It's Not Homophobia!

United States
March 11, 2007 10:17pm CST
I am so tired of people calling everyone who is adverse to the homosexual lifestyle "homophobic!" Phobic denotes fear. I'm not in the least bit afraid of homosexuality. I am repulsed by it and I consider it to be a sin. I do not hate someone who practices homosexuality. That is their choice and I treat them with every kindness. I do not approve of what they are doing and I will not tell them otherwise. That doesn't mean that I'm afraid of them. I'm not saying that there aren't some who are afraid but based on the post I just read, I wouldn't be comfortable if someone who were gay or straight came up and kissed me. I wouldn't stab them for it but I would push them away and make it perfectly clear that I don't want them to ever do it again. The problem is that the homosexual community has used sitcoms to desensitize the American public to this and they are annoyed that it hasn't worked on everyone. I am a Christian and the Bible says that this is a sin and I have no intention of siding with the world against God. He's the one who called it sin and I live by what He says and not by what the people of the world say who now don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong. My first loyalty is to God and I will stand by what He says not what anyone else chooses to believe.
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27 responses
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Mar 07
I agree with you , I think it is a disgusting abomination ,and to be honest I just can't imagine it to be a natural thing . I suspect most of them are sadly deceived into thinking they are "special" during periods of their lives when they didnt know better , that's all it takes ,after that it's like they made a commitment they cannot turn back from , so they continue doing it ,more out of stubborness ,I think what they do is disgusting and repulsive but they would not admit it out of pride .
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
It's not a choice and it's not an alternative lifestyle. It's a person's inborn attraction to another adult who happens to be of the same gender. THe only choice is in finding the proper same gender person to spend the rest of your life with.
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• United States
13 Mar 07
You're partially rational I think, I'll give you credit for noticing how we're affected by everything around us ^_^. But the smarter the person is usually the more they pay attention and analyze themselves and their actions. But something as profound as this can't be because of our enviroment or the people or cultures around us 'cause if taken away from that, you drastically change it and we remain the same. I'm a fine example of entire life has been one change from the next -- and not everyone's like me, which says that sexuality isn't affected by those things. Anyway I wasn't offended..I'm just partically passionate about this subject *smiles* We're all biased or prejudiced about something. For me it's books, for you maybe it's which case we can certainly blame our enviroments lol. ^_^
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
14 Mar 07
You mentioned that you remained the same though the environment has changed , hence your sexuality must be inborn . I have some points : 1. You seem to think "environment" when referring to psychology is the same as "environment" in the physical world (whatever surrounds the body) , but that is not true . We frequently live our whole lives carrying our environment wherever we go . I am reminded of a phrase Anthony Hopkins' character said in that movie where he was chased by a bear and cheated on by his wife's work partner : "Few men have ever truely changed their lives " or something like that . 2. What different environments do you think you encountered in your life ? How different were they ?
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Well said. I am like you in that I do not fear homosexuality, but I don't condone it either, simply because it is not my "thing", and because I believe in God and His Word, and I will stand by it as well. But I will also leave it up to Him to judge what is right and wrong in this life. To each their own....God will deal with all of us as He sees fit.
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
12 Mar 07
An excellent post whimsystoryteller. I had my first experience with a homosexual when I was about seventeen, and it frightened me. I think I broke his wrist when he tried to touch me, it was a natural reaction. That kind of behaviour isn;t natural, and it's not how I was taught to behave.
• Canada
14 Mar 07
Breaking someone's wrist for touching you ... that IS homophobic. Thats being afraid of someone just because they are homosexual. That's a lot different than what the original poster is saying.
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@urbandekay (18278)
18 Mar 07
Actually, all you can say is that it is vengeful all the best urban
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
12 Mar 07
You may not be afraid of gays but you are afraid of what they are and the change they bring into your life. Humans are wired to fear change because we're not used to it. We're afraid of anything that is different and we hate anything that challenges us as a person or in just being.
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
12 Mar 07
Oh com on , so now we learn whats natural for HUMANS by looking at ANIMALS ? Animals frequently eat their young , when are you planning to do that ?
