New to Mylot

United States
March 29, 2007 4:09am CST
Just wanted to say hi and to ask what everyone thought of Mylot. How does it compare to other forums and what you guys like the most about this site. I am new and just wanna see what you all think about it. thanks
3 people like this
6 responses
@leon077 (159)
• Indonesia
20 Apr 07
hi to you too, nice too meet you. what I like about this site is. hmm it really pay. the money, the fame, the friends. that is what really attract me most to myLot, my friend got me sign up to this site.
• United States
5 Apr 07
Hey, I'm new here too. This site looks pretty cool, I'm interested to see how much I'll be able to make.
• Australia
29 Mar 07
Welcome Elic. I hope you will soon feel at home here, make some good friends and enjoy a lot of discussions. Just remember to always give good responses, at least a few sentences that apply to the discussion, and always be courteous and respectful. Many here are myLot-a-holics and just can't stay away from the place. Most are very friendly. If you encounter someone who is not friendly, just ignore him and continue with friendly people. You'll soon settle in and enjoy it as much as we do.
@klystron635 (1519)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
Hello newbie elic2001! Welcome to myLot. Compared to the other forums, mylot does really pays. I like this site. Goodluck to you!
29 Mar 07
Hi to you too! I really like this site. I find that most of the people on here are really friendly and give you nice comments on your discussions. The only other forum like this I have used is yahoo answers and I find that one is a lot more formal and less friendly. It is a great bonus that we are paid for responding to discussions as it gives me an incentive to keep coming back to the site.
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Welcome Elic2001. I think mylot is a great community where you can make a lot of friends and share your views about many different interests and earn from it. At first you will have a lot of questions as to how mylot works but soon you will enjoy it. I joined about a week ago and I already love it and when I turn on my computer it's the first site I visit! I wish you the best of luck Elic2001.