Mexicans In America
By jenskids
@jenskids (99)
United States
26 responses
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I dont have a problem with it as long as they are here legal. They have just as much chance as anyone to be here and to try to make a better life for theirself. If we were to tell everyone that came from a different country then the USA that they were not allowed here then what would it say for us. My whole family was from Poland and Gremaney and if they were to come here for a better life and someone said that they had to go back because they were not from the USA them most of us now would not be here living free the way that we can. Most Mexicans come here to make a living because they cant make one back home because of the way their country is but the one that come here and work just to send their money back home to their family is ok but the money should stay in the USA. I hope that you kind of understand what I am trying to say, I kind of got lost in thought here. this country was made by our forefathers come over and making this the palce that you call home.
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@jenskids (99)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I understand whatyou are saying,and in my line of work most of them are here to make a better life most of them have kids that go to school,they pay there bills,AND TAXES,and would love to apply for there visa's but the goverment would turn them down,so why try.The way most of them feel is why can we just walk into there country but yet they have to almost die to get in ours.
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@jacnmkc (32)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I think anyone visiting the United States should be here legally. I have absolutely no problem with anyone, however, given the events of 9/11 I think America needs to be aware of who is in this country legally. If people want to come into this country for the purposes of giving a better life for their family, then do it legally. Some of people in this country that are illegal (empasis on some, not all) are also commiting crimes. There are also many hard working people here too. My mom came from Cuba many years ago, but they came legally. It should be interesting hearing what others have to say.
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@jenskids (99)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Everyone I talk to seems to think yhat way but I have been a translator for almost 5 years.I have a family right now that mother and father where given visa's but when they applied for the 9 year old little girl they where denied what should they do leave her there just to do it the right way. Could you leave your child?
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@mendezsandra (1)
• United States
15 Apr 12
i think your little paragraph is dummn , first of all cubans are mostly given easily papers mexicans are dad is cuban and my mom is mexican i would know, do you really know how many mexicans try and try and waste thousands of dollars to get a visa and never get one most of the time until they are old if you were in the place of the mexicans in mexico you would give ANYTHiNG to bring you familly her to the u.s because of the horror over there. and really would ypu leave your chilldren if they were her illigal and 9/11 is a bit diffrent , in this situation i understand homeland security but honestly look at the ones that are legal here we arent any better.
@Impervious (1147)
• United States
29 Mar 07
This country was built on the back of immigrants, and many of us are a product of those. But the illegals of all origins should be sent back. Bottom line if you are here illegaly then you should be deported.

@jenskids (99)
• United States
29 Mar 07
So what about women who have married these illegals and love them have kids with them?Do we have the right to bust up these homes?I have heard that she should have to move back with him ,well this is hers and her childrens country to do they have a say
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@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
19 Jun 07
Again, Mexicans or other illegal immigrants wouldn't be in the US if nobody would hire them for low-paying jobs. As I said in another post, Canada doesn't have a problem with illegal immigration, because there nobody would hire them. There is a double standard going on in the US. Try and send them all back, you would be left without waiters and veggies on your lunchtable.
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@helloyou10125 (35)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thank you for writing a post that brings everyone's attention to the less popular side of this very emotional issue.
Most people do not understand that the average Mexican does not have a legal method to enter this country.
They must marry a US citizen, have a relative living here legally that is qualified to sponsor them, or have an advanced degree and a US company as a sponsor. You can't just waltz into the immigration office and apply. Even after you apply it can take up to 10 years or more to finalize the paperwork.
You are also correct in stating that most illegals pay taxes. They have them deducted directly from their check just like you and me. The difference is although they pay taxes they are not allowed to have a driver license, benefit from social security or medicare, or most other non-emergency services.
While there are criminals both legal and illegal, I do strongly beleive that the majority of people that here working for minimum wage are those that just want to give their family a better life. If they could pay $2000 to the US government instead of a coyote that might leave them in the desert to die, I am sure that they would.
Thanks again for putting some thought into the issue and not succumbing to emotion or rascism.
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
3 Nov 07
Actually, if you come here illegally, you have no visa or social security number to put on a W-4 form. So no taxes are taken out of illegal immigrant checks.