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
12 Mar 07
And to add on it is basically homophobia. A fear of homosexual people because they are different. Different from what you believe. You people may say you are open minded but in the end you are more close minded than you think. In the end you have no right to pass punishment on someone who is gay because the higher power beyond this life will decide. They have the last word not you, so you might as well start accepting that.
4 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 07
Wrong! Fear has nothing to do with it! I have anger over the fact that the homosexual community is trying to force me to accept what they do as okay and I have real anger with the fact that they have a bill in Congress that is designed to take away my freedom of speech regarding what you do and my freedom of religion in believing as I do! The HR 254 bill has measures in it that will take away a church's tax exempt status if they speak out against homosexuality, the preacher can be charged with a hate crime if they speak out against homosexuality, Biblical language saying that homosexuality is a sin is going to be considered a hate crime. This is garbage! This country was founded to protect our right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech and you and the others in homosexual behavior are trying to strip us of that right and I can promise you that if we have to have another revolutionary war in this country to protect our right to free speech, I'll be right there on the battle lines! I will stand and fight for my right to freedom of speech and religion all the way to the Supreme Court and if it takes a war to stop this, so be it!
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@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I do not fear homosexuals either. I fear the one and only GOD ALMIGHTY, the CREATOR. GOD is who I live to serve and please all the days of my life. I do love homosexuals, bisexuals, and lesbians but I HATE the lifestyle. It's against GOD. I fear HIM more and greater is HE who is in me than he that is in the world. If GOD is for me who can be against me?
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Can you please define what you mean by lifestyle? I'm curious.
• United States
14 Mar 07
Very well said and I agree wholeheartedly! I do not hate or have anything against individuals just the lifestyle. As far as I'm concerned, what God says is final authority and His Word is what I go by not my opinion. And, I believe strongly and will continue to state what I believe strongly.
• United States
12 Mar 07
well i half agree with you. i agree that not agreeing with homosexuality is not homophobia. but homosexuality is not a choice. it's been genetically proven.
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• United States
12 Mar 07
That's bull! Whoever told you that is a liar! God does not create someone to be something He says is a sin. What homosexuality is in reality is a spirit that tempts certain people with that sin and they either choose to give in to that sin or they choose not to. They may not understand that they are making that choice when they do it, but it's a temptation to sin just as it is to lie, steal, murder or rape. It's all sin in God's eyes and it is most definitely a choice!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Mar 07
"There is no such thing as a homosexual gene " um actually thats not necessarily true...recent studies have suggested VERY HEAVILY that there in fact is...
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
12 Mar 07
You have a very good point! There are some situations in which you just aren't going to change people's minds no matter what you say. So I think I'll go to bed so that I can get up and go to work in about 5 hours. This silly mylot addiction has cut into my sleep time enough already! =p
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
12 Mar 07
I supose the difficulty with such a statement, from a psychological point of view such a level of annoyance and revulsion is often a symptom of fear, as of course is relying upon religion to think for you. However, only you know for sure if you are homophobic, no one else. Blessed be
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I agree. The term homophobic was invented by those that intended it to be used in a derogatory way. It implies ignorance, bigotry, and hate. In reality, most "homophobes" are simply "anti-gay" meaning they do not support it and do not endorse it as a proper lifestyle. This doesn't mean they go out and lynch homosexuals. Its a fine and ironic line, when tolerance promotes intolerance.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
And the term "homosexual lifestyle" was invented by those wishing to demonize the gay community. So you're saying that only the members of the KKK who actually did the lynching hate blacks. The rest just don't agree with their skin color.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Alright Whimsy, here we go. Do you eat pork and shellfish? Have you ever worn polyester? Have you ever touched a football? Do you work at all on Saturday? Have you ever spoken to or touched a woman on her period? All of these things, according to the Bible are an abominiation. No, I don't think you are homophobic. I think you are bigoted, due to misguided interpretations of scripture and misguided views of what gay people really are and frankly what they really do. Basically your ignorance is your biggest downfall. If you would open your eyes, your heart would surely follow. Lastly, there is no such thing as a homosexual lifestyle. That is a propagandized term used by Fallwell and his ilk to cause ignorant people to view the homosexual community as oversexed perverts.
