Jamie Lee Curtis is genetically Male
By slickcut
@slickcut (8141)
United States
March 23, 2007 1:11pm CST
As you well know Jamie Lee Curtis is a well known actress,and i do like her,she's a very good actress,she is also a hermaphrodite....for those of you that do not know what that means,she was born with both male and female charateristics...jamie Lee is an example of someone born with an unusual chromosome structure (some variation of xxy..A colleague who was married to a doctor told urban when he was in medical school that one professer brought Jamie Lee in as an example of someone born with this unusual chromosome....This has been commom knowledge in the mediical community for quite some time...People born having both X & Y chromosomes appears to be female but has no uterus.....according to legend there has been several stars that has been born with this condition..One was Mae west...i have worked in a state school for a year and i have personally saw hermaphrodites....I am writing this so you will understand that sometimes we are born in ways we do not really understand and cannot help....I have seen people judge others,but in reality we do not know how these people have suffered....So we need to lighten up on people that we do not quite understand because they may be fighting a battle that you do not know about.....
9 people like this
39 responses
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
23 Mar 07
first off i am not slandering her,Jamie lee is one of my favorite actresses..I care less about her living arrangements,that is her business..It is true,it is a known fact,however there are people born this way,and they cannot help it..i also feel that people should let people be themselves..It is the same with gays,it could be that they have a genetic problem also...all i am saying is we should not condeme people because we never know what they have been through......
@upyours999 (2)
• Canada
24 Mar 13
Jamie Lee Curtis is about as both as Carol Bernette, Brittany Spears and Madonna.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I am not so sure about this after all she has children and arent most hermaphrodites sterile? I would have to see some proof from the actress herself to validate this claim. I have seen some pretty revealing pictures of her and I cant see anything but well I better not say what its called...lol. But I would have to argue that in my visual inspection which I looked pretty damn good she doesnt appear to be a hermaphrodite. I know that usually people who suffer from this chromosone disorder have alot of other health issues as well.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
Well that is quite a shock...I had no idea....Are you sure this is true? Anway..I do understand what you are saying. I knew a woman whose son was born with this chromosome and she was confused and didn't know what to do? So it can be emotional and shocking and sometimes scare people. I guess it is thought to be offensive and no one really wants to talk about it...but it is part of the world..so it has to be dealt with...
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Apr 07
It has not been proven to be true as substantiated in my response
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
23 Mar 07
The term preferred as I understand is "intersexed". There are many variations of it.
The claim that Jamie Lee Curtis is seems to be an urban legend. But even if it were true, who cares? She's a beautiful woman, a great actress & seems (in interviews) to genuinely be a good person.

@slickcut (8141)
• United States
23 Mar 07
You are right and I don't care,I respect her even more than before i knew......She was born with XXY ,which means she was born with both male and female,however the point of this is that this wonderful woman has overcome her disability and is a beautiful lady today....She was brave as i see it,not many people could never overcome what she has and be what she is today...

