Does your dog hold a grudge against you when they get in trouble?
By brokentia
@brokentia (10389)
United States
March 10, 2007 2:33pm CST
Recently I wrote about how my dogs are driving me crazy with their barking and one's mini Kujo act.
And in the discussion, I was given some advice by a couple people to try Bitter Apple Spray. Well, I got it! I am here to tell you that it IS working! YEA!!!!
BUT....I have learned that my little silly Lilly knows how to hold a grudge!
Because she is so tiny, I have only given her half a spray a couple times to get the point across that she is not to turn Mini Kujo on Bailey. As soon as I give the spray, she turns into the Beethoven act of shaking her head with drool flying! Grab a tissue and sit back for the duration. I can handle this!
But little did I realize that she would give me the cold shoulder for hours!
She wanted nothing to do with me! And even into the next day, she has been avoiding me.
When my partner gets up to leave for work, he will put Lilly next to me to stay warm. Well, she would rather freeze on the other side of the bed than be next to me.
Fine. Fine. I see she is still holding a grudge.
Two o'clock in the afternoon, she likes to take a nap. Normally I am sitting on my bed typing on myLot. So, she normally curls up in my legs while I am sitting meditation style and take a nap. This time, she wanted on the bed but went to sleep on my partner's pillow instead. She can't be holding a grudge this long!
I pick her up and put her in my lap to take a nap. Nope! Leaves me and back to that pillow.
After doing this a few times and telling her she was going to get over it, she is now willingly sitting. What a stubborn grudge holding dog! LOL
So, question is...does your dog hold a grudge against you when you have to correct him or her? If so, how long does the grudge last?
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17 responses
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
11 Mar 07
She is not holding a grudge. She is afraid of you. They do not comprehend as humans. She only knows that she did something, and you were not loving. Animals respond to love and conditioning, better than punishment to correct them. I would not use that spray again. All you had to do was to say "no" sharply, and hit her with a newspaper roll. It only makes noise, and doesn't hurt them. Or, you could have sprayed water at her with a sharp "no" each time, and she would learn. Sorry you had this experience. Please, do not us the spray again. It is very unpleasant, and I don't think a human would like an animal, if they owned us, like that spayed on them.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
13 Mar 07
What is your problem?? A newspaper does not hurt, it only makes noise. I am not saying the entire paper. Just a sheet. Any trainer will tell you that. It's nicer than spray. Nobody, and I mean nobody could love an animal as much as I do. I would never ever hurt an animal of any type. I save them all, and mend them, feed them, and love them. Do NOT TELL ME I SHOULD BE ASHAMED LADY.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I am not posting this as disrespect to anyone. So, please do not take it as disrespectful.
I wanted to point out that in all the dog trainers I have come across have all said not to hit a dog with anything, including newspaper.
A rolled up newspaper can be an effective training tool when used properly. For instance, use the rolled-up newspaper if your dog chews up something innappropriate or has a housebreaking accident. Bring the dog over to the destroyed object (or mess), then take the rolled-up newspaper... and hit yourself over the head as you repeat the phrase,"I FORGOT TO WATCH MY DOG, I FORGOT TO WATCH MY DOG!"
One fairly mild form, but a good way to establish boundaries, is to use a rolled-up newspaper or magazine.**NO, do not hit your dog with it.*** When your dog growls or gets too close to your baby, hit the newspaper or magazine on your arm
Disiplining Your Dognever…
• Hit a dog with your hand, a rolled up newspaper or other object.
When I got one of my dogs from the SPCA, one of their questions during he interview was, "Do you hit your dog with a rolled up newspaper?"
I answer was that I do not hit my animals at all. And they told me that people that answer yes, they do not allow them to adopt an animal from them.
So, again, this is not disrespectful in any tone. I am not wanting to argue or upset anyone...but I did want to state that all that I have come across say not to hit your dog with a newspaper.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Mar 07
The spray is just a bitter does NOT hurt her. It was created by a pharmacist. I did research it before I even considered purchasing it.
