children and obesity
By sunshine4
@sunshine4 (8703)
United States
March 29, 2007 10:50am CST
My sister took her 4 yr old to the doctor for her yearly check up and he told my sister that her daughter is obese. She is a big girl. She weighs about 65~which is what my 6 yr old weight, but she is also much taller than an average 4 yr old. The doctor sent my sister to a nutritionalist. She was told that the amount of milk my neice drinks daily is over what her calorie intake should be. She generally drinks at least 8 glasses of milk a day and was told to have it cut down to 2 glasses a day. She drinks no pop, no juice, only milk and water. My sister said that she doesn't care what the nutritionalist says, she is giving her daughter 3 glasses of milk a day~ one with each meal. What are your thoughts on this. She is also making her eat much healthier foods, but the milk is a big issue between my sister and the nutritionist.
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28 responses
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I'm sorry, but 8 glasses of milk it not healthy. Milk and dairy is good in moderation, otherwise it can be unhealthy due to the caloric intake. If your sister wants to continue giving milk at every meal, maybe she should switch to a lower fat milk (as others have said). But truthfully, all you need is about 3 servings of dairy a day. I wouldn't ignore the nutrionists advice either. She is a trained professional, with years of education and study behind her. I would think she knows what she is talking about.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
29 Mar 07
Milk is bad for you not only on just a calorie level. In reality, no human (of any age) needs milk. Everything that is found in milk can be found from other other sources. Scientist are finding that milk causes an increase in heart disease and diabetes, through studies have found that in milk drinking countries there is a higher occurrence of cancer as well. I believe the US government does us all a huge injustice by promoting milk drinking as part of a healthy diet.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
29 Mar 07
Cutting down the milk to even 3 glasses should help out quite a bit and cutting down the size to 8oz glasses would help too. Since she is over the age of 2 your sister should make sure that she is drinking skim or 1% milk and not whole milk. Too much milk can be just as bad for you as too little.
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@Sikh_Boy (230)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Well its really a big problem in america
I will share something with all my friends at mylot
I was really overweight amost 240 pounds.....but i have been excersing for last 6 months........and i have reached to almost 180 pounds and i am really slim excercise is the key!!!!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
30 Mar 07
congratulations on your weight loss. i agree that exercise is very important for all ages.
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
29 Mar 07
holy wow! 8 glasses is alot of milk! lol i think id go broke if i gave my son that much milk each day... anyways my son pretty much only drinks milk and water as well and on occassion he will have some juice. he drinks 2 glasses of milk a day, one for breakfast and one after his nap. perhaps your sister may want to giver her daughter 2 glasses of milk and one of juice for the meals. of course cutting down from 8 to 2 is a big deal so perhaps if she started cutting them down to 3 a day and then worked her daughter down to two? i dont know? or perhaps make it 3 small glasses?
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
29 Mar 07
ok i have read some of the responses to your discussion and i am so bugged by some of them. first off no one likes when the kid is over weight! why some one would even think that bugs me. i was told my oldest was over weight when he was about 4. he was a chubby little thing he was 57lbs at 4. however he is 6 now and he is just fine. he got taller and thinned out. i had one doctor saying he is over weight and i needed to do something about it. he didn't drink alot of milk maybe 2 glasses a week. hes never been big on candy and junk. he ate alot of veggies and was active. so active they wanted to put him on meds for adhd. i keep track of what he ate for 2 weeks and drank and took him to his doctor and she said he was chubby but to give him time and he would grow up and thin out. guess what he is now 6 1/2 and 70lbs. he is a big boy but not fat and his doctor said that could be half the problem. if you look on my profile you will see his picture and he is not fat at all he was and we never did anything different. yes i do think that 8 glasses of milk is alot and she does need to cut her down but i don't think its just the milk doing this. i think as long as she keeps her active and she eats good then she will be ok. i do think she does to cut back a little on the milk though however i have a 2 almost 3 year old that is the skinnest little thing at 29lbs and he drinks milk like that all the time. the other day wic told me if he was going to drink that much milk he needs to be drinking 2% but yet he is at the low weight for his age. go figure. i think every kid is different and yes maybe your sister will have to cut her back on the milk but it could just be the way she is for now. i think 3 cups is good.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I didn't realize I would get such different responses from this discussion. I also have never heard of a mother who wants her child to be fat! My neice is very solid. My sister has cut her down to 3 glasses of milk a day and the other times she drinks water. She doens't want to give her juice to substitute the milk because too much juice isn't good either. She has her in soccer and swimming. I told her that I wouldn't worry either. Let her be a kid. She is very tall and so are her step brother and sister. Her step brother is 13 and is over 6 ft tall. When he was 8 he was very heavy, but grew into it. I think that you are right Aretha, every kid is different.
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
30 Mar 07
My dear that is sad, my sympathies to the mother. However I disagree with the doctor, milk is an important part of a childs diet. Calcium for strong bones, and its good for your teeth. If she's having a problem managing weigh, maybe she should regularly take her to the park to get plenty of running around. I think that making sure how big her servings are are good as well, depending on the serving size it can be a factor in this problem. Used to they said you couldn't get enough milk for your body to grow and mature, now they are all worried about children being ten pounds over weight. I think that this childs wieght is a problem, however its not a big problem if she weighed 100lbs i'd be concerned.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
29 Mar 07
Omg!!! 8 glasses of milk a day?? That's crazy! Milk is $4.00 a gallon here in Louisiana! There's no way I could afford to buy that much milk!!
I think taking it down to 3 glasses a day will make a big difference. My son and my sister's girls are a little overweight. And I cut my son's snacks OFF at 6pm. And he lost almost 10 pounds in a month! I didn't realize that it would make such a huge difference! I wish your sister the best! Tell her I said Good Luck!
