Do you have more pain when the weather is damp?
By youdontsay
@youdontsay (3497)
United States
March 20, 2007 8:50am CST
Sometimes I think I should move to the desert! Where I live it rains or snows frequently. And I seem to hurt more when it is damp. Is this the fibromyalia or is it arthritis? I have both and sometimes I don't know which is which. Some medications don't faze the fibro but help with arthritis. It helps to know which I'm dealing with. How do you tell the difference?
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14 responses
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
3 Apr 07
It is very hard to tell which one is the culprit but i do know from having the author and my mom having the fibro that one thing that does help with that is exercise it strengthens your body and cuts down on the pain. It is really hard to motivate yourself for more activity when you suffer from these things but as me and my mom both found out in the long run it was worth the effort cause it does help alot.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Thanks so much. I have learned that the exercise doesn't have to be streneous to help, that just moving in the heated water can help. Stretching helps, too. And ambling instead of hard walking is good, too.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I haven't been able to take a bath for a long time because it is too hard to get in and out. But I do love those hot showers.
@misstree (241)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Water therapy is a great one! I went into a heated pool/sauna/jacuzzi. It was a therma spa healing center. And wow... it really helps. At first you will be sore for the first 2 days, but then it gets better. It's really something you have to keep at all the time as a normal routine to really benefit from water therapy. Just mild exercises in the hot water can help. But keep it mild. Taking more baths too is another great option. Also using bath salts is very healing. I sure hope you feel better. I need a tub in my next apartment. I have missed the tub so much. I only have a shower right now. :-(
I also want to join a therma spa care center soon for my Fibro.
Much love and healing
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@perrygunight (555)
• United States
21 Mar 07
My knees do a better job of forecasting rain than the weather reports. Have you tried glucosamine chondroitin? Since I started taking it I have much less pain. You can probably get it over the counter near the vitamin and mineral supplements. It takes awhile to kick in, so you might not feel any better for a few weeks, but keep taking it. It doesn't make you tired either, which is more than I can say for a lot of other things.

@perrygunight (555)
• United States
22 Mar 07
The only difference I've noticed with diet changes is if I've been eating too much and start carrying extra weight. It hurts, and I guess it's a reminder to cut down. In a warped kind of logic, maybe that's good.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Yes, I use glucosamine. If I forget to take it or run out, I really notice a difference.
Does your pain respond to diet changes? I found that I have less pain and clearer thinking when I am dairy-free for four or five days. It really surprised me how much difference it made. Of course, I'm not good at STAYING dairy-free because there are so many foods that involve dairy and that I love. You'd think the reduction of pain would be enough to motivate me!

@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I have lupus and the cold and dampness make me hurt. The humidity does also. When it is hot and the humidity is high I am in pain. If it is hot and not humid I am fine. I plan on moving to the desert soon. I can stand the heat, not the humidity and dampness.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I'm glad you will be able to move to warmer and drier climate. That should really help.
My daughter has lupus and suffers like you do.
I wish you well.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Hmmm. I don't think I've considered the barometric pressure. Maybe that is what is going on. Our weather here swings up and down like a roller coaster. Today was splendid - sunny, milder. Yesterday was rain and cold and grey. I have less pain today, though.
I'm sensitive to the heat and humidity, too. And we have LOTS of humid weather here.
Maybe I should live in a bubble!
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Again today it is rainy and I hurt more. I have no control over the weather, but there must be some way to control the pain.
I've found some things that help, espeically medicine. But I don't like taking so much pain medication. It isn't healthy, the side-effects are hard on other systems of my body.
I never know how much pain I should tolerate before taking medication. How do you decide?
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I don't have fibro, but do have arthritis in my joints and degenerative disc disease.
When the weather gets damp I have a lot of pain. When it gets cold and damp it is worse.
Needless to say, I like warm sunny days a lot better than cold damp rainy days.
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@misstree (241)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Hi. I have Fibromyalgia. I don't have arthritis. So I have no idea what the difference is. I always hurt more when it rains or snows. The cold weather is awful. I often find myself more free of pain during the warmer months. But even humidity during summer bothers me a lot too. So yes, the damp weather has a lot to do with this. A lot of people can actually rely on this. If they listen to the weather report and tomorrow is going to be rainy, they know how they will feel and can sort out thier days like this. I think more patients with arthritis can manage this more than those with Fibromyalgia. Or so I read.
