My neighbor has a dog, I have a flower bed. What would you want me to do?

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@coolseeds (3919)
United States
March 21, 2007 1:28pm CST
I have a really nice flower bed. I put it in myself. I tilled and amended the soil. It would cost roughly $3,000. My neighbor has a dog. I have told them more than once to keep the dog out of my flower bed. Now I am tired of it and I would like to know what you would want me to do. I have no problem poisoning the dog. Actually the poison would come from the flowers that the dog destroyed. I will leave the poison on meat which might encourage the dog to enter the flower bed. I have asked more than once to keep the dog out. They know there is a leash law. You can't sue welfare crack heads. I bought the girl a leash. What more can I do other than eliminate the problem? If it were not a little girl's dog I would have killed it already. What would you want me to do to your dog when it violated my flower bed on several times? As fas as I am concerned they can get a new dog when this one is gone.
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29 responses
• United States
21 Mar 07
You are one sick person. Thinking about killing a living animal because it obthers you. How would you feel if your place was switched with that little girls. Get over yourself and your garden. It doesn't matter anyway because your garden will die eventually.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
22 Mar 07
So Monica1981 if someone destroyed your car it would be ok because it will break down eventually? Maybe you are upset because you have nothing of value. Some day when something you care about is destroyed out of disrespect you will know. I will not kill a spider in my home I will put it outside. I don't kill anything unless it is causing me grief like a fly or mosquito. I do not need to say more.
• United States
23 Mar 07
I've had things that I care about distroyed before. And a car is an inanimate object, it doesn't have life. Nor is it a pet, something that someone truly cares about.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
21 Mar 07
So another animal gets punished for their owners irresponsible behavior.....that is pretty much what you would be doing if you poisoned the dog. I can understand your point in all this....but please don't hurt the animal. Calling animal control is one way to get the problem taking care of. Before you do all that....try putting some cayenne pepper on the soil in your flower bed....once the dog gets a taste of that he may leave it alone.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Is it possible to set up a video camera that you could show the animal control people, visually, what the dog is doing?
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
21 Mar 07
look I understand how you feel,that garden means a lot to you..It seems everybody is so opposed to what you have said.,but the dog is not your responsibility...Those people that have the dog is not good pet owners..You hate to do anything because the dog belongs to the little girl..If these solutions do not work...Can you get ahold of the dog? If so take the dog off to the pound and tell them he was walking the streets,and drop him off,do not tell them who the dog belongs too.You have already talked to yur neighbors and even bought a chain,so to me you have done all you can do,,,
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
The dog runs wild. It isn't using the bathroom. I have called animal control and they said they can do anything unless they see it loose. Which is rare without the owner. So what you are saying is I should beat the human? I can go to jail for that. I have been nice so far. Go read my organic gardening discussion. I do everything organically and there is garlic, cayenne, clove and other mixes sprayed as well as in the soil. The dog runs crazy like it has been in a box or something. It is a German Shepard. The reason why I haven't put out poison is because there are cats that do not go into the flower bed that might not eat it. I am not looking to hurt animals. But the way it is looking either I beat the human so they will always respect others the rest of their life or kill the dog. One of which could land me in jail. When it was a pup, it was loose and I was going to take it. Give it a good home with a friend who lives on a farm. Now I am regretting it. Once again I didn't take the dog because it belonged to a little girl.
@locolady (374)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
Well for starters you shouldn't openly type on mylot or anywhere else for that matter that you are going to kill someone's pet - that's kinda like the guy on Sally jessie Raphelle that openly threatened to kill the guy on national tv-and what happened to him-you guessed it he was charged-if you have a problem call the humane society on these people-don't take it out on the dog-besides there are devices -inexpensive ones at that -that emit sounds to animals that they don't like-another thing to remember is that when one animal defecates many more will in the same spot to cover the smell..
