
@easy888 (10405)
March 23, 2007 7:33pm CST
Do you know what is your IQ?? WHat do you think about IQ? Is it something inborned or can we change it ?? How?? DO you think those high IQ people must be successful ? What other factors are important ???
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26 responses
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I was really young when I took the IQ test in school. My mother doesn't even remember me taking it, and I'm not sure what my score was (I think it was 130). I've taken online IQ tests, but they're nothing like the real thing. The Tickle test is the one people say is closest to being "accurate," and I scored 134 there. Elsewhere, I've scored 155 and 149. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. My understanding of how it works is: you accumulate positive points for correctness, while accumulating negative points for how long it takes you to answer. Then, your grand total is divided by your age to give you a quotient. The IQ test is not supposed to measure how much you know; it is supposed to measure how powerful your brain is. Theoretically, age should not affect this. However, I believe you can only score so high without a certain degree of education. How complex of a problem could a born mathematician solve if he/she couldn't read? And then, consider the early mathematicians who wrote some of the formulas we have now. Some of these people were true geniuses, possibly beyond measurable limits of the standard IQ test. Yet, it took them years to come up with this stuff, while you only have mere seconds to answer in this test. :)
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
155 means you are a genius..even higher than bill gates..
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
even 134 is very very high
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
24 Mar 07
Yup. I don't think it's right, though. 134 seems more realistic to me. 146-165 ranks "Genius," but I don't think I'm quite there.
@fliffy555 (1044)
24 Mar 07
My IQ is 145... not brilliant but I know someone who has only a 101 so i feel kinda clever... I think IQ is pointless really... its just to test how clever you are and makes people think they are better than people or not as good as people as the case may be. It is soooo something we can change though... with hard studying and paying attention anyone can up their IQ... also doing the opposite will actually make your IQ go down.... People with a high IQ are not always successful but it is those who have higher IQ's that tend to be inventors or more successful because they have the brain power... but anyone with the power of mind can increase their IQ and become successful... however... my stepdad is VERY successful and his IQ is only about 110... It all depends on what kind of person you are aswell.
@fliffy555 (1044)
27 Mar 07
I know what you mean... people with high IQ are normally not the happiest... my mum is like that she has a 160something IQ but she is never happy cuz her life is not challenging enough (she says) and she doesnt meet many people with that high IQ... Im lucky to know ALOT of people with the similar IQ to myself and have close friends... but my bf has an IQ of about 101 lol... but he is the best person in the world... IQ to me is nothing
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
i would like to be a person with 110 Iq and live happily rather than with 150 IQ but without happiness in life.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
I don't know exactly what my IQ is, as I have never had a proper test. IQ is inherited. However we can maximise the use of our IQ to a high level. The vast majority of people do not use their IQ to their fulll advantage.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
een if we are normal if we have training and maximize our potential, we can still be successful.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I'm going to answer you questions in reverse order... What factors are important? self esteem, maturity, positive role models, opportunity, probably many, many things. Must people with a high IQ be successful? Yes and no. "Success" is very hard to define. Is it inborn or can it be changed? Yes it is inborn but many factors can alter it for better or worse. Others have already answered how. What do I think about IQ? I think it is a number that can give an idea of a person's potential but can not determine their path in life. I think knowing that number can cause problems regardless of whether it's high, low, or average. Do I know my IQ? No, not really. I was tested. The test used only evaluated up to 165. Mine was somewhere above that.
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@patootie (3592)
8 Apr 07
There are several different tests for IQ .. and confusingly they all use different numerical scales to grade the IQ .. The three I know of are .. Cattell III B, Ravens Standard Matrices and the ... Wechsler Scale ... But I found these ... Cattell III B Culture Fair Ravens Advanced Matrices Ravens Standard Matrices Wechsler Scales Any score that puts you in the top 2 percentile of any of the scales will get you into MENSA ..
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
Wow, above 165..very high..