I also feel less depressed during summer, and the sun certainly helps.
I wish I could help you with the difference between Fibro and Arthritis. I just know arthritis is more a joint problem?
Have a great week/weekend. :-)
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
4 Apr 07
If you feel less depressed during summer you may have what is called SAD, or Seasonal Affect Disorder. The sun triggers certain chemicals in the brain and some people are more sensitive to that than other. I have been diagnosed with SAD and regulate my medications according to season. I think one of the reasons I felt so good when we vacationed in Alaska last summer is because it never got completely dark while we were there! But I sure wouldn't be able to survive their winters when there are weeks when there is no daylight at all.
Today it is rainy and grey here, so I'm having a slow day. I look forward to the sunshine returning soon!
Happy Sun to you too!
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I have the same sickness as you. I can tell you that the desert does help, as that is where I live now. The cold weather,rain, and snow make it so much more worse.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
29 Mar 07
I use a lot of warm bean bags heated up in the microwave. I have a tower heater next to my desk because my computer is in the basement. I find if I put the heater close enough that I can feel the warmth on my legs, my pain in my legs does ease up. Warmth is the best thing for fibro pain. Word has it Arizona is the best place in North America to live if you have fibro.
A change in the barometric pressure makes a major difference. When I feel increased pain for an unknown reason I take a look at the barometer and find my answer.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I have an electric mattress cover. It has dual controls and heats the entire bed. I love it. As I get ready for bed I set my side to pre-heat and then it is really cozy when I crawl in. I really appreciate it when my body is really painful. I've slept better ever since we've had it.
I know that when I traveled to New Mexico it was great. I was more mobile than at home. It is very dry there, even when it is cool. I thought that might be the biggest factor.
We really loved it there and hope to return some day. Maybe when I'm rich and famous I will create a spa there that specializes in people with fibromyalgia!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
I do get pain when the weather is not very nice out and it is raining as it bohters my arthritis but I don't know what fibromyalia is . I know I have heard of it before but am not sure what it is . But if you are looking for a way to tell them apart you should try discussing this with your doctor and maybe he/she will have some idea of telling you how to tell one from the other apart so you will know for when taking your medication .
Best of luck !!
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Thanks. My understanding is that arthritis is in the joints and fibromyalgia is in the facia tissue, that is the tissue that surrounds the muscles and bone that hold them together. So since they are so close together, it is hard to tell them apart.
I did learn that there is something called a pain cycle and that one kind of pain can trigger other kinds of pain. So arthritis pain could trigger the fibro pain and vice versa. Great, huh?
@angelkist2006 (35)
• United States
2 Apr 07
i have both fibro and arthritus and yes the barometric pressure and weather does make the pain worse, and it doesn't have to be in my area either, sometimes just close enuff, lol...i was in western texas for a year, and the dry heat did help, i just couldn't take the dust storms, tho, and wasn't on disability yet, so that didn't help either. it is hard to tell which is which for pain relief too. but i personally have more help with heat, either pad or hot shower. that mattress heat sounds terrific. angelhugs
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I like the moderate heat with dry humidity, but can't tolerate the extreme heat or high humidity for very long. It just wears me out so quickly that all I can do is lay around and try not to complain!
I loved New Mexico and hope to return there someday.
@rainbowzr4ever (268)
• United States
24 Mar 07
it's most likely both I have fibro also and the weather plays a huge part when it's raining or cold it's really bad but then again when it's really hot it's bad also. I've lived a lot of places and haven't found one where I don't hurt. if u haven't check out it has lots of info on it!!!!
@milliemocha (48)
23 Mar 07
My pain is much worse in the damp, cold UK weather. I find that when I go to the desert in the Mid East, I feel so much better and I think this is because not only is it warm but it's also very dry. I also feel mentally and physically better when the sun is out and it is warm... but if it is too hot I find that really tiring so it's like trying to get a balance.
I have an electric blanket at home and I find warm bathes/showers help - though I find bathing very tiring unfortunately.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Sounds like you are also suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When I'm very fatigued even a shower wears me out.
On vacation last year we were in Alaska, and the central part of that state was very dry air. It felt great to be there. So, I too think that the humidity drains my energy and makes me hurt more.
Looks like we all need to move to the desert!