In God we Trust taken OFF of CURRENCY, is this right??

United States
March 10, 2007 6:36am CST
Today I picked up at Bank of America several of the new $1.00 coins with the picture of George Washington on it. To my shock and dismay the words, "In God We Trust", are not on this coin! A quick search of the other coin denominations in my collection confirmed that every one contained these faithful words. The new George Washington $1.00 coin is the first money ever issued by the USA in modern history without the words "In God We Trust". By omitting these words, our politically correct, secularist leaders made a conscientious decision that either; 1) God does not exist, or 2) that God exists, but can no longer be trusted. I am personally offended and fed up with the denigration of God and Christianity in my country. I am certain George Washington would never have agreed to his picture on the coin if it any way diminished faith in God. How do you feel about this? What would you do to show our displeasure? Personally I am not going to accept these coins, I am going to ask for a dollar instead.
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29 responses
• United States
10 Mar 07
Hang on to those dollars. They are worth money, and will become more valuable with time. The reason "In God We Trust" isn't on them is due to an error at the mint. It was accidently left off in the printing process. It has been on the news, that the ones that were released accidently into circulation will be worth something; I'm not sure what. As for if they would have left it off intentionally or changed it without the cosent of the public; yes, I would be highly offended. I would be livid in fact. Our nation is founded on a belief in God and freedom of religion. They have already removed too many "God" references as it is in our society.
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• United States
10 Mar 07
I got stamps out of a vending maching yesterday and recv'd 8 of those coins it broke my heart not to see in God we trust on it. I'm going to hold on to them until I can get to my bank and cash them in I will not spread them around. We need to watch what we r doing if we keep on letting God be taken off and out of everything watch and see what happends.
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Uh hello. Have you people NOT seen the news? Those coins are worth big bucks! They were misprints. Rest assured, the US of A is still trusting in God. But those coins are worth a couple of hundred. But hey, if they offend you that badly, send them to me.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Yes, Melizzy is correct, check this website: Consider a subscription to their email where they send you many urban legends via email that are on the internet. Have a nice day Pablo
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you for that information
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I have not seen these coins, but if I remember right, In God we Trust is inscripted around the outside edge. If they aren't, they are already worth like $50 a piece.
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@GardenGerty (162382)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Did you check the back of it. I will have to go look at hubby's. I thought I read that it just was being moved. I will get back to you if I find it anywhere.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Yes, you are right! Read this website: It was moved to the side of the coin, but some coins due to minting error did not have them. Therefore those coins are going to be worth some money :) Pablo
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
10 Mar 07
YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU DIDN'T SEE THE ARTICAL ABOUT THE ERROR AT THE MINT!!!!!!!!!! Get yourself to Ebay & sell those puppies - they are worth $5-6!!!!! They don't know how many the mis-struck, but you have a collector's item on your hands!!!! And if your older money doesn't have it, it is either your poor eyesight or because it has worn off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Watch the news. It says that the new dollar coins do have the "In God We Trust" on them, it's just on the rim/outside edge of the coin. And if by any chance there was a mint coin, they destroy them and if it did get out to the public, they are worth money indeed, but they don't have any mints that they know of and they state that it is a one time chance out of a million for this to happen. I suggest he looks on the rim and finds out of it is there or not, if not, someone will pay big money for it, I'm sure. But he just better be sure before he goes on Ebay. LOL!
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@angel_27 (129)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I totally agree that people shouldnt except those coins,God does exist in my heart and mind and i know that id rather die knowing he exist than not thinking he did and pay by going to hell in the end.
@Galena (9110)
11 Mar 07
if your God exists in your heart and mind, then why do you need him on a coin too? this seems like a really trivial matter to me.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I never noticed I do rember seeing in god we trust on a bill. have a nice week-end.
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@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I heard about that these coins are suppose to have the words on the "rim" of the coin. ( If it doesn't - then they didn't go through the press. You can actually sell them for $50 per coin!!! (,2933,257462,00.html)
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@kyran_12 (643)
• India
11 Mar 07
you are right at some point but some one likes but some1 dont.its truley once opinian but then some people are crazy about these coins too so they pay the big amounts. i have one gol coin of baby jesus and 3 silver coins of three holy kings which i brought for 800 $ before 4 months . there are 1999 coin set all over world and limited edition coins . the value they have in market of numismatics is about over 4800 $ now in just 4 months time after it got over from mint. there are other products also like these coins which falls under numismatics . its big industry as we know for investors also.
• United States
11 Mar 07
I agree that it is unfortunate if "In God We Trust" is off the currency. I havn't seen one yet therefore, I'll take your word for it. With that said, why should we have a lie on our currency. We havn't been a Christian nation for some time now. (a Christian nation "follows the teachings of Jesus Christ"). We don't put our trust in God so why be phonies. Yes, this will send us farther down that slippery slope so, what to do? I'm confident that "not accepting the coins" will not change anything. I will continue to do what God commands: Get to know Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) and tell others about Him so that their hearts may be changed. The key is to get them saved and God will deal with their behavior. I will show my displeasure of sin (mine and everyone elses). Sin is what God hates. My desire is to agree with Him.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I too am offended by these coins but check them first to make sure they are not some of the ones released in error - they may be worth far more than a dollar and you can get your revenge by giving the extra to a church or mission... God does exist and it's things like this that will lead not only the US but the world to it's end.
