People who swear none stop, do they annoy you?
@joey_matthews (8354)
March 10, 2007 8:24pm CST
I'm a young person. (as you've probably guessed)
I do swear at times, when I do wrong it sometimes slips out but one thing I always try to cover is not to be this when I'm around people.
A lot of people swear in front of their children and It is annoying or they talk to the kids in a foul way when they do something. Does this sort of behaviour annoy you?
Seriously I'd rather glue my lips together than to swear in front of a young mind. There's nothing clever about it in my opinion, what are your thoughts on this subject?
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59 responses
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I think when I hear someone talking and every other word is a curse word, it gives me the impression that the person isn't as intelligent as the average joe. It makes me think less of what that person has to say, and I don't respect them as much as I would other people. For some reason I just feel like they are low class when I hear f this gd that or mf coming out of their mouth in every sentence. I use curse words like $hit or d@mn, whenever something happens that takes me by surprise or makes me mad. I am not an angel, but I hardly ever curse, and when someone can't even complete one sentence without cursing, I just have no respect for them. I don't think that people that have class or a high intelligence cuss constantly. They are intelligent enough to find words to express exactly how they feel without the same old cuss words in every sentence.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Yeah, it does bother me to be honest. I understand someone who swears, I do it as well, but to do it non stop for no apparent reason makes it annoying. It just makes the conversation vulgar and it grates other people they are with.
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@cblackink (969)
• United States
12 Mar 07
It seems so angry to me and I wonder: Where is all this anger coming from? I also wonder why these people can't be more articulate and more in command of the language that they can't think of better words to use.
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
12 Mar 07
My husband and I rarely swear, even at each other, thank goodness. Every once in awhile something slips and our son, CJ, is close at hand. Immediately we change the word to the correct one and repeat the sentence; praying that he didn't hear it. As he has Autism, he picks up every little thing and will remember it FOREVER! That's all we need; have him go to school and say something inappropriate; then where would we be?
I've only been around a few people who have sworn after every other word; unfortunately it's been around my son and I've had to tell them, 'point blank', to watch their mouth because of CJ. I don't like swearing of any kind, even when it comes out of my mouth, so how could I let it continue from the mouths of others...
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@vicky_lane4987 (980)
12 Mar 07
i do swear, i have done more since i have been my partner...i think ive picked it up off him or something...but i dont swear in front of my parents, and i wouldn't swear in front of/at my children as i wouldn't want them to pick it up off me
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I was watching an episode once of Super Nanny and the parents would swear in front of their kids and then they didnt know why their kids were swearing. And the nanny (whats her name? JoJo?) well she said not to do that.
I hate people who swear in public and do it really loud too. I've seen some as young as little kids and teens doing it. Ick.
I am not young btw and I hate to swear. I dont do it often. I have been trying to not do it for months and doing okay. I do use he** sometimes. I know as christians we are told to not swear, but I still do it. I think most do which is sad... it comes from movies & music with swear words.
IMHO I think you shouldnt swear in front of kids at all. I think keep it in and dont say it especially like young ones with minds like sponges (quote from the movie Meet the Folkers *L*) so you dont want to do that. Did anyone see that movie? Ben Stiller says a**hole and the baby starts saying it? *L* too funny! But yeah be careful I am sure its the same for real life!
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I too agree that people that swear all the time gets on my nerves. I think many of us swear at some point and that is okay because we all get upset once in a while but to listen to someone do this all the time gets on my nerves and I try to get away from them so I do not have to continue hearing it. It is even worse when people are swearing around children. I would not want my children exposed to such language and behavior.
@bananamanuk (835)
11 Mar 07
Hi there, I always think I must sound like i am old before my time too, but I totally agree with you, yes I do swear but I am careful about where and when. I get so annoyed when I walk do the street and hear adults swearing in front of kids, or worse still, kids running around swearing and the adults doing nothing about it. Surely there should be common decency, yes words are just words, but the idea of language is that some words should evoke certain thoughts and feelings so swearing does do that.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
It depends on the culture and the place.
I remember when I was in the army - 9 out of 10 words that came out of my mouth were swear words. That was the time and it fits.
I am now back to my own self, a well-refined young man with good manners. I very seldom use vulgarities though I have a strong vocabulary of them. :P
@mbizmom (237)
• United States
11 Mar 07
My boyfriend swears so much that he doesn't even know that he's doing it anymore, the cuss words are just considered part of his vocabulary. This extremely bothers me since we have a young child, I've asked him repeatedly not to swear in front of our son but he either doesn't care or doesn't think it's a big deal. When you're around small ones you have to set a good example and I'm the one that's going to have to end up explaining to his kindergarten teacher why he says da***t all the time. In other words, I totally agree with you.
