Your partner is home on a day he's normally at work. Does it disrupt your day?
By seamonkey
@seamonkey (1976)
March 27, 2007 7:13am CST
My husband showed up a couple of hours early yesterday because he had gotten hurt at work. It was really weird having him land in the middle of our normal routine. He wouldn't normally be here when I'm doing the dinner or the kids' baths and it would never occur to him to jump in and help with anything.
Now, he is going to be home for three more days at the minimum before he's allowed back to work. Frankly, he's in the way! He isn't sick, but he can't really do much either. I wish he would go out for a bit, but instead he is milling around here, making a mess, blaring the stereo, and leaving crumbs and clothes and cups everywhere.
Does your partner do this to you or is it a nice surprise to have him/her home?
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29 responses
@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I have a suggestion for you. You can either look at this as a bad thing and let it upset you or turn it into a good thing.
Since he's going to be home anyway, why not turn it into a family time and go to the zoo or do something as a family? Create a picnic or whatever but use the occasion to do something positive.
If you don't, you're just going to all be miserable for the next three days and be on each other's nerves. Take charge of the situation and make it a special time for all of you. Don't worry about the mundane routine. You will always have that in another 3 days.
Right now, you have an opportunity to make this time special and something that is memorable for you, your husband and your kids.
And, instead of getting annoyed with your husband for his behavior, try treating him like you did when you were dating and make him feel like a king. You might be surprised at the response you get.
Plus the fact, life is very fragile. I'm assuming you love your husband. This is an opportunity to enjoy your family a little. It's time that you will never get back. All of the other stuff that you do in your daily routine isn't real important over the long haul of things but time with your family is precious.
I would be thrilled to have a husband and children and be able to spend time with them and you are complaining about it. Wake up to what you have and how much it's worth. It may not always be there when you want it.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
29 Mar 07
That just doesn't work for us, I'm afraid. My kids are school age, so there is no taking off for the day, and our afternoons are quite busy between homework and lessons and sports. I need my mornings to get the house cleaned and garden looked after, and to top it off I have guests arriving in three days, so on top of my civic and family obligations, I don't have time to take a mini-vacation.
I actually think my daily routine is important. I value it and am not all that interested in being any more subservient then is already the case. I can have time for the kids, and the husband, but I need time to get my work done, as well. I don't think the day will come when I look at standing up for myself as complaining.
@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I didn't mean for you to be subservient. And, I understand about the guests coming in three days and having your routine screwed up. I guess I just meant that you should appreciate what you've got because some of us don't have a family and would love to be in your shoes. I realize that this put a wrench in your routine but when you get to the end of your life, I don't think that you will be wishing you could have stuck to your routine better but wish you had more time with your family. After all, these years don't last forever and you never know what tomorrow might bring.
@Autisteek (326)
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
My partner sometimes do this to me but I can always talk to him and tell him to help me out by not making me pick up after him and his trash.. and he listens so its really not bad for me to have him around. And what i do is stop by whenever I happen to pass by his side anywhere in the house and give hime my "trick or treat" thing which i make sure ends with a kiss. And he loves it too. For us, keeping the romance and respect alive in a relationship really works. It doesnt bother to do things for him because I enjoy it because my partner is appreciative and he respects me. He always says that our house is MY house and I am his boss around the place.. i do not boss around but it gives me a good feeling and sense that my partner is very much willing to make me happy, and so am i to him.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
That is really sweet. I think we are both the sor of people who like doing things are own way, and like our own space, so it is tough going when the apple cart gets upset.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
That is really sweet. I think we are both the sort of people who like doing things are own way, and like our own space, so it is tough going when the apple cart gets upset.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
It was classic yesterday. He had stuff everywhere, and o him it isn't in the way at all, and he'll, "clean it up" when he's "done". That can take quite awhile, though. Yesterdayd he left a workbench full of tools and drill bits and all sorts of little fiddly stuff in a bad spot and the old dog who can hardly move with his arthritis banged into it, tipped it, and sent everything flying. Stuff rolled into the drain, under the bench, everywhere. I hope he learned his lesson that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
@domesticengineer (576)
• Philippines
28 Mar 07
One day when my husband was home instead of reporting to work, I asked him, he said he filed sick leave because he's not feeling well. The following day he was still around watching tv for hours. He just said he was till on leave. The third day, I thought there was something else going on. I asked him if there was something wrong. Then he finally burst out the truth. He was under disciplinary leave. He said that it could last for 10 days without pay. I was so disappointed. Of course, who would not get disappointed when you have mouths to feed and we have no savings. Everything is now back to normal. At least during those days he was staying at home he and our kids had indeed wonderful bonding moments.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
29 Mar 07
Ouch, that is terrible! He must have been feeling so guilty.