As for saying no sharply...did Kujo just does not want Bailey near me or my partner. She is being possessive.
As for hitting her with a newspaper roll. I would NEVER do that. Just a sound of not, I never hit her with anything. She is way too small and fragile. She is a whole 3 lbs! I am never hitting her even for just the sound.
As for the spray, she has already figured it out. She does not like it and has not needed to be sprayed again. Like I said, it is just a bitter taste. Far better than hitting her with a rolled up newspaper!

@muppet925 (8)
11 Mar 07
Dogs do hold grudges its a fact of life i see it quite often with owners when they have bought their dogs in for operations, when they collect the dog the dog is very reluctent to be close to the owner its like the dog is saying "you just left me in a strange place, you let them do something to me, i'm not happy" Try to limit the use of the bitter spray as everytime you spray her shes resenting the taste. It tastes horrible and she has to put up with that taste till it goes away. If you want to know how she feels put a tiny ammount on your tongue you'll see what i mean lol.
Another behavioral technique to prevent barking is a correction spray. Try a spray bottle full of water. Everytime she barks spray her and tell her NO! she will then begin to understand that barking is wrong. Praise her for good behaviour with a treat and really make a fuss of her.
There are many behavioural books on the market which can help you and alot have some really good advice in them.
Good luck with everything and i hope it works
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I do avoid the bitter spray. I only used it a couple of times because she was not responding to anything else. Including a water spray bottle or clapping my hands while saying no sternly. She is just very stubborn. LOL
OH! And yes, I did taste the bitter spray myself too.
I would never do anything to my pets that would hurt them. :)
Now, all I have to do is put my finger at her mouth and remind her not to do the Kujo act on Bailey. She is getting much better at this.
And she no longer holds a grudge.
Thank you for your good advice.
BTW...your KC was fixed not too long ago and he held a grudge. But it did not last long either. I just loved and loved on her soothing her with my voice. I really think she understood it was for the best. But I still felt bad for putting her through so much pain with the surgery.
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Lol, usually not. One in particlar will kind of stay away from me, and when he does come near me, he gives me that "is it ok? look :) Then when I pet him or whatever to let him know I"m not mad anymore, he'll just go back to his old obnoxiously rambunctious self. My other dog, she's old, and she doesn't care lol.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I know that "Is it ok" look! LOL
My other two dogs do this! That is what makes Lilly so funny...not so funny though when I try to love on her...then she just becomes stuck up.
I know they said this breed is intelligent...but wow! I had no clue that they held grudges so long! LOL
@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Well Rascal is older now and doesn't hold grudges as long if at all. But when he was younger he used to when he didn't get his way, but never that long. It used to be just a day, if that long. He'd avoid me or only be around me when he needed something. I never heard of a doggy grudge lasting that long before.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Your telling me! My other two dogs do not hold a grudge that long!
Even when KC got broken...neutered to some.
She didn't hold a grudge that long.
But silly Lilly! Wow! She is stubborn! And they said Bassets were stubborn!
Nope! Bailey will just turn around and wanting loving because he is sorry! LOL
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
11 Mar 07
My puppy does not seem to hold a grudge but my simease cat does. Whoever said that animals cant remember anything is sadly mistaken. Amimals are very intelligent and they have their own personalities just like people does. I hope you dog gets over it soon. LOL
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Mar 07
She has gotten over it. :) By the time I posted this discussion, she decided she was over it and wanted to be with me to take a nap. :)
@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Generally when we have an issue with a grudge it passes relativly quickly, A treat or extra lovin brings them back to ur side. It seems like shes really upset about being sprayed. Maybe try and give her some extra attention and love on her for the good things, even if they seem really silly. Might bring her outta it.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I have actually tried. LOL
I figure when the kids go back to school, she will have no other choice but me. ha ha
@courtlynne77 (4839)
• United States
13 Mar 07
My mom's dog does this when she goes out of town. WHen she gets home he will act like he doesn't see her and he does not even break for treats. He usually stays this way for at least two days then he suddenly is fine.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
11 Mar 07
The two dogs that me and my parents had before never held any grudges against us when we spanked them for doing something wrong. I not heard of dogs holding grudges before but I have seen cats hold grudges against people. I have seen my neighbors cat sometimes avoid me when it sees me and have no idea why since I never do anything to it and it always loves having me pet it. I think it was afraid of people because the owners shaved the cat and made the cat look like a lion. :-) Poor cat. I am sure your dog will get over it and love you again. :-) Your dog certainly does hold a grudge. :-)
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
11 Mar 07
my dogs hold a grudge when i correct them, not very long though usually prob only 10 or 20 minutes depends on if i really yelled or not i guess lol.
