By Rockmeister
@Rockmeister (467)
United States
March 16, 2007 6:52pm CST
I have a question, who thinks abortion is wrong and why? In my opinion, it is wrong to get an abortion. It is unfair to the child that you made a mistake and he/she has to pay the consequences.
If we say that every time someone killed us when we were in that stage, people would think it is wrong. It's practically a murder to a child. I understands if someone gets raped, then its not your fault to get pregnant. abortion is not the answer but don't say that its not my fault to get into abortion. killing a future person because you made a stup*d mistake of not protecting yourself, then you should face the consequences, not the baby. and if you can afford to take care of it then you should have thought about that in the first place before you acted. Although if that's the case, then give the baby up for adoption. in my opinion, the baby could rather go to a new family, than get killed by her own mother.
This is only my opinion, everybody has there own opinion.you can share yours.
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70 responses
@tator_tot8073 (698)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Ok. This is my opinion, so I don't want anybody getting mad. I think that abortion is wrong. I think that it is the same thing as killing. Even if the child was conceived by rape, I still think that it is killing. It really shouldn't matter "how" the baby was conceived. That baby is innocent!! Give the baby up for adoption please. There are so many people that can provide loving homes, and many of those people can't have children of their own. I just can't see the point in ending the life of a baby, or anyone for that matter. I have to agree with Rockmeister, I can't see how a mother can kill her own flesh and blood. Like I said in the begining of this response, this is my opinion, and this is how I feel about abortion, so please don't think that I am trying to offend anybody because I'm not.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
To whom should it not matter how the baby was conceived? The woman who was brutally raped & violated should be as happy & excited to be pregnant as the woman who's tried for years to create a baby through love & passion with her husband?
The woman pregnant from a rape should be a brood mare for some poor childless couple now? Healing from being raped should be postponed for 40 weeks so she can birth a healthy, bouncing baby for a more worthy couple than herself?
I'm sorry if I sound mad- but one of the things I find most disturbing about pro-lifers, is how many of them lack sympathy and compassion for women.
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@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
this is a formal discussion of a topic, every body has their own thoughts and opinions. we just need to respect others ideas, that's what we do here.... thanks for the share man, appreciated=)
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
17 Mar 07
That is my opinion, too, Rockmeister. In fact it was the opinion of almost everyone in the United States until a few years ago. Now most people give some silly sounding phrase like the woman has a right to choose what happens to her body. I also agree with that, until she gets pregnant. Then it is not just her body, but also the body of the child she has conceived that is to be considered.
I believe that abortion is murder. You have given an option for pregnant women who find themselves facing an unwanted pregnancy--adopt the child out to someone who truly wants a baby. Every child deserves someone to love them.
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@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
that's right, thanks for the share=)
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
18 Aug 07
The right to your body is "some silly sounding phrase"? Are you a slave? Do you live somewhere where you do not have final & almost absolute control over your body? A woman's body is always her body. We can't just vacate it & spend 40 weeks somewhere else while our uterus carries a pregnancy to term. There isn't a child, there isn't a baby, there is a pregnancy. As it happens, the pregnancy is growing & dependent upon some woman's body for it's continued existence. If a woman does not wish to house this pregnancy, she's not in the right mindset to carry a pregnancy to term. It is far too much work, too much commitment, too much unlike anything else to compare it to, to force a woman to continue it against her will.
By the way, Roe V Wade was decided just about 35 years ago. As it happens I and R v.W share the same birth year. Roe V Wade took decades of women fighting for equality & the right to make decisions for their body. It wasn't one or two "radical feminist" who imposed their wills upon the rest of the country. It was a majority of our Supreme Court judges hearing the voices of millions of women & recognizing that we are as entitled to our bodies as anyone else.
@3r7sweetie (937)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Well, said, rockmeister. I strongly agree with you. It is absolutely unfair to the child if he is being made to pay for the consequences of the mother's faults. Abortion is outright murder of a helpless being. It should always be banned and doers of this act should be given the right sanctions.
@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
thanks there sweetie, thanks for the share. appreciated=)
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@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I can't believe I am actually going to answer this one,but here it goes. When I was a younger I did always think that abortion was wrong until I ended up in my mess. I was around 20 and was just kicked out of my house and wound up pregnant. Yes, it was my fault and I was stupid back then. Believe me when I tell you that I agonized over this choice for weeks,days,hours and minutes. I did go thruough with it and I believe that I made the right choice for me! I hate hearing stories about girls having babies and throwing them in the garbage or worse. I believe that abortion is a choice for a reason. Not too mention I was adopted into a family that drank and lived through emotional abuse for years followed by lots of therapy!! Abortion would have been a whole lot cheaper and less painful!! Just my opioion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
everybody has their own choice. but when its done, you should face the consequences coz it will only happens once and theres no turning back. i know that you only think whats best for you so i respect that. thanks for the share, appreciated=)
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@registration_form (66)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
~Life is precious, as the saying goes! The child[life] inside a mother's womb is innocent and a gift from GOD! THAT'S THE REASON WHY ABORTION IS REALLY, REALLY W-R-O-N-G!!!