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Wow...that's pretty terrible that you are saying you'd have no problem killing a living creature like that over a flower bed. Why not try getting a fence or something to go around the flower bed. Or call up the animal control people in your area and have them bring him to the pound. Don't poison meat and kill the dog, that's just mean. People are stupid and don't take responsiblity for their animals, but that does not mean you should kill him.
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• Netherlands
22 Mar 07
Take it to a shelter! or call the shleter to have them pick him up. Put an advert in the free pages for a dog free to a good home or something. The dog can't help it. It is not its fault.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I shouldn't have to put up a fence. They should. I wouldn't be poisoning the dog. I would be poisoning a pest. It is no different than a rat to me. I just want it gone. I work in my flower bed every day. It is worthy of a magazine. There are not any weeds. It is immaculate. Why should I put up a fence and shut this out to the world. You wouldn't believe how many people come to see the long haired red neck looking guys flower bed. It is only outside when they let it. They are usually with it. That is why I need to poison a pest. They only thing I know to do. Any better options?
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I would have taken the dog myself if I didn't live in the city. Like I said it was cute but too big to live in a city without any walks.
• United States
21 Mar 07
It is the neighbor's fault the dog is doing this. The dog is just being a dog, he doesn't know anything about property rights or that you spent so much time on your lovely garden. It is not like he is trying to spite you. Besides, if you poisoned this one, you could get arrested for animal cruelty, plus they would probably just get another dog that would do the same thing anyway. If they won't train this one, they aren't going to train the next one either. Call animal control and see what your options are, if there is a leash law, they should at least get fined which might make them think twice. Also, if you can get pictures of the dog running loose and have proof it destroyed your garden, the neighbor's could be charged with destruction of property by the police. If you call and complain often enough, the officers will eventually take the dog from them because they refuse to control it. The idiots who live across the street from us lost two dogs this way already, because they couldn't figure out how to shut a gate.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Why should you burden the system??!! You'd rather kill an animal than do what the law has set up for people with these complaints? Good grief, pick up a phone, complain, complain, complain, and then go sit in your flower garden and see how much love that gets you.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Why should I burden the system? I will get no restitution from the city although they will fine them and collect it. Then worse. The guy will end up getting thrown in jail and then my taxes have to pay for it. Also I am poisoning rats and pests. I can do that. I am not baiting a dog. They sell rat poison. Isn't that cruel? I have the same opinion. The rat is an animal like the dog and should be treated no different. However I am allowed to put out poison where I live. I beat up a guy who came into my yard last year and recked the flower bed and the police didn't do anything. Maybe because I beat him up for trespassing. He came at me swinging. I don't even know who he was to this day. LOL. I didn't say anything to him. Nothing. What do you think they are going to do about a dog? This is going to be my last summer here but it will still be my office. They just doubled the value of my house. All I did was put shingles onto the roof and the flowerbeds and the price doubled. I have to pay taxes on that. IF the flower bed is gone or destroyed I just payed taxes on something that is no where near the appraised value. What would you do if the neighbors dog was destroying something of yours that was valuable? I only see 2 options and I am not going to go to jail for putting out poison. I am looking for options because my back is up against the wall.
• United States
22 Mar 07
no offense but if anyone knows the system truly..... they for real do not care about situations like this because they have bigger cookies to settle. The system usually laughs at this and will tell you to take it to civil court!!!! I say if you put the poison in your yard only and in that one particular spot, then you are not intentionally poisoning the dog, your fine. Shall a stray animal of any get into the poison which they sell for this issue, then it falls under the fault of the owner of the pet for not controlling their animal. I would give the neighbors a friendly notice that your treating your yard for rats and pest, and that the chemicals could be potentionally hazardous for dogs and cats and if they want their dog then they will keep it out!!!!!! Also put a no trespassing sign in a visable location on your property!!! I have my yard treated on the regular with a Pest Contract, and hey if someones animal gets into something they shouldn't, oh well again the owners should control their pet if they truly want it!!!! Just like if the dogs messes on your property it is the owner of the pets responsibility to clean it up because it makes for a health issue!!! I think your poisoning comment may have just came out a little strong because of the anger you felt when typing, that sometimes happens, lol, I wish you the best of the best in this crazy horrible situation!!!!
