UK Survey on Man''s Worst Invention
By gifana
@gifana (4833)
March 17, 2007 9:00pm CST
I recently read a short article in which an English magazine (I think it was called Focus but really can't remember anything other that it began with the letter F) did a survey on what people thought was the worst invention ever made by man. First place was overly populated with weapons of all types. However, the interesting thing to my way of thinking was that second place was the mobile phone. I don't agree with this outright, although I do have some misgivings. One of the positive points of the mobile phone is that parents have an easier way to keep their children in line in that the excuse of "there was no phone handy" can no longer be used. And if parents are elderly they can always use the mobile phone to call their children in case of necessity.
However, I do think that adults perhaps over do it, especially when they drive and talk on a mobile phone in their hands (rather than an earphone). This is dangerous.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with the people in the UK that mobile phones are the second worst invention by man?
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15 responses
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Mar 07
I must admit that the mobile phone is the second worse invention.
As a parent, who wants to feel they can contact their kids, wherever they are, they usually have the thing switched off anyway....conveniant I'm sure!!
I watch my daughter everynight on the blasted thing, chats a load of rubbish to her friends, texts the most stupidest things, but seems totally addicted to it, like most teenagers. The thing is they end up talking in text language when they are not even on the phone.
I hate the fact also that so many disturbing images can be downloaded onto phones nowadays. My daughter told me she knows someone who has just recently downloaded the hanging of Saddam, which I find totally disturbing!!
When I travel on the bus, I hear people chatting the biggest load of tripe, just for the sake of using their phone and even when they are not talking they are usually fondling it!! It is so annoying.
When my kids were little and we would go on car journeys, we would play a game, who could spot the most red or white cars. Now we try and spot the most people talking on their mobile phones. This runs into the hundreds if my kids have not lost concentration and are too busy talking or playing with their own phones!!!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
18 Mar 07
Sorry it took so long to respond to your reply, but I was too busy fondling my phone!!!LOL
I agree with you, it is definately a new addiction!!!
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@spasm061568 (285)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
like any other device, it depends on the people using the device. If they use it as it was meant to be used, there would be no problem. I dont agree that mobile phones should come in number 2. It is very useful and is a great invention.
@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Gifana, I think driving while talking on a cell/mobile phone is too dangerous and should be outlawed. Just today, I had 2 cars almost run into mine because the drivers were talking on the phone. However, I do not think it's the second worst invention by man. I cast my vote for the mammogram machine...and it's definitely a fact that it was invented by a man! In fact, I might even put it in first place...LOL.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I just had to come back and read the responses after mine. I get my mammo every year, but it's not a lot of fun. LOL.
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@Marshell (60)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Hello my friend I have been sick; but I felt I must answer this question.I too believe the use of cell phones while driving is very dangerous. I have seen so many near misses on the street outside of my house. We live on a corner of a busy intersection. It is a 4 way stop. People on cell phones make up about 90% of the ones who do not stop, are speeding, etc.
Also driving on the streets have become a hazard. I see a lot of people who have cells to there ears speeding down the highway. Especially through school zones.
Recently 2 teenagers drove off a bridge and over an embankment because the driver drooped her cell phone! These where 17 & 16. The sad part is they received no repercussions from this.
There needs to be laws implemented to stop these people.
My biggest fear is someone will hit a child.
Weapons of mass destruction are first on my list. Give me a good old shotgun and I'll give you a meal!
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
20 Mar 07
Hi Marshell, I hadn't noticed your absence because I haven't been here either. Computer problems. Glad to see that you are at least on the road to recovery and that your being here is a good sign.
There are laws regarding cell phones, at least here in Portugal, and the fine is quite high. But I find it rather difficult for the police to enforce this law when some of them are guilty. I am always pleased when I see someone who has pulled over to the curb to converse. This is as it should be and it's nice to know that law-abiding citizens are still in existence and not an extinct species.
Living in the UK do you find the survey to be fairly accurate...i.e., do most Brits think that the cell phone is the second worst invention? Just curious. Thanks from dropping by marshell....always nice to see you....especially when we are not "bickering"..LOL
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
31 Mar 07
That's a terrible story and really points out how adults are so stupid. I may well have called the cops.....she would have deserved it, that's for sure.
My humblest of apologies. I got you mixed up with one of my friends. I must have had a senior moment there.
Like most good things in this world....they are only as good as the users or misusers. There always seems to be someone who can turn a good thing into a menace. Thanks for dropping by and for your input. Always nice to see you.
@Marshell (60)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Hi again! I do not live in the UK, but as an American, let me tell you know... it's bad! I have seen people doing the stupidest things! But people with cells beat just about all! Yesterday I watched a woman walking down the street with a toddler. Our streets are busy. This woman was s engrossed in her phone conversation, she left the child behind! She walked about half the block before she missed the child. I tried to yell at her; a couple of times I was afraid the child was going into the street! What really made me angry was this woman picked the kid up and slapped him! I probably should have called the cops, but for what? Stupidity?
