How does your body show stress?
By ausnikki
@ausnikki (4054)
Brisbane, Australia
March 26, 2007 7:33am CST
As a lot of my friends would know I am having a few financial problems at the moment as I lost my job.I am frantically trying to find another one,without much success.I thought I was coping really well with the stress,that is until yesterday.I woke up yesterday morning with a pain between my shoulders,I didn't really think much of it as I thought maybe I had laid funny in bed.So I got my daughter to massage my shoulders.Well the feeling I had in my shoulders just travelled to the front and I felt pressure in my chest.Damn,my reflux started playing up.I haven't had an attack for over two and a half years.It just goes to show that even though I thought I was coping with the stress,I wasn't!
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36 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
26 Mar 07
Stress does usually show itself in our bodies.
I find I am more prone to colds if I am stressed and sometimes get headaches. I also find it harder to sleep.
Try to have a lovely relaxing massage from your partner after a hot bath, that should help.
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
10 May 07
I seem to always be stressing/worrying...
I get neckaches, sometimes I will get tingling in my hands and feet, slight heachaches. weight gain.. all the fun stuff. it sucks cause I went to a neurologist he said it was stress, did an mri that came back normal and still would not give me anything for my stress
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@weemam (13372)
9 Apr 07
it shows in a lot of ways with me , My asthma sometimes flares up , but funny enough its my arthritis in y knees gets worse , I have never worked out how stress can affect your knees but it does lol , maybe I am just a wee bit weird , I have a lot of problems with my parents and family at the moment but hey! I still have them and that is all that matters , God Bless xx
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
28 Mar 07
You sound like me. Stress can play a big part on our body and how we are feeling. Im not very good with coping with stress. But Im doing my best. I know somehow someway we will get through this. stay positive and I hope only the best for you.
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@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
28 Mar 07
I hope only the best for you as well Terry.The stress is getting to me more than I first thought.The thing is,if I don't get a job very soon I could lose my house.I have only had my house for 3 months.Try not to stress too much my friend!
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@patootie (3592)
8 Apr 07
I rarely have stress in my life these days .. thank goodness .. but I used to have when I was working .. my stress comes out as a kind of 'rudeness' .. I become curt, uncaring of others predicaments and worked ever harder and faster and for longer hours ..
Now I know I can't change my finances .. or my lifestyle .. so I just enjoy what I can and turn a blind eye to anything else ..
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@missytia (387)
• Australia
28 Mar 07
I feel for you. I really do. When I'm stressed, I tend to break out in mouth ulcers. I get them one after the other and it happens almost instantaniously. As soon as I start to stress about something....Bam!.....mouth ulcer.
I'm also more prone to cold sores and colds too. I've been seeing a naturopath recently and she told me to take Mega B (1500mg vitamin B complex) to help the body cope with stress. Well, I can tell you that it seems to be working. Over the past couple of months, I have stressed soooooo much about money and I don't have a single ulcer, cold sore or cold to show for it.
I just wish something would help with both of our financial situations.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
27 Mar 07
I have a worn out and tired feeling with no intest in anything.But coping stress is easy:
1. Just say no. Many people are stressed because they are simply stretching themselves too thin. Even superman/wonderwoman couldn't handle the stress of working 40+ hours at a thankless job for a demanding boss and then coming home to three ungrateful children, all needing your attention and love.
2. Deligate responsibilities. One major cause of stress is perfectionism. Perfectionists think that no one can do a job as well as they can, so they try to do everything themselves. Sometimes you just need to let go. There's no reason that your kid's can't do the laundry - so what if the towels aren't folded just the right way? If you are usually the one who prepares dinner, ask your spouse if they can take on the responsibility once a twice a week. Who says you need to plan every event and run every meeting? Just try giving someone else the reigns for awhile...I think you'll see that the world keeps turning without you.
3. Take a hike. Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Physically, it makes you feel healthy and alive and emotionally it makes you feel happy, due to the endorphins that are released. Exercise loosens up tense muscles and gives you a chance to work out your aggression and clear your mind. Getting some exercise outdoors can be especially relaxing - there is something about being surrounded by nature that is very calming.
4. Just breath. Its surprising how something so simple and routine can make such a difference. Simply stopping what you are doing and taking a few deep breaths can relax you considerably in only a few minutes and can be done anywhere. Don't underestimate the benefits of this simple exercise.