• India
21 Mar 07
I think the solution is very simple. Just put a fence to keep the dog away. Also you can inquire in a store that, if there are any sprays to keep dogs away. If there are such sprays, then you can spray them around the flower bed.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
They need to get a fence. Why should I have to put up a fence? They are violating my space.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
How many laws are they breaking and I should put up a fence. LOL.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
21 Mar 07
No you should not have to get a fence that dog is not your responsibilty..Read my post down below ,I have given you a good solution...........
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Hi cool,well your neighbor needs to take better care of her dog and not let her dog run loose...There should be a leach law in your place...I have a really good suggestion for you to get rid of the dog...I don't know what kind of stores you have there,we have dollar stores here..anyway go buy some ground red pepper,not the crushed kind,its to course,but get the ground kind like salt and put that all in your flower beds,it won't hurt your flowers but once that dog gets that ground pepper up his nose trust me he will hate your flower beds,and it will not hurt your plants at all..make sure you get plenty and just start sprinkling it around..We have possems ans other small animals here and i did that and they left mine alone,they hate that red pepper....It has cayanee pepper and it is hot..try that and i bet it will work...
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Yes there is a leash law. If there wasn't a leash law I would deal with it or go to city meetings to get one. But there is and they don't really take it seriously. I have stuff like cayenne all over it to keep the bugs out. Moth balls keep the cats out. They don't go near it. But do use my yard as a short cut which I don't mind. The dog is cute and isn't mean. I would've liked to have it if I didn't live in the city. You can't have a big dog like that in an apartment and never walk it. There is a park 1 block from my house and another about 3. That is cruel. The 1st question the dog whisperer asks when someone has a problem is "Do you walk your dog?" Its like he walks them weighs them down if he has to and then they listen. He says it is hard to train a dog if you don't walk it.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
22 Mar 07
I am a botanist. Most people think they grow plants. However a botanist makes medicine. I can make it as slow or fast as I wish.
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@Galena (9110)
23 Mar 07
not as simple as that. toxic herbs, on the whole do not kill quickly.
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• United States
23 Mar 07
Perhaps a little cayenne pepper sprinkled on the soil, or added to a bit of hamburger...that would certainly discourage the dog without killing him.
• India
22 Mar 07
luk u can do i thing n dat is put fence around da garden 2 protect it...dont kill da dog coz its a living thing..if da dog cmes in ur compound jus hit him hard should be really hard n i think he wont cme nxt tym...
• United States
22 Mar 07
So beating a dog is more humane than killing it? Not that I'm advocating killing it.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jun 07
There's a saying...and unfortunately I can't remember it exactly right, but it's something like this...Good fences make great neigbors...or strong fences make good neighbors...either way, I'm sure you get the meaning. Neighbors can be hard to deal with but you will always have people do deal with that are pains in the behind. I don't think killing their dog is the answer. (I hope you were just venting when you said that). It isn't the dogs fault that he (or she) has irresponsible owners. If you can't afford to fence your yard in. Or don't want to, on principal, couldn't you put up some kind of barrier around your flower bed? It does suck that you have to deal with that situation, but I feel bad for the dog. Good luck.
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
29 Jul 07
I was going to say just kill the thing; it's obviously a pest. But then you said it was a little girl's pet, so nvm on that. What you can do, especially if it's a white or pale dog, just get a watergun and fill it with KoolAid. Use half the water and get him in the face. He's be pissed, in pain, and bright red. The owners will hate it (it attracts bugs and dirt and is impossible to get out). Document any requests you've made to keep the dog out of your yard for when they call the police on you, lol. It really works! I got rid of a neighborhood husky mix that way. MF tore up my roses. Blessed Be
@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
30 Aug 07
A solution is simple ah with garden fence put up lap, and then a fence around the plant rose, both romantic and not appear to allow the dog into the gardens.