@joey_matthews (8354)
11 Mar 07
Hey Mbizmom;
I know a few people who swear so much that they hardly say anything else. (one even got sacked because he swore to much) It might not be a major issues, but it's something which effects the user of language and of course those around.
Someday your boyfriend will notice this and think opps. Thanks for sharing + adding your views.
@Gabrielle1609 (278)
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
those are really true idiots to swear on front of kids... kids learn really fast... i never swear in front of my baby... she picks things up in an instant...
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@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
i think its funny when ppl swear cnstantly provided there are no kids around it funny because i know why they do it. they do it because they either have a speach impetanment (right now i have a spelling one) or they just can't think of what they are trying to say. i have a friend that has to swear alot when he's talking or else he stutters when there are kids around tho its not as funny but it's up to you to teach your kids that its wrong for kids to swear and that adults shouldn't either but sometimes they do and you can even teach them to tell the adults when they hear them swear that they don't like it when they swear like that
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@gingisnapz (738)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Oh yeah, it annoys me too. I hate it when people cuss profusely in front of their kids.
I worked at Rent-A-Center (up until a couple of days ago) and a lot of my customers would cuss something awful just in general conversation. I don't think they realized they were doing it. A few would cuss and aplogize, but there were those who just didn't give a hoot and although I wouldn't really react to it, it did annoy me horribly. There could even be kinds in the store and there would be four letter 'F' words flowing out of their mouth. I'd look over at the child to see if they heard and you'd see these huge eyes in response to what the person said.
@mamaof4toddlers (123)
• United States
12 Mar 07
yes they do get on my nerves 10 year olds ot not be talking like that.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I absolutely agree with you..and it bugs the crap out of me..I swear once awhile as well..and i do my best not too..but when my sons around..noo wayy.!I know I have slipped a few times..and my son is 4 and he will say..OHHH MOM! bad word!!! And i apologize and i watch more carefully.,then I go to a store and here a mom swear every time i turn around..and using the F word! I am totally repulsed! And i give that evil eye to her as well lol..I dont understand..why parents think it ok for this..then again like on one of my discussions..The swearing on Cartoons are just as bad any more..and its is just sickening..
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I hate it, especially when they swear over and over again and doesn't even feel bad about it. There is nothing good in swearing but there are a few people that even seem proud of themselves for swearing, they think they're cool.
I especially hate it that children pick up these foul words from these kind of people and you know kids, once they pick something up, if you say it's wrong, they're gonna have to say it again and again... So better watch our language, especially around kids..
@xelissa (776)
• New Zealand
11 Mar 07
I think its bad in society, especially for the younger ones as they get used to it and think its normal to use that word. Some people I know have only used the word once or twice or probably never in their lives. Its quite interesting in Germany, where you can swear all you like and no one will notice (unless they speak english), or so my friend told me
@joey_matthews (8354)
11 Mar 07
Yeah it is bad in society.
It seems to be more of a younger persons thing where I live and I wonder half the time weather or not parents care that there children will tell someone to go **ck themselves for no reason at all. (or use it to scare elderly people)
Hehe. I don't really know about germany I've never been their, it sounded amusing though. =)
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
16 Mar 07
It definitely annoys me. I can't stand a filthy, trashy mouth. I cuss but I never say the "F" word. Some people these days say the "F" word every other word that comes out of their mouth. I guess they think it is cool or something. What gets me the most these days is that I have a 15 year old daughter and some of the kids at her school have the filthiest mouth on them that I have ever heard. One of her so-called exfriends called here one day and when I answered the phone she cussed me out because she got in trouble with her parents for lying and I was the one who informed her parents of it. She then went and told her mother that I cussed her out and called her every name in the book. I never did such a thing. I just hung up on that girl instead of listening to her mouth. I didn't have her moms phone number but thank god the mother called me and asked me about it. I told her that I never heard such a filthy mouth coming from, at that time, a 14 year old girls mouth.
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
17 Mar 07
It sounds like you are so muture beyound your age. I hate to hear people swear. My oldest son's girlfriend will come over and she swears so bad. My youngest son has made up a rule. If you swear in our home, You have to put a dollar in a jar that is on my counter top. The worse is when people use the Lords name in vein.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I do swear but i don't use swear words in every single sentence like a lot of people do .It seems like each newer generation of young people are more vulgar than the one before it.I don't know why people feel the need to 2 or 3 or more swear words in every single sentence. I guess they think they are being cool but they are far from .I am glad you picked this subject!