5. Pamper yourself. People who are stressed are usually so busy doing things for others that they don't have any time for themselves. If you think you don't have time to pamper yourself - its time to make time! Even if its just 20 minutes a day, do something for yourself that you enjoy. Take a hot bath, read a good book or listen to some soothing music.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Mar 07
Being out of a job would be mega stressful, I feel for you, stress can do many things to a person and you have to be very careful, I hope you find a job soon, I don't know what sort of a job you want or what sort you would like but I have a few friends who have given up other jobs to work in aged care because the money is supposed to be good and they didn't seem to have much trouble getting in there, one of them was given a couple of courses and goes around to elderly people who live alone to check up on them, do their shopping and a bit of cleaning...not sure if you would like that area of work but apparantly there is a need for people.

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Mar 07
Check around I have one friend working as an assistant in the kitchen of a Hostel, she just take the tea trolly around and helps around the kitchen, one is an actual carer and one that goes out to people in their homes and they all love their jobs....and with the elderly situation at the moment they need people to these things especially helping the ones at home because they don't have the room in the Nursing Homes.... it is just something to think about....good luck whatever you do...

@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 May 07
I am almost 53. Many years (20) ago I had started to get a bald spot on my head. I wasn't too worried as it's an aging process. But I did realize that this bald spot was actually nearer to the side of my head as opposed to the center or top. I didn't think too much about it for a month or so. Then I noticed that the area was very circular and very small still. So I went to my Dr. He says it's not typical male baldness occuring. I ended seeing a dermatologist. Turns out one can lose hair in strange areas and ways due to stress. Once I got rid of that stress my hair grew back and to this day I still have no hair loss yet. Sure iyt's got the gray streaks. Hahahaha!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 May 07
I've even discussed this with my wife about dying my hair. She's for it but at this point I really like the older distinguished look. Hahaha.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 Mar 07
Hey girl. Get yourself some Nature's Own Potassium from the chemist. I take one tablet every 2 days (to economise...the dosage says 1 a day) I was getting reflux in the night and I thought I was gonna die every time it happened. I would wake up choking and not able to breathe or catch my breath. I'm getting indigestion again but not the reflux. Good luck hun. Hope it goes away for you.
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
28 Mar 07
Hey MsTickle,I will see if I can find some Nature's Own Potassium.I know the feeling like you're going to die,I have had severe attacks like that in the past.It wasn't that bad this time thank goodness!Thanks for the good luck.It is just niggly now so not too bad.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
When I'm REALLY stressed, I tend to get migraines a lot. And my eye starts to twitch uncontrollbly. It's not noticeable, but I feel it. And it drives me crazy, which adds to my stress.
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@explorations (1712)
• United States
18 May 07
For me, I break out and I experience a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders. I'm going through a lot of stress from just about every aspect of my life at present and sometimes I wonder if it'll all pile on too much and drive me right into the ground.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 07
If I am stressed, I will get a headache. My body feels so tired that I just want to do nothing but normally I couldn't do so. I also get a pain between my shoulders and it makes everything that I do seems so so wrong and I will start to get emotional. Bad huh?
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
27 Mar 07
The best way to cope with stress is praying at night time .This is a great way of meditating and also asking for guidence from God.You will also be surprised and how much your luck can turn round .
@ciaosamson (541)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
When I'm stressed my shoulder muscles are really really hard and tense. It feels very heavy, adding to the weight that I'm carrying mentally. I also get tired, puffy eyes even with enough sleep.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I always get really tense in my lower back when I'm stressed. About 5 years ago when I was really really stressed because of some hard times I actually started losing my hair. Talk about adding more stress! I was getting so freaked out because it was so bad people actually started noticing. I hope things get better with you and you are able to find a job soon. Money problems suck! I know I've been there.
@steelmoggy (410)
27 Mar 07
I know the feeling!
I get pain across my shoulders and also in my lower back, and also suffer from heartburn. If the stress carries on for more than a few days my skin goes dry and starts flaking, my hair gets really lank (though that might be a side effect of change in my behaviour, like not washing it as often) and I start getting very crabby with people.
When I was younger I used to get cluster headaches, but now I don't, which is a blessing.
I do find if I catch the first symptoms and act on them then it stops the rot, so to say. I meditate and go for walks; that seems to do teh trick most of the time. And if all else fails I go to bed early and hope tomorrow will be better! :-)
@excloudstrife6 (157)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
when i feel that the world will gonna collapse on me...
it so hard having body stress.... like the pain kills me..