Daylight savings time

world clock - daylight savings time
March 12, 2007 1:22pm CST
I got a text message from our Chief Operating Officer (COO) earlier today, informing me that I need to come to work an hour early because the daylight savings are already in effect...So instead of setting my alarm clock at 9PM our time here, I had it reset to 8PM so I won't be cramming by then. So, starting today, my body clock seems to be changed and advanced an hour early...:P Do you also experience this one in your place? I mean, does daylight savings affect your daily routine?
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22 responses
@greengal (4286)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Oh it has more than affected my I feel hungry much later than before, because now instead of feeling hungry at 1:30 I feel at 2:30 though the clock is showing 1:30..hehe My stomach is as confused as I am! The same with sleep, I usually wake up at around 9(I don't have any better work to do waking up earlier) and today I did the same only to realize it was 10 already..doh! I know I will get used to it, but for a couple of days it will be this way...confused as ever!
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
28 Mar 07
Thanks for the BR Rexy:)
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• Philippines
28 Mar 07
Anytime, greengal... :)
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Well first of all, you should have set your clock ahead, not back. 9pm becomes 10pm. Second, he clocks are set ahead you don't go to work an hour earlier. You go at the same time according to the clock.
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• United States
13 Mar 07
Yep, that's the way it's always worked, to the best of my knowledge. I always use the old saying "Spring ahead, fall back".
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I don't really have a problem, but it is hard on peole withsmall children.
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• Netherlands
12 Mar 07
My husband loves this. He tricked his director. When he had to set his alarm an hour earlier, instead he had set them one hour later. So he could stayed in bed longer and no rush. When he showed up at work, he pretended that I had set the alarm wrong. And his director only laughed....he didn't mind though.
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• Canada
12 Mar 07
I got terribly confused on Saturday night when my PC clock suddenly seemed to be showing an hour in front of everything else LOL. It never occured to me that it could be time for the clocks to go forward because it doesn't usually happen this early lol. I actually went round the house checking every other clock before it occured to me to check the Calendar for Daylight Saving Time. Sure enough, there it was in black and white. To say I felt like a fool is an understatement LOL. It put me off all day yesterday, but today I'm very much back into my normal routine, so it does put me off, but only for the first day.
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• Philippines
12 Mar 07
Am not really affected with that daylight savings time coz am working here in the Philippines and we have no issues about that at work. But yeah, my girlfriend and a couple of good friends are affected with this thing as they have to follow the US time, or should I say the time of their clients, the people they are calling or working for who are in the other parts of the globe and who are apparently experiencing this daylight savings time.
@brckoba (795)
• United States
12 Mar 07
When we change time it makes me feel a lot more tired than usual. All our eating schedule gets messed up and it takes us about a week to get use to the new hour. Also when I wake up in the morning I feel like I got cheated an hour of sleep.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I am lucky to be on a break from my main job this week. I worked a few hours Sunday evening with my second job, and I was pleased to note that I will be able to come home and walk the dogs in the daylight. My body should be all adjusted when I go back to work next Monday morning. I think it might be harder on overnight workers.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Yes it changes everything! I'm tired in the morning-- I can't seem to fall asleep at night- Just drives me crazy for the first few weeks.. My daughter has to go up to bed by 8:30 (She is 10) on school nights-- Its really not that dark out yet-- I get hungry earlier-- It doesn't matter that I switched the clocks on Saturday and had a whole day to get used to it- It still messes up my internal clock! I'm hoping to sleep better tonight and be refreshed tomorrow!
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Yeah, it was 3 weeks earlier this year. I'm glad that people kept talking about it on here as I would have clean forgotten. It didn't really affect me at all but it's amazing how 1 hour can throw off the kids sleeping schedules. It took them 2 full days to get back to normal.
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
yes it does!i used to work in a call center before and i guess we have the same sched. 9pm...and if it's DST, gosh it really affects my work schedule coz you just really feel that you still like to sleep!!!but on the other hand, good thing 'bout it instead of leaving the office the usual time, you're leaving earlier coz of DST!!
• India
13 Mar 07
maybe true .this happens to a lot of them, even me .it is just that our body gets used to the surrondings that we live in.
• United States
13 Mar 07
true enough..pretty hard to adjust the bosy clock, then again this whole concept of Daylight savings is pretty weird - what u'd make up for saving energy in the evenings - u use up early mornings. In fact a couple of berkley researchers ahve shown just taht. It was implemented in Australia a while back. They ended up spending more energy than saving dunno where the US Congress is going with this.....
• United States
13 Mar 07
DST sucks
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
you are right.... its kinda hard to adjust on your everyday routine. specially when you are doing some things for almost 5 months and with just a wink of an eye, time will change... isn't it amazing?!?!?! actually, im confuse, im working at a call center and my team captain, at the last minute of my shift adv me to go to work 1 hour early... i suddenly realize that by the time i am awake, i should have been sleeping for an hour if dst is not in effect... hope this dst thing will be over.. the sooner, the better!!!
@no_chao (548)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
that's my girl!!... hi ceej... and sorry guys.... i might not about to do comments regarding the discussions but there's something i want to say.... hi friend hope you enjoy my lot. try also to encourage your friends in call center... opppssss... just to say something about the topic... if feel being abused (in which part?) by your job try to contact just kidding. i think from the first place, before you enter that field, you know the nature of your work... goodluck guys... just enjoy life happy earning...
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
13 Mar 07
Altering the clock by 1 hour does not cause me any problems at all. It simply means that there is a 23 hour day early in the year and a 25 hour day later in the year. it is also something that I am aware of well in advance of the clocks changing, so I do not get caught unaware. I have yet to encounter a good reason why we bother changing the clocks at all.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
13 Mar 07
Oh yes daylight savings does have a big change in my daily routine only when it first starts though and then I get used to it and then it changes back like it will be on the 24th of this month we go back to normal time. Which will be a bit difficult again at first until we adjust.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Yes! I used to adjust very easily when younger. Now that I am aging, it really doesn't come as easy for me! I can't sleep when I go to bed, yet I don't want to get up when the alarm goes off. My tummy is all discombobulated too! Thank goodness I am on spring break from my college teaching job this week. Maybe by next Monday I will have the kinks worked out!
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
yeah DST starts today. I got late from work because I was not aware and nobody told me that DST took effect on Sunday. I thought it will start Monday. So I was 40mins late and I hate it. But good for me because I can go home early. :)
@mommyaiai (295)
• United States
13 Mar 07
It really affects my daily routine.My baby will sleep on her old schedule and right now she is still adjusting it,last night she sleep almost 12 midnight,she usually sleep 10 or 10:30 before that is why she sleep too late.That time my husband wake up so early coz he needs to be there and hour early.
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
as far as our working time is concern here in the philippines, we dont worry about dst american version. but when im in the internet, i always noticed the time which 1 hour ahead and my american based chatmates are always calling myattention on the change of time reckoned in their place...