I was right, it was a BIG mistake, and now I'm back where I started:-(
By recycledgoth
@recycledgoth (9894)
March 13, 2007 8:35am CST
Thank you all my friends, it seems that the job I managed to get after 2 years out of work, and which proved to be something of a bad move, seems to have ended.
I had a phone call from the office manager/right royal pain in the rear end saying that they thought it wasn't working out and that they didn't want me to go back. They are sending me a cheque for pay owing and calling it quits.
Ok, so I'm not exactly broken-hearted as the job was completely wrong for me, but it leaves me back at the starting gate... again. However, I have spent time this morning at the Job Centre and have an appointment with them next week to discuss the possible ways ahead for me, which include the possibility of a training scheme for a different career.
Meanwhile, I have mail-bombed the employment agencies and harrassed the Job Centre guys in the hope that having had one interview and getting a job, this is the start of the way forward and I stay positive I can and will get a job soon.
I wanted to ask, though, in my position, how do others cope? Right now it's doing my head in trying to juggle no job and no income.
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23 responses
@bgerig (1258)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I have had to recently face unemployment too. I relaxed for a while (I had a severance package) and I regret that now. Immediately, I would suggest you spending 15 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever...with a pad a paper and write down different jobs/tasks which you would like, think you are good at, etc. Then in the next column, put in the name of a local business which employees that kind of position. Next go back through, prioritize those positions. Then, every day spend at least one hour/two hours (you decide the amount of time, but stick with that) working on seeking a job from that list. In addition, cut your expenses as much as possible. And if you are needing immediate employment, get with a temp agency or something else which will give you some immediate income. I should have said first, that you need to get your papers in order, resume/reference list (with updated contact information) but I suspect you already know that. In otherwords, I suggest developing a strategy rather than bombarding everyone. As to coping, I would suggest doing something you enjoy everyday...whether that is walking, playing with kids/pets, doing puzzles, reading, whatever...It is vital that you keep active and positive about finding your next position. You do not want to dwell on the past,focus on the future...you will be successful!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Mar 07
Thanks for your comments hun, I'm trying to remain upbeat
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Mar 07
Hey honey - so sorry that you've got more stress! You are a strong woman and you WILL get another job VERY SOON!!! I know it is sometimes hard to stay positive when life throws you a curve ball but the job that you're going to get soon is gonns be better suited to you than that one was! Stay positive - its the best way forward - good things are coming your way!!! Good Luckxxx
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@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Mar 07
Thanks hun, I just wonder what else can possibly happen, but then again I'd better not. People on here are wonderful, it helps so much.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
13 Mar 07
I am so sorry that the job didn't work out for you. I can understand what you are going through, as I went through the same when my husband lost his job some years back. But things worked out for the best in the end and I hope it will be the same for you. Hopefully you will get on the training programme and in the meantime, you could also be looking out for another job. Things will work out...they always do. It just takes a little time, so don't lose hope.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
I've been on line applying for jobs through some of the agencies again today and have also asked about job training schemes, fingers crossed.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
I"m sure something else will come up. Usually with me when it seems that nothing will ever get any better, suddenly something happens and things are good again:)
I've noticed that some months seem to be worse to find a job than other, at least in here. I was quite slow from December to February but it's starting to pick up again. My husband finally got a job too, which is great because I was really starting to panic:)
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
I'm so glad to hear your husband got a job hun, it is a dreadful worry isn't it. I'm hoping that with spring arriving, the job market will pick up again and I will be able to get something soon. Thank you for your encouragement
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
I am sorry to hear about your job problems. It is the same thing in my country nowadays. It is not easy to find jobs since people are looking for those who have relevant skills and experience. All I can tell you is not to give up hope and keep on trying to get a job.
At the moment, try not to be too choosy and accept whatever job that is offered to you so that at least you would have an income. Once you have that, you can look for the job that you actually like or want to do. Hang on there. If you keep on trying, I am sure that you will make it.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Here's hoping, I have applied for a couple more jobs on line this morning
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
19 Mar 07
It is a struggle. You buy only what is on sale. You make meals with cheaper ingredients, you buy generic or store brands. You rob Peter to pay Paul when it comes to bills. You breathe deep and try not to hyperventilate! Good luck to you in your search. Huggers.
@recycledgoth (9894)
19 Mar 07
Thank you hun, it is hard going and there are days when you wonder if there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. At least with spring not far off now, there is a chance of some temporary work. Onwards and upwards :-)
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I am glad you are feeling better since your bad job was driving you crazy, but you just have to cope with it and stay steady going on interviews and such. Do you have temporary employment agencies where you live? They are a good source of income until you find THE career you want to enjoy. At least you will have some sort of paycheck coming in. Thats how I coped while waiting for something to open in my preferred field.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Thanks hun, I have registered for work with the agencies, I am hoping they will have something for me very soon now. I joked with my partner last night that I could always mop the floors in McDonalds :-) Hopefully I will get something soon
@samraf (725)
• India
14 Mar 07
ill suggest you that try to be positive and keep trying everywhere of your interest places, and try to cut off your expenses as much as you can so that if you didnt got job for a longer period then you can still manage it with your living.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Thanks for your kind words hun. Right now I am struggling to pay the bills so I am living very frugally. I am hoping to get work soon though
@perrygunight (555)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Whenever a door closes, another one opens. Do you think there's a place you could do some volunteer work for a little while and maybe get a job offer? Maybe do some volunteer work and say when you start that you are looking for a job. If you offer your services for 2 weeks, or however long you think is right, and announce that you will need to have a paying job at that time, there or somewhere else, maybe the people who make the decisions will notice that they should keep you. Even if they don't have any job to offer, you might meet someone who can refer you to another place. I wish you the best.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
15 Mar 07
Thats for your words of encouragement hun, I am still pushing at the agencies today, and I plan to spend tomorrow in the city knocking on doors. Things will improve sometime soon, figners crossed
@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
Check and see with your financial institution or whomever you may have any kind of credit with such as credit cards, loans, mortgage etc. to see if you have insurance with them (you may have signed up when you got them and not even have been aware of it) that will cover payments if you are unemployed. If not, there may be other ways that they can give you a break financially that you're not aware of, such as deferring payments.
