Watching TV - is it a waste of time?

@whyaskq (7523)
March 10, 2007 8:55am CST
I used to stay glued to the TV screen daily from 9pm to 1am. Many tell me I am wasting my time. A friend even tell me that if I want to succeed, don't watch tv. Successful people do not watch TV. I have also read reports claiming watching TV hastens dementia or Alzheimer's disease. I choose to continue watching TV. TV has become my major form of entertainment at home, as long as I am at home. I gain knowledge and information from watching tv programs,. At times, I seek solution for my problems from watching tv programs. There are many reasons I can give for watching TV... The ONLY disadvantage is that I can be addicted to it. Friends, do you watch tv too? Do you find watching tv a waste of time?
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85 responses
@weemam (13372)
21 Mar 07
I don't watch much TV now , I have my favourite programmes but most of the time now I am here chatting on My Lot lol xx
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
22 Mar 07
Same. I have not been replacing tv with mylot since this post started. lol
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
22 Mar 07
excuse me. typo error. I meant replacing watching TV with mylot chats. There is no TV with me now.
• United States
22 Jul 07
No way! That's not a waste of time. I mean if it's getting in the way of your work and personal life then maybe it could be a bad thing. I don't know who your friend is but there are tons of people who watch television daily who are very successful at what they do. I think the whole Alzheimer's and Dementia thing is just a myth. It's never actually been proven so if I were you I'd continue to watch tv. There are a lot of channels that provide people with a lot of information such as news channels or even the Discovery Channel.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
22 Jul 07
Hi Wackeytiger, thanks for your support :) I did not give up watching tv. In fact, I am watching it now while posting responses.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Watching TV is for the most part a total waste of otherwise valuable time. On the other hand, so is sitting in front of the computer screen...
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
21 Mar 07
Agree... if one watches tv from the computer screen :p
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 Mar 07
I have certain shows that i really like to watch such as law n order but only pretty much watch those shows...i do watch the ocassional history program or decorating program, but i would much rather read...if you are watching sitcom after sitcom, yes it is a waste of time, but as i only watch what i like, i find it i am not a good 'sitter stiller' so i crochet or x stitch while i watch, so for me, its not a total waste of time.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
23 Mar 07
I don't think it is a waste of time if you had enjoyed watching it :)
@ynocenta (81)
• Romania
25 Mar 07
Watching Tv is verry good especially if u watch posts with good behaviour .... posts where u can learn good things for your life, etc. my oppinion is "watching TV" in limited periods is not a waste of time. You can watch tv to relax ... or to learn many interesting things ... :)
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
25 Mar 07
Thanks for your support :)
@sugarfloss (2139)
• Malaysia
20 Jul 07
It depends on what kind of shows you watch.You can learn a lot on TV if you've been watching Discovery,News,Oprah,Ellen or some cartoons for that matter.Yes,I totally agree with you that TV is not a waste of time,if that's what you're implying.But my dad doesn't really like me watching TV,he'll come up with phrases like "If you do one thing for 14 days straight,it'll become a habit".Maybe I shouldn't eat for 14 days instead of not watching TV.So who's with me?
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
22 Jul 07
Not eating for 14 days... That's one good way to loose weight. lol.
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
13 Mar 07
We have so many facilities now, like TV, Radio, Cpmputer etc. As so many people have responded, watching TV is not a bad practice but be with in a limit. Watching TV continuasly harms the eye. While watching TV ensure that the room is illuminated, so that the brghtness of TV picture is reduced.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
13 Mar 07
Thanks for your advise :)
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
11 Mar 07
it is sometimes..watching tvs is fine if you dont have nothing to do in your life..we have to work or study to succeed in life...for then it is a waste of time.. instead of tv why not on computers much more interesting and you can still earn out of it..are you a student??
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 07
oh no, i am working now.
@ortonsp (71)
• India
11 Mar 07
Imagine yourself a good thirty years from now, when you are sitting in your drawing room and sipping your tea and realising at the same time that the house is totally empty. Add to the fact that you dont enjoy reading books very much. So who is your next best companion then? A television i guess. If televisions were soooo harmful, then they would'nt be soooo popular
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 07
I hope TV companies still survive then. Good foresight though ;)
• India
12 Mar 07
i think watching t.v. isn't bad if one is tuning through some informative and knowledge gaining stuff during leisure. those soaps are just waste of time and kill lot of time and leaving behind your other important works. as of me i just cant watch t.v. for more than 30 minutes. you seem to be having having lot of leisure time at your disposal.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 07
Ya, I had too much leisure time on week days ;)
@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
11 Mar 07
Sometimes it's good to watch TV. There are lots of things on the TV that worth be watchen and I don't think it is a wate of time. The TV can reach you good and helpful information like the news, sports, weather, different articles, researches etc... On the other hand, when people start to watch too much TV it is bad. There are many people who watch too much TV and hardly go outside because they don't want to "miss" anhything. This can hurt those people health, their communication with other people and other stuff... So I think it is all depends on how we watch TV. If you watch too much TV and you prefer to watch the television instead of going outside or doing something else that important- so I think it is bad and waste of time.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 07
Oh, I value friends more than the TV programs.