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@Stiletto (4579)
12 Mar 07
This is almost exactly the response that I was going to leave but now you've said it all for me so I don't have to bother! Will just add that the Bible says a whole lot of things and the reality is that most people just cherry pick the bits they like or agree with or that don't conflict with any of their own personal preferences.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
And, for your information, I have read the Bible numerous times, cover to cover. I read in context, I don't just pick out the verses that fit my needs. I've also read the various translations. I've also read the Books that were kept out of the Bible by the church. I've read everything and in historical context. Yes, you are a bigot, not a homophobe. It does in fact say that you can't touch a woman on her period. She is to be quarantined and then kept in quarantine until 3 days time when she is cleansed.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
14 Mar 07
I read the bill as well, and I'm just not seeing the reference. This bill only seeks to punish physical harm, not any kind of speech. I would love for you to point out to us exactly where it says what you are saying that it does.
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
12 Mar 07
So you don't want to be called "Homophobic". Well, no problem at all, you are not homophobic, but the society in which we live is homophobic. This is the problem. To me you have the right to believe in God, in the Bible and in all that you want and desire, but the problem is that you and people like you, force people who don't care of the Bible, to follow your precepts. The Western civilitation is a secular civilitation, not a theocracy, and instead you want us to live obeying to your commandments. I know that if someone who is gay or straight comes up and kisses you, is a disgusting thing, but what about if a man comes up and kisses a woman who doesn't like him? Isn't it disgusting? It's the same thing, there are gays who don't respect men and there are men who don't respect women. So, you are not homophobic, but please, let gays free to live their own life.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
13 Mar 07
Right, homosexuality is wrong? If Jesus loves us so much he'll accept us no matter what. He created us, he created the kid down the road who blew his brains out because he was depressed about not being able to be himself and admit to his family he was gay. Jesus loves the young man who was beaten up by his father and thrown out because he was gay. Do you honestly think people CHOOSE to be gay? You're all a bunch of hypocrites. Wake up.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Jesus loves all of us no matter what. He does not approve of many of the things that we do, gossip, jealousy, discrimination, promiscuity, lying, cheating, hate, anger, adultery to name a few...and homosexual acts...which God teaches is against the natural order of things.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Right on!!
@twils2 (1812)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I couldnt have said it better. hay's seem to think that if you dont think there way then there must be something wrong with you. Personally, I'm all for gay rights, as long as they dont intrude on my right to think and feel the way I do. For some reason they seem to want us to think of them as another race, well, they are not a race, they are a group of people that made a choice thats not very popular, than they try to force acceptance down our throats. Well, I dont accept them as a seperate race. What they do is unatural. Some scientist somewhere said that it was written in there dna. I certainly dont agree with that, Its just a choice they made because cant get a girlfriend! Thank you.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
14 Mar 07
The only gay man I've ever known who felt inadaqate and unhappy was the one that I married, and that was because he was pretending to be something that wasn't natural for him.
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• Australia
13 Mar 07
They choose to be gay because they can't get a girlfriend? I'm speechless. Grow up.
