My marriage is over
By leopardxtasy
@leopardxtasy (2426)
United States
March 24, 2007 3:11pm CST
My so called husband told me last night that he couldnt just be with me. he wanted to be with me and other women. either i can accept it or not. we have only been married for 11 months and now he is telling me he wants to be with other women. he has already been talking to other girls behind back and there is no telling what else he is doing but it doesnt matter. the fact is the whole marriage has been a lie. he always said we were meant to be together but the truth is he was meant to be with other women. ii have never been hurt like this before and i will never get married again.
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89 responses
@mummyofthree (2715)
24 Mar 07
You poor thing. But better to find out now than in years to come. You have the chance to get out there and make something of your life. He will end up a lonely old man!
I know it is hard but surround yourself with friends and family; people who truely care and love you. And one day you will suddenly realise that it doesn't hurt anymore and you are no longer angry.
I wish you all the best luck in the world, and am sending you lots of *hugs* as I know how difficult life will be for you for a while. But trust me there really is light at the end of the tunnel and you will feel happiness again!
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I agree with mummyofthree. And you have my deepest sympathy, sweetheart. I feel awful for you, and it is people like him who give us men a bad name. He obviously has plenty of growing up to do, and I'm sorry to say that he will probably be much older when he finally realizes what he has done, and what he really wants. By that time, it will be too late for him to get what he wants, and his twilight years will not be very happy at all. Just like mummyofthree said, he will be a lonely old man.
At this particular time, you will find it hard to cope with much of anything. You may want to wallow by yourself right now, but I beseech you to get outside yourself. What you really need right now is people. Cling tightly to your family and closest friends while you take a timeout.
I am sure you feel as though your whole world has come crashing down around you, and I won't try to tell you, "It's not that bad." But this too shall pass, and you will find happiness again. Do yourself a favor, and try to believe it. Lots of hugs from here, love. xoxoxoxo
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I'm sorry to hear that you married a total louse! I'm just glad that you didn't waste too much time with him-- Kick him to the curb! Find someone else-- Believe me-- there are some great men out there-- Ones that don't think with their other heads! He seems like a real loser! I hope that whoever ends up with him- cheats on him too-- that will show him you just don't mess with peoples feelings-
Get out now and find someone else.. Be happy!
@anilannu02 (39)
25 Mar 07
you got the right point at least u shd be happy about your not wasting your time in the commitment ofr marriage .belive in God and you will get over soon.
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@rainbowzr4ever (268)
• United States
24 Mar 07
am so sorry u r going thru this u will be in my prayers
@Annetherese (11)
• United States
24 Mar 07
You must feel devastated right now, but you will get through this. You are worth more than the way he is treating you. You will eventually find other men to at least be friends with.
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@tiger2338 (3)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
That is it in a nutshell. Be long time good friends first then lovers. That is the way my mom and dad did it(44 years married).
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@rjdreyes (157)
• Japan
25 Mar 07
Before i begin with my explanation, i have nothing against with your husband nor to other situation i'll going to say. Well, i'll give you an example to clear up your mind. or might help you. I had a conversation with my friend last 5 months ago, and he opened an issue about her wife. They were been 2 years together now, and they have some problems, of course it is common to some relationships but the thing he always said to me, he wants to leave his wife or get separated. I was shock, and then i said, what's your problem, do you have any problems with your wife? or anything happens between your relationship? Then, he was silent, and he speaks: You know, i've been with another woman. I don't know what comes to my head, then just a snap i met this woman, i fall in loved. I can't explain a reason to my wife, or to any person in this world nor to you my friend. And i said: Dude, you didn't realized that you committed with your wife? What about the marriage? Don't say it was a joke? Man, right now i don't know you. What's up with your mind to make a decision like that? And then he can't barely speak, and he just said, maybe the whole world hates me and even you, but you know, i can't lie to her everytime i'm going out with someone, i can't even say where i'm going on. I don't want her to be hurt anymore and it because of me. And then i asked him: Do you still loved your wife? And he said: Yes, i do. But right now i don't know myself, and i'm lost, my whole mind is lost and crazy. I still like to be with my wife and also with the woman i been with. And i said to him, your one heck crazy person, what you think your wife will agree with that. If i'm your wife, i really hit you in the nuts and i'll will smash your head in the wall. If you really loved your wife and also your relationship with her, you should take it careful, handle it like a fragile glass, don't ever make it fall, and first of all "THINK RIGHT". If you know at the beginning, you want to be with the other woman, not only your wife, you shouldn't be married with her. Then after the long conversation, i said to him; what you think she gonna tell to herself, she might think that she won't be married again, because you know, it really felt bad for her feelings. Not just feelings but as a whole person itself. My friend just entirely silent until the end of our conversation. I just heard a news, that my friend broke up with his wife, after 5 months, i heard his ex-wife had a relationship with someone else. So you see, life is like moving on, you don't have stick or stab your heart like saying i won't be married again. That's life, life is good, life is bad. Your not the only one who had a rough life or relationship. Be strong and enjoy life, because that's life what it is.
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
25 Mar 07
thank u for posting this. Its really a new way of looking at things
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
I am really sorry. That has to hurt more than anything. I can't see why he got married in the first place if he would have this change of heart so soon after. Take care of yourself, know that there is nothing wrong with YOU, but that there is something wrong with HIM, he sounds very emotionally immature and unable to control his lustful desires. Get some counselling to help you out and see a lawyer right away.