As for the medical most places they will get treated with no one being allowed to ask if they are illegal or not. And the ones that crsoo the border and get caught on our side of the border can (and usually do) demand medical treatment for various paper I was processing had an illegal that was caught demanding treatment for high blood pressure. AND getting it! There is insurance the taxpayers pay for called Trailblazer that pays for the illegals caught getting treated. I don't even have health insurance, yet my tax dollars are paying for illegals?!!
I know it's not easy to come here anymore. I worked with a woman whose husband was deported, imprisoned and had to pay alot to come back to his family. And HIS only crime was letting his visa expire! Does anyone else wonder why it's become so hard to become a citizen? Maybe there is a reason for this....
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
2 Jul 08
First of all I am NOT a racist. I like to think I am a realist. I'm sure there are some fine Mexicans who come here, but there are those that are here to just take what they can get. If they are not allowed to have drivers licenses, then why are they all driving? Some of them are driving better vehicles than we have for God's sake! I do know of a young Mexican couple locally - not married - who have young children and neither one of them work! He works for a couple of weeks at a time and then quits. Then has the nerve to ask for help from whatever agency they can get it from. Come on - Give me a break! The majority either don't speak English or speak only enough to get by. If they want to live here, then let them do it legally and make them learn English. I sometimes feel like I live in the United States of Mexico instead of America!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Apr 08
If mexicans comehere legally and become citizens I more than welcome them but if they sneak in here illegally they are just another brand of crook.illegal means against the law. I try to obey the laws of my country and so should anyone coming in here as immigrants.
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@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
26 May 07
I know that Walmart's subcontractors bus them in to do all their landscaping at their new stores.
The biggest retailer in America! How do they get away with this?
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I know a lot of people that are here without legal papers.They are working in a variety of occupations that the people in California do not want to work in. Also not all are from Mexico they are from different countries including Canada.
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
30 May 07
I think that someone who totally disregards another countries laws just to benefit themselves is pretty selfish. When the illegals decided to come to this country they never considered what effect they could have on us. They were only worried about how they could better their lives. When they decided to cross that border illegally they knew that they were braking the laws of this land. Apparently they didn't care an proceeded to do so. Then why should we care if their families get split up because the illegal person is getting deported for breaking our laws. These people knew what they were doing was wrong yet the went ahead and did it. The woman who marry these men know that they are illegally here yet go ahead and start a family with them. It was their choice to do this so they should suffer the consequences. If they don't want their families split apart then they should apply yo move to Mexico with their partner. No one is stopping them. We teach our children that there are consequences for their actions why should it be any different for these people?
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@bornraf (228)
• United States
30 May 07
Everybody should have the chance, as your antecesors had, to get a piece of the American dream (remember, unless you are a descendant of Native AMerican, you are a descendant of an inmigrant, and I relly do not know if the first brittons were here legally)

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
30 May 07
The argument that the English settler's that came to America were illegals in their day is a moot point - Native Americans didn't have immigration policies like we have today.
As it is, we do have laws restricting the amount of people who can immigrate to America. Sadly, many people must wait for a long time to come. However, this is how things must be done until American immigration policies are improved - and to try to argue that everyone should "get a piece of the American dream" just because their living situation isn't as good as an Americans is silly and unrealistic. Recieving less than average wages, living in sub-standard conditions, and mooching of of America's welfare and healthcare systems are hardly my idea of the American dream - and this is a reality for a pretty fair percentage of illegals.
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@bornraf (228)
• United States
30 May 07
How can Native AMericans in colonization time have immigration policies? They even did not know of the existence of other worlds out of their own. I an not saying that illegals are victims,all I am saying that they should not be sterotyped as the bad guys of this country, thethieves, the robbers, the rappers, the job stealers. As amatter of fact illegalsdo the low-paying jobs that many AMERICANS would not do,such as vegetable collection, cleaning buildings, etc, etc. I am sure there some proud fellow americans who are profiting nicely hiring illegals for two reasons: first, they will not find an american who will work for a minimu wage 12 hours a day, and second, they can pay these illegal the minimum wages with no problem at all (who is going to protest for bad work conditions, as Americans do once in a while, if they are illegal?). I Know it is illegal to be illegally in the US. We should oBey the LAW. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME

@SynthEtika (40)
10 Sep 08
As the song say: "It woudn't be L.A. without mexicans". Most of them do jobs americans people don't like doing so I think America is better off with mexicans than without, peace...