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I think some people already said this bit, but I think it is good to repeat: The words should be on the side of the coin. Some coins have been confirmed to not have the words on it due to a minting error. I would highly suggest seeking a membership with: Urban Legends and Folklore - They have covered this story already, see the direct link at: Have a nice day.
• Australia
11 Mar 07
It could be worse y'know, before the money in the good ol' U.S.of A, started having " In God We Trust " thrust upon it, it used to say " Mind Your Own Business ", surely this is more appropriate for the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, and all that...... Be cheerful, most of you Yanks can still buy and sell us Aussies, whatever the greenback says, and i'd only wory if the next coin comes out saying "In George W We Trust". Then , i'd go right past worry, and directly to PANIC. DefCon2000
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• Canada
10 Mar 07
Well god had a great influence in medieval times,now it's losing influence
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
11 Mar 07
If it doesnt have In God we Trust it is counterfit. and I wont accept it
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Mar 07
That is what I thought initially, thanks for contributing my friend
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
11 Mar 07
The new dollar coins do have the words "In God We Trust" Look on the rim of the coin, it is there. It's been on news/ radio that the new dollar coins are upsetting people because they think that the phrase is not on the coin because it is very difficult to see, but it is there. Look on the rim again and you should see it. If not, do research because it does state that the new dollar coin does have "In God We Trust" It's a constitutional law that this phrase is denoted on every piece of currency that is made in the US. If there was a misprint in the coin, they destroy the coin and it is never released to the public. My husband works at a bank and has had lots of people jumping all over him about this (even though he doesn't make the coins) but don't stress it because it is on there.
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@Galena (9110)
11 Mar 07
what a ridiculous law. why should it have to be there?
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
13 Mar 07
It's just a constitutional law that has been around for years and years. Why change it now? It's really not a big deal.
@Galena (9110)
13 Mar 07
maybe because it's an irrelevant law.
@minerc (1373)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I am displeased as well. I know that there was talk about it but I never thought it would really happen. Our country was based on biblical principals. Given time I guess they will change that as well. I don't understand what is happening to people. But I do read my bible and know that times like this were coming and I guess they are closer than what we think.
• United States
13 Mar 07
The United States of America was hardly founded on Christian principles. The pilgrims that left England, those of the Religious Society of Friends, were somewhat of Christians, sure. But it was another 100 years until the country was established, primarily under the laws created by Mister Thomas Jefferson and affiliates George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, James Madison, etc., all of which were Deists, not Christians. Deists believe that God came and created the universe, but then he left. They hardly put any trust in him, I'm sure. It'd be somewhat absurd and disgraceful, I'd reckon. The values that the United States was built on were simply the values inherent in the founding fathers, not their religions. There are no Deist values, and Thomas Jefferson, etc., in writing the Constitution, had used just what he thought would make good laws, not what the church thought would make good laws.
• United States
11 Mar 07
That is not right. I will not accept any monies that do not display In God We Trust on it. This country was founded on freedom of religion. Are we becoming a country that thinks we don't need God. Think about this it took one women to take prayer out of school. Are we going to let a few let In God We Trust now determine that we don't need that put on our money. I am disheartened by the road this country is taken.
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• Singapore
11 Mar 07
Ok, firstly, I gotta say I'm not American nor Christian. I'd just like to point out the contradiction: If your country was founded on freedom of religion, shouldn't it mean that all religions are deemed equal? So which God are you referring to in the phrase "In God we trust"? The Christian God? Then what of the other religions? Again, I'm not trying to be offensive. So I hope someone will clarify the doubt for me. Thanks.
• United States
11 Mar 07
Everyone else has talked about the mint problem so I'm going to talk about the In God We Trust thing.... Personally, I think it should be taken off of currency. United States currency is basically discriminating against the Atheist or those that don't believe in a god but believe in a spirit. By using the currency it's as if one is automatically accepting in God. And there's no way around it in the US unless you never use cash and use credit cards and checks for everything. Also, which God is that accepting on the money? The Christian God? Catholic God? Jewish God? They are all totally different and knowing from the current presidents, it's the Christian God which just denounces the other gods. There is suppose to be a seperation of church and state, but that doesn't happen with US currency. Ok, now I guess time for me to be flamed.
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• United States
11 Mar 07
I agree and was going to say the same thing. I'm sort of an Agnostic now and I have started cringe whenever I hear God. It just bugs me. I was watching my daughter's induction ceremony from when she joined the Girl Scouts and their "law" that they repeat says "to do their best for God and their country" I let it go because I don't how to explain to her that I don't believe that stuff but as I watched it I was kind of upset because we don't believe in God yet she has to pledge her duty to do her best for him. Although there was a paper they sent home saying if a girl doesn't believe they don't have to say it. She's only 6 so she doesn't understand.
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• United States
11 Mar 07
I agree! We should boycott these dollars. They are trying to take God out of everything. "In God We Trust" should be on all of our money. Lets pass this on to everyone and just not take or use these coins.
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• United States
12 Mar 07
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