but tammy my foxi she usually holds it the longest but if i get mad at her she just runs to my partner and gets cuddles off him lol, the spoilt brat.
all dogs do it, but after awhile after u correct them and they are being good, then they deserve a pat.
@moonflowerpixy (536)
• United States
12 Mar 07
All of my animals hold a grudge against me when I have to disipline them. It's only natural. What gets me is I am the one to feed, water, bath, heal and discipline these animals and they like everyone else better it seems like. Sounds like kids to me?!.:) LOL
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I am glad you are using to bitter apple spray; it really works! I have had my dogs and cats hold a grudge. The longes it lasted for me was 2 weeks, and it was becuase I would not let my male cat out side so he could tom cat around. He got over it, but he did some nasty stuff; pee on me down comforter, clothes and so forth. Always did it on mine never my husbands stuff. Too funny. He got in trouble for that. Then he just kinda woke up one day and tentively hopped up on the couch and wanted to get in my lap and he was over it!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I don't know what you did with the apple spray, I guess you sprayed your dog in the face. Are you sure she is holding a grudge or is she scared of you?
I have never had a dog hold a grudge, but then I don't train them by doing something that causes pain to them.
You might want to reconsider your techniques and go with something a bit more gentle.
If you send me a note, I can help, I have been working with dogs for years. As you can see, those 2 are my favorites. I have never done something that would cause pain to them.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
Lol, I used to have a dog, and he knew when he was in trouble. He'd sit and look at me with puppy eyes and drooping tail.
He never used to hold a grudge though, funnily enough. He'd lay and look at me, and when I motioned him over, he literally bounded over for fuss and attention. He had the look down to a science and knew I couldn't resist it.
@patootie (3592)
11 Mar 07
I really hate these sprays .. I wish they had never been invented .. yes they will work .. but just think for a moment who it is that's sprayed the poor dog with the stinky stuff .. of course it's YOU ..
I'd be giving anyone who sprayed nasty stuff at me the cold shoulder too .. I'd probably be terrified they'd do it again .. it's no wonder she has turned sullen and prefers to be on her own .. because one of the people she respected and trusted did something horrible to her .. !!
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Yes, dogs to hold a grudge. They also can get their feelings hurt. Some dogs more then others. We had a neighor who had an English Sheep dog. She was very cute and friendly. We kept our laundry basket in the garage, and often times left our garage door open. We started noticing that a towel would be pulled and laying half way out the door. We finally caught her doing it, and it was like she was saying I came here, but you were gone. It continued even after we caught her. In the summer, her mommy would get her shaved because we lived where it gets very hot in the summer, and she would get her clipped. Well this one afternoon we were talking to another neighbor outside, and she came up to say high and get some loving. Well we started to laugh at her hair cut. She turned around and left, and wouldn't have anything to do with us for about a week. Even when she saw us, she wouldn't come around, which was something she never did. So yes, they do hold grudges.
@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I have a four year old mutt. She is like a person. She does not hold a grudge when we punish her but she will lie on the floor with her head on the ground. She rarely gets punished it is like she reads our mind. We think she was abused as a puppy and when anyone yells she thinks she is in trouble. She is the best dog.