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@motherof35108 (192)
• United States
24 Mar 07
i know what you are going through. i was dateing this man for three years and i went on vacation for one week with my children and he was invited but did not want to go. when i came home i found all of his clothing gone. i had seen him with another female. he had lied to me and till this day he will not tell me the truth. yes he was and still is seeing this 50 something year old female. for the longest time i did nothing about anything. i just forgot he even was a live. he one day started to come around and calling me but still is seeing the other women. i know how bad you are hurting and i will tell you this the hurt will never go away and you will always be reminded of him but i do promise you this the pain and the hurt will be less and less as the days go on.
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@Lovett (464)
• India
24 Mar 07
I know that every moment n eveything you do will remind you of him, but I would say, give it a time. Right now you might be angry, waiting for a revenge, or cursing the fact that you met him,but you will need to wait, n DON'T SHOW THE GUY YOUR WEAKNESS. Show him you don't care, n engage yourself in other activities. This way you won't feel terrible at this loss of youe relationship,n you wl feel better. Or just log on to Mylot,you wl feel much better.After all where else in the world can you make friends in thousands in matter of minutes?Don't wrry, I know you feel terrible, but give it time, n don't cry in front of him. Cry in front of your friends or even then in front of your comp.It wont react. N finally remember, WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND, eVERY DOG HAS HIS OWN DAY.tAKE CARE. lOTS OF LOVE--LOVETT,,,, SMILE NOW BABE:))
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@photodream (178)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Think of this as a gift of life. If he hadn't told you he could have brought something back and really damaged your life. You have to look at this as something that is going to make you stronger. Don't blame marriage if he told you you didn't belong together that should have been a sign. There are good ones out there you just have to live in the reality and not in the dream. See what is in front of you not what could be. Someday you will look at this and say what a loser and I am so much better without him and it will forever be his loss. Whatever you do don't listen to his sob story which will be coming when you accept him leaving. Carma is a powerful thing he will learn that soon.
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@tiger2338 (3)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
Give it time hon. Kick this loser to the curb. Be on your own for awhile. You'll find the right one where and when you least expect it.
@mikester (114)
• New Zealand
29 Mar 07
He is an idiot. You are gorgeous! Why he wants to philander around is a mystery to me. Well, you dont know how good you've got it, till its gone.
Keep your chin up love. We are not all clowns. Learn what you need to from this and be more shrewd in the future.
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@caribe (2465)
• United States
24 Mar 07
It makes you wonder what his motivation for getting married was. That is the reason people marry, to be with the person the rest of their lives. It is better to find out early in the marriage before more of your life and time is invested in him. I am so sorry to hear it has turned out badly for you. Have you figured out what you are going to do? Do you have some friends that can help you through this bad time? I promise things will get better once you are away from this jerk and you get your head straight.
@Mecboy (1050)
• United States
24 Mar 07
thats crazy.
well, you should go on.
well,I must continue my journey with my German helmet.
well, Maybe its just a joke, you know, just like
you name on the theater screen.
Try to convince him to come back to you or something.
you gotta get a replacement or so.
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@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
24 Mar 07
What a terrible thing. Does he even know what marriage means?
It enrages me, 11 months of marriage isn't even long enough, other couples would still be in the honeymooning stage and yet he has already found another woman that he is saying he wants to be with? That is hilarious...
I feel very sad and sorry that you are put in that situation, but then if that is the way it is, then he is or never was meant for you, he doesn't even deserve to be in a relationship. Because he doesn't know how to value love, he is just in it for the fun of it. I can't believe people can be so immature.
Don't say you'll never marry again, I think it is just a matter of meeting someone true and genuine and serious with you.
All the best!
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
One thing you should always remind yourself that not everybody is a liar. The union itself is not a lie, but it was betrayed by someone who did not hold what he had promised to hold. Never say never, when the time comes, you will find the right person who will not betray his promise and by then you will marry again. You have been truthful to your words, you deserve someone better. Don't close your heart completely since this person might come sooner than you think.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
25 Mar 07
I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. Look at it this way, be happy that it was only 11 months into this marriage than 11 years and a few kids down the line. I think that alot of women have gone through this. I myself was told the same thing by a former boyfriend. You are too special to limit yourself to being with someone who is so undeserving of your love and commitment. He has no idea what a diamond he has. If he only wants cubic zirconia's let him have it. Move on and be happy and confident in your life. Don't accept his paltry offering of staying and letting him be with other women. How tacky this man is. Take this as a lesson learned and move forward. I also said I would never marry again, but I have since met a wonderful man who is totally committed to me and after years of not being able to trust, it is refreshing to be able to again. Don't let this guy get you down, by not being able to trust and not wanting to find commitment in your life down the road, he wins. You have to have faith that there are men out there who want commitment and love. This person you are with currently, is not a real man. If he were, he would have much more respect for himself and his partner than to offer you so little. You are not losing much, in fact he has done you a favor. He taught you that you are worth far more than what he deserves. What's that song Beyonce sings? To the left to the left, everything you own in a box to the left? Take those words and run girl! Take your time and work through this. There is someone out there for you who will be more than you could ever dream of. It just takes time to work through the hurt and mistrust he has put in your life. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you! Keep your chin up!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Thanks so much for the best response rating. I am very flattered and appreciate this greatly! I hope all is going better for you, let us know how things are progressing! I am such a worry wart.
@jollyjeangiant (219)
• United States
24 Mar 07
I'm so sorry that you're going through this! I'm sure you're in a lot of pain, and I know there's nothing I can say that'll really help, but I hope you get through this okay. I hope that you have a good support network to help you through this loss.
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