2 kids at 17
@butterflykizzes06 (19)
United States
October 18, 2006 12:26am CST
Having one child then getting pregnant again at 17 seems pretty irresponsible but to me I love being a parent and dont mind the sacrafices that come with children. Life without children in my eyes since I have already expirienced parenthood is no life at all. They bring so much happiness and joy to your life with just one little smile. Im glad I had my kids young because then when Im 30 they will be my age. Hopefully my kids will wanna hang out with me and go to the movies or chill at the mall. What do you guys think? what are your thoughts about teen parents in general?
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28 responses
@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I dont know how old you are but you probably dont even know much about life and the world yourself. I dont care if your 60 everyone learns something new everyday just because youre older and have expirience in some feilds I dont doesnt mean I dont know much about life.
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@thisisme (263)
• United States
25 Oct 06
i agree.. but dont try and be there frind. You have to remember you are the parent, or else they wont respect you. and as a parent you have to look out for them. when my 4 year old gets mad and says "fine then, your not my friend!" i say " i know im your mother!" lol! im young too. i had my 1st at 18. and im on my second (im 23) just be positive! and i agree 100% when you say you cant imagine how people w/ no kids feel like. sometimes when she spends the night over my dads... im walking around the house.. and i tell my husband "what do i do? people with no kids must be so bored!" lol
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@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
27 Oct 06
LOL! I agree with everything you've said. my 3 almost 4y/o little girl tells me the same thing and I give her that same exact response! and when my daughter is not home I feel so bored!!!!!! like its the end of the world. In my head Im like geez what do people who dont have kids do? cuz I havent got a clue.
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@dollar669 (569)
• Canada
27 Oct 06
Thats awesome and congradulations I have 1 boy so far but im 21. I totally agree with you being a young parent means your still gonna be cool when there where you are now, and have energy to play. Im considering having another child myself, I think as soon as your ready then give your self the gift of life, as long as you can support that child all you need is to be mentally ready,
@erielle (1280)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I was somewhat young when I had my son. I was 19. I planned it. Everyone thought I was insane. I do not regret him atall. I couldnt imagine my life without him.I see nothing wrong with teen motherhood.As long as the teen accepts her responsibilities the way that she should, I do not see the harm in it.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I was 19 almost 20 when I had my son. He is 11 now. Would I chang anything about him NO the one thing I would change is the timing. I would have waited a bit longer to get pregnant. At that time I had also already graduated school and was starting to work and get a taste of the real world.
I am 30 now. I have 4 children total. My 2 oldest have diffrent fathers. I am not proud of that but it happened and I cant ignore it. My son and my oldest daugher mean the world to me. Again I wouldent change anything but the timing. My husband and I were high school sweet hearts and after schoo we went our own ways. 6yrs ago we ran into eachother in a dance club and have been together ever since. We now have 2 girs together one 5 and the other 2.
I do believe that at 17 you are still young and shouldent be having kids, even tho I know it happens. The fact that you are enjoying your child and soon your baby, it shows that your mother has done a very good job at raising you to be an independent person, it also shows your maturity level is that of a 30yr old and that will work in your favor. It is just sad that you are missing out on all the fun things you could be doing as a teen.
I wish you all the luck with your children.
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@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
27 Oct 06
the only thing I know Im missing out on is a bunch of crap that I have already expirienced... I dunno maybe its just me but if wasting my time on dumb stuff like gossiping hanging out with friends going to the movies having a little crush in school I'll pass I'd rather be a parent and go to the movies with my kids (which I just did last night it was fun!) anyways I am more a family person than I am a social crazed person. Im sorry but I dont see anything special that teens do. I mea yeah theres prom but honestly I think if I would have gone it would have been just another day for me. But like I said maybe its just ME.
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@edm2000eclipse (1003)
• United States
25 Oct 06
everyone makes mistakes as long as they live up to their responsibility i think they will be ok
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@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
18 Oct 06
Thats nothing, I knew a girl who was 15 had a baby and by 16 had another. I wouldn't worry bout what people think if you enjoy being a mom and are totally devoted to it, then you are mature for 17 and can handle it
@phgonline (627)
• United States
18 Oct 06
I can understand what you guys are talking about, even though my wife didn't have our first kid that early I can see how tought it is and how mature you must be.
@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
18 Oct 06
well, i don't discount teens capacity to take very good care of their infants. however, with the fact that the mother is young herself, she got more to learn in life yet too. experience GENERALLY goes with age, and USUALLY teach us most lessons, and wisdom.
loving your children and enjoying parenthood is already big steps to successful parenting. i just hope that you put space in between children coz each child would need your individual attention. if they get too many (and too soo), that would be very hard for you to give.
best wishes!
@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
27 Oct 06
well my first one will be 4 in dec and my son is due in november. I agree with the age spacing for one it is very over whelming if you have a 1 year old still in diapers and cant really do much for itself and needs all the attention it can get then also have a newborn who needs all of that and more. I give it to the women who have their children close together, its very difficult.
