are you against of abortion
By palpalsky
@palpalsky (899)
United States
22 responses
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
21 Mar 07
wow, you have nerves of steel for asking this one. I have read through all the answers and just as I thought, you have hard core pro life and hard core pro choice. I personally would not have an abortion, I don't think I could do it. I DO NOT however think it is my place to tell another person what they can or cannot do with their body. I think any woman who has been raped, is a victim of incest, or who's health is in danger, should be able to have an abortion. No woman should have to suffer through 9 months of pregnancy to remind her of a brutal rape, etc. I do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control either. There are many women that have had 3 or more abortions. I think that is outrageous and should not be tolerated. And I know many people say that women who were raped, etc could put their child up for adoption, but statistics show there are way too many children already in the system awaiting a family.
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
30 Nov 07
"by mistake"
"in a relationship"
So people in relationships can't have oops babies?
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Abortion is something that I could never do under any circumstance. That being said, I could never judge another woman for making her own choice. A woman should not worry about justification to other people.....only to herself and the Higher Power of her choice. It isn't other people who have to live with her decision...except the father. I don't imagine there are many woman out there who would abort a baby if there was a loving father in the picture though. I could be wrong....I'm sure there are some, I'de like to think there aren't many.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
20 Mar 07
I have mixed feelings about abortion.
I think that a child who feels unloved and unwanted is very sad and therefore they shouldn't be put into that situation.
Also if all the aborted babies grew up we would have a massive overcrowding problem.
However it is a life, and everyone deserves a chance in this world.
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@princess1011 (340)
6 May 07
I am definatey not against abortion. I am a realist and if a woman becomes pregnant then it is her choice what she decides to do about it. I think there are too many unwanted children in this world who grow up knowing they are unwanted - thats not fair is it.
There are also so many bad parents in the world who do not look after their children properly and do not teach those children right or wrong and the child grows up committing crime.
No I am definately not against abortion - in fact I think more people should consider it seriously and think about what sort of parents they will make and they realsitically have to offer a child.
I think anyone who is against abortion should realise that it is not murder or anything else sinister it is simply a choice and in many situations it is the hardest choice a woman is likely to make. It is often the best and kindest choice a woman can make. Either way it is a personal choice and I do not believe anyone should condem anyone else who has made this choice.
I do believe in God but I do not believe that everything that happens is God's will - why would God allow a woman to be raped? He wouldnt. So I dont believe that God would condem any woman for having an abortion - not just in this instance but any instance.
I beleive having a child is the best present life can give us so it is something that must be cared for above anything else.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 07
Personally I am totally against abortion because it's not right to take life away, life is precious however with anything in life there is no hard and fast rules and there are always exceptions, if someone was raped then I would condone abortion. Everyone has principles and everyone has their own ideas about abortion it's whent they try and preach to others about their views. Everyone is different, personally abortion is wrong but I would never ostracize anyone for doing what they think is right.
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@vetsmom_rgv (1083)
• United States
2 May 07
I am pro-life. I don't think it's justified. But if the law changes something, they think it's for the best, but it's always the womans decision. The life that was created did not have a say in coming into this world, but there are lots of people who would care and protect that life.
@honeyangel (1991)
20 Mar 07
i dont belive in abortion as the is to many conaceptive(sp) out there,only if the child han no chance of life,rape,illneses things like that
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Effectiveness of birth control methods range from under 80% for things like inexpensive, readily available (in the US)otc spermicides to about 98.5% for hormonal birth control such as the pill, patch, depro etc- which is not an option for all women, not accessible to all women, and still not 100% effective.
Just curious- does your opinions on the exceptions also extend to women who try to prevent pregnancy but who's birth control method fails?
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
2 May 07
First of all I consider the abortion one of the most terrible things in the world, and yet, I think that only women can decide of their body. This is what Nature decided: only women can be pregnant, only women can give the birth, so only they can decide what is best for themselves.
I'd like that no one'd abort, but if a woman has been raped or is in danger of life, or is too young, she must have the possibility to decide to abort. No one can forbid this. The body is our, only we can manage it.
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
21 Mar 07
I m against this abortion thing.
i feel its a crime and must not be done by anyone..
in rape cases or in teenage conditions, there r very few options one can avail..and practically abortion is wat everybody looks for...but persoannly i feel, in rapes ,the raper should be held responsible for the child and in teenage momments ,one needs to accept few facts of life here!!
but aborting is like killing the one who does even knw y he was killed..thts not fare...
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
2 May 07
The rapist should be responsible for the child? I hope that you mean finacially responsible only. You're not suggesting that a rapist should raise a child he created while violating & abusing another human? Certainly you don't think that person has good parenting potential. Even finacial support would be tricky- I don't think this horrible, non-human beast should have any access to the child and providing support would probably lead to him knowing where the family lived.
@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
4 May 07
You're assuming that in this case the woman knows her attacker. A lot of rapists rape randomly and are never caught because they disguise their faces. Who is responsible for the resulting child then? Should the woman still be forced to nurture a fetus that she doesn't want, relive the assault in her mind over and over and be retraumatized by it, then bear the child and accept the financial responsibilities that come with having a baby and have to look at her rapist's child every day for the rest of her life? If it were your daughter, would you want her suffering through that nightmare?
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
3 May 07
Well i m certainly against abortion for sure.
As far as rape cases are concerned, i feel the rapist should be held responsible in the sense, both financially and through hard undo his punishments, he can/should accept the child and treat him well.

@bettyrose20 (997)
• Philippines
2 May 07
Life is a precious gem that we only have it once and once it is taken away, we can never take it back. I am strongly against abortion no matter what are the reasons. We have no right no take away life thatGod has given us, and the woman that is having a life inside her womb should feel blessed and grateful because she had the opportunity to bring another life to the world. Love life, no matter what.
@princess1011 (340)
6 May 07
Surely if a woman makes a decision never to have a child and then is later raped resulting in her being pregnant it is her right to choose to have an abortion. I'm sure if this was to happen to me I certainly wouldnt feel very blessed or grateful!
Why is it people who are against abortion always think about the unborn fetus and not the woman's right not to be pregnant?
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@katnaet (12)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
Im' on the fence. I think if you were stupid and didn't use protection or somthing else of the sort, you should have to deal with the pregnancy. But if you were raped, you should be able to abort. Now if only they could make it easier to prove if you were raped or not...that's the tough part.
@magiee (63)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
i am against abortion. I had a cousin who is separated. Actually, she is 28 of age & she has 1 yr. old boy by that time. She decided to abort the fetus because she don't know who is the father. Yes! she don't know who is the father it's because she is working as GRO in a club. She told me about she's having a baby, then i ask her what she going to do then she told me that she's going to abort it. I told her not to that but still she did. Now she was so depress. Guys!!! don't ever do that! GOD is always here to help you & that is a gift.
@dpauli (407)
• Indonesia
13 Apr 07
There are lots of murder case out there, but killing your own baby is one I can't understand. I'm totally against it. Whatever the reason, being raped, teenage, unwanting the child, etc, we are not the one who give his breath therefore we are not eligible to take it. Turn to God and He'll gives way out.