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• United States
14 Mar 07
I don't think people choose to be gay because they can't get a girlfriend or boyfriend. I think it is much deeper than that. I think it is a feeling of inadequacy on many different levels. I think they've been hurt in some way and they have reached out to someone else who feels that same hurt. I'm terribly sorry that they feel that pain and it's caused them to do what they do but I definitely believe that they had a choice in what they do.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 Mar 07
well i am sorry you feel thatway but this is your feeling i do not understand why homosexuals cause you this feelings you described in my bible and i believe it is the same bible that you have you must treat people with humanity aand to my belife there are things that changes over the years and we are at the moderate times i am sure and i know that not all codes of the bibles are realistic for this time think about it
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• United States
23 Mar 07
people seriously need to get off the cross and stop using the bible and their gods for hatred. that in my book is a sin. Love is never a sin. Straight people are a nuisance to this country everyday and we hear nothing about religion people going after them. Hmm I wonder why, I can tell you. its easy to be a school yard bully that is why. It is much harder to be a loving and understanding person to all walks of life on this earth. We need to all start loving each other more and taking time to care. I thought that is what religion is all about - hmm I guess not though? its amazing to me that a man who became a god to millions millions of people really stood for unjust and hatred for those who did not follow him, I think that is more of a humans twist on things than a gods.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Mar 07
What I find interesting about this topic is the simple fact that did ANYONE ever stop to think that we (the gay/lesbian/bi/tran community) are so tired of ppl calling us "sick, confused, mentally ill, disgusting, inhuman, an abomination", and the list goes on....I would suggest that ppl practice what they are so eagerly ready to preach....ppl are sick of being called homophobic..fine, understandable..but how about showing the same respect to those of us that are a part of the g/l/b/t community and refraining from calling us horrible, insulting, crude, hurtful names and making accusations etc etc (not you whimsy..I'm talking about ppl who claim one thing then turn around and do the same damn thing to others)
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
IT's also a sign of ignorance and lack of ability to see the world beyond your own back yard.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
13 Mar 07
I care, I just didn't get around to replying yet. Having a bad night for vertigo, so I'm kind of flipping between one thing and another when I'm balanced enough to type. I'm with you 100% here. It's unfair for us to go around screaming "homophobia" all the time, but it's also unfair for others to say hurtful things about us all the time. It isn't good for anyone to be called those names you listed, and it doesn't exactly foster good will.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
12 Mar 07
For anyone who is interested, the H.R. 254 Bill can be read at the following link from the Library of Congress. No where in this bill does it state that churches cannot speak against homosexuality. It is a hate crimes bill. It is to keep people from hanging out in front of gay bars and beating the crap out of the patrons as they exit, or worse. You have obviously read the funamentalist interpretation of this legislation but did not bother to read the bill yourself. Apparently you do the same with the Bible.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Excuse me, but when was the last time you got beat us just for who you date, or the color of your skin, or your accent? Hate crime legislation is necessary in order to keep these things from happening. And no, it isn't a choice. If it were, no one would be gay.
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• United States
13 Mar 07
Excuse me but we already have laws on the book for that. Why do homosexuals need a special status? I'll tell you why. Too many people still believe that homosexuality is a choice and doesn't deem worthy of special status.
• United States
13 Mar 07
Plus the fact, you are oversimplifying what this bill is about. All it would take is one homosexual to claim that someone is being hateful to use this bill to try to silence people who think and believe differently. If they can get before a liberal or pro-homosexual judge, he or she could decide that someone quoting the Bible is hateful. I've seen it happen in more than a few courtrooms and cases and I can tell you that I will not stand by and let you take away my freedom of speech and religion. That's final!
@diego9774 (172)
• United States
2 May 07
I think that you are giving yourself Waaaay too much credit. Gay people do not run up and kiss random strangers. And isn't a sin to judge others? For your sake i hope not. then you're as in much trouble as i am. and I'm gay.I respect the fact that you may not approve, but you don't have to approve of what everybody does. All in all i wish you all the blessings and the strength to be a Total Christian.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
17 May 07
This whole discussion just depresses and saddens me. I'm not sure where we went wrong, when it apparently became normal to throw so much hate on other human beings simply because they're not like you? What happened to tolerance and acceptance? We are no longer living in the dark ages. After so much has happened in history and so much we have learned, why do some people still insist on so much negative thought? People are people, no matter what their gender or sexuality happens to be. Love knows no gender.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 May 07
Amoung the many definitions of the words in the dictionary, 2 are: 1.) Phobia - a strong fear, dislike, or aversion. 2.) Homophobia - prejudice against (fear or dislike) homosexuals and homosexuality. Or 2.) Homophobia - unreasoning or irrational fear or antipathy towards homosexuals and homosexuality. Therefore, dislike of homosexuality based on irrational or unreasoning judgements equates to homophobia.
@tboner23 (121)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I dont hate gay people BUT i always fear being hit on or a gay guy hitting on me. I dont mind being around them but if they hit on me i will get a little worried. but i dont think it is a sin because i am not a huge believer in the church i am not strong catholic or anything but i do get a little scared if i ever go to a gay bar which i never plan on doing. but haha good discussion...
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Gay people aren't going to hit on people that they think are straight. That would be asking for a couple of busted ribs. Furthermore, gay guys know that sexuality is not something that can be changed, so why hit on a straight guy. You can't establish a relationship with a man who has not desire for you. THis is common sense, hon.