Doctors FORCING Cesarean sections?? What do you think of this woman's story?
By astromama
@astromama (1221)
United States
March 26, 2007 5:21pm CST
I just read about a woman in Massachusetts who was past her due date by a few days and went to the hospital because her labor was starting. The doctor estimated her unborn baby would weigh around 13 pounds, and recommended a C-section. The woman disagreed. It was her 6th baby and she had given birth to rather large babies before, so she and her husband checked out of the hospital against the doctor's advice and went to another hospital, where she naturally delivered a healthy 11 pound baby girl. Here's the kicker. The hospital obtained a court order allowing them to perform a 'medically necessary C-section' on the woman, against her wishes should she return to the hospital. They actually went to court (or contacted a judge, rather) to attempt to become the legal guardian of the unborn child! Can you believe this? I don't know what I would do if some hospital tried to become the legal guardian of my baby before he was even born! That's so crazy to me, but apparantly not the only time it's happened. What do you think of this?
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14 responses
@michelledarcy (5220)
27 Mar 07
I think this is absolutely terrible. I can't believe that doctors can force women to do this. Surely if they explain all the risks to the mother it is her decision.
Surely American hospitals aren't so worried about being sued that they have to do this.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
This is ridiculous! Kind of something which comes from fiction. I cannot see the reason how, on earth, can the hospital ever have any right over the child. And how come the judge ever did that? I should say, where is sanity here? Really, this is beyond me, too.
Since, as you say, this is not the first time that a case like this has floated, I wonder why nothing has ever been done to correct this mistake. I used to think that in the US, government holds the virtue that children are best left under the care of their parents. This case at hand, clearly contradicts this virtue. I am beginning to wonder whether the lawmakers in Massachusetts are aware of this scenario taking place.
@astromama (1221)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I just looked at the article again and would like to share this bit...
'... a 2003 University of Chicago study found... when the researchers surveyed directors of 42 maternal-fetal medicine programs around the country, 14 percent reported that their hospital had used court orders to compel unwilling women to have O.R. deliveries. What's more, 21 percent of these specialists in the care of pregnant patients consider coerced c-sections 'ethically justified' to spare a fetus possible harm- even over the woman's pysical resistance, as long as her struggles weren't strenuous enough to endanger her or the baby.'
So, according to this, docs feel justified subjecting a woman to physical force and an operation against her wishes and will. And it apparantly happens a lot more frequently than we are aware. I mean, 14 percent of 42 that were surveyed is a lot...
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I am outraged to hear of such a thing. Seems more and more the state and the government is running everyones personal lives, and it's scary.
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@smurfettewv (359)
• United States
27 Mar 07
in all honesty its alot about money I think. A csection is going ot get you more of a stay in the hospitial in turn they get more money. Now on the ohter hand that Dr could have really thought the woman needed a csection and although they felt it was justified they should have listend to the mother. my last child I could have had a csection but after 3 I told the DR no Im going to have him like the others and they agreed to anything I wanted.
@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
I think it's totally disgusting that the courts would even go that far as to give the hospital custody of someone's child under such crazy conditions. Where do they get off deciding and dictating how you should give birth to your child especially after she'e already had 5 children. It's getting to the point that parents are losing more and more legal status of their children, and the say in how they are born, raised, schooled, etc. Obviously that doctor was wrong, especially since the child was obviously born of a natural birth and did quite fine.
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@ladycatherine82 (29)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I have never heard anything like this before. Honestly, I'm really shocked.
That hospital has absolutely no right to tell any woman how she should have a baby unless it's clear that the woman's health, or that of the baby, is in trouble. If the labor was going naturally, there shouldn't have been any troubles at all. Then to get a court order and try to obtain legal custody of the child. That's just messed up!
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I guess the real question is WHY the doctor or hospital felt it was that nessary to do a C-section. If they really thought the baby was in danger or could be from the size of the baby then they were in the right. Regardless of the fact that everything did turn out okay in the end.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 Mar 07
Sometimes doctors do know what they are talking about. Sometimes C sections are the best thing to do for an unborn baby. Not only does it save the mother and the baby (because a lot of things can go wrong when naturally birthing large babies), but it also saves the doctors butts if anything goes wrong during labor. I'm not saying I'm siding with the doctors in this particular story, but sometimes things have to be done. And ethically, either side can be in the wrong here.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
27 Mar 07
whoa. thats kind of scary to think about. what could they have done to the baby if she HAD returned to that hospital. being that you say they got a judge to approve the hospital as legal guardian...they could have taken the baby away from her completly right??
that is scary.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I've heard of this before. I think it is crazy. Unless they can prove that the baby was in danger I don't see how they can force a C-section. The judge who signed off on it should be disbarred.
What I don't understand is the doctor should have had her medical record and seen that this is her 6th child and the size of the previous births. Why did he think it was necessary to do a c-section? Didn't she have a regular doctor; that she just went into a different hospital?
Sorry for all the questions; it has been a while since I heard about this so I forgot.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I think the doctor and hospital were definitely out of line. C-sections are major surgery on the MOTHER'S body, she is the one who needs to consent or not. I'm glad this woman stood up for her rights. If more women would do that I think we would see a decrease in the rate of C-sections. Doctor's these days are so concerned about lawsuits and mother's are being given fewer options and less information. So, many assume their doctors are right and go along with whatever they're told to do. I now know two first time mothers who HAD to deliver by c-section. The reason? Their labors were taking to long. Now I think most people know and agree that first babies usually do take quite awhile. These women were in labor for 17 hours and 12 hours at the time of their c-sections. I don't consider that "too long" for a first baby. But that's what their doctor's told them and they went along and now will never be able to deliver naturally (I know VBAC's are an option but none of the doctors here are willing to try) I know "strongly recommending" isn't the same as "forcing" but it still ends the same...a woman having major surgery because natural delivery was inconvenient to her doctor.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
27 Mar 07
This is crazy! How on earth were they able to obtain a court oder to perform a medically necessary C Section in such a short period of time anyway? And on what grounds did they get that court oder granted??
I'm shocked and appalled by this. And why the heck would they want to become the legal guardian of her child? Something doesn't seem right in all of this.
If a hospital attempted to do that to me, I would go to court and fight them every step of the way - childbirth or no childbirth! They would need to get their fact straight in a hurry is all I can say!
@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
27 Mar 07
that is really sick! I hate it when people say you cant deliver a large baby. Mine was 10 lbs. And my next is expected to be bigger and NO one has mentioned a c section to me. Not to mention how wrong it is that the hosptail went against her wishes, when they didnt even give her a chance to labor naturally. I would rather have my child in the backyard then have it like that. Specially for something unnnessary like they "THINK" the baby is too big.
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@dr_sadiq (94)
• India
27 Mar 07
actualy now a days c-section is advised by doctor is becoming common problem.
there may b need or may b purpose of earning money,.
but if u r thinking that all doctors are doing like that then u might b doing mistake & it will take u in grief as ur baby may die if ur doctor is telling the truth & u r taking this as doctors buisness view.
so try to belive ur doctor,or go to ur faithful doctor.
there are so many criterias for c-section.if u r suspicious about ur doctor then try to take opinion of second doctor that will be helpful for u.