What helped you get pregnant?
By lifesavin
@lifesavin (35)
United States
March 26, 2007 10:11am CST
My husband and I have been married for over three years. We've been trying to conceive since August and have had no luck. I thought for sure I was pregnant back in December because I was two weeks late (which never happens!) but sure enough, I wasn't. I'm just looking for advice, tips, positions, timing, encouragement, etc. Honestly, we haven't been trying long enough to think about fertility drugs. Plus, I don't know how prepared we are at the chance of having more than one or two babies!
Please help!
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17 responses
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
26 Mar 07
first i want to say good luck hun. i have 2 kids and though at times i think why on earth did i have them i am glad i did. i think that when they are fighting with each other mainly lol. first relax dont stress about it. the time will be right and there you go. dont make it a chore that has to be done either. i thought i would say this just cause it is funny and well it seems to work this way.
i got pregnant cause our vcr was broke and we just moved into a place and well we had nothing else to do . lol have fun.
@lifesavin (35)
• United States
26 Mar 07
That's so funny. Thank you for the encouragement and tips. At first it was like a chore but now we're having some fun. And stressing is what I do best! LOL. After a couple months after we started trying I would break down and cry everytime Aunt Flo showed up. I know God will decide when for me to have a baby, but I'd like to help persuade him if I can! :-)
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@ZowieR (940)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
lol same thing here, we tryed for 6 months, then I broke my finger at work and had lots of spare time, and less stress. We too are trying to consieve our seccond child. Good luck to us both, I'm almost considering the natural pills one other member suggested, but $67 is kinda pricy.
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
26 Mar 07
As you said you havent been trying that long .The best thing you can do it keep trying Im sure it will happen for you might be this year might be next year you never know.Some people just take longer to concieve. Best of luck.
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
26 Mar 07
We've never used any birth control but I've noticed that with my 2 pregnancies ( I got a 2 1/2 and am expecting)....am caught when I am on my most relax moments. With no birth control, I am always stressing out every month if I get pregnant etc...then my toddler reach 2 years and nothing....so I let my guard down. Viola, I got pregnant again. I guess stress is a big part of it. Let yourself enjoy, don't think about it too much and it will just come sooner than you expected. I got 2 friends who had the same problem and we had talked about it and they got babies now. If you want to know the particular thing that help them, just email me because I think it is too graphic to discuss it here..lol.
@ModGirlDesign (25)
26 Mar 07
Yep its definately the stress! I removed all stress causing factors just before Christmas last year and I'm now 3 months pregnant, after trying for nearly 2yrs.
Best of luck to both of you :)
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
26 Mar 07
I'm sure you have had lots of people tell you to quit worrying about it and it will happen. That advice never helped me and just kind of depressed me more. You can, however, put the time you are waiting to good use. Here is an article from Associated Content that gives a few good tips. I hope you have that new baby in your arms by this time next year. God bless.
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@lifesavin (35)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Thank you, I'm on the way to read that article now.
And I'm trying to quit worrying about it but it's just one of those things in the back of my mind. I need a new hobby!! :-)
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@happy2bmommy (305)
• United States
26 Mar 07
well first of all, were you on any kind of birth control? the reason i ask is becuase if you were, it is going to take a while for all of those hormones to leave your body. usually the packet comes with a little leaflet that tells you statistics and percentages. i think with birth control pills it can take an average of about 6 months to leave your body, and with the depo shot, it takes about a year to leave your body. i dont know anything about timing, positions, body temperature...any of that to help you. so sorry. but my biggest suggestion is to try to have fun with it. dont be stressed out about it, and always have it on your mind. i know this is almost impossible to do, especially since you want it so badly. the reason i say this is because when we were trying for our second one, i kept getting negatives. we didnt try for long before we decided to give up. i was sad, but decided that it wasnt meant to be, so i went back on birth control pills. guess what... we got pregnant sometime during THAT month. i guess its because i wasnt stressing out about it anymore and it wasnt always on my mind. on top of that, i wasnt taking the pills exactly the way i was supposed to be, i would keep "forgeting". i was secretly hopeing, but not expecting to get pregnant. all i can say is good luck and i wish you the best.
