do you think christians make walls between themselves and others?

United States
March 23, 2007 3:42pm CST
I'm not saying this in a bad way. Afterall, no one is perfect, least of all we christians. I'm on a quest here, if you don't mind my saying so.. I want to find out if the world dislikes us, only because it doesn't like the limitations of what they think of as "the rules".. Or do we christians in some ways contribute to their dislike of us? I'm not saying we're not good people.. But we're certainly not like the world thinks we are.. are we? Here's the bottom line for me, do we have any doctrines or ideas, that are long held and respected, but they aren't 100% true? Do they influence our thinking and behavior? :))
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28 responses
@socorban (650)
• United States
23 Mar 07
"the servent is not greater than the master, if they hated me so will they hate you" " For you are not of this world, and do not belong to it, less the world would welcome you as one of its own." I feel and see the hatred for everything Christian is on the rise. Of course the bible influence TRUE CHRISTIANS behaviour and actions. I do fel the Christian church has strayed somewhat from the path we are meant for. All to many claim the name on Jesus, yet know nothing of Christianity and tarnish the name of it with there own laufty selfish ambition. All to many take a phrase or small section of the bible and abuse the message to suit there desires. The bible has to be takin as a whole, not just a phrase here or there, the bible is one entire message each small part needs to be implimented with the rest. For example say i tell you a message of truth but only say the word "came" that leaves a vast area for interpritation good and bad, but if i impliment that small section of the message with the rest of it "Jesus CAME to save you" the small part of the message become crystal clear with the whole thing. The bible says not to yoke ourselves with unbelievers, that doesnt mean do not interact and help set them free, it means not to go along in there sinful escipades. To many Christians isolate themselves from the world were here to shine too. SO sad.
4 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07
I think we forget that we weren't born saved.. To me there's no difference between christians and non christians, only we've been saved, and they've not yet been saved.. Thanks for your post! :))
@healer (1779)
• India
23 Mar 07
Lets all try to see things in a different way, we are living in a very fast growing technology but whats written in the bible won't be altered. What we have to do is view it in a different way, lets say in a broader or modern way. Sorry i am not a very good Christian but i am really spiritual as i always believe that there is someone above us who is very Mighty.
3 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07 too! (I liked your post!) thanks. :))
@ikinta (1236)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 07
I am not a good Moslem too. But I think I did well as a human.:)
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
no, i don't think that we should shut ourselves off from other people because we are christians... we are called to become the light and salt of the world... we shouldn't be exclusive... in fact, God send us into this world to become His messenger to spread His words to all people and all nations... as to why the world dislike us, it is very simple... light can never get along with darkness and the two will always conflict with each other... so, it is either one or the other... we can't live in both as there is no such thing called as 'grey' area... when Jesus comes into this world, the world also hates Him and doesn't welcome Him because His sinless ways of living and He reveals people's sins... in fact, if the world loves us, we should start doubting ourselves whether we are a true christian or not... God Bless...
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
24 Mar 07
They do sometimes i think...I do not think that is what Jesus did though,he ate with the lowly,the harlots and walked beside sinners in order to save their souls...Now days some christians think that they are above some people...I think the preachers sometime encourage them to stay with in the inner circle,and avoid be friends with sinners...if they are never with sinners then it would be very hard for them to try and encourage others or to help bring them to jesus...A man ask Jesus one day why he hung out with the sinners and he told the man that he was called to the lost not to the saved..I have never cut off my friends in or out of the church..I really feel that is not what God would want us to do is to shun others....I think that if a christian is so weak they can only be around other christians or people who believe the same way they do ,then they need to get a better relationship with God.....
• India
24 Mar 07
It is a nice discussion! Once a preacher told in the church that the christians should be seen as christian by how they live with chritianity not by any other outer symbols. I feel this is very correct. We have to influnce others by our appreciable living. We are all afterall human beings. The mighty God won't require our advocation. Isn't it...