@ucl800 (860)
• Greece
24 Mar 07
I agree that some pleople can understand more things than others, more quickly, but I don't really accept IQ tests. Those test are made for those that are better in mathematics (not the hwhole test, but it's biggest part), and as you practice on it you become better. I mean if two people do the same test and the first one has done relevant test many times and the other never, the test will show that the first is smarter, which is not true. IQ, according to me, is how fast you can understand things around you and this has to do with your enviroment, we are not borned smart or stupid. IQ has to do with knowledge (in a big percentage). If someone say that he doesn't know what is the capital of belgium, everyone will think that he is stupid, that is not true. Simple, he doesn't know. Ok, many are capable for more things than others, but this is because they are affected from their enviroment, their family, friends.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
true,enviroment affects your thinking . Even two people have same IQ ,they may be quite different if they are being brought up in different environment.
• Lithuania
24 Mar 07
IQ is the index of intelligence of person. There ar different levels and intervals of IQ. IQ is expressible by numbers. Genius have very high IQ. There are different tests for checking of your IQ. Once I made a test of my IQ at site. They were send me report about my preferences and sertificate about my IQ level :) And there were nice to hear I'm not "idiot" hahaahahaha If somebody would be interested in IQ test, I could search for more information.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
Do u think it is accuarate ??? i m thinking whetehr to check it there or not..i am thinking i cannot score high
• United States
24 Mar 07
Last time I had an iq test it was 137...then again it was 126..I guess one time I was less tired.. I really dont know what the numbers mean and never asked .It was something given to me prior to employment at one job.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
137 means that you are a genius...126 means that you are very smart.
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
I have never formally had my IQ level checked,but I am not overly curious about it.IQ just measures the potential of someone to learn and does not take into consideration the desire of the individual to learn.We will learn more about things we already have an interest in.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
i think IQ is not the sole factor determing success, it is only a bonus .
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
24 Mar 07
My opinions are just that, opinions, nothing more, but I do not believe that you are born with a predetermined IQ, I believe that you are born with the potential to learn, or not to learn, and many factors go into forming your IQ. Factors as obvious as an enriched and enriching environment, as opposed to a barren environment; factors like your basic health, a child who is ill has a very hard time learning; poverty level and how your caretakers/parents deal with poverty.High IQ's do not guarrantee success, in fact they sometimes generate total ineffectiveness, because a person is so smart they have so many choices, they cannot choose a thing. Numbers are just a way to "keep score" on each other.I think a motivated person of average intelligence can rule the world.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
True. if a high IQ person does not have suitable traning and education, he /she will be just normal, at the same time an averagr person may also do as good as IQ if they work hard and have enough practice..
@smacksman (6053)
24 Mar 07
No idea what my Intelligence Qutient is. I don't think I have ever been tested, or if I have, then they didn't give me the result. As I understand it, IQ measures your ability to learn and that one's IQ can't be modified but it also fluctuates with age.
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24 Mar 07
I find that my IQ varies from test to test. I think you can easily improve your IQ. Just keep practicing the tests and you will be able to get higher marks in them every time. I don't think a high IQ means you will be successful. You need commen sense and the ability to apply your knowledge to tasks in order to do well at work. Also people think success is different things. Some think being a good mum means you are successful and that doesn't take a high IQ.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
High IQ may not mean success ,but it seems that many successful people have high IQ...may be one can also be successful if they also work hard and have enough practice..
• United States
24 Mar 07
"IQ" is a problematic concept. Some people who are smart don't test well on IQ tests. Also, IQ tests don't measure things like artistic or athletic ability. I give IQ tests all the time in my job, and I've seen kids' IQs go up or down over time. It's not as static (unchanging)as people tend to believe. If you want to raise your IQ, it's important to do things that will challenge your mind. Reading more (novels, newspapers, whatever) raises your vocabulary and adds to your overall knowledge. Brain teasers like sudoku, crossword puzzles, etc., help keep your mind sharp. Even things like socializing with others and exercising are important for brain development. High-IQ individuals may be successful or not. It can be helpful in becoming successful, but it is not a guarantee. Some people who are very smart can't hold a job due to temperament or whatever.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
yeah ,,,we always talk about IQ and EQ together .,.