My old man has proof of injury, so I know there's nothing clandestine going on, but it is his FINGER for god's sake. He went to the doctor to have it looked at today and while it is getting better, he has to stay off until Monday. He is doing enough around here in odds and ends that he would be well able to manage at work, so I think he is just enjoying having the time off to mess about.
@calie_j (31)
• United States
28 Mar 07
My husband will have days where he is laid off in his line of work and it does disrupt my schedule to have him around. I have my own routine and enjoy the solitude while the kids are at school. It irritates me to have extra noise or to be working while he's sitting around.
At least mine doesn't create an extra mess and he will help out if I ask. I'll usually give him a project to get him out from underfoot, preferably something downstairs or outside, lol. It's just a disruption to me that I don't like.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
29 Mar 07
Yes, sending him out to 'run errands' is a great way to get him out of the way. The trouble is, he now has a stack of half finished projects spead throughout the house so if I send him out they won't get done. Its a catch 22!
@coolimrose (621)
• New Zealand
28 Mar 07
well i agree how horrible ones feels when we have our husbands at home who are in no way helpfull but increase our work lode.Why dont you try talking with him.Try letting him know what is troubling that helps at times.
My hubby stays back on weekends well he is not at all a nuisance but is very demanding he wouldnt let me do any of my work for instance chatting writing or even reading.that gets on my nerves.Yes we complete our household work at the weekends together arrange files change clean all this together.
Your discussion reminded me about my dad,oh what a messy man. oh such people are a real nuisance so i understand your dilema.There is no sense telling such people to tidy up.I guess there is no solution learn to ignore and be busy in your work.Good bless You.Ta
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
29 Mar 07
I see you get what I mean. His idea of tidy is nothing like mine. Now he has his 'projects' everywher, so I can't even do my normal cleaning. He brings 'clutter' to a whole new level.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
28 Mar 07
My children are raised and I am divorced. But I do remember the the times that my ex was home for whatever reason and it was impossible to get anything done. He would plop down in the recliner or on the couch and then want peace and quiet while he watched t.v. or took a nap. I was always cleaning up after him.
I think that if the men are at home that should pitch in and help out. At least they clean up after themselves and consider the feeling of the other people in the house. If the children are napping then the stereo needs to be kept low. As I always use to say, They helped make the mess so they can help clean it up.
I really feel sorry for the wives that have retired husbands that follow them around the house telling them how to do the housework.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
Oh no kidding! When he retiress I am going to build some sort of escape tunnel so I can hide. We did have a little row over the toilet seat installation, as I had begun the job and had been bothering him all week for a Phillip's screw driver. He decided to tackle it himself and then became quite parochial about the limescale. I tried to explain to him the toilet was here long before we were and that stuff is not going to budge. He had a good go at it just to prove me wrong, but short of a new toilet or a jackhammer, there it remains. It was the last I heard about it, but at least it kept him busy for awhile.
@design (849)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
I've had ten weeks of disruption, lol, My partner had an accident in work 10 wks ago yesterday, and will be out for 4/6 more, aaagh, He's driving me mad, but he is helpful, although I'm gonna have one very upset son (15months) when he returns to work.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
It is a nice surprise to have him home for a day or two so that he can do the jobs that I am unable to do. However, he is very slow and he has to keep having cups of tea in between the jobs, with the result that he is inclined to forget what he was supposed to be doing. He also sits watching tv and the next I know, he is fast asleep and snoring. This drives me bananas. I would rather have six children around me during the day as they wouldn't be as much bother. Hope your husband wasn't seriously hurt and that he will be back at work soon.
