Circumcision - NOT ABUSE!
By Foxxee
@Foxxee (3651)
United States
March 16, 2007 3:01am CST
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of reading about circumcision on infant boys being abusive.
I honestly don't see a problem with it. I don't think it's mutilation like some say it is. I mean isn't the meaning of mutilation called disfigurement, defacement, or damage? I don't think circumcision is any of those. My son doesn't look like he is damaged. So what are people talking about? Please explain yourself on this subject. That is if you can or have anything to explain.
I feel that circumcision should be the parents choice and people shouldn't call it abuse. I have heard people call it abuse and mutilation. I just don't see why.
I think everyone is thinking that this poor little baby is just in so much pain and the truth is, they are not in that much pain, if any at all. My son did fine with his circumcision and he also healed really good. I had no problems with him whatsoever. Besides, nowadays they do their best to see that the baby is as comfortable as can be. Yes they do strap the baby down, but that is harmless. My son was strapped down so he wouldn't move and he cried for a second until they gave him a bubble gum flavored binky (sucker) and he was fine. He fell asleep during it. He also had local anesthesia before they did the actual circumcision.
Now, I didn't have my son's circumcision done until he was about 5 weeks old and during that time I did debate on if I should or shouldn't do it. I was worried about him feeling pain and being in trauma, but after it was explained to me by the Doctor, I made the choice to have it done and I'm happy with my discussion.
So my point is, this should be a parents choice and just because a parent chooses to have it done, doesn't make them bad parents. Just as if you were to choose not to have your son circumcised, that doesn't make you a bad parent either.
Circumcision isn't a bad thing and it is in fact not abuse.
Some do it and some don't.
I can't speak for others. I can just speak for myself and if I had to do it all over again, yes I would go with circumcision. I think it's healthier and so does most doctors in the US and I tend to be on their side.
All opinions are welcome. Everyone has different points and views then I do. SO please feel free to speak your mind.
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48 responses
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I think circumcision if perfectly normal.I had my boys circumcised,and i would do it again..I have not heard anyone say anything about it in the US,we all usually have it done before we bring our babies home from the hospital..My husband was not circumcised and he got all kinds of infections and ended up having to have it done later on in life,and it was much harder then.It would have been best for them to do it when he was an infant..Here in the US is is just a normal thing,and most everyone has their boys done...
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@astromama (1221)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Sorry, but that is not true. Here in the U.S. the number of people choosing circumcision has drastically decreased. Right now we are sitting at almost 50-50, as far as actual percentages go. Any doctor in America will tell you that circumcision is a cosmetic surgery... this is why many insurance companies will not cover it. Any doctor will also tell you that circumcision does not accomplish anything that soap and water can't, if used routinely. My husband is un-circed, showers every day and has never had an infection in his life. Circumcision might work for people who don't practice proper hygiene, but for men who diligently wash themselves it is unneccesary.
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@ragemdw (78)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Circumcision actually has many benefits:
Decrease risk of urinary tract infections
Reduced risk of STDs
Helps protect against Penile Cancer
And it is definitely easier to keep the Male member clean with the foreskin gone.
Also I would believe that an uncircumsized Member would look less attractive to a woman.
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@Galena (9110)
16 Mar 07
lets see
I'm afraid I think all of those apply to Circumcision, male or female.
it's cutting off part of the body that is there for a reason.
the willy (can't beleive we're not allowed a correct anatomical term here, oh come on!) is then, by definition, Mutilated/Defaced/Damaged/Disfigured etc. just as a face is all of those things if the nose is removed, or the ear is if the earlobes are removed.
even if they don't experience any trauma having it done, it's still Mutilation. it's still cutting off part of the body for no reason.
as with the ear peircing for babies thread, I think that any form of Body Modification should only take place when someone is old enough to give informed consent, so not at the choice of the parent when they are too young to want it done themself (although why they would want it done, I don't know)
In the UK it's not generally viewed as cleaner or healthier (although it is by my Grandad, but that's probably because of his jewish heritage)
the foreskin exists to protect the head of the boybits (oh dear, this is making my argument sound really juvenile and not sensible at all). so why take it off? for cleanliness, well just clean it properly. my partner is definitely not dirty or unheathy there.