@brubru (47)
• Netherlands
24 Mar 07
IQ is something that is inborn. You cannot change it. What you can do however is study hard on the type of questions asked in IQ tests. This will lead to higher scores, since you have practiced the type of questions over and over again. This is however not your IQ. It is you trying to fraud yourself. If you believe it, well good for you. Instead of IQ , a personal assessment is a better way of seeing what capabilities somebody has to be successfull. Intelligence comes in many forms. IQ only tests a few of them.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
25 Mar 07
that mean the IQ test is just liek examination..practice makes perfect..
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I do not know what my IQ is. They wanted to test me in school, but my father wouldn't let them. I'm glad that he wouldn't allow it, he had very sound reasoning. He believed that if I tested high, I would think I was better than everyone else, and become arrogant. If I tested low, he believed I would try to use that as an excuse, citing that I was "just too stupid to do the work, so why bother?" If they had discovered that I had a high IQ, then they would have likely sent me to a special school, therefore reducing my ability to effectively communicate with people of varying intelligences. I hope I never have to take one of those tests, I don't see the point in them anyway. In my personal opinion, it is impossible to guage a persons potential (which is what these tests are supposedly there to try and do).
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Mar 07
True, one should not be arrogant just because they have high IQ or vice versa...
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
24 Mar 07
While I know mine, I won't share it here. I don't think IQ really matters that much at all. I think it's far more important what you do with your intelligence, rather than how much of it you have. I know plenty of very intelligent people who do nothing with their lives, as well as many people who are of average intelligence but still manage to make a difference in this world.
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@patootie (3592)
8 Apr 07
Well I do know what my IQ was in 1984 using the Cattell Intelligence Scale (where the 'average' person scores 100) .. my IQ was 155 wooohoooo ... and they say genius starts at 151 hahahahah !!! I had my IQ tested as part of the entry exam into MENSA .. due to a lack of finance I am now a lapsed member of MENSA but can rejoin whenever I wish .. I did use my membership of MENSA to get higher up at work and to get more money so it was well worth the nerve wracking 2.5 hours test .. but I can't say as I liked many of the other members ... but I do have one very special friend that I met through MENSA ... and he really IS a genius ...
@pizzoli (3366)
• Italy
8 Apr 07
I really don't believe in IQ is just a theorical valutation which doesn't measure the experience of a person, the intelligence of a person is a mix of experience,fantasy and also theorical studies, so i think that the IQ doesn't show the real potential of a person
• United States
24 Mar 07
IQ score is correlated with intelligence. You can always improve it. People with a high IQ choose if they want to be a success. I person born with and IQ that is not improved upon will not be a rocket scientist.
• United States
24 Mar 07
The last sentence should read a person born with a low IQ that ....
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
i do not know my intelligence qoutient and i really do not care if i kow it because it does not matter to me whethter i am intelligent or not and besides i do not believe in it.yes it can be learned and it can be enhanced with guidance. it depends on the environment that you grew up. do not tell me that a kid who lives in the provinces is less intelligent than the once who lives in the citites. provide them equal oppartunity to eat sleep and study and they will both grow up with thw same level of IQ.just as long i meet a person who has a big heart and an open mind , i would rather be with that person than someone who has an over rated IQ
• China
24 Mar 07
Um.. i dont really know about IQ. I think its something we get when we were born, but it may change due to how much we learn each day. Unfortunately, some people were born with lower IQ and there is nothing much we could do to increase the IQ. We may be able to increase it, but not too much. I tested myself some years ago, i scored 127. Then i tested again lately, i scored 132. I think our IQ always changes, but the changes are not extreme. People with high IQ -maybe above 150- are not always successful. As far as i know, there are 4 quotient that determine our success 1. IQ (Intelligent q.) 2. EQ (Emotional q.) 3. SQ (Spiritual q.) 4. CQ (Creative q.) Success is the combination of those four. ^^
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