Are you easily offended?

@amarie (170)
United States
March 20, 2007 9:45pm CST
I started a discussion ask mylotters how much money was in their mylot account and this poster told me that was like asking a woman how much she weighs. I didn't take it that way but if that's your view point ok. So my question is, are you easily offended? If so, what offends you?
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9 responses
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
21 Mar 07
Nope, I am not easily offended. It takes a lot to offend me. What will do the trick every time is to accuse me of lying. If you do I will be not only offended but very mad. It will not pass easily either. But otherwise, no, I am hard to offend. I have $ 16.85 in my account right now, by the way.
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• United States
21 Mar 07
I'm not easily offended because I try to take the person's reasons for asking a question into account. Maybe they just don't know any better, or have a good reason that I hadn't thought about. If someone asks me a question like yours--about money, I'd just tell them it's none of their business.
• United States
21 Mar 07
No, I don't feel that I am easily offended at all. I have a pretty open mind and feel that everyone should be entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Whoever this user was, was obviously easily offended. It is a normal question that many new myLot users ask. They want to know what to expect from myLot and their use of the program. I will go to your discussion and let you know what I make. I have done it for many others. BTW, welcome to myLot and don't let one persons bad attitude spoil it for you. There are many friendly good people on here. Happy posting.
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@limitup (324)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I am not easily offended, especially over as trivial an issue as how much money we earn by posting on mylot. Perhaps if we were talking careers or investment accounts or something I could maybe see it. But even then, a simple, "I don't share my online earnings" would do the trick. Or better yet, they shouldn't respond to the discussion at all. I find that when we are offended it is sometimes because somebody has caught us sharing a poorly researched or uneductated opinion and are rude about tearing our opinions apart. Many times they are the ones who are poorly educated about a topic and use their attacks as a defense mechanism for their ignorance. Sometimes they say something about us personally that we secretly know is true and that we haven't confronted. I try to do two things: 1. Don't ever insult or attack others personally. If I disagree, I do so respectfully and discuss the contents of the post only. 2. When I am offended, I spend more energy discovering why I am offended as opposed to attacking my attacker. When I get offended, it is usually because of a weakness of my own. Oh and as of this post (#140) I have $5.54. Also I weigh about 145 lbs. Ha ha.
@amarie (170)
• United States
21 Mar 07
lol Thanks
• United States
21 Mar 07
Get offended for what? They act like they are really making something on here. It's fun to post and read people's postings, but the $ aint, nothing I mean for real. I just started and I have made a whole $2.07. Wow I'm reall bringing in the loot (smile) Some of these people on here are to uptight and need to really take a look at where they are!
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@love923yr (195)
• China
21 Mar 07
of couse not we r the owner of our body we should manage our body or mind
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
I don't like rude sarcastic people, the reason why is because when I am rude back at them, they said I'm rude hahaha weird eh? it happens to me a lot though ! Yes there is that time of the month I'm so sensitive but I think that lady you mentioned might be having a bad day involving money and so she was extra sensitive with your topic.
@palpalsky (899)
• United States
21 Mar 07
i dont usaually get offended .however attimes it depends ..
@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
no. i'm an open minded person and don't take things as is. there are many ways to understand a thing or a topic maybe. i perceived things as to what it denotes and conotes. i got offended when they bat me personaly.
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