Are you afraid to die??

death - Are you afraid of death?? This photo shows skull. It represents death
@jarves (814)
March 27, 2007 7:31pm CST
I'm sure that many people value life. Some people even don't. And one thing is certain, that I'm afraid of death. I can't imagine leaving the world behind, my family, friends, love ones. Maybe I am still not ready et to face it.
6 responses
@nitzel (79)
• Philippines
14 Jun 07
You are not ready to face it bec. you are still concern of what will happen to the people you will leave behind. It will be painful for them, but you have to realize that life we will all reach the end in due time. For all you know, they will become better persons after you're gone and when you think they can't make it on their own, they will.
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
14 Jun 07
I wouldn't say that i'm afraid to die. Because i know that i will be with GOD Almighty. I will however be sad because i will leave my love ones behind. I will not be able to spend time with them and see their happy faces nor hear their joyful laughter. Don't get me wrong, i do value my life. But if i were to die, i want the people in my life to be happy. - Lyn
@Portex (98)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Of course I am not afraid...
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
I'm afraid to die. I still want to achieve many goals in life. I still want to do many things. I'm not yet ready. I also don't want to die alone.
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
before i was afraid to die. but when i knew God my fear of dying is no longer with me. for something i don't know the reasons maybe all your borrowed life already gave to him for him control your whole life. many people are afraid to die because they want reach and achieve they dreams but eventually they got illness and its their not able to do that anymore. they will remember their pass deeds in their life the way they mingle to others and some of them hate others they want to change and repent to those people they made them hurt. they want to pay them back but its too late they were now going to die...
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
3 Jun 07
I am. I just feel like there's still a lot of things I need to accomplish first here on earth. But we can never actually tell when God will let us die. He's the only person who knows. If it's God's will then let it be. ;)