@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
24 Mar 07
Well, blow me over with a feather. I had never even heard of this as a rumour before. Has she ever been interviewed on the topic and admitted it? I see other people are saying that this is being discussed at Snopes and it is meely an unconfirmed rumour.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Her Mom and Dad has not confirmed it no..However a proffesser that they took Jamie to let it leak out...according to Urban Legends....then on snopes it also said that she was named before birth because they did not know rather she would be male or female..So the name Jamie lee was chosen so it could go either way.according to snopes even though they have never admitted to it,that there are several reason to feel that it is true...shortly after she was born,problems occured and her Mother and father got divorced...
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
23 Mar 07
NO !!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!
REALLY ???????????????
she is so sexy, Mae West too I think (way before my time, I heard that though)
maybe they felt a need to compensate for maybe being a little bit male, like short people do that too sometimes, starting wars and such, just becuase they got picked on for being short or some complex about it.
Which bathroom should they choose?
Yeah, we all suffer, some people more than others, I always figure be nice, then when you figure out what's wrong, be even more nice, then maybe even start to fix it if we can. If we can't be even nicer then.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
23 Mar 07
Yes really,but she is a very sexy woman and one of my favorite actresses...i was trying to stress that some people are born ways that they do not choose,and they have to fix nature and she did...I commend her for overcoming her handicap and becoming the woman she is today.I think she is very brave.....
@lacurandera (335)
• United States
24 Mar 07
lol. Jamie Lee sexy? I always thought she looked like a man. A too skinny, too bony man.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
24 Mar 07
Oh wow, I though so too and I like the way she acted in her movie with Arnold Schwahnegger. Yeah I do think we should not judge her being born that way.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
24 Mar 07
But I thought Jamie Lee had children you see her all the time doing kids commericals, and how come we are just hearing about this now, this sounds so odd, especially for someone in the movie business I believe we would have heard about this while she was doing your movies with Arnold.
@godsangel (105)
• United States
24 Mar 07
well for your sake i hope nobody that matters read this or you are sued and mylot is sued big time
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
You can only be sued if you say something that is a lie..If it were possible to sue for this statement a lot of others would gave already been sued...You are welcome to check this information out if you like...I like Jamie Lee,it has nothing bad to say about her..She is to be admired for her courage,and for over coming a difficult situation...and to become the famous star that she is today.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I did not know that about Jamie Lee or Mae West - but I tend to not follow the news or the stars much. I say Amen however to not judging people without knowing them. Too many people judge one person based on their preconceived ideas of a group and that is totally wrong.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
hi faith ,I hear people everyday complain ,and complain...The ones that do, some of them have never faced a real problem like this...Jamie Lee ,does not talk about it, but yet it is not a secret either...Look how far she has come with a difficulty that some could never get past..I really admire her for her strength..she is also a very famous actress...I usually see all her films if I can...She has got Guts and that is what I like so much about her...
@songbirdnaimh (1422)
• United States
24 Mar 07
btw, you can check out www.snopes.com to see what they have to say...
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I DID GO TO SNOPES AND THEY SAID WHAT URBAN LEGENDA basically said..they have never got the Mom Janet Leigh or her father to admit to this,however they said that a proffesor that she was taken too had been the one that leaked this,he was doing a study...theu=y said even though they have never been able to get them to talk,that there was certain things that led them to believe it was true...They also said that the name was for a boy or girl baby and they maybe knew before she was born.....
@bbkks18 (79)
24 Mar 07
wow that was a very good thing that u shared that here because i also liked Jamie Lee Curtis and i also had a friend who was like that [ hermaphrodite ] his parents didn't care about his X & Y when he was born so he was baptized by the name Carlo. when he reached @ the age of 12 he had menstruation and his parents got alarmed to what happened so they sent him to the hospital to get checked and decided to just removed the other one. she is now Carla, she is very beautiful lady and if u would see her now u won't even know that she waas he before...
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Mar 07
While everything you say may be true I have to wonder if Jamie Lee would approve of your invasion of her privacy. The thing many people don't get is that celebrities are not public property. They have a right to their privacy just like we do-although, there is precious little of that left in today's world. Not trying to be argumentative. Just wish people could have some privacy.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I have not invaded her privacy, the media did this,all I am doing is passing along the information...When you become a celebrity you are leaving your self open,this article is not news except maybe for a few....It is on the internet,how private is that?
@iluvmydaisy (333)
• United States
23 Mar 07
How did you find out that Jamie lee curtace is a hermaphrodite? I;ve never heard of that. I wouldnt judge those people though.
@Bizziebod (3497)
14 Apr 07
Hi, I didn't know this about Jamie Lee Curtis, how interesting although now you point it out I guess it's obvious. I have heard about hermaphrodites and a girl at my daughters school was one. I try never to judge anyone until I have got to know them, but then again arn't all of us battling something or other?
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
16 Jul 08
One reason I would doubt this story to be true about Jamie Lee Curtis in your discussion is that you say she was brought into a medical school class as an example of someone born with this unusual chromosome. My truth discerning bells start to ring here because if this were true. Being who Jamie Lee Curtis is; the story would of been sold to the tabloids by many of those students in that school or by someone else who got wind of the story that she spoke at this school about her condition. I have never heard Jamie talk about this on any talk show what so ever. She seems to stand for being totally honest and real about one's life so this does not seem like a truth at all.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Wow I didn't even know about this. But there's something here that I cannot grasp - she was born with no uterus, does that mean she couldn't have the menstrual period like normal girls do? I don't really know much about hermaphrodites. It might be good to research about them. Thanks for posting this. I do understand your point.

• East Meadow, New York
7 Apr 14
You are spreading unsubstantiated rumors. Both snopes.com and urbanlegends.about.com deny there have ever been any proof or corroborating evidence for any of this. All implications of this sort involve such conjectures "as a friend of a friend in medical school saying so-and-so said this." Stop spreading lies.