Need Some Serious Alone Time--Does it make me a bad mommy?
By vokey9472
@vokey9472 (1486)
United States
March 26, 2007 8:16am CST
Ok, I am in need of some serious alone time and I feel guilty about wanting it. I am a stay at home mommy and my husband works from home. I find myself feeling like I am going crazy sometimes and I want to be alone so badly. I love my kid and my hubby, but I feel guilty that I want to send my child to my mother's overnight and send my hubby to his mother's. Is it wrong of me to want to spend some time totally alone? My mother always asks "Don't you want your son?" when I ask her take him overnight and it makes me feel horrible.
Aren't I still a person? Just because I became a mommy, does that mean I can never ever have anything that makes me feel good or happy again? I just want a few hours once in a while that are just mine. What is so wrong with that?
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52 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Mar 07
Everybody in the world really does need their own space, alone time as you call it, it is not bad, you still are just you and need toime to think and to relect and out of this time comes a better person, this alone time is important for your peace of mind and well being...insist on it you are still you.
@recycledgoth (9894)
26 Mar 07
There is nothing wrong with wanting some time out for yourself, in fact it is probably essential for you in your situation. Can you explain to your family that you need a few hours to yourself, tell them why and insist that much as you love them, you need a little time to call your own.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Mar 07
OMG there is NOTHING wrong with that and IMO if you DIDNT need that and want it sometimes THEN I'd be concerned...seriously....My attitude is this...if you want to be the best mother and wife you can be you NEED to pay attention to need to have that quiet time, solo time, etc just so you can recharge, collect yourself, stay in touch with you and so on....if you dont take care of you eventually you wont be able to take care of your child/homelife/marriage etc etc because you WILL be completely burnt out...
TAKE THAT YOU TIME! and when your mother makes comments like "dont you wnat your son" you simply need to say something like
"yes of course I do but I need to take care of me as well for his benefit and mine...dont you want me to be the best mom I can be?"
"of course I do....just because I'm asking you to watch him for the night doesnt mean I dont want him and besides dont you want to spend quality time with your grandson??"
there are of course other things you could say but those shoudl give you an idea of what I'm saying...
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Totally agree with all of the above. All mothers need time out every once in a while and what your asking doesn't make you a bad mother at all! If you don't take time out, you will soon burn out and be of no use to anyone let alone your child, so ask your hubby and mother for some time out...go and do something relaxing or pamper yourself or even sleep if you need to. Do it now rather than later!
@Sicantik (706)
26 Mar 07
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am also stay home mum and I work from home part time few hour in the morning and night time.
I also need ME time every now and again. The trouble is my husband work full time so I can't always have it. So we put our two year old in nursery for half day twice a week. That's really helps I normaly spend one day cleaning the house and another day go out with my friend.
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@tiffanyp1980 (26)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You have every right to want sometime to yourself and no offense against your mother, but i think it is very wrong of her to make you feel like that. I have 3 young children of my own and my dh works alot. I can honestly say that if I dont get time to myself once and a while i would litterly be waiting on the patty wagon to come and get me. Even supermoms need a few to themselves to collect there thoughts and screw there head back on straight. Dont let your mother make you feel bad, she dosn't even have to know you want time to yourself Make her feel like crap to if you have to when she says "don't you want you son" you say i just thought you might like some time with your grandson. "don't you want time with your grandson?"
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
26 Mar 07
There is nothing wrong with wanting or needing a break from your children. Everyone deserves some alone time. I think you should have "girls night out". You should take a few hours a week just to pamper yourself.
The break from your husband and children would give you time to destress yourself and make you a happier person.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
27 Mar 07
Try and understand your mom, probably she was raised to believe that her world is limited top taking care of her kidsw and providing for them. Thats why she can not comprehend your need for some time alone.
I would handlew the situation diplomatically, how old is your son, I would probablyu tell her that I want to teach my son some independence so that he is a bold kid not clingy type.
@freedomtowork (45)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You deserve alone time to relax and recuperate from the stress of parenting. It's you right to grab a few hours of rest. Don't beat yourself up about this. You're not a bad person for wanting it, only human.
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
26 Mar 07
No it's not wrong to want some space for your own. As far as I can see it you have no privacy since your hubby works at home. But why send your kid to your mom and send your hubby to his mom? If you can afford it spend a weekend with friends and do things you like. This way your hubby will have more time to bond with his son.