• Egypt
30 Aug 07
that was a nice threatn they should keep their dog out for ever
• United States
29 Aug 07
That would upset me too! I see that this post was from 6months hows it going with your flower bed? That was really nice of you to buy the girl a leash for her dog seeing as her parents didnt think of that. Did you try contacting the Animal Shelter or something when the dog is in there? Call them and tell them that you have a stray dog and they need to come and get it. That is of course if your problem is still not resolved! A friend of mine put in a Koi pond and the neighbors cat was catching the fish and eating them. I was there one day when he saw the cat out there and he video taped it and sued them. He won and they had to replace the Koi that was eaten by their so called roaming pet! lol
• United States
22 Mar 07
Here are some easy solutions. When you see the dog in the flower bed chase him off. Spray him with water or scare him some how. If that doesn't work try calling the local animal control. It sounds like he is never on a leash so the people who own him would have to pay a fine if they wanted him back. If he keeps doing it keep calling and the fines will get bigger then eventually they won't get the dog back at all. If you poisoned him and killed him then you could get fined. You might even get some jail time. That would at least maybe make you think twice before doing something stupid like that.
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
22 Mar 07
Well I have 2 suggestions. First one is call the city and see if they can do anything. There must be a bylaw where you have to keep your dog tied up and not let it go on other people's property. I'd be mad too. Something else you could try is Bloodmeal. We used it on our gardens to keep rabbits, etc.. out and stop them from eating the leaves. It's worth a shot. I know they say you can use pepper (hot stuff) to keep the cats out. Hope this was of some help to you.
@Joey322 (272)
• United States
22 Mar 07
that's awful!! i mean, i completely understand your dilemma, as i am a thoughtful and considerate dog owner. our dog doesn't leave our fenced in backyard unless he is on leash...well, he may have scooted out the door once or twice, but we retrieved him promptly and kicked his puppy butt for doing it!!! however, it's not the dog's fault. the dog is just being, well, a DOG! he doesn't know the difference between YOUr yard and "his". he must be taught this by his owners and obviously he isn't. i would recommend that next time you see the dog outside without a lead, call animal control or the local shelter. complain enough times and maybe they will FORCE the owners to do something about keeping their pooch protected. i really do understand your situation, but please don't harm the dog. it really isn't HIS fault. so, please try to follow protocol and contact the authorities. is there is a leash law, then contact the police and ask them what you can do. take pictures of your flower bed when it's pristine and then after the dog attacks it. then, use the pictures as evidence and file a civil suit..... there are options other than hurting an inoccent dog. i know it doesn't FEEL like he's inoccent, but he really is:) take care.
• India
22 Mar 07
why don't you put up a decorative fence across your flower bed. that way no hard feelings.and it will stop the dog from destroying your flower bed
@atramesil (685)
• United States
22 Mar 07
Her dog, your pest. My music, his noise. Dad's classic treasure, Mom's old junker. His collection, Her trash. Your flowers, their weeds. Quite obviously, different people will assign different values to different things. Grow up, practice tolerance, and last time I looked a fair part of my pay check goes to the salaries of that over burdened system you talked about. So I say get your moneys worth and bug um 'til they do their job.
• United States
22 Mar 07
I probably would have already taken care of that dog and wouldn't be asking people what they think. It makes me mad that people don't respect their neighbor's property, especially if they have something nice, like your flowerbed. I'm not sure that I would poison it, but if the dog seemed neglected or if they never ever take it for walks but rather just let it run rampant around the neighborhood, I'd probably call the humane society or dog catcher. I think if you're going to take on the responsibility of a pet, then you need to follow through. It's not fair to the dog for them to not pay attention to it. It's certainly not fair to the neighbors who have to deal with the dog tearing up their property or crapping on their sidewalk.