is going mad in my Arms. I see the Woman running after him and before I know it this Dog is jumping up at me to get Gissi, and Gissi does not help as he is trying to get back at this Dog and I am trying to cling to him. Of course I am screaming as I was scared this thing would get Gissi. The Woman asks me to stand still a minute so she can grab him. Yeah great I have no choice anyway. She does get him and says sorry. Of course through the Panic my Breathing gets bad and Gissi is still trying to get after this Dog. All the way through the walk the little Git keeps barking, as if to say let me at him. Well as he was naughty and would not be quiet and I needed my Inhalers I took him home. He is not happy lol. I have to say that is the first Time I have been scared of a Dog.
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38 responses
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
11 Mar 07
How horrible, and to not have your inhaler must have made it all the worse. I would have been scared out of my wits. I don't know what I would have done..I have two chihuahuas under 5lbs. My Gizmo thinks he's a german shepherd and Bella is only 14 weeks so she's clueless and would think she was supposed to play...Oh dear I don't know what I would do, I hope it never happens to me or you again. My friend used to carry her inhalers in a fanny pack when outside, maybe you should consider something like that.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Lol it always seems that the small Dogs think they can take on anything I will be carrying it around with me in future and thank you
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@AmbiePam (96279)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I read once that a Chihuahua is a dog with a doberman brain in a midget body. I have never heard anything truer. LOL
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@kabuki (152)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
good thing they did not get into a scuffle, your Gissi could be badly battered in that encounter.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Yes he could have and I am glad to
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• United States
10 Mar 07
I am sorry you and Gissi had this experience. That women should have had her dog on a leash. She could get fined in my state for that. Male dogs are very aggressive with other male dogs. All males especially should be leashed, as they always want to go after eachother. What a fright you had, and I hope you both are calmed down now.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Oh yes Margie we are fine now even though it took Gissi a while to calm as he was lying in front of me even at home growling and snarling so I think he thought that the Dog might come in any time lol.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Wow that must of been very scary for you . and ya know dogs are going to try to fight the other dog thats what happens to Fang and Cherokee used to Fang got the best of him but noe Coe joins in so Fang has not much chance to get away or up to get them. Why didnt the woman have that dog on a leash? Glad you are ok and Giz also
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
I think the Dog escaped but I don't know I just hope it never happens again.
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@beaniegdi (1964)
10 Mar 07
that must have been so scary for you. I once was bitten by an alsation when I had my dog on a lead and we were sat by a river and his lead was wrapped round my wrist so I couldn't let it go and my dog which then was a border collie and this alsation where fighting right in front of my face as I was sat on the grass. Luckily for me it only bit my arm but it was frightening so I understand how bad it makes you feel.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Goodness that is bad and I bet you where scared.
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@kavi112 (232)
• India
10 Mar 07
strange dogs fight often near my place..your gissi seems to be very brave... you could have let him down .. he would have taught that boxer a lesson..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Lol well no as he is only alittle Dog and I mean a little Dog, he is about the Size of a Cat
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
11 Mar 07
Even if you love dogs, this was a scary experience. You canĀ“t predict the reaction of a dog who is trying to get at another one. He could have bitten you to have you out of the way to get to your dog. Luckily nothing serious happened to your dog. But you must take your inhaler with you even if you just go out for a walk. Just some wellmeant advice. (((hugs))) Dana
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Dana thank you Love and I will take my Inhaler in future I promise that
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• New Zealand
10 Mar 07
Oh my! That would be so scary. I have had a big dog come at me once and it frightened me a lot. And I am not usually scared of dogs at all. I am glad that next time you go for a walk with Gissi you will take your inhalers with you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Lol yes I will have to but I just never expect anuthing like that but really I should take them anyway as my Breathing gets worse the longer I walk
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@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
10 Mar 07
It was really a scary experience! Your Gissy is very brave. I saw his picture in your profile - a real little hero. I have to admit that I was many times scared of dogs. The dog owners do have to keep them on leash, when they go walking with them but there they let them often to run around without. In our part of town are woods and big parks, and I understand the dog owners also. But even worse is when a dog just takes escape and decides to have a little adventure of his own. Now the rules for dog owners became more strict there, but less than 10 years ago there were a lot of dogs just running around the streets.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Yes I know they did and I am sure that this Dog had escaped the owner. And yes he is a little Hero is Gissi lol but this dog was to big hahaha that is why I clung onto Gissi
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• Ireland
10 Mar 07
I have had dogs all my life but I am still terrified of other peoples dogs. I have a big golden retriever who loved to visit a dog about a quarter of mile up the road from me. One day I noticed that he was missing and I went up to his friends house to bring him back. He is terrified of the traffic and also very stubborn. The road was very busy and he just would not walk so I picked up and carried him. A few motorists stopped to ask if the dog was hurt and if I needed assistance and I told them that he just would not walk so they went on their merry way. Nothing like asking me, if I was alright and I carrying the big heavy lump. I never felt so stupid in all my life.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Oh dear lol well I would not have been able to pick Gissi up if he would have been that big lol.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
11 Mar 07
lucky you its the first time..but me im always scared of one..i dont know really why...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
I have grown up with Dogs and I have had Dogs all my Life so I am not scared of them but I have to admit yesterday I was for the first time.