• United States
23 Mar 07
I think as Christians we do tend to put up walls between us and others. I think that some Christians start to think they are better than the non-Christians that we are supposed to be minstering to. If we are doing what we were comissioned to do by Christ, then we would put ourselves on the same level as non-Christians while still living as Christ would want us to. Our lives are to be a part of our ministry to others. They look at us and see the differences in how we act and want to be moore like us. The Christians who puyt up walls will have more problems with their lives being a ministry to others.
@swanrock (26)
• United States
24 Mar 07
There is good and bad in people of all religions, professions, race, and age. What will always matter is where we stand on issues, human rights, obeying rules, respecting other people and their values and ideas. However, there are some things in this world that are wrong and then we have to take a stand and try to make others see the light. As far as Christians, Jews or Muslims go, we all have the same Father Abraham at the head of our beliefs. I don't know about Buddhists or other religons, but believe they also value life and kindness to other people. I have many discussions with people of other religions and we will both voice our differences and respect each other's right to disagree on many issues. Because we don't agree doesn't mean we cannot be friends. However, if they were truly trying to make me do something that I thought was really wrong then I would have to end the friendship. If I were to stand up and tell them they are wrong in their beliefs, then I feel I would be playing God. I might give them over to God and if God thinks they are in danger then God will help them and I hope they would do the same for me. In the final act God will judge all of us and it is said that many who think they are the righteous ones will not be first to be seated, while those who think they are not worthy will be called to sit at the first tables. We should always try to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness, not be judgmental, and practice the Golden rules as taught at the Christopher leadership course. By taking that course I have learned that there are many, many people who love and worship God and want to make a differenct in this world. I love being in their company and we all know we are sinners and need each other to survive in this world, still learning from each other even if we don't agree on all issues.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Well, I feel what has happened, is there are a select few who get too pushy, and judgemental with the rest of the world, and get too over zealous, and make it rough for the rest of us who choose to call ourselves a Christian. I feel this is why there is a lot of Hate in the world against people like me, who claim to be Christian and a Church goer. I guess to me, what is the Big issue, is if you choose to allow your Standards to Lower, and associate with just anyone, then you might not really be the Christian you are supposed to be, and for me, I feel we need to be Examples without being too over zealous. That is why I keep myself in the world, but not of the world.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Mar 07
"there are a select few who get too pushy, and judgemental with the rest of the world, and get too over zealous, and make it rough for the rest of us who choose to call ourselves a Christian" thats most definately it....being a non Christian, I've seen this and actually had to deal with it FAR TOO MANY times (those types) and it really does make it difficult to NOT have that sour taste in your mouth ya know...fortunately for me I have ppl in my life that are very devoted Christians who ARENT like that so I'm very aware that it is that "select few" ya know...however there are non Christians out there that dont have positive Christians in their lives to balance out or whatever the negative christians they have to deal with...Make sense?
@feris0604 (303)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 07
Well, as a Christian, one expects the attitude from the world to be different. I come from a multiracial and multireligion country. Here, we learn to respect each other's differences. There are certain celebrations that are celebrate by Christians only, but then, we celebrate nationwide. These celebrations even get to be broadcasted in the national television network! Even living in a single-religion community, one cannot get pass the criticisms. So, just be yourself. Do the best you can. Every change around you, starts with you!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Mar 07
"Or do we christians in some ways contribute to their dislike of us?" As far as the "rules" goes...for me PERSONALLY....the rules are why I dont care for CHRISTIANITY but that doesnt mean I dont like CHRISTIANS by any means...The Christians that rub me the wrong way ARE THE CAUSE for my dislike for them..their personal religion has nothing to do with it, its how THEY BEHAVE....Its how THEY PERSONALLY voice their opinions which of course everyone is entitled to and i'm all for that BUT when its done in a heartless, uncompassionate and sometimes flat out RUDE way that is a totally different story... Make sense? I dont care for Christianity at all...which is why I left it yrs ago....BUT my dislike for the RELIGION has no bearing on my feelings for Christians themselves ya know...