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I was thinking the same thing. I could never afford it. We go through a gallon every 2 days or so and we are a family of 6. It costs us a lot. My kids only get milk with their cereal because we can't afford any more then that. They get the rest of their dairy intake form yogurt or cottage cheese or regular cheese. Milk is just way too expensive.
And 8 glasses is way too much. I was always told 2-3 6-8oz glasses a day. No more. Same with juice. I hear about people giving their kids 3 or 4 bottles (meaning 8oz bottles) of juice every day. I was told 1 6oz glass a day is more then enough and that shouldn't be every day. My kids get juice maybe once a week. They drink water and that is it. No pop, juice or milk. Just water. They are all healthy and none are overweight.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I think if the child likes milk, let her drink milk. She should also try giving her juice, especially juices that has a lot of vitamin C. My kids love the Ocean Spray white cranberry with Peach. It tastes like peach juice, but there's other juices. My 5 year old fell in the 25% for her weight, she only weighed 33.5 lbs. She's also fell in the 10% for her height. She's a little peanut in our family.
Your sister can do a lot of things with your niece, take her to the park. Have a day of fun. Cut out junk food, just eat healthier foods, including fruits and raw veggies. 8 glasses of milk is a lot, I know how that is. We go through a lot of milk, we always joke that we should get a cow and hook a hose to it, lol.
Again I say let her drink all she wants of milk. If she ever falls, her bones will be strong enough so they won't break.
@KetanGulati (579)
• India
30 Mar 07
welll cutting it dwon from 8 to 2 would be too much when the weight difference is that of just 2 years.... I can say (being a non professional) that a 3 glasses would hardly change the situation so u can go for it ..... you can also go for skimmed milk, also known as toned milk....which is fat 1% or even 0%...the taste wouldn't matter much difference, but nutritional value makes a heavy difference!!!
@emjay9 (249)
• Philippines
30 Mar 07
first of all it's a good thing that your sister found out about this at an early time. they could still do measures to prevent her daughter from getting much bigger and later on developing complications like diabetes and hypertension. you know a lot of people now are becoming obese. maybe because they think that only thin people are unhealthy, they overlook the fact that being fat or having a good appetite is unhealthy too. obesity is the result of lack of proper nutrition and exercise. many people prefer fastfood and junk foods and think that it is good when their child eats and eats and eats. what's worse is that we eat and eat but we don't burn those calories that we take in. our supply is greater than our demand so we end up depositing fats and getting obese. we really should exercise and be aware of the relation of nutrition with health and this awareness should start at young age. we should train our children to take proper care of their health.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I agree that growing children, especially girls need milk to make their bones stay strong. Once she goes through puberty she runs the risk of developing brittle bones so milk is very important. She could compromise and switch her to a lower fat milk like one or two percent. This way she still gets the calcium, but not as much fat.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
30 Mar 07
The doctors told me the same thing. They didn't use the word obese though, but they did say cut down on milk to two cups a day for my 4 year old. I did. She went from drinking milk all day to just two glasses a day and she lost weight and I can see the difference in her health. So it might be a good idea to cut down on milk. Yes milk is healthy, but when children drink lots of milk they seem to gain a lot of weight. Now as an adult you are suppose to drink a glass of milk with each meal and maybe even more, but it's not the same with children for some reason.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
30 Mar 07
Wow. How sad! It sounds like she is doing pretty fine to me. Gad. She sounds healthy. Did the nutritionalist account for the extra height and stuff? Just keep the milk lowfat and it shouldnt be a problem. Sheash. I always heard lots of milk is GOOD FOR YOU especially a growing little girl. Girls need milk and such. Honestly.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
30 Mar 07
Now I am feeling that its good to have children under weight than having them over weight ,one can make them eat more but its too difficult to make them eat less.I feel sorry for youe sister mayAllah help her out of this difficult time easily and May He give her strenght.(Ameen)
@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I think that the child's height should be taken into consideration and it is likely that the doctor did this unless he is a complete moron in which case your sister needs to find a new doctor, on the other hand, we are constantly being told that what is healthy isn't and what was said to be unhealthy is now healthy.
For the milk issue, some common sense, use 2 percent milk instead of whole milk, she can get the benefits of the milk but with less fat from it.
Some feel that many dairy products should be limited, and while yes people in general need more vegtables, and fruits in their diets and less meat and dairy some is still needed.
It is possible that she can get a second opinion from another doctor, if she went to the nutritionist that the doctor told her to go to, rather than one who is independant of his recomendation she is going to find one who agrees with the doctor.
In fact this web site talks about how milk helps you lose weight
Your sister may want to see what information it has in regards to that issue.
This site does recommend that you drink low fat or fat free milk, which is why I suggested the 2% I use 1%, the fat free or skim milk to me is not milk.
It does however suggest for an adult that they drink 24 ounces in 24 hours
I think the site also shows however that we get milk in other ways besides glasses of milk and to take that into consideration.
But it may be something she will find helpful, at least it will provide your sister with some informatin when debating this issue of 3 glasses of milk, which if they are 8 ounce glasses are 24 ounces that are recommended.
Some juices are good for children, the hard part is finding a juice that is not flavored sugar. It is also good that she drinks water.
Another tip for the child as she needs to lose weight, if when your sister is giving her water she gives cold water, it will be better you actually burn and use more energy drinking cold water than room temperature.
@anya11111 (169)
• India
30 Mar 07
make the child do a lot of physical activity-her intake will naturally reduce. make her run and climb- reduce her tv and computer, and video games. give her more time in person. most of the children tend to eat more due to non recognition.