Or you could plan a free evening or day with him taking care of the kid.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You are not a bad mommy, you're human! I work part time and take care of the kids and there are some days I just want to scream! Kids are demanding,a nd husbands can be too. The expectation that a mom/wife should be every thing to everybody is something we all deal with. I even tell my mom I'm working full days at least one day a week when in reality I don't have to be to work until 1pm just so I get some time to myself. I feel bad lying to her, but she loves having the kids and I love my sanity. You are entitled to a break every now and then to rejuvenate and keep in touch with what makes you you. Does your hubby know you need a break? maybe you can work it out so he takes the kids somewhere for a few hours every week and you get a breather. It'll give you some much needed down time and your hubby will get a chance to bond with the kids. I'm taking the kids for a weekend to the Wisconsin Dells with my mom and sister at the end of April and my hubby is staying home so he can spend time doing what he enjoys, and I gettime with the kids, my sis and mom. Then he returns the favor when I'm ready to snap. I hope you find a solution, it's never easy when you feel like you're suffering for the sake of your family.
@sojournseeker (1244)
• United States
26 Mar 07
I am not a mommy, well distant, but anyway, I empathize with you on recuperating your inner self and offering qnatity downtime to recharge. A healthy you in body mind and spirit is more nourishing to the development of your offsprings potential so take time for you and make their time with you even more special.
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@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
26 Mar 07
There is nothing wrong with wanting alone time! Matter of fact it is absolutely a need to be the best mom, wife,ect... If you lose yourself and get so warn out and become sick or depressed what good are you to your family? I know the whole quiltly aspect and you need to work through it because getting time for yourself isn't wrong. I work full time outside the home and I still need my time as well. Every three months to four months I go on a scrapbooking weekend with my friend. It's so relaxing and when I get home I am very refreshed an can be the type of mom I love.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
26 Mar 07
There's noting wrong with that, assuming you're not asking her daily & you're not doing something awful during your alone time. Which I am sure neither is the case. Is there anyone else you trust to watch him, since it sounds like your mother would rather not? If you can afford too, perhaps find a mother's helper babysitter- say a local junior high aged girl to come keep an eye on him, in your home, while you're home so you can just take some time to yourself or get done the things you need to do.
@jcgbrains (139)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Nothing wrong with it at all, a little alone time is good for everyone.
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@fahim_hitman (149)
• Pakistan
26 Mar 07
yes its right and it doesnt make you a bad wife because person need some time alone and discuss his or her personal problems with his inner side
@melody1011 (1663)
• India
27 Mar 07
I think its very important that you have your own space and time to yourself, and no it does not make you a bad mother. Maybe you could try getting out of the house a lil each day. say maybe for 10-20 mins and leave your son with his father. Thats is definetly acceptable. Better still, why not sign up your son for some play school. I dont know how old he is though so its a lil tough to say whether thats the right thing to do.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
27 Mar 07
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting alone time. I can't believe your mom asked you that question because you asked if she could keep him for the night! Grandma's usually jump at the chance to keep their grand babies. Everyone needs that alone time, even if it is to go to the mall just to get away. For a long time I was a single mom and I managed to get my alone time by getting my nails done after work or if my mom was unable to keep her, I would take her to the playground and let her play while I read a book, I kept an eye on her, but it is alone time. When she was put down for the night, I would take a nice long hot bath to get away from everyone. I felt like I couldn't even go to the bathroom sometimes because everyone was knocking on the door or asking me questions. LOL Don't feel bad, your a mom and your human! I would even suggest that your husband take little one out to spend some time together while you stay at home and nap or watch a movie by yourself. It is important to have alone time!
@txwoman36 (173)
• United States
27 Mar 07
i dont have any kids. i dont think there is anything wrong with wanting some alone time so you can do what you want to. i dont think thats right for your mom to make you feel guilty about wanting some alone time. maybe you should talk to your hubby and see if he can take your son somewhere for a couple of hrs.
@owensmom (23)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I don't think you should feel bad about wanting alone time. I am a mother of two and I want alone time also. What makes mine worse though is that I work a 40+ hour a week job. I miss my kids like crazy while I'm a work and love spending time with them, but I still want just a few hours to myself, just to what I want. I feel guilty wanting it because I see them so little as it is. I think everyone needs a little time to theirselves once in awhile to keep from going crazy.