Muslims blamed...
By jarves
@jarves (814)
12 responses
@4ftfingers (1310)
15 May 07
I believe the same jarves. I am a Christian and I cringe when other Christians attack Muslims because of the current events. They claim that the Islamists brought this on themselves, but there's n truth in that. The terrorists are using the faith for their justification. According to my Muslim friends who I used to go to college with, normal Muslims do not condone the actions, yet they get put into the same group and prejuded as bad people, when they are clearly not.

@4ftfingers (1310)
20 May 07
No problem my friend, I will defend my Muslim friends as much as I would defend any of my friends, they are very important people to me. We may not agree on somethings, but they are not bad people and I think it is important to listen to others as much as we preach our own thoughts.
The sad thing is people are believing what they want to believe and not the actual truth.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
23 May 07
I am a Christian, but I am reading through the Quran so as to get the real picture of what Islam is like and what it is all about, not what someone else says, even what other Christians say.
I knew two Muslim ladies who attended the same Christian college I did years ago. They were just normal people like you and I. In fact, they were very nice to me.
There seem to be some nut jobs in every religion. It doesn't mean that everyone in the religions are nut jobs. I am really starting to find that out firsthand.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
16 May 07
Thank you very much, you are a Christian and understand what Original Muslims are. We all need people who understand each other, not to blame the entire community based somebodies actions or propaganda arising our of fear. The politics and actions of few people are not Islam.
Thanks again.

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
15 May 07
Thank you for posting a good discussion and Agree with you.
True Muslims will never do any terror attacks or such bad activities.
The terrorists may be finding a label Islam to play and execute their intensions. Based on the current situation, they might have selected Islam as standing point.
Islam strictly opposes terrorism and if one do any terror activities no longer he is a Muslim.
Nowadays I suspect some fake people who want to diminish the Islam may also be claiming that they are Muslims fighting for the sake of Allah.
Many Muslim countries suffering from poverty, it also may be guiding them to do these things for earning food & money, if they get brainwashed for these things by some third parties it can't be counted under Islamic teachings.
@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
16 May 07
Its a natural response.
Remember Pearl harbour? First thing the US government did was to put all the Japanese americans in Internment camps.
Remember the Christian Serbs ethnically killing the Bosnian Muslims by the hundreds of thousands? The Muslim world pretty much blamed every Christian nation for it, and "crusades" was heard in every news story.
Welcome to human nature. It also didnt help that while many countries expressed sadness at Sept11, Palestinians, Iraninas and Lebanese were dancing in the streets. Heck, I was called in the middle of the night by my Malay workmates who were actually CELEBRATINg September 11 as they were watching it happening on tv.
I am a Muslim, and I dont feel any anger towards those that blame Islam. I try and undestand why they think that way.
Veni, Vici, Dormivi
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
18 May 07
dont forget the three Jewish guys from Israel the police picked up and the FBI held for days and than deported who were their watching it and dancing on top of a vehicle.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
18 May 07
You can't blame it all on the religion, since there is good in every religion, but you can compare how certain religions have effected history and society and in the past, I believe Islam set itself up (through its founding and interpretations all the way back to 625) to be open to this criticism. A major problem is that Islam accepts no criticism in the conservative (and vastly more influential areas in the middle east) and therefore is locked in what a select few think should happen.
But it is also unfair to dismiss all valid criticism, and for Islam there is plenty right now, as racism and bigotry.