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I don't agree that mobile phones must be considered the second worse invention by man. It puts people in touch with each other like never before. Family members, friends, business associates etc. Also, most cell phones have multiple uses other than just texting and calling, they work like mini computers. The only problem is, just like in any other useful gadgets, they can easily be misused but it doesn't mean they are worse inventions.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07
Exactly. I really can't imagine what the Brit's who took the survey were thinking. The only rational excuse I can think of was that they were given a choice of several things and e pluribus unim (from many one) the mobile phone was chosen. Surely anyone in their right mind would not think of the mobile phone as one of man's worst invention. Thanks manong for dropping by and for your comment.
@isateresa (59)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
i think every invention has pros and cons, but the mobile phone per se is not a bad invention. it makes communication easier for people, and sms-ing makes the mobile phone more handy and practical. however, human beings tend to abuse inventions to the point that it gets the best of them. i think the one making these inventions "worse" are the people who utilize them to their advantage to the point where it is harmful.
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
18 Mar 07
i wouldnt say its the worst invention. Many inventions are useful if used correctly, this one is no exception. Its the way its used that makes it as useful as it was intended to we have cyclists crossing the road using mobiles at the same time, is it the fault of the mobile? No..people have to learn to respect basic rules before moving on to using things with higher technology and complexity..
@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I'm torn about the number two spot being cell phones. On the one hand I don't like that cell phones make people available to everyone at any given time. Sometimes I don't want to be available. They also, as you said, make driving dangerous as people often talk and drive at the same time. Cells can also be very expensive and break easily. However, on the safety end of it, cell phones certainly do come in handy. And, with crime rates high, especially involving children and young adults, cell phones can ease the anxieties of worrisome parents. Not the worst invention, but not the absolute best either.
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@ashuaaaaa (783)
• Germany
18 Mar 07
actually i also feel that mobile phones are bad inventions. they eat up your personal time like hell. now there is no more privacy. you can be reached anytime. if you switch off mobile then you are considered impolite and irresponsible.
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@Geone1 (65)
18 Mar 07
I agree with Gifana I wouldn't actually put them top of a pop magazine but have you ever been on a busy or train and a one of those annoying ring tones go off and ye just wished in your mind want to take fone off the person and stamp on it...Lol but joking aside, they do have their uses even though they can be annoying.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07
Yes I have and not only on a train. Hate them especially in church and movies. Also I hate it when there are signs all over the place that ask you to turn off your cellphone while you are on the premises and some people disregard the request. Just another addition to my pet peeve list. Thanks for dropping geonel and for your input.
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@sidoney (1033)
• Jamaica
18 Mar 07
are right about the weapon it s positive is its negative cause what ever way you look at it it still kills people but the mobile phone has a lot of advantages you call for rescue fire ambulance police you get to call some one to prevent disaster like you left the Iron on at home ect you get to check up on a lot of things yes it has its disadvantages but still has some good points maybe my #2 would be Aids in fact it was invented by man
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
18 Mar 07
I was rather surprised at the survey results. I agree with you that it has many useful points. The only thing I can think of that people were against was the possibility that overuse of the mobile phone "causes brain damage". Other than that and the use of phone while driving I do not understand the results. I would put the second worst invention as the highpowered motor cars. More deaths are caused by speeding than by mobile phones. Thank you for stopping by and for your input.
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@getallica (76)
• India
18 Mar 07
well an invention cannot be deemed as unfit just because a few people cannot use it responsibly... man i think the cell phone is one of the greatest invention ever

@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07
getalica. I can't agree that it's the greatest invention ever but it certainly deserves to be in the top 10 without a doubt. There is no doubt that it has changed our lives in so many good ways. I believe that the pros far outweigh the cons. Thanks for your input.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07 have pointed out what is perhaps one of the biggest pros of the issue. As for your choice of the speedometer as bad invention I find that I am unable to agree with you. There are laws concerning the speed at which we can drive....laws that have a purpose. There are so many stupid deaths on the highways caused by excessive speed. Speedometers are there to let us know how fast we are going and to avoid being "caught" by the hands of justice. Thanks for dropping by and for your input.
@whalebone (21)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I completely agree. The cell phone has opened up so many doors in communication it's amazing. As many have already said it allows parents to keep tabs on their kids. Think about how many business people use it to work outside of the office - it's amazing that you can take care of your clients while walking down the street. Also think of how many jobs the mobile phone industry has created. It's a several billion dollar boost to our economy.
As for my worst invention vote, I go with the speedometer. I don't care how fast I'm going, I drive the speed at which I feel is safe for the conditions. All having a speedometer does is allow the police to put an objective number on your speed and write you a ticket for it.
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@dominook20 (2)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
It's all about how we use these inventions(or utilize our resources). Man invented the government, yet hey, is it serving its purpose?
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07
I don't look upon government as an invention but rather the implantation of a system of checks and balances to keep civilization from destroying itself for stupid reasons. That is not to say that government is not good but here too we see that man's abuse of his duty to his fellowman turns something necessary into something intolerable per se. Thanks for dropping by and for your input.
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@jithudreams (74)
• India
18 Mar 07
Hmm...thats a interesting survey..any ways i dont think it's a worst invention....every thing in this world has a gud and bad sides of it...and so do mobile phones
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Mar 07
That is very true. Surveys can be helpful or just interesting but sometimes they are not always complete. It takes all types to make this world and one man's meat is sometimes poison to another man. But I feel as long as we use man's inventions properly without overdoing it we can all benefit one way or another. Thanks for dropping by and for your input.
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