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@raveena (1353)
• India
27 Mar 07
My husband is normally at home for most of the time he goes to office only for 4 hours a day but to tell you the truth I like to have him around. Yes I do get irritated coz as your husband he does not help me in anything but just keeps ordering for things to be done but I still like him being at home.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
27 Mar 07
Having just had him around for the weekend, I like to see Monday come :-)
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
28 Mar 07
LOL Sounds like my house. When my husband or kids are off on a holiday or some odd reason, it messes me all up. It gets my days messed up, and the house messed up. It is worse if I'm working that day and they are here together. No one cleans up after themselves. I wish they would go to the park or do something outside while I'm gone. It is nice to have my husband home sometimes when the kids are at school. It gives us a chance for some alone time and we can relax for awhile.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
Our schedule is so messed up I don't know if we are coming or going! To make matters worse, the children had no school on Monday. On Saturday night the clocks went forward an hour. So, we were already dealing with two different things that make you a little unsure of what day you're on and what time it is, and now he is off work to mix things up further.
@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
28 Mar 07
It can be very disrupting to have them under foot. It sounds like you've been "into your own routine" for some time. Perhaps you could ask him to help with something...can he peel potatoes or set the table for you? Can he supervise the kids during their baths? It might be fun for him. He might not object to helping if you asked him to.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
Fortunately tonight he is taking our boy to one of his lessons and will be out for the evniong so I have some nice quiet time. He has turned the house upside down though, his things are everywhere. He is tackling some 'bits and pieces' he wants to get done around the house, but that mostly seems to be spreading tools everyewhere.
@hsmom2boys (134)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I'd say this is a double edged sword. Sometimes it helps me and sometimes it does. MOst of the time it ticks me off, because I have to rearrange what I'm doing to accomodate his being home. The kids want to play, he wants to relax, I want to relax, he thinks I'm neglecting my "household duties". Usually if he's home earlier than usual, he'll try to occupy the kdis or do one of his chores (washing the dog, mowing the lawn) but if he comes home mid-day for an hour or two, all he wants to do is nap before going back to work! So in those instantses, we trade off, he plays with the kids for half the time, and th eother half, I keep the kids away while he relaxes. I just try to make the best of a trying situation. lol :)
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
28 Mar 07
Yikes, this morning was really scary. The kids treat it as though it is Saturday because he is here, rather then remembering they really do actually need to get ready for school. What a circus!
@SimplyMe (373)
• United States
28 Mar 07
When my husband plans to take the day off and lets me know ahead of time, I can work around him. What really ticks me off is when he decides to stay home on a whim without letting me know. That really messes me up. He just did this the other day and we got into a terrible argument because just the tiny little act of staying home without cluing me in made me late for everything I had to do in the morning. He just poked around, didn't get his shower, which put me off, and then I didn't have a chance in the bathroom and I had things to do, and places to be. It was awful! When my husband is at home, he literally "takes the day off" and will only do whatever he wants to do, and leaves messes here and there that I have to clean up in addition to my usual work. That is not to say that if I ask him to help with something he won't do it, but sometimes he thinks its an imposition. I guess men just have a whole different way of looking at things and it doesn't occur to them that others have schedules to stick to even if we don't get paid for what we are doing.
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
28 Mar 07
My partner understands while I am online, she has to stop her phone, and use the mobile phone instead. Some time she picked up the phone, the internet connection was off line.
She sometimes turns the music loudly during the day at weekends.
But When I am not home she doesn't play loud music.
She suggests me to go to bed earlier every time. So I can get up earlier.
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@spiritwolf52 (2300)
28 Mar 07
It really depends o what he wants to do. It would certainly stop any computer work for me. It's nice to have him home but he usually gives me advance notice. We either go for a ride on the bike, or take the dogs out for a long walk.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
28 Mar 07
When anyone is home that shouldn't be home at the time, it really bugs me because they usually are in my way when I'm trying to do something important. Either that, or they don't lift a finger to help and it just ends up frustrating me more.
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@sunnainder (67)
• India
28 Mar 07
When ever my husband stays at home i feel very good. We spent lot of good time and in cooking he help me a lot.
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