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
Too much of something is bad enough!..take it from there...well, I don't have anything against watching TVs coz I also do...but I guess the only difference in us is that I limit my watching TV to only 30 minutes to an hour..beyond that I need to switch off my TV and get myself something else to get busy with. True, you can get lots of information and updates through TVs but once you get addicted to'd start getting lazy and unhelpful with the household.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
I admire your self-discipline, rogen!
@ragmama (536)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I have a few shows that I enjoy and try not to miss - although, we record everything onto our Tivo so I can watch them when I have the time, and never have to interrupt something I'm doing with my family to watch. I don't watch *nearly* as much as I used to because, yes, I do see television as a waste of time. (Even the shows I like!) There are so many other things I could and should be doing instead - spending time with my family, working around my house, even working on the craft projects that are constantly pushed to one side. My husband is a television addict and it drives me completely crazy. He will watch *anything* that is on, and I do mean anything. I distinctly remember him coming home from work once while our daughter was watching Sesame Street, sitting down on the couch, and becoming completely engrossed. Thankfully, our little girl doesn't care for it that much - I intend to encourage that mindset in her. There are so many other fun things for her to do, that teach her so much more.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
I can understand your feelings. Thanks for sharing :)
@hatim552 (24)
• Sri Lanka
11 Mar 07
watching tv is a timepass not a waste of time!!! in additon you are up to date with whats happening around the keep watching harm!!LOL
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
12 Mar 07
LOL.. Thanks for your wholehearted support!!!
• United States
10 Mar 07
If you are at home, and have nothing to do, it is not a waste of time. If you are neglecting things and people, you may want to limit it. But, if you enjoy it, do what you want to do, it isn't anyone elses business. It's your life.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
Thanks. Spot on!
@arunk7319 (1281)
• India
10 Mar 07
Yes I advise u not to get addicted to watching TV programs, it is informative some times but most of the time it kills our valuable time. Once u get addicted to watching TV programs it is very very difficult to come out of it. I would like to share about of my best friend who has not brought a TV till date, he has furnished his home with all gadgets but not a TV. Main reason is that TV makes people addicted to it, bcoz it is only job which can be anytime and with no effort, only your eyes gets tired rest all is ok. The second reason is that if we have a TV at home then the interaction between our family members are very less bcoz we concentrate more on TV programs than ourselves. We can't pay attention to our guest if we have a TV show running. TV shows were valuable during 80s and 90s where there were very less TV channels and the quality of program was really good, now there are plenty of TV channels available with all types of program. TV is one of worst way of wasting our Time. I conclude tell not to stop watching TV programs, but minimize it.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
Thanks for your advise. I appreciate it :)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It is never a waste of time when you are doing what you want.Is watching t.v. a waste of time? I don't think so. There are so many educational shows on t.v.If you have cable, you can see The History Channel and The Discovery Channel. You can even learn new things on Animal Planet.There are college courses you take via t.v.There are so many different types of t.v. out there. it is all a matter of taste. If you enjoy it, don't let your friends ruin it.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
not to worry. I am not easily influenced :p I enjoy understanding the human mind.
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@bkfuels (1603)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I could not live with out watching T.V. but I know a lot of people that do not watch it at all. And you are right they are successful people. I just think that maybe they cannot find the time to watch, I really do have to cut down on my own watching though because I will watch the same programs more then once.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
I like the excuse - successful people cannot find time to watch tv.
• United States
10 Mar 07
Addendum: I missed the first line of your post the first time. Staying up until 1 a.m. isn't good for you because your body really needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep to be fully rested so you can function well during the day. You especially need to be sleeping between 1 and 3 a.m. because that's when certain things in your body restore themselves. I do realize that some people have to work then and they can't do that but as long as one gets the sufficient amount of sleep, it's okay.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
Thanks for your advise. I heard about the body restoration process. Just hard to discipline myself :p
• United States
10 Mar 07
Well, I disagree that people who watch TV aren't successful. It depends on how much TV they watch and, for me, I leave the TV on while I'm working on the computer. It enables me to concentrate better. That may sound funny, but I asked a psychologist years ago why I couldn't concentrate while it was quiet. She told me that the creative side of my brain is so active that I need something to, in a sense, attach itself to in order to allow the rest of my brain to concentrate on what I'm doing. That doesn't necessarily mean that I always watch TV because I don't. Music will often serve that same function for me. On the other hand, TV or music from outside or from a neighbor's room will totally distract me because it's just noise. I have very good hearing and I can hear things that most people wouldn't even notice. I also can't stand listening to the TV or music very loud unless I'm in a club type atmosphere, which is rare these days. Sometimes, I have to turn down my own TV or music because it hurts my ears. Just an example: last night, I had my TV on at the level I usually listen to but as it got later in the evening, I had to turn it down because there weren't other noises like traffic and noises coming from out in the hall or on the street so I had to turn it down because it suddenly began to bother me. Often times, noise actually hurts my ears. Back to the subject, though. If you are watching TV and not accomplishing something at the same time and you watch more than two or three hours a day, I'd say you need to find another more productive way to spend your time. If all you do is sit around watching TV for hours a day, your friend is right and you will never succeed as long as all you do is entertain yourself.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
ya, I on the TV from 2 am onwards if I am still awake and in front of my computer - just for company.