@Adrenochrome (1653)
19 May 07
I'm pinching myself, to check I'm awake, but I, too, agree with you, Mrniceguy. I even think I can hear the sounds of Hell freezing over!
I should like to point out that I am equally concerned by the influences held by such fundamentalists Jewish interests in America, and the Masonic influence on British society and politics. But, I would never blame the Jewish/Anglican peoples or faith, as these hardliners do not reflect the majority.
All the best, and here's to our future concords!
@4ftfingers (1310)
18 May 07
Mrnicguy you are absolutely right. Everything should be open to criticism, we are free to speak as we like in our democratic nations, if you don't like something you are free to criticise as much as I am free to counter your cricism or add criticism, and visa-versa. But some people tend to generalise too much, and that's when it looks like racism or biggotry.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
16 May 07
You will noticethat the peole who blame Islam for all the ills of the world tend to be Christians and go to church every Sunday - Tony Blair, George W Bush, Rupert Murdoch.
Strangely, I cannot understand why so many British people are taken in by this hatred. In Europe we have experienced every form of terrorism since the second world war. IRA, UDF, Baader-Meinhoff, ETA, et al. The one thing these terrorist organisations have in common is that they are not and never have been Islamic!
The politics of hate and fear seems to be growing.
I agree with your sentiment entirely, every sector of humanity has evil members, and many more good ones. Some people are just bad people, and to blame everyone with a similarity to them. The men who attacked the World Trade Centre also had brown eyes in common. Should governments attack everyone with brown eyes? It is not only ridiculous to blame Islam, but also very sad. I feel it shows that the West is still fundamentally racist, and as a Wedterner, I feel ashamed by this sort of devisive propaganda. It reminds me of Hitler.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
16 May 07
Strabgely, I was one of those people who grew up in an entirely white community, without realising it! Yet, there was also no racism. This may seem peculiar but life went on as though everyone was equal, and equally gossiped about.
As such, when I did first encounter people of varied colours and religions, I didn't know to treat them any differently, and still regard everyone as the same, until they either become a friend, someone I don't like, or we just drify apart. Alas, most of those I find I don't like are white, and often grew up in mixed societies, where the 'new-comers' we're blamed for everything. I had hoped that we would have outgrown this kind of behaviour, since the race riots in the early 1980s. African and Afro-Caribbean kids were being treated as though the UK was a police state, whilst being treated generaaly as second class. In 25 years, it seems only the goalposts have been moved. Every political party (even the detestable BNP) now target some non-whites for their votes. And today, Islam is the scapegoat. Caribbean people in the 1970s, Indians in the 80s, Africans for the 90s, and this century, we must blame Islam!
It really saddens me to feel this way about my home country, of which I was taught to be proud!
I wish you well, and all the best.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
16 May 07
Oh mate, one of the saddest things I've seen was one time a couple years ago, I was in a paper shop with my girlfriend at the time and this young asian lad, he must have been about 5 or 6, came into the shop, picked up a packet of sweets and took it to the counter. He held out his money but the man at the counter snatched the sweets away and said 'you're not having them!' He didn't say why it was obvious, but the dissapointment in the little boy's face was too much. I stormed out of the shop effing and blinding at the guy, my girlfriend couldn't hold back, when we got outside she was balling her eyes out.
How can someone treat anyone like that, especially a child, he's not old enough to understand. I'm sure this isn't common, I'd never seen anything like it and that guy was probably just an evil bully but it made me so dissapointed.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
16 May 07
I agree, I can't understand why other Brits would be suckered into it. I was also trying to think of the type of people that might be racist against others, and I thought it may be those who never actually experience those people in their day-to-day lives and live in fear of the horror stories they are told. But is that really possible in the UK? I thought most places were quite diverse. Maybe I just assumed this because my area is.
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@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
29 Mar 07
I believe Islam is the True religion and is growing faster and faster ,according to new records 500 people/day are accepting Islam in the west,that could be the reason why this propaganda has started against Muslims.the truth is that they are not the ones attacking but are the ones being attak,you must see the vidoe in my discussion here is the link,
incase if link does not opens ,the title is Children Running for wATER.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
30 Mar 07
Where have I used the word ''Perfect''however now I would like to say that I found it perfect as it gives you a complete way of leading healthier life ,having good relationships.It gives a perfect way of governing a region.The problem is that we muslims have forgottenour values and are not following it completely otherwise you could have seen the perfection yopurself.For us the perfect muslim was our prophet pbuh and he is a role model for muslims.
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Dec 07
Actually, Islam is not growing in the West except by immigration. World wide Islam is only the fourth fastest growing religion Behind Christianity and the minor religions of Bahaism and Zoroastrianism. In Africa people are leaving Islam by the millions. In UK a greater percentage of Muslims convert to Christianity than visa versa.
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Dec 07
Well, the London bombings and the attempted attack on a Scottish Airport were carried out by Muslims as was the killing of a Nun in reprisal for a speech by the Pope. Schoolgirls in Malaysia gunned down by Muslims for wearing a crucifix, I could continue, there can be no doubt many Muslims are terrorists and slaughter innocents. This not however to say that Islam as set out in the Quran promotes such activity, many Muslims are good people, my next door neighbour for instance. The real problem is that people will use any excuse for violence.
all the best urban
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
The ones who did the terrorist attacks were Muslims. They may have diverted from the Koran, but it does say to war against infidels, us, and unlike Christianity, there is no verse telling them to love thine enemy. Thus someone who is a fanatic would use the verses that tell him to not like non-Muslime to also include wipe them from the face of the earth and destroy their strongholds in order to force them to obey Allah. It would be easy to blame the attack on someone who has blond hair, green or blue eyes, and is tall with fair skin, and would perhaps make someone who is dark haired and dark eyed to feel better, but it would not be right.
@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
14 May 07
i don't understand why muslims are blamed for terrorizing the world too. if people from other religions tend to do something bad, then it's like it's not a big deal at all. just because there are muslims who are involved in terrorist activities, it doesn't mean that all muslims are bad, or all muslims are terrorists, that nobody should like them. it's not fair to think that way, right? also i believe that we shouldn't discriminate someone because of their religion. i believe all religion teaches their followers to do good, not bad things. i hope people can understand each other better and get along with people of all races and religion .
@maheksaj (117)
3 Sep 07
ya i agree to u since the terrorist attack are mostly done by people who does not know tht by their act there are so many innocent ppl who die due to their stubbornness but in all these cases only ppl with muslim background come out so its unfair on part of us to curse the whole muslim caste for tht..i know even few muslims must also be regretting this...
@Aztecg (25)
12 Sep 07
Muslims are been portryed in the media like they are terrorist........i'll give you a simple example..........if some 1 invades your country what are you gonna do when you knw that your army or any other cristian nations army is not gonna be able to defend you...........i am sure you will take arms and go out in the street and fight the invadors and will try to save your land from falling into their hands........that is exactly what muslims are doing protecting themselves and there countries from West as they feel threatned by them they are doing the right thing but to West they are terrorist and who is to blame for this CNN, BBC, NBC, ABC and all other western Media they only tell one side of the story which there leaders want them to say so that their ppl could keep on supporting them into the wars.........if u wanna knw the other side then you will have to go to muslim states and c for your self or Al Jazera as they are the only media channel that is world wide and tells the other side of the story, every thing has 2 sides all you have to do is make an effort and c wots on the other side...........