• United States
26 Mar 07
• Philippines
23 Mar 07
Actually it is man himself that make walls because of pride. if in the family there is sibling rivalry how much more in religion where it is a mixture of people with different cultures and beliefs. and when one has problems with the main system, if he can't change the system he will make his own just to prove his claim. information are just information. it is how you handle it that makes it alive in your life like creating fire, you can either use the match or lighter but it is how you use it that fulfills its purpose whether you will use it for your benefit or destuction
2 people like this
• United States
27 Mar 07
..I have some differing views from most christians (two, to be specific) but I very seldom bring them up (like I do online)..I'm not worried about what those who already believe, believe, because they already know God, and like Him. What I 'worry' about is how unbleivers and the world think of Him..
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Well for the record, I don't hate christians or everything associated with christianity. I just severely dislike the liars, the fakers, the self righteous who dare to pass judgement on others when it's not theirs to judge. Whilst I am not christian I don't believe there's much difference between my beliefs and those of overall christianity. But I have been burned before, so you know the saying "Twice bitten, three times shy". I'm over-cautious when it comes to christians, probably more so than I am with any other group of people. It's not that I treat them any different, it's just that I mentally, unconciously, prepare for an attack from them. Verbal or otherwise. I think many of the liars and fakers who claim christianity have tarnished a lovely religion which is essentially good and pure at its base. Leaving alot of us who're not christians feeling somewhat jaded..or..well, weary. But many of us don't hold it against the good true christians who won't necessarily judge us, but we respect mostly because alot of us seem to have such a HARD time finding them. The good ones that is, the bad ones seem to run rampant..or at least there seems to be some kind of magnet affect or something lol. Many churches seemed to have strayed off the good path in varying degrees but at least there aren't that many churches going "Grab your torches and pitchforks!" Yet. Which as long as it doesn't progress to that stage, you'll never hear me saying that christianity is evil or anything like that. And nothing'll make me forget that, even if things hit the fan, that christianity at least WAS mostly good. *believes in being prepared* But yeah..I think the bad ones have hurt some of the seekers of different faiths, religions, and probably ESPECIALLY the ones seeking a scientific basis for the supernatural (like God. I'm talking about athiests mostly..). Which has probably made quite a few dislike christianity and anything associated with it. And considering what some have gone through I can't say I blame them any..but still. If only more of us could see and talk to regular nice christians. Instead of the liars or the crazy ones lol -- bad crazy, not cool, good crazy, heh ^_^ Lovely discussion flowerchilde. +++
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@yanjiaren (9031)
24 Mar 07
I don't think this is with Chrisatians only..I think culturally, politically, every one kinda groups themselves socially unless you are a wild fireball like me that jumps into any fire and doesn't care about getting burnt lol. No , mot only with Chriatians..I have seen this every where.
2 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07
I hope not. I think all of us, christian or not, should be open to new ideas and not to shut someone off, it they are different ones
2 people like this
• United States
23 Mar 07
I'm with you! I think we should always be friendly and never think we are somehow better or smarter than other people. I haven't come across any of this here! (Or really anywhere else for that matter.. well, maybe in discussions elsewhere on the web.)
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
24 Mar 07
This is for rintu16 What on earth is this! I can't believe the blatancy of this post! Take a hike man!!!
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@ikinta (1236)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 07
I agree. But just like all other kids with their parents, it is hard to be open. Sometime there is cost in being moderate. I guess some of us are lucky to live with our own perspective. Its sad when someone just believe everything he/she been told. You most of us had our parent to decide our religion.