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I think that all illegal immigrants should have to go home. If they come over legally then it will be okay.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
31 May 12
Majority of them stay here without a visa or any legal documents. They took advantage of our benefits that suppose provided for our legal citizens. They gave birth millions of babies, and they got free provisions from it. They didn't pay tax, but they go to free school, and they have free of everything, while other people paying thousands of dollars of taxes can't enjoy it at all. That just wrong. Send them all back, and they commit most of crimes here too.
@nzinky (822)
• United States
8 Sep 07
If I knew anyone here without a visa I would turn them into ICE.....They don't belong here and they should be rounded up and sent back to the country they came from.
We have laws and they should be obeyed, can you tell me as an american citizen what laws can you break without being procuted after you have be caught doing it...Who made Illegals the choosen people where they can break the law with out proper documents and be rewarded for doing so..
I hate to be the one to tell their president that just because they are here illegally don't make this Mexico. Where does this fool get off?
And if his going try to send that women back here as an Ambassor to the United States they have another think coming..
I think he would like another Mexican/American War that's a good way to try and do it.
The American People are upset enough to stop it anyway they have too..
@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Mexicans in America? Why not? People from all over the world come here. That is the American way! We all came from someplace! This is a great country! If you are breaking the law, that is absolutely different! You should be able to be here, but in jail! I live in a place over run by illegals and this drives me nuts! Our signage is in English and Spanish. You can't get a job with government here without being bilingual. This does not include pig latin - I asked.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
19 Oct 07
If they come into the country legally and for a good reason, then I don't have a problem with them. I also believe that they should have to be a law abiding citizen and not be in trouble for at least the first 10 years, esp. of any major trouble. I also think that they should have to learn English instead of expecting us to put everything in Spanish for them.
@bluemestizo (429)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I wouldn't just mention mexicans, but other races that have come to the United States illegally. Now who would think about sending them back? It's not a matter of thinking, but knowing the fact those who did cross and cheated their way of life coming into this country without the proper identification should be deported no questions asked!
@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I have no problem with anyone who is willing to fill out the papers, be patient and legally immigrate to America. Those who waded, walked, road in car trunks, ect to sneak in, big problem. I understand that people have feelings, families, and it would be painful, but let's face it. They knew they broke the law when they sneaked in, they should be deported because that is what the law says. I know not all of these people are "bad people", but obviously they are willing to break at least one law. The issue of our unsecured boarders is a huge national security risk.
I do not personally know anyone who is here illegally, but I do know a couple of people who's parents farm. One is a sod farmer and the other has an orchard. They have to be so careful every year to do everything in their power to hire only legal workers. It's a real hassle and problem for them. Many other farmers obviously choose to just hire whoever shows up and not ask for green cards or visas or anything. I'm glad there have been a few immigration stings lately, but not any where near enough, and they seem to be really slow what happens after they arrest those who are caught.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
14 May 08
What I think:
:That it's horrible that Mexico's so corrupt its poor citizens feel they must escape to live even half-way decent lives.
:That the USA must put the screws to Mexican government to MAKE them reform.
:That the U.S. must SERIOUSLY go after employers of illegals with huge fines & sometimes jail.
:That yes, they SHOULD be sent back, as we simply cannot HANDLE them all, & the millions more trying to come here.
:That the ones who come here just to have a baby, thus making it easier for them to stay (& get all the welfare perks), should NOT be allowed to call their kids Americans...OR...make the PARENTS leave, & adopt out the "American" babies to loving homes.
No politically correct apologies from ME; just a harsh reality which -- if not dealt with swiftly -- will completely crater our nation, financially, culturally, & legally.
As for your last query--my estimate is that virtually my entire neighborhood (low-rent area) is composed of illegals.