sucking thumbs

@hemvaish (105)
March 12, 2007 6:16am CST
How to stop kids who keep on sucking their thumbs
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4 responses
• United States
12 Mar 07
Here are a few ideas..... -try bandaids until the habit is broken -I know there used to be a horrible tasting "something" you could paint on the child's thumb, obviously non-toxic -a "key" word decided on by you and child to remind them when you see them doing it... -some type of incentive, ie: If you stop sucking your thumb I'll get you the favorite toy you've been asking for Good's a very hard habit to break, I know..
@hemvaish (105)
• India
13 Mar 07
Hi, thanks for the remedy. I did try putting a little chilly powder. But I had to suffer since he did not stop crying. Will try to with some paint. But somehow I dont like the idea of incentive since that may become a habit. Dont know? thanks once again
12 Mar 07
My sister sucked her thumb when she was little. The dentist told her that everytime she found her thumb in her mouth she should smack it and say 'naughty thumb'. This worked for her and she stopped very soon afterwards, she was 3 years old at the time.
@hemvaish (105)
• India
13 Mar 07
thank you for the information. I will certainly try this.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
29 Mar 07
There is a product out that you can put on his finger to make it taste bitter.You will find it in the nail polish aisle.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Dec 12
Give them something better to do with their hands, like writing or drawing or playing the drums.