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@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
i agree with that man, thanks for the share, appreciated=)
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@Newbie11 (197)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I agree with you that abortion is very wrong.I find no difference between abortion and murder.In abortion we kill the embryo which has a life in it .Actually I have heard that when the process of abortion starts the embryo moves from its place and tries to protect itself.In many countries today also unmarried mother are not accepted in the society so mothers have no way.But there are several ways to prevent pregnancy.Its better to prevent than to abort.I also think adoptation for them is a good way.
@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
i agree, thanks for the share, appreciated=)
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
I 100% believe that a woman has the right to make up her own mind about this. I'm sick and tired of hearing people saying it's wrong. We were given minds of our own for a reason and well heck, we should use them!
I was raped at 15 years old, the result of that was a pregnancy I was not expecting, nor prepared for. I had an abortion. I couldn't see any other way out.
Do I feel guilty? Yes, I do, and have done since I had it done. But I don't know that I would have gone any other route.
At 15 years old I was not ready to be a mother to a baby that I knew I couldn't keep.
@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
17 Mar 07
i dont like abortion but i dont have a right to tell someone what to do with their own body-i dont think that highly of myself. Before it can survive on its own (at however many weeks), a fetus technically is a parasite on the mother and if she doesnt want that in her body then so be it. And why does a woman have to pay for her "mistake" while the man gets off scot free?
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
17 Mar 07
You are so awesome. There need to be more reasonable people like you around ^_^
@jean_rose (415)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
It really depends on the situations. In cases where the mother's life is at risk, I guess, that is due some consideration. But if the abortion is induced because the mother thinks she has made a mistake and is not ready for a baby, that's something else. There are contraceptives around. Why didn't she protect herself if she planned to hop around? Why let an innocent baby pay the prize of a moment's madness?
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@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
i think that's a really good point, thanks for the share, appreciated=)
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@hungry_bruno (36)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
A woman or a female species have one mission in life that is to give or bring another life into this world. Now, if she kills that life in her womb I dont know what to call her she is a disgrace to the female species. If she kills her child what's the purpose of living in this world, why don't you kill yourself too!
@neertow20 (86)
• Malaysia
17 Mar 07
Abortion is totally wrong but sometimes when you're in a difficult situation like this, we human always make the wrong step.Teenagers but not everyone do choose this way to avoid shame for the sake of herself and family. So, it's their choice but once you do it, you will never forget that you have killed a life that supposed to be your responsibilities.So, avoid get pregnant if you're not ready!That's the easiest way!
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
it's wrong to have an abortion. why do we have to put off the life of an innocent. he had done no wrong, we dont have the right whether what cause of the existence. that another life is a gift given in many ways and expect to be loved, cared and nurtured as a human being.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Amen lyndee!
We do not have any right to take the life of an unborn child. God has a plan for every life.
@mikaelalexis (399)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
gloom, if we're taking this issue in the concept of morality where there is God, abortion is wrong. and i cant even say it is right on the other hand.
@swanrock (26)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I agree and history is not going to be kind to people who support or push abortion. Its like saying its not for me to own a slave but that person can do it. Or looking the other way when Hitler was killing people because they were Jews, Gyspies etc. We have to help people who have made that mistake and yes if you can't keep the baby give it up for adoption. Time has proven that abortion breaks a mother's heart and also the man who walked away. They become destructive to themselves and must learn to forgive themselves. We never read about the bad concerning abortion, but people can go to priestsforlife.com and see how many have become silent no more. because it tells the horror and damage done by abortion. The media will never cover the march in Washington every year in January and thousands of people go especially young people who feel that 1/4 of their generation has been killed. To me it is the same as owning slaves, killing people as Hitler did, because in all situations people felt the life of another was not worth anything.
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@Bacardi86 (14)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
I think abortion is totally wrong. A child is supposed to be made in the act of love. When people engage intimately, it should be for love, nothing else. Girls, and guys, take these sacred moments for granted. Sometimes creating a child. When you don't love that person, how are you supposed to love the child that the both of you made? Like already said, it isn't the child's fault that it's parents engaged in an act, and failed to take the responsibility for their actions. As far as Iam concerned, abortion is murder. It is killing another person, even though this person isn't fully created because it's growing inside of its mother. I don't know how any mother could even think of killing their own child.
@Gabrielle1609 (278)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
abortion is totally murder... the website
will tell you... it is unfair for someone so innocent to pay for your stup*d mistake... even if it is rape that got you pregnant, the baby is still your flesh and blood... so give him up for adoption... you'd be giving him a chance in life and helping a childless couple... think about it, if you were aborted will you still be here posting comments and responses? i'm so glad i didn't abort my baby when i made a mistake... a smile from her will melt everyone's heart...
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@toxicity (24)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I only see a problem with late term abortion. If action is taken early when the fetus is just a sac of fluid, and feels no pain, why not? Yes it would be perfect if people always made the right decision but they don't. They should still have the right to decide what is best for them and their bodies. People act like its always the painful slaughter of an innocent baby. How do you decide when its a baby? Why are some people so viamently against abortion but do not care about the slaughter of civilians in our wars and genocides?
@Rockmeister (467)
• United States
17 Mar 07
you're right, people always have the freedom to choose, that's your opinion and i respect that. thanks for the share, appreciated=)
@celgail (5)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
of course it's wrong.. dont think about your child having to face the consequences of your mistake but have fear in GOD. for he is the creator of all living things. think about the consequences you'll have to face in the future if you do that. the guilt you'll always have in your heart.. it will haunt you forever.