children and ritalin
By poppoppop111
@poppoppop111 (5731)
March 26, 2007 2:57pm CST
are any of your kids taking ritalin for add or adhd. doctors keep telling me my daughter had a hard time staying still, is always on the go and can't concintrate on one thing. they told me the teachers might have a problem with her being so busy at school. i'm worried the ritalin might be discussed after she goes to school. did you get more than one opinnion from a doctore before giving medicine. what are the risks of medicine. are there other ways to solve the problem. i don't want my child to be labelled too quickly and put on meds if she really doens't need to be. it seems to be a quick and trendy diognostic now a days.
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11 responses
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
26 Mar 07
You know your child better than anyone. I think at three she is going to be very active. Kids her age are usually very active. I had a teacher tell me my daughter need to go to a doctor because she did not seem to want to concentrate. My daughter was five. I told the teacher she was nuts. My daughter loves to read and sits for hours with a book. If she can sit for hours with a book then she doesn't need medicated. If you have a doctor saying this about your child get another opinion. If your child can sit and watch a movie without jumping around or sit and listen to a book being read to her for more than 30 minutes there is no problem. All this talk about add and adhd is out of hand. I think ritalin is just a way to slow kids down so the teachers don't have to do their jobs.
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
they are going to wait to see how her attention is in school but i'm going to ask them to wait until her second year of school. just give her a year of school to teach her to sit and listen i'm sure is all she needs. she's just 3 and has never had to sit in that kind of environment so i'm not sure why they would recomment meds for the first year of school. i'm not going to let anyone diagnose her until her second year of school. i'm sure by then she'll relax a little and won't need anything. she can sit and watch tv for at least an hour even more some days so i'm sure she's just a hyper kid and nothing else
@astromama (1221)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Personally, I think all medications are overprescribed in this country and that you as her parent should do all the necessary research to decide for yourself. Aren't kids supposed to be active and have short attention spans? All I know is that when I was in school, almost NO kids were medicated constantly.. this is a new phenomenon and I think it's a little scary. Only you as her parent can make the call, but I seriously wonder why all these kids are suddenly ADD/ADHD? Could it be other things like too much sugar in the American diet, or lack of discipline at home? (Not talking about you and your child... I'm just wondering in general). More than getting a 'second opinion', I think you should look into it yourself and trust your OWN opinion. She's three for goodness sakes! There's most likely nothing wrong with her! Chances are she is going through a phase that will calm down in it's own time. Sitting still and focusing is really hard for some young children, other children can sit and play with one thing for hours.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Has your daughter been tested for ADD? In a situation such as this, I would definitely get formed opinions from different doctors. Then you can decide what to do....but I would ask the doctors what you can do to calm her down with out the use of medicine. It has become the cure all for today. Our society just pops a pill and everything is better. My girlfriends son has ADD and she tried different non medicinal ways before she had to go with ritalin. She did see 2 different doctors and they both agreed he had ADD and that ritalin would probably be the best solution, but they also suggested she try other avenues before making that final decision. Hope this helps!
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@clary21 (54)
• United States
27 Mar 07
My son was put on ritalin at 5 years old because of the suggestion of his school principal. This medication reduced his appetite so much that he threw his lunch away every day. He complained that his stomach hurt when he took it. If I had it to do over again I would enroll my son in a private Montessorri school or a school that emphasizes that some children learn differently. Because of his use of this amphetamine, he still craves them at the age of 29. We know amphetamines are illegal so WHY are we putting our children on them as an easy fix?? Biofeedback and berbal treatments are much more natural for the brain.
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@swgastonia (16)
• United States
27 Mar 07
my grandson whom i am helping to raise has this disorder. when he started school, the teacher or the principle was on the phone everyday. he wouldn't be still and couldn't concentrate long enough to learn. first they put him on adreall which helped him some but then he wouldn't eat. this year they put him on a patch called daytranna. it has made a world of difference. he is more able to concentrate on his work in order to learn, i had my doubts too but it has really helped him and does not make him doped up. it is just a matter of finding the right medication. you can wait till they start school and then see if it is something that you will half to do. believe me the teachers will let you know.
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@Shababy (140)
• United States
27 Mar 07
My son has adhd. I always hear of people saying that this dr or that dr or this teacher recommended it. My son had major problems at both home and in school. The school had even made the statement they did not believe he could learn and that he needed to be in special ed. I went to 3 different dr's who all said put him in school for one year and come back we don't want to diagnose this wrong. I put my son in a private school where a teacher worked one on one with him for 2 weeks. She said he could not sit still. She even took him outside and made him run to try to calm him down nothing worked. She told me he needed to see a dr. I told her about my past experiences. She called a dr she knew who got me in for an appointment. They did all kinds of test on him and had determined he was unable to concentrate over 2 minutes. They said that would explain why he had been almost unable to learn things kids his age were learning. He was way behind. They put him on concerta and had to adjust the meds several times but even in the early stages things changed. His teachers noticed an immediate difference. There were a few days we ran out the door for him to go to school and we forgot the pill they could tell me he didn't take it when I came to pick him up it was that big of a difference. He has come miles academically. He is taking Mandrin Chinese along with all his other classes and is a totally different child. He actually speaks in sentences and will have conversations with me and my husband. Before he could not remember half of his letters and now he knows his letters his sounds and can read small works. He can also count from 1-100 in both English and Mandrin. When we started the meds about 6 months ago he couldn't count to 10. It is a total difference. I have heard that sometimes they pass the meds out with candy. My son has a real problem and needs the meds. Without them it is almost like turning a light switch off in his brain he also gets very frustrated and destructive. I don't know your situation but I suggest you get your child tested. Maybe she needs it maybe she dosen't if she does the meds do work.
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@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
28 Mar 07
Wait until she starts school,but don't wait too son was in grade four before I put him on it and I only did because I went and spent a day at school with him and he couldn't focus at all.....he's on a 5 mg tablet a day,1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at's not a big dose but it works and keeps his attention on his work
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
26 Mar 07
My daughter is now on Adderall. I felt the same way you did. I thought they were always too quick to medicate and was afraid of the side effects and just don't like the idea of her having to be on meds. I fought that for almost the whole first year that she started school. I tried all sorts of different methods to keep her attention. None of them worked. So, I finally broke down and agreed for her to try the meds. They made a world of difference. She really does well in school now and likes to go to school. She's just a lot happier in general.
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@annlynn (21)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I was told by a specialist when my son was diagnosed with ADHD that there is a test they can do using a video game to track the child's eye movements. That shows whether they actually have ADHD or not. I think you should do that before anything else.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
27 Mar 07
My son went to preschool for 2 years each year the teachers would ask me to have my son tested for ADHD . I thought that they just didn't want to deal with such an active child. Then when he went to Kindergarten I got a call one day because he was acting out. He had started to hit other children , then the teachers. So I finally gave in and had him tested.
He not only had ADHD but he was also ADD. They told me that there is a great chance that he is BiPolar but can't be tested till he older.
I don't medicate my son at home but I do medicate him for the safety of the other children at school.
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