having this part of the willy removed is bound to decrease sensitivity of the head of the errrrm, what word shall we use this time.... wee wee? too. how can it not. the part of the skin that should have a layer to protect it and keep it moist, but it's getting drier, and being desensitised.
so unless there is a medical reason, some people do have too tight a foreskin, I really can't understand what reason someone would have to cut of part of their childs doodah. surely that should be their descision when they are old enough to decide. and when they are old enough to decide I can't imagine anyone choosing to have it done.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Hmmm, My son is circumcisized, and I pierced my daughters ears when she was only 3 months old . . . And regardless of any of the comments, and arguments I've heard about either issue . . . I HAVE NO REGRETS!! and would do it the same way again.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
I personally don't have a problem with it. I wanted my son cirucumsized but it didn't transpire. However..I do agree that it is much cleaner and simplier for the boys and men. I think that it is definitely up to the parents and I would hope that others would just understand and mind thier own business...
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I think it is healthier because a child can get infections under the skin if it is not cleaned well enough. I have never seen anything wrong with it. I had never heard anyone calling it abuse, as it is a natural thing for a male infant to have done at birth around here. I live in Mississippi, by the way.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
23 Mar 07
Agreed. No amount of skin or lack of skin could change how AIDS is transmitted.
These kinds of myths and mis-informations just drive me nuts.
There are NO medical benefits to circumcision.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I appears to have origninated here in the States by doctors that had hoped to curve self satisfaction in males. The skin is said to have nerve endings and does serve a real function and the fear of contributing to disease and other problems is disproven, according to what I have read. I don't see it as necessary and the only difficulty is teaching the boy to take care of himself. We know how guys can be. I don't think it to be neccessary at all. I have a son from first marriage and he is not. No problems whatsoever. I have a son from this marriage and he is and that is not a problem thus far either.
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@c2adams2 (351)
• United States
16 Mar 07
"A recent AAP (American Academy of Pediatricians) report stated that circumcision does offer some benefit in preventing urinary tract infections in infants. Circumcision also offers some benefit in preventing penile cancer in adult men."
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Even with proper cleaning and care a uncircumcised child can still get a serious infection. I'm not saying all, but it is more common with uncircumcised boys. And in the US the doctors do think its necessary, but it's still up to the parent to make this choice. To each their own.
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
16 Mar 07
I have read somewhere that jewish orthodox women had a much lower rate in cervical cancer due to the fact that their husbands wre circumcised. Apparently this had to do with the introduction of cancerinducing infections.
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@Zloofah (83)
• United States
16 Mar 07
If circumcision is abuse then piercing a whole in a child's earlobe is abuse! C'mon people. Circumcision is helpful to keep them from disease and infection. Taking their tonsils out or choosing to have conjoined twins separate could be considered abuse because you are cutting but it is because of problems that could happen later on.
Plus, the Bible said to do it-therefore it is not abuse. No question about it.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I hate to say this Shc, but many of the things you said are still done today. Not working on the Sabbath is very common, I know many people who won't even drive or turn on a light switch. And selling your daughter into slavery, does still happen in some countries. I don't agree with it, but some families need the money. So, I'm sorry, but these things do happen.
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
16 Mar 07
the bible said a lot of things that people don't do anymore
like selling your daughter into slavery
a husband is not to have any contact with his wife during the time of the month when she unclean
you shouldn't work on the Sabbath
there are many more, so really can't go by the bible. I think God made us perfect just the way we are. It's not a crime, not saying you shouldn't be allowed to choose it for your child either. Just saying is all.

@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I for one had all three of my boys circumcised due to religious puposes---therefore, is this considered abuse. Nowadays anything goes as being abuse. It's unfortunate that we live in a society where there is too much freedom of speech. In my religion you have to wait one week after a male baby is born in order to circumcise them in this case is performed by an expertise moyal. The Moyal gives the baby a tiny taste of whisker and the baby is fast asleep and doesn't remember a thing. If the baby is juandice, the circumcision has to be put off til further notice.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
16 May 07
eden32 - you are not giving facts yourself. First off, it's not abuse. Second, yes uncircumcised boys do get infections that they probably would of never got if they were circumcised. I know all about circumcision and I know I made the right choice. And I for sure know that it wasn't abuse.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I agree with what you are saying except on one part. "I mean isn't the meaning of mutilation called disfigurement, defacement, or damage?" They are cutting off a small piece of skin. Wouldn't that be called disfiguring it? Isn't to disfigure something to change it from what it is naturaly suppose to be? That skin is there when the child is born, then people have it removed. So wouldn't they be disfiguring it from it's natural appearance?
