doesn't anything you eat during pregnancy affected your children?

March 12, 2007 11:00pm CST
my wife is currently 4 months pregnant. lately, she's seem to be influenced by what she heard from mostly her office-mate about eating certain food will bring effect to the baby. for example, drinking soy bean will whiten the baby skin, eating chocolate will make the baby smart etc. does such foods really bring any effect to the baby?
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28 responses
• Australia
13 Mar 07
It is best to eat a variety of foods when you are pregnant as your baby believe it or not can actually taste what you wife is eating now. The more different foods eaten then the easier it will be to introduce foods to your baby when it comes time for solids. Also there has been scientific evidence that omega 3 fish oils can assist with brain development (brain food) and that the mother should consume oily fish 3 times per week. The other thing that pregnant women need to make sure that they are getting enough folate (green leafy vegetables) particularly in the first 3 months of pregnancy as this helps to prevent birth defects. I found this link that might help with any questions about fetal development and a whole heap of other pregnancy information Nutrition: Other pregnancy information: I wish your wife and yourself all the best.
@MySpot (2600)
• United States
13 Mar 07
This is all very helpful and informative.... with the exception to 'the baby can taste what the mother is eating'. And how? The baby gets nutrition through the umbilical cord. Also, the food is going through the mother's digestion system (stomach) and not her uterus.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
13 Mar 07
A baby can taste what your eating? really? well that explains why he likes apples, yoghurt and chicken because I ate a lot of those. I even ate a lot of vegetables but my son doesn't like them - maybe he is just being picky LOL
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
thanks for the tips and link.
• United States
13 Mar 07
Im 7 months pregnant and havent heard much about those. I would consider them old wives tales myself. Eating a well balanced diet will keep your baby healthy. Indulging in a few cravings keeps mama to be sane. But i would think that those are old wives tales, and wouldent hold much stock in them. However if it makes her feel better, and if shes not over doing them, and are eaten with a well balanced diet.i dont think it actually would hurt.
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• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
i think the fact that this is our first baby makes me very cautious. good luck for your pregnancy. hope you'll give birth to a wonderful baby.
• United States
13 Mar 07
No foods won't effect the baby like that, omg those are too funny. there are foods that have a health risk to the pregnancy tho. like your not supposed to eat that much fish because of lead poisoning or something like that. And also stuff like sushi or meat from the deli can harm the baby. I forgot what the word is like what would happen you might want to look it up or ask your doctor. Good luck with the pregnancy and Congratulations:)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Actually your not supposed to eat more than one can of tuna per week while pregnant. It has nothing to do with lead's the mercury content.
• United States
13 Mar 07
Good grief where did she hear these wise tales?? If eating chocolate will make your baby smart my 25 year old should be a genisus since when I was pregnant with him I was only able to eat chocolate since I had a parasite and everything else made me sick ... but needless to say, my 25 year old is not the smartest one and those wise tales, as they are, should be banned from your wife viewing
• Malaysia
14 Mar 07
about these wise tales thing, i couldn't have any control of it. my wife is social type person and can easily make friends with people. i think, it is from this social circle of her she heard such tales. whenever she raises this eating issue, i will say 'why don't we just eat what we have on the table..'
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
No food will affect physical characteristics in the baby, but what your wife eats can affect how the baby develops both physically and mentally. For example, if she is low on calcium, the baby´s bones might not be as strong. In general, a baby takes what it needs from the mother, so the one who will suffer will be your wife if she isn´t eating a balanced diet. I suffered from anemia during my first pregnancy because I didn´t have enough in my body and the baby took it all! :) Also, babies taste the food their mother ingests in the amniotic fluid. Many times, the baby will like certain foods later on in life due to the fact their mother ate them during the pregnancy. I ate tons of strawberries with my firstborn and he is a little strawberry fanatic now. So she might like to include lots of veggies in her diet and hope the baby will eat his later on in life! Apart from eating a healthy diet so the baby has access to all the nutrients it needs, there isn´t anything your wife should worry about in the food department. No food she eats will give the baby a cleft palate or make him bowlegged or whiter or darker.