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• United States
10 Mar 07
Poor Gabs, I know how you felt I had a similar attack also by a boxer but my dog was still on the ground on a leash and I near choked him pulling him up by the leash then the dog jumped and bit my hand. I hope Gissi and you are OK now? I'm sure you gave Gissi some extra loving to calm him down.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Yes we are both fine now I am sorry that you got bit though that was awful
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
People are so stupid. It they cannot control thier dogs they should be on a leash. Besides I thought there were laws about that type of thing! What a horrid experience to have because of yet another irresponsible dog owner.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
I know Ally but I do believe that the Dog managed to escape and that is why I didn't say much and also I was to shocked lol. Wow People would have loved that Gabs lost for words and managed to shut up for 5 minutes lololol
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@mel_87 (856)
11 Mar 07
Dogs can be evil things, just be careful when you take gizzi out cos he causes it most of the time with his gob lol
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Lololol I am going to tell him that you have said this and you will be in trouble. But this tome,Pet, it was not him he didn't see the Dog I did when it come charging towards us
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@weemam (13372)
10 Mar 07
first of all I am going to tell you off , Please carry your inhaler with you , I have one in pockets one in my bag and one beside the bed and in the glove box, You must have been scared when you couldn't breathe , Dogs can be stubborn creatures just like us humans and wee gizzi wanted to protect you too I would imagine , As long as you are both OK now that's what matters , take care xx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Yes I will start taking one with me when I take Gissi out. and yes I was starting to panic when my Breathing was starting to go but I controlled the Panic or I would have got a lot worse. But we are both ok now xxx
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
Yes it can be very scarey when we are faced with another dog when we are walking our dogs as this used to happened to me when I used to walk my dog. Sometimes it was really scary and some of the other dogs were not on a leash which made it worse, I think that when anyone is walking with their dogs that they all should be on a leash so that they do not have a chance to get at our dogs. But I do know that most big dogs do not attack small dogs for some reason. Poor Gissi, he probably wondered what was going on with that other big dog after him. And what a fright that you had as well!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Actually Gissi just wanted to get at him lol but that is typical of Gissi, he is still sitting here growling.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Wow! I would have been scared too. But I am chuckling as I am picturing little Gissi trying to go at the big dog. It's so funny that they think they can whip the butt of a dog about 50 times their size, but yet, let a little 10 pound cat claw them just one time, and they run with their tail between their legs. I'm glad you and Gissi weren't hurt. That lady needs to control her dog better, or she could end up in big trouble!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Lol Kat yes thinking about it now it was funny little Fellow trying to take on this big heap that was so heavy it nearly knocked me over. Well she was very lucky to that the Car did not hit the Dog. Yes we are both fine but it is walk time soon Ohhh nooooooo
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 Mar 07
How terrible for you on several counts. Fear of this other dog getting your dog, or you, and fear of breathlessness. On the other hand brave yyour little champion I share a terrier with a friend (another story) and she and my cat get along famously ...they continually wrestle till they are one or the other worn out then they collapse in a heap together. Blinky Bill, the dog, is always on a very long lead and yesterday my Banjo 's leg got tied up. He was incapacitated and could not get away or fight fair and so Blinky went in for the kill. I was horrified and couldn't control the situation easily. Blinky refused to obey me and I couldn't grab her and Banjo kept trying to run and couldn't and he was crying, he's not quite 5 months old. I was holding my glasses and finally managed to grab Blinky, thinking "Something's going to get broken here, either my glasses or Banjo's leg." Blinky was barking, and wriggling and going berserk and Banjo was terrified and trying to get away. I couldn't hold Blinky, and Banjo and release Banjo from the cord as well. I finally managed it and without putting Blinky down moved her to a different spot and put her on a short lead and wouldn't you know it?, Banjo limped after us and lay down close by. I've had a terrier before and find it impossible to train them to obey.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Oh dear Tickle you certainly had your Hands full there I have to admit, I am glad you managed to sort it though. But I am surprised you can't get a Terrier trained as they are normally pretty good, but then again that is Yorkshire Terrir it depends what type you have
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
10 Mar 07
ouch i can imagine how you felt. its very scary when you dont know if this dog is good or if he tries to kill the lil gissi. had this problem here sometimes, but ive learnt not to take speedy away. i was told by a dog psycholgist, to let the lil dogs where they are. they mostly do the right thing. didnt try that till now, because i cant believe it. hugs and love for gabs and gissi
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 07
Sis you know how protective I am with Gissi, but little Fellow did not help lol by trying to get to the big Dog, I guess it was also Gissi trying to protect me as the Dog was Standing up on me. But we are ok now.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
11 Mar 07
That must have been terrifing.I would have peed my pants. R
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 07
Lololol no they where still dry when I got home.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Phewww.That was close R
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