Other then that I feel like you and it should be up to each parent to decide. I myself will not be doing it if I ever have a son. I see no reason for it. People talk about hygene. Now a days they have things called showers and soap for that kind of thing. If people want to do it for religious reasons then that's fine.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I agree with you and so will most doctore it is done mostly as a cleanliness reason however it is also a covenant with the christian God did you know that!\
10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.
11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.

@rainsong7 (124)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
you have taken this bible passage out of context ...this covenant was clearly for the Jewish people not the a matter of fact it was to distinguish the Jewish from the gentiles...circumcision is not healthier...just as many circumcised boys have problems as do the uncircumcised...personally since i am not Jewish and i found no logical reason to have my boys done..i never did.. and they are grown up with never a problem..their father was done but neither of us felt this was reason enough to have our boys undergo the same own doctor told me he saw no medical benefits to the procedure..what other people decide to do...well...that's just none of my business...but i would encourage "informed" choices...
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@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
17 Mar 07
another thing forced on innocent children - religion
but that's a different thread altogether
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I feel it is abuse, it is mutilation. If I were to slice off your ear would that be mutilation? If I were to slice off your nose would that be mutilation? How about if I sliced off your labia? The things that makes all of those mutilation is what makes circumcision mutilation. You may not think he looks damaged but he is. Does he still have his foreskin? Does he still have all the body parts he was born with? If the answer is NO then he was mutilated. Its simple logic. Lie to yourself all day long, but the truth is in your heart.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It's not abuse in my eyes. And my son is not damaged, he is perfect. Use a better choice of words next time.
And cutting my ear, nose, or my labia is not the same thing as having a infant boy circumcised.
Foreskin is just extra skin, it's not necessarily needed, but other body parts that you mention are needed. So don't even try to compare them. Come on now, how is a little extra skin being removed even compared to having my nose or ear cut off?
Some people really do go way to far when it comes to this, but this is your opinion and I will respect that.
To each their own.
All I know is my son is healthy and not damaged in any way.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
9 Apr 07
My son was born perfect and still is perfect. I made my choice. My choice was for health reasons, not because of how it looks. I could careless about that. It's a fact the circumcised boys get less infections if any. It is also a proven fact that with a uncircumcised infant, you are not suppose to pull the foreskin back to clean because it could cause damage, therefore it is much harder to clean and even if cleaned daily, can still and has a higher risk of infections. I'm not taking the chance. My boy is circumcised and that is that and there is nothing I would change about that.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
9 Apr 07
you don't have to pull the foreskin back in baby boys. Itwill clean itself, because that's what it's meant to do. It will retract on it's own if you don't mess with it. My husband has had an intact member for 27 years and hasn't had one infection. My dad has had a circ'd member and has chronic UTI's. Here's an article on UTI's, good read
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@Akameh (45)
• Australia
10 Apr 07
I've had all my boys done.
I'm done.
Even if a woman,{ adult sexually active, heterosexual} is in a loving and monogomous relationship with her soul mate. she prefers the site of a circumcised doodle. this is a proven fact.
We have a responsability to our children to give them every opportunity in life.
there are many examples of god's little " imperfections" in nature, and they exist to illustrate the free choice he has blessed us with.
chop chop chop
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Again, assuming things that aren't true. Who says that all women (who are heterosexual) prefer a cut man? Do you have any study to back up that? Or is that your opinion? Sorry, I am just curious if there was a study done or something. I assume we will agree to disagree.
I suppose some people don't respect the male's body. Have a nice day and thank you for your comments
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Can you prove that women prefer circumcized? I think this is ridiculous. I've had a few intact partners before I married an intact one. I much prefer intact! I know lots of other women do to. If you love someone, you'll love their "member" (thinking of lots of ways to say it since you can't say the real word lol).