@MySpot (2600)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I was told to drink at least three 8 ounce glasses of Vitamin D milk during my preganancies but I believe it had more to do with the vitamin intake.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
13 Mar 07
I don't know about that. I craved milk during my second pregnancy... drank a gallon a day. That baby turned out to be colicky. So drinking so much may not have been a good thing, or it may have absolutely nothing to do with it. I believe the latter.
@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
What you eat can definitely affect your baby during pregnancy but not in the manner that you state- like eating soybean will whiten the baby skin and stuffs... It affects it more nutritionally wise. If you eat soybean- i think its good for the baby as well because soy is very rich in protein, and protein is really good for pregnant women. But there are really foods that help develop the baby's brain, during the 1st trimester eating lots of potatoes will help very much in the baby's brain development- so if your baby has a very well developed brain, chances are- he can grow up to be smart- smartness is subjective anyway... |If you want to make sure that your baby is healthy and your wife doesnt want to take vitamins as it is very necessary- then i suggest you make your wife eat HEALTHY FOODS_ such as vegetables and many many fruits so this can be her source of vitamins, but if you can, it will be better if she would take the prescribed vitamins, iron and calcium as these are not only for her but is very important for the baby's development.
13 Mar 07
Most of those sound like old wives' tales. However, what you eat during your pregnancy can obviously affect the growth and health of your child. Certain vitamin deficiencies can pose problems for the growing fetus. You should inquire about proper diet with your doctor. Don't accept anything you hear on the street or in the office as fact - unless you read it in a reputable resource or confirm it with your doctor, you can't be sure that it's true. However, I have read of some studies which suggest that reading to your unborn child or playing certain kinds of music can affect your child's cognitive abilities. I don't think it technically "makes them smarter", but rather gives them some of the building blocks that they need to start the learning process. I really don't remember many of the details. However, I don't know if such studies are conclusive.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 07
like putting the earphone to the mother's belly? i've seen it in a movie or some documentary but does it work?
@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
I was once preganant and i asked my OB-gyne about foods o eat,,she said what ever but not eat to much,so she just gave me multivitamins for me and fo my unborn baby,milk and iron supplement nad or vitamin long as your wife has vitamins prescribed by dr,she should not worry about eating different foods..when it comes to the physical appearance to be of the child,it has nothing to do with the foods she should eat,i think that is from genes.
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
the problem is, she's not in favor of doctor's prescription. she kept telling me 'my friend say it is better to eat this thing ..etc'. probably after this i will control her diet a little bit :)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
I don't think there is any effect but there is an old saying I heard that when you eat something white your child becomes whiter and if you eat something dark they will have dark complexion. Well it is just an old saying and it has not been proved by science at all.
• Canada
13 Mar 07
I have had three children, and never heard of these myself and so would consider them old wives tales. Making sure your wife eats a well balanced diet is the healthiest thing she can do for her baby. There are a few things she should avoid, such as Raw Eggs, Mayo, Liver or Liver Pate. These products contain things that can have a detrimental effect on the baby. She should also drink Milk as often as she can too. That's essential for good bone development in your baby.
@KaMlBob (786)
• United States
13 Mar 07
The appearance of babies is due mostly to genetics. What the mother eats will affect the baby mostly in its health. A healthier baby will more than likely have more fat and be more alert. Many things people hear are wives tales. Eating certain foods does not affect the unborn baby in ways such as “eating corn will make its hair blonde”. What a mother eats affects the health of the baby and health of the mother herself. For example, if the mother ate all super processed food and no fresh veggies, no whole grains, no milk, no water and lack of adequate protein, then it will hurt the babies’ health, such as low birth weight, lower IQ and all around unhealthy baby and also what the mother is lacking in nutrition for the baby the body will rob from the mother to nourish the baby. Good nutrition is very simple. Fresh fruit and veggies, whole grain breads, Generally, the heavier the bread, the better it is for you. If you eat beef, fish and pork, it is always hard to tell what hormones or chemicals they may have been injected into the product. It is best to buy your meats from a private butcher that guarantees no additives in his product. As a rule, stay away from processed foods for the baby’s health as well as everyone in the family.