Good luck on finding a new, suitable job soon!
It seems like you didn't have to make the decision after all, it was made for you. Sometimes life works out just the way it's supposed to.
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I hope your search is bringing in good leads. I have been doing anything I can since I became unemployed after 14 years of doing the same job everyday. It can be a shock to your system when suddenly what you know and what is available don't combine. I am medical personnel and 3 years ago, the Army transferred my husband to this small town. No hospitals in close range and with him deploying, I refuse to travel like I was doing.
LOL....my new motto has become
"Due to financial circumstances, the light at the end of my tunnel has been turned off."
I even have a picture of a beautiful rainbow and at the end of this rainbow is an outhouse instead of gold lol
Anyways, what I am saying is this, even in the bleakest of times, try to find humor to keep from going crazy.
I too, rob Peter to pay Paul and sometimes neither get a darned thing. But I have faith and hope that eventually with perserverance, all will get better.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
19 Mar 07
The light at the end of the tunnel is an on coming train - lol That is currently my screen saver. however, I am determined to succeed. Thanks for your words hun, and good luck in your search too
@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
I think you will need to take some time to think what it is you want out of a job.
And quit your thinking of "I was right, it was a BIG mistake". Thinking in this way, will only make it sooner for you to be out of job. You will be out trying to prove yourself right. Humans can't stand to lose. So you have that thought, you will prove the thought correct. You already quit 50% when you first joined the new job with that thought.
I know 2 years plus out of job can really bring a person down. I had a friend who was went through it too. All can hope you do is keep working towards getting a job. Sit down and think what jobs you can do well, and get some jobs related to it. This ways its easier to land yourself in an interview.
Sorry but I have not read all you past posts and do not know where you're coming from. But I really hope you keep positive and change your thinking about some stuff. Cheers
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Onwards and upwards, that's the way now. I have registered with the agencies on line so fingers crossed they come up with the goods
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
14 Mar 07
I'm sorry t hear this. I remember your originalpost about not being too happy in the position and considering calling it quits. I have been let go once and I remember how awful I felt. I hope something comes thorugh for you an din the meantime just keep chugging. As long as you are ding all you can, there really is nothing more you can do if you know what I mean?
@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Thank you hun, although i didn't like the job, I did hope to get on with it. so I will just have to get on and keep pushing. Thank you for your support
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@alienstar (5142)
• India
14 Mar 07
Whatever it is, you should never repent on your decisions anytime as it will alway's land you in trouble or even in delaying things.So, instead be optimistic all the time and be patient first and then keep hope on future as opportunities will only come for those who wait and you will also get your opportunities, don't worry.
@bindishah (2062)
• India
14 Mar 07
It is difficult surviving on no income. For a while after i finsihed studying, i was jobless. But I had some money saved up which i used up at that time for my daily expenses. You'll just hve to ration your expenses for now util you find something better. Wish you all the best infinding your dream job.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Mar 07
i know you are nervous and think you will have to wait for something and worrying about what to do...just relax and think positive,because you will get a job..There are to many jobs out there for you to not get one...It is always stressful,I have been there and i know what you are going through...Things will get better,and you will get a job and one you like...everything good comes to those that wait..we all make mistakes when we first get jobs like the one you just lost,i have been there too,just look at it as a good thing ...all you can do to cope is to have a mind set in a positive direction,see that job you want in your mind already ,set your goals and forge forward...Nothing is that severe,as long as you have a shelter and some food you will make it and stressing over it will not help,just know in your mind the job is yours and im going to find it..good luck to you,I bet you get that job very soon...
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
I am quite a stubborn person so I am determined not to lt it get to me. thanks for your good wishes hun
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I'm sorry that didnt work out! :(( I just finally got a job. FINALLY and I was looking for 3 months. And I have lots of bills that add up to about $200 something per month. I was borrowing from my mom and sister to pay them up until now this month and last. I am glad to say I finally will be back to work as of the 26th. Life sucks.
Okay? Hang in there, something great will come along soon. Alrighty :)
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
Yup life does indeed suck on occasions but I am hanging on now, and hoping for the best. thanks for your kind words
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
I'm sorry to hear about the company saying it wasn't working out. I bet you feel really torn (part of you is happy because it was the job from hell, but the other part feels like your back at square one) I've been there before. Just try and think of the positive side which is you no longer have a job you hated, and just keep the faith that the right job will come and when it does you'll be there with arms wide open to greet it. Please keep us posted and good luck hun!
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@tboner23 (121)
• United States
14 Mar 07
its not hard to find another job, you can do it. How much is your check for? is it enough to live off of for a while? if it is then your not gonne be in that bad of shape you can easily get an internship somewhere or anything easy like that it wont be that tough. C'mon i believe in you you can do it.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
14 Mar 07
The cheque was only just enough to pay one of the household bills, however I have been back to my Job Centre and they are trying to work out my benefits and see if I qualify for help. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep on pushing for another job