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@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
24 Mar 07
Hi flower! ineresting topic you have here... Well i think there are really indeed christians who definitely put walls between themselves and other non- christians. I guess this comes with their belief that they are the "chosen ones".. i have seen some christians who has this kind of mentality, i'm not saying ALL im just saying that some- specially those particular "some" that i come across. We can't avoid being stereotyped with some christians that are like that (self righteous ones who thinks that they are the only ones that can be saved...) because thats how the world sees us. In a way, i think this type of mentality is what makes the world dislike christians. Im not so sure as to the doctrines and other stuff- i must admit, i am new to being a christian and i know i still have a lot to learn. I just hope that the worlds negative perception on christianity will change soon... =)
• Australia
5 Apr 07
Another good discussion. Firstly, I think we need to establish that there are Christians and christians. What I mean is, there are people who CALL themselves Christians simply because they live in a "Christian" country and have been brought up to follow the "Christian religion". They know very little about true Christianity. When we think of true Christians, as being those in a RELATIONSHIP with God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, who have experienced a real change in their lives, and who seek to follow Christ, we again need to make distinctions. Sadly, there are true Christians who do not receive good spiritual food and who do receive wrong teaching from "religious" teachers. They do give the wrong idea of Christianity. Then there are those who haven't allowed the change of life: the change of ownership: the change of control in their lives, and who still allow their own nature to dictate their actions. They also give the wrong ideas of Christianity. They can come across as arrogant and know-alls, who accuse and preach hell fire. There are also ones who "get carried away with every wind of doctrine" because they have not spent time with the Lord in His Word and seeking His will. They too can get very obnoxious as they try to push their barrow. Then there is the true follower of Christ, who seeks to spread the love of God to those they meet. Do these offend? Yes! Why? Because they are a challenge to many people. If Christ can be seen in their lives, they are challenged. It isn't the Christian who offends, but people are offended by Christ Himself. And indeed, isn't this what Christ said? He told us that people would be offended because of Him. He told us that HE would be a stumbling block to those who do not believe.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I think that to lump Christians into a single group and ask that question is not the answer. I think that many individuals build walls and say it is their religion but I dont think that a TRUE Christain does this. A TRUE Christain is known by his works and attitude. He will have to tell you that he is a Christain, you will know.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
26 Mar 07
There are people out there who hate the Lord and those who love the Lord (Christians). Jesus clearly said that we will be hated...not by everyone of course. Jesus was hated by the unbelievers, so we should expect to be treated badly as well. God bless.
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
24 Mar 07
God has set us apart from the world. We are in this world but not of this world. We die to self, we die to flesh, and we die daily. We walk in the Spirit and we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We were chosen before the foundations of the world and we were called in the womb. A wise man is cautious in friendship. We are about kingdom's business and of course we stand out. We are parculiar, we are chosen, we are a royal priesthood, we are holy. I came into this world turn upside down God turned me upside right. Why would I want or even care what the people in this world say about me. God chose me to be pleasing to Him not to this world. I don't serve the world I serve Jesus. Lastly, if the persecuted Jesus they will do the same to me. Jesus didn't walk this earth trying to be the most popular or the most accepted He just did His Father's will. And this is what we are to do.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
24 Mar 07
To answer about christians; good christian would be No, a bad christian yes. If you are secure in your faith and follow your true doctorine you woudlnt need to put down other religions or build walls. You would spend more time talking and teaching about your own religion than trying to debunk others. Its not bad doctorines or religeon its bad people, not evil looking to hurt others but its ignorance that creates bad people and sometimes that ignorance goes to far than it becomes evil.
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I don't know if I would say that the world dislikes Christians. I can only speak of my own personal feelings here. I would say that I, personally, find a lot of contradictions in the Bible and that makes me view it as fallible. Since I can't believe that a supreme being is fallible, I can't bring myself to believe that the Bible is the word of God. Now, I have had experiences with Christians who can respect my point of view, even though they don't agree with it. They have no problem allowing me to believe what it is that I believe, while still sharing why it is they believe what they believe with me. These are the Christians that I like, respect, and admire greatly. On the flip side, I have had the unfortunate experience of running into "Christians" who are vastly different than those I described above. They tell me I'm going to hell for disagreeing with their beliefs. They judge me without knowing me. These kinds of "Christians" I do not like. I believe that they have lost sight of what their faith teaches. I try not to let the few "bad apples" ruin the whole bunch, but I must admit that it has influenced the way that I act around Christians in general. I am no longer wholly comfortable discussing my beliefs with Christians most of the time. I don't usually feel like the "hell-fire, and brimstone" speech, and I don't usually want to take the chance that this Christian might actually be willing to listen, exchange ideas, and be respectable. That, to me, is sad. As Gandhi said "I have no problem with your Christ. I love your Christ. It is your Christians I have a problem with. Your Christians are nothing like your Christ." Now, I don't feel EXACTLY the same way, but I often think of that quote when I do run into one of those "bad apples".