• Malaysia
14 Mar 07
fresh food = healthy baby. i think i should start eating fresh food myself - some kind of setting up a good example.
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
Brain development and skin color are influenced by genetics meaning what you and your wife currently have, your baby will have too. what you're telling us about is called "paglilihi" in our country which is basically the same belief. but i don't think it's true because my mother ate lots of jackfruit when she was pregnant with me and I don't look like a jackfruit at all, hehehe. What is important now is for your wife to eat nutritious food like fruits, meat, fish and vegetables to keep your baby strong and to keep her body healthy also. Encourage her to take daily walks even for at least 30 min daily. good luck =)
@pacwmn (79)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I think that your wife is hearing a bunch of old wives tales, and that is all that most of them are. It is the genes, not the soy bean that determines the color of skin, and if chocolate made a person smart, well then, I would be a genious!
@selvi4184 (101)
• India
13 Mar 07
Everything what you eat in pregnancy will reflect on your baby health. For example, if you eat more fruits and fruit juices, your baby color will be improved. If you eat more fast foods, then your baby weight will lose
• Malaysia
14 Mar 07
so, the wives tales is true after all. do you experience this yourself? thanks for sharing
• Pakistan
13 Mar 07
well u can call it stupidity eating chocolate will not make the baby smart but thing that are ingenous and harmful to oneself like smoking and stuff like undigestable or heavily digestable food can effect her pregnancy by the way man best of luck for 1 st babayyy may u have a wonderful babay
• Malaysia
14 Mar 07
i don't really know. maybe it's about the gender thing. don't most woman likes chocolate? thanks
@shrekk (561)
• Pakistan
13 Mar 07
of course foods affect the baby's health! Havent you heard doctors railing about not to smoke during pregnancy nad blah blah blah? But I never heard of foods making ushc effects as whitening the baby skin or chocolate making him smarter. these sound ridiculous and are determined more by genetic inheritance rather than foods. However, his HEALTH IS something you can ensure to be a good one by taking in nutrient-rich foods.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
13 Mar 07
i dont really believe in any of that. i dont think eating a certain food while pregnant will make the child any smarter or whatever. i think its all myth, but i guess i really dont know. i do know that there are certain things you're not supposed to eat like shellfish. i dont really know why, but i guess it has harmful effects on babies.
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
I would suggest eating a well balanced healthy diet when pregnant making sure you get the adequate amount of calories, nutrician and vitamines. This will benifit baby and mother to be! I would forget about all these things that your wife is hearing..I think they are only myths! Congrats on the baby to be!
@Jenette (37)
• India
13 Mar 07
The food eaten by a pregnant lady definitely affects the child, but not in terms of the babys appearence.... I mean the baby will not get fair by eating coconut cause its white and will not get dusky by eating something else. These are all myths and we get so caring about the baby that we take all these things seriously. I personally will not believe in such things. Yes but its very much true that some things are harmful for the baby health so we should always take the doctors opinion for the diet of the pregnant lady (Its a fact that a papaya can cause Miscarriage of the baby)
• India
13 Mar 07
CONGRATULATIONS first of all dont get tensed childs complexion,height is directly relsted to his jeans ur wife shud eat according to her taste & interest she shud do little phusical (under experts)& mental exercise as MEDITATION belive me it will calm u and ur wife's mind as well as sharp the mind of the baby ALL THE BEST
@n_nijaz (14)
• India
13 Mar 07
In my place,pregnant womens had given a perfect diet by our elder ones.We modern people will think that ,this was only unusual things that they say.But the think I have to say that ,they are right.They have well experience in this matter.Here we provide better way to eat food.That means what to eat for breakfast.for dinner,for supper etc.And also provide timily food to pregnant womens.