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@samrat16 (2442)
• India
16 Mar 07
You are parents of the child and you can decide what's good for him and what's bad. I don't think so people have any right to speak when you are looking after him for his best . I can give an example but it's out of order for ur post but it says something . A boy called tom used to live in nearby society and her mother used to beat him daily . As tom grew older got a job at an age of 16 in a MNC everybody was surprised and said boy is so good why you used to beat him daily. Mother told I used to beat him daily to make his career and future,make him study for 4 hours daily . I don't find his mother wrong after what she has acheieved
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
12 May 07
That's outrageous. So because this kid turned out OK, it justifies abusing him???
Within reason, parents decide what's best for their children. Female circ. is illegal here in the US. If you have your baby daughter's skin removed, you will likely serve jail time. If you refuse to use a car seat for your child you will get a large ticket, and possibly a referral to child protective services. If you abuse, or neglect your child you will lose custody of that child & may face time in jail. So to say just because you're the parent you can do whatever you want to your child just isn't accurate. Society recognizes children as vulnerable members of our community and we try to have laws that protect them.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Circumsion is done for many reasons. It can be traced back before biblical times. It is found in the new testament of the bible in Gensis 17:9-14. I had my son circumcisied due to health concerns, not religious ones. My nephew is not circumcisied and has many infections such as urinary tract infections. My sister in law is very careful in keeping him clean and yet he continues to have them. His DR has told her that he would be better off having it done, and showed data that has been collected that there is a MUCH higher rate of desease in uncut men.
On the other hand I was watching a special one night (can't remember what it was now) and men were talking about how they were mutilated by being circumsizd, and how a few of them have attached weights and such to regain the foreskin that was cut from them.
You will find people on both sides of the fence on this one, and both sides will find data to support their side of it. I think what it comes down to more than anything else in this day and age is choice. You choose what you feel is best for your son. I don't think either side should be comdemed for what their personal choice is.
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@fashygirl05 (16)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Actually! circumcision don't have any medical reasons it can't cleanse the body. It was been practice somewhere in Africa, but you know what it means? is to "purify your soul" no other reasons...
so, if I'm going to ask I don't have any reasons to do such thing i can't say its mutilation but imagine the baby suffering for no reasons unless you want to purify his soul. But the question is... Is he on the right time to purify his soul? he is still a baby... Think about it! Hope this can help you.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
16 Mar 07
i do not believe circumsition is mutilation. But this is of course my religious view point. I watched my nephew get circumsized (not something I suggest for people with week stomachs). And the only thing he didn't like was being held down. He was in no pain as the dr gives him enough anastesia to stop that. he just didn't like the 'restriction' of being held down. So pain should not even be an issue.
@ljames (30)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I had all three of my boys circumcised and do not think it is abusive. I let my husband decide since I felt like as a woman, it was not my place, and he wanted it done. He thinks it is cleaner and better for a man medically speaking. It just seems that some people go overboard about what is and is not abuse. I have not done a survey, but I would be willing to guess that there are no men who can honestly say they remember and have "trauma" from being circumcised as an infant.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
9 Apr 07
This is what I believe ;)
Mutilation ... implies the cutting off or removal
of a part essential to completeness, not only of a
person but also of a thing, and to his or its perfection,
beauty, entirety, or fulfillment of function."
Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms
Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1968
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@snuglesteen (188)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
Circumcision is not a form of abuse. There are a lot of theories which says that it is a form of a ritual sacrifice or offering, a health precaution, a sign of submission to a deity, a rite of passage to adulthood, a mark of defeat or slavery, or an attempt to alter esthetics or sexuality. Although the American Medical Association as well as medical associations in Canada and Australia do not recommend routine circumcision of infants, it still depends on the people involved. In some religion it is customary to have it and in some not. Also, there have been clinical trials saying it helps in reducing the risk of HIv and other genital related diseases. I myself have been circumcised when i was a baby and i am thankful i did not have to go through that painful ordeal that every growing kid experienced.
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@Indian2007 (129)
• India
16 Mar 07
i think every male should do it. its proved scientifically that its good for men. apart from getting infected it also helps while having se.....x that extra pleasure... :)
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