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@sanell (2112)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I was in the same boat and trying the first time is actually the hardest, and literally it takes one year, I know it sounds strange but for us it took one year, and I got pregnant but we had started with a fertility docctor and I had a hormonal imbalance easily fixed....I did not use herbs at first because I wanted to work with a doctor and now that I know more, when we tried for our second I used herbs since I knew my diagnosis and what helps to fix my issue with balancing my hormones, and Fertilaid helped me I figured I would have to be on it for at least 9 months but within 11 weeks of being on it I got pregnant!! It was the healthiest pregnancy I had without any doctors help at all...It was the greatest thing, but it was of course again after being pregnant with my first...
Stress is a huge factor when it comes to conceiving, but timing is also everything. Get this book called Taking control of your fertility - It is an awwesome book, it teaches you to see the signs of when your fertility window is...it will happen you have to have some patience...
Good luck to you
@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
26 Mar 07
What I've found works best is to stop "trying". When you stop caring it just seems to happen. That's what happened with my friend. She wanted another baby soo bad and just wasn't getting pregnant. Then she said to me "I'm done, I don't f-ing care anymore." Guess what? Four weeks later she got her big fat positive!! Baby dust to you!
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@blackbutterfly04 (40)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
random'ness and take 'Evening Primrose Oil with vitamine E capsules.
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@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
26 Mar 07
im in the same boat with you! i have a 6 month old right now and we are trying for number two with no luck. i thought i might be pregnant this month since i still havent a period. i just took a test and i got a BFN. it took us 7 months with my son. i am trying not to stress about it but easier said that done. these are the things that helped me:
put a pillow under my hips while "having fun"
take a prenatal vitiam in the morning and at night
eat healthy
no caffinee
TRYING not to stress about it
man on top position
"have fun" every other night after you stop
go to www.babycenter.com i am on a board there. they girls there are really nice and helpful. that site also gives advice on how to become pregnant easier.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
Hi there! I have same dilemma with you, I gor married last year and still no babies yet..We consulted an OB-gynecologist 3 weeks ago and found out that I have hormonal imbalance (PCOs, the doctor suggested that I limit my sugar intake, carbohydrates and have to loose some weight which I am doing right now, so if you think your overweight and you don't have regular periods you might have hormonal imbalance too. see your doctor and let her check you up..it might help.
@sjettmomof2 (213)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You sound just like me. I was married for 3 years then we decided to start a family. I was on birth control pills. So,first I started to take prenatel vitamins. Then I went off the pill. The doctor told me to wait a month before we started trying. This gives your body the time to get the pill out of your system and to have a normal period free from the pill. Now, the sure fire way that worked for us was to keep track of the first day of your period and then to start trying on the 15 day after the first day of your period. You have a four day spand that you ovulate. It worked first try. We could tell the doctor right down to the day when we concieved. There are really good websites that explain it to you. Just make sure you don't go to the bathroom for at least twenty minutes after intercorse. It gives the sperm time to do it's thing. I have listed a website that can help you with this www.babyhopes.com/ovulation-calendar
good luck!
@peisiyi (123)
• China
27 Mar 07
i'm really sorry to hear that.i'm a chinese ,and in this Spring Festivl,i happened to hear my elder brother inform my family of a secret why his wife couldn't be pregnant after they had married for 3years.later,he entered the temple located on the Mount Putuo,in the provice of zhejiang in china,you know,many chinese hold the belief in Buddhism.then the miracle happened.....
it is true story.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
26 Mar 07
I was told by my doctor (we're not trying yet, I just like to know) that most couples take four months to a year to conceive. Add in the fact that it can take a while for the birth control to leave your system, and I don't think you have anything to worry about.
I'd try to relax. Have some fun, go on romantic dates, etc. It'll happen eventually.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Well I heard just relax and when your ready it will happen thats what they tell you. so dont even think about it. And good luck
@jonbenitos (95)
26 Mar 07
well, I can't get pregnant coz I'm a guy. I want kids with my girlfriend soon though so i'm listening in to this topic for sure.