@nanhegujral (4632)
• India
18 Oct 06
still i think a girl should be atleast 18 years of age before she gives a birth to a child.
@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
27 Oct 06
it doesnt make a difference whether you are 15, 18 or even 40 there are people out there who are in their 30's and still have alot of growing up to do. Age doesnt make a person mature, the things they go through in life is what makes them Mature. Another thing is not the age that makes a person a good parent... I'm not trying to make myself seem like Im all high and mighty but as for me when I gave birth to my first child at 14... for a 14 year old I was a really good mom, never left my kid with anyone to go party or put a boy before my child. I do feel at 17 that I am ready to have my second. For one Ive been through what most teens havent, and even though it was hard and I couldnt understand it then Im glad I went through all of it. If I didnt I wouldnt be here giving my kids all I got and trying really hard to be something in life so when my kids get older and they see that even though I was young I still made it and everything I ever had everything that I work hard for is because of them, they gave me the strength to keep going and to never give up no matter how hard things get. All Im saying is age doesnt make the person and I understand why most people say this. I hope I got my point across with this novel =)
@butterflykizzes06 (19)
• United States
20 Oct 06
See my first I had her at 14 now im 17 getting ready to have my second. With my first my mom was a little upset at first and I understand why.. she didnt want me to struggle in life (even though you have to struggle in order to learn to appreciate life itself) but after I gave birth to my daughter my mom realized that I was more responsible than I had ever been in my life. I never left my baby with my mom or babysitters so I can go out... where ever I went I took my baby with me I always enjoyed family time more than social fun (clubs parties ect) I mean yeah they are fun but Id rather be with my family and have fun. Till this day its a little bad in a way because when my daughter starts school she probably wont want me to go. She always wants to be with me and when I have to go some where where she cant she'll cry and cry and cry and give my mom a hard time unless I call her and let her know mommy will be home soon. Then she'll settle down and wait for me by the door =) Ever since I was little I always knew I was going to be a young mom for the simple fact I grew up rasing kids with my grandmother. I had so much love for kids I couldnt wait for the day I had my own. From what I hear from other teen moms they are like " aw man my baby wont stop crying at night it drives me crazy I cant stand it" all they do is complain about their children instead of trying to find out what is missing from their childs life that makes them cry so much or act the way they do. I dunno maybe its just me but I cant picture my life without my children. well thats it for now before I write a whole book on my inputs about being a teen mom.Also I would like to thank you all for the positive inputs.
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I got pregnant the first time at 16. I miscarried that child. I became pregnant again at 18 and also miscarried that one. Then at 19 I became pregnant with my daughter. I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in the world. But, sometimes I miss being young. I miss being able to "act my age" and go out with friends, or go to the movies or out to eat without having to drag along a diaper bag, stroller, and a tantrum throwing toddler...I honestly dont know how I would have handled having two of them and being a single mother! I just recently became engaged to be married, so another one NOW wouldn't be so bad...good luck to you.
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Congrats on ypur kids.
I'm 21 with 2 kids. I enjoy having them every moment & can't imagine going back to life without them.
My opinion is that if you can handle the responsiblity that comes with having a child then you are ready to be a parent. Some hit that point in their late 20's / early 30's. Others (like yourself) may hit that point in their teenage years.
@queen_bee (221)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I think there is nothing wrong with it although you should probably wait till you finish school and are able to bring up a child in a happy and loving home. I am 20 years old and have a 5 month old i am probably going to wait 2 years to have another. pace yourself dont rush yourself. i was 19 when i had my so and 17 is really young so make sure you are ready.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
20 Oct 06
Well, good luck to you. Some people it seems are made to be parents, and it sounds like you might be one of them. As long as you love them and can provide for them, all is well. I had my first child at 18. She's 20 now, older than I was when I had her, and she is not the parenting type. Good luck!
@chihouse (213)
• United States
20 Oct 06
Congrats ! I'm 24 and I would love to have kids. I would also like to be married first, cause I know that it is hard raising a child 'by yourself'.I even question if I should wait to get married ( at the looks of things that may not happen for another 10yrs!) though that means that I have to stay fit cause I could be a 50yr old with a 10yr old child !
@Karinne (1220)
• Australia
20 Oct 06
Yes i had the same thoughts as you. My mum had me when she was 37 and when i was in my teen years my parents didn't understand the stuff i was going through at school and we were always fighting. I wanted children when i was younger than when i was when i gave birth to my daughter - i was 28.
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I got pregnant at 17 and had my daughter at 18. So I don't feel I can judge anyone on teen pregnancy. You seem very mature, and as long as youre a good mother, who cares what other people think. :)
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I got pregnant the first time at 16. I miscarried that child. I became pregnant again at 18 and also miscarried that one. Then at 19 I became pregnant with my daughter. I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in the world. But, sometimes I miss being young. I miss being able to "act my age" and go out with friends, or go to the movies or out to eat without having to drag along a diaper bag, stroller, and a tantrum throwing toddler...I honestly dont know how I would have handled having two of them and being a single mother! I just recently became engaged to be married, so another one NOW wouldn't be so bad...good luck to you.