what is your religion?
By merlblue
@merlblue (275)
United Arab Emirates
13 responses
@Lailamaria (109)
• Sweden
21 Mar 07
Thank you for your question
I am glad to be able to share some thoughts about my Faith.
I am a Bahai, belonging to the Faith of Bahaullah (1817 -1892) See www.Bahai.org
This is new united Worldreligion, without sects. It is not a part of an old religion but a new world religion based on Divine Revelation and goes back to the 1844.Since we have a new age from that date we also have a new calendar. Today is our New Year 21 March. It has nothing to do with Islamic festivals, although it was revealed in Islamic mileu. Moslems just go about killing Bahais.
Bahai teaches that The essens of all religions is spiritual, and eternal, only social and economic laws and rituals change or are taken away, according to the exigency of time. We have no priests. All must be educated and learn to read, and there is an emphasis on girls and women, since we are the first teachers of human beings, babies and children.
So God is One
Mankind is one
All Founders of religions agree.
An exemple of the third principle is , that Jesus says to the Pharisees. "If you had believed in Moses, you would have believed in Me."
Therefore we are good diplomats, upholding as we do the holiness of all religions. We look to the essens. There is a friendly, consoling,soul warming innermost, divine in origine and eternal and mysterious, hidden in each religion. More and more people understand this, they are inspired by this new Bahai energy, mysteriously enough. Bahai means of or for Light.
So.... through Bahaullah I came to believe in Christ, which was a truly remarkable experience,all those emotions! when I sat down on the church bench in the old dome 30 years ago. I had just unregistered myself from the church organisation in my country, and received Chist in my heart. My eyes were filled with many a tear, I was so touched when I suddenly understood what the psalms was about. I sang them, sitting there for hours.
Just like it was before 2000 years ago believers of formers religions don't believe that I have a Faith now, but I have received an undescribable Secret in my heart,making me a friend at heart with all the former Messengers. If you do not believe me, you know have heared me saying this. Ponder upon it.
New principles are among others:
Independent search for truth
Equality between man and woman
Harmony between religion and science
Predudice pertaining to sexes, religions, nations, classes etc. must be abolished
An international auxiliary language must be chosen or constructed.
An international alphabet, way of writing A world federation
An International tribune that haa the function to mediate
in international conflicts
Universal Peace
There are more of these social and also economic principles to be upheld in an international community.
Old principles are taken away, no old religious rituals are legitimite any more according to the new rules by God as they all cause strife and antagonism. We know perfectly well what causes such tensions today, old norms and laws, clashing with a new mind and mentality. Women wanting to free themselves for ex.. Also monarchies are vanishing, we see 1000 year old institutions breaking up. "He shall topple the kings from their Thrones" it is said. The Bahai administration is being built for the whole world as a wellfunctioning network for local, national and the International communities.. It will be a gift to mankind. When they are ready to embrace it. We only have assemblies as for descicion making. There are no self appointed individual leaders. All are chosen without candidating. It is the very opposite to American voting for precidency.
The main thing for me has been to get my heart mended by the consolation that reading of the scriptures give. We namely believe it is the WORD OF GOD FOR TODAY, for this global society and will suit the individual as well as the collective in this advanced era..
Every day we pray an obligatory prayer, but I can not translate it properly. Read "instead of the Communion at Church."
Here is an all covering one instead:
"Blessed is the place and the house and the site and the town and the heart and the mountain and the resort and the cave and the valley and the land and the sea and the island and the meadow where God has been mentioned and His praise has been sang." Bahaullah
From the above you can see that there is a boundless blessing in the Bahai Faith. Out side the old buildings and powers that men have built through the ages.
This Faith will also last a very, very long time.
This verse meant all for me:
Love Me that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. Know this, O servant."
Warmest thanks for letting me tell you this
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I went from Christian to now being a Wiccan. I love my religion because I have freedom to walk my own path and not one that is already mapped out for me. I have found more acceptance and love with the Wiccan religin in the 2yrs that I have been practesing that I ever have in the many years I was a Christian.
@jackie_mmm (886)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
I'm very happy being a Roman Catholic. I'm not forced to do anything, but pray and praise God. It's also up to my to give tithes, which I seldom do, since I'm broke. What about you? What's your religion/denomination?
@andreaskye (390)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I am now, and believe me it took a long time and a lot of searching.
I have tried everything, every "label". Catholic, Baptist, Wiccan.
What I came to the conclusion of was that my spirituality cannot be labeled. I take what i now in my heart is true and go with it.
So i think you could say that I am very content.
@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
21 Mar 07
of course me happy with my religion and so much faith with my religion and my religion is Islam...
Islam is "Rahmatan lil alamin" bless to all universe
@smilingurvashi (1151)
• India
21 Mar 07
I am a Hindu. i think every religion has its own pros and cons. overall, i like my religion a lot as i think its more towards creation of life, more towards spreading love and peace among all the human beings.
@minty3 (592)
• Nigeria
21 Mar 07
i am a christian and born again. its the best thing that happened to me. am sooooo contented. i wonder where i would have been without the glorious faith. Praise the Lord.
@hobbyab27 (37)
• Romania
21 Mar 07
Yes . i am very happy and contented on my religion. i am a baptist..and at home at the church i am singing i'm praying and many others
@hello_cancer (183)
• United States
21 Mar 07
i think there is a difference between spirituality and relgion, and since i have never found a religion that accurately expresses what i belive, i have to come to the conclusion that being privately spiritual is the best option for me, and i am very content with it.