Skunks as pets?

United States
March 29, 2007 10:59pm CST
My hubby told me long time ago that he wishes he could get a baby skunk to raise as a pet because he said they make great pets. Never heard of that but anyways, last year I searched the net to find out how I could aquire one that was captive-bred but couldn't find anything on them other than in the wild. Has anyone here in mylot ever knew of anyone who had a pet skunk or can give me more info on how to go about finding one other than taking it out of the wild? Any info about caring for them would be a plus as well.
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7 responses
• United States
30 Mar 07
I had a friend that had one. They act just like cats. They will try to spray you so you have to get that taken out but other than that she was a cat. People will freak out when they come over and see a skunk in your house. It is neat to watch peoples faces. Good luck
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• United States
30 Mar 07
Already knew to have the scent glands removed for that very purpose. lol Bet I would have even fewer friends come over if we had one. I just looked it up and sadly, they are illegal to own in my state. Now, if I lived in IN which is only 15 miles east of me, I could have one with a license. Gonna have to break that news to my hubby which he's not going to be happy about. Was thinking of getting him one for his upcoming b-day. Thanks for responding, jess. :-)
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I remember seeing on the web photos of a family that has skunks that were baby rescues. In fact, they had about 6 & only 2 were descented. I heard a story - have to share it. There was this guy who lived out on Lake Travis (a lake here in Texas.) He had been feeding the feral cats for a couple of years so that they would come & hang around, out of reach, but not too far when he sat outside. He kept hoping that one day he'd be able to pet one of them. One day he was out there & he had his hand hanging off the chair when he felt something soft & furry against his hand. He flexed his fingers to give it a scratch. Instead of running off, the animal stopped & leaned into the scratch. He wondered which cat had finally gotten brave enough to let him do this so he slowly looked down & saw he was petting a SKUNK!!!! He just kept petting it until it decided to leave - he wasn't going to chance making it unhappy!
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• United States
30 Mar 07
That was a good story, ElicBxn. I wouldn't of wanted to make it unhappy either when it was THAT close. lol Thanks for responding!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
30 Mar 07
In a lot of States it's illegal to own skunks. Check with your city or with the Local DNR office. They may be able to lead you in the right direction. Hope it helps ya. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• United States
30 Mar 07
Yeah, I found out that owning skunks is illegal in my state after I posted this. Thanks for responding, Grandpa Bob!
2 people like this
• United States
30 Mar 07
skunks can be obtained for pets. however, they have to be descented, and are not legal to have everywhere. also, if your descented skunk gets out, he/she will be pretty much defenceless against preditors. finding a landlord willing to accept a skunk as a pet is gonna be hard too, where i live it's getting really hard to find land lords who will accept the ordinary dog or cat or bird! even the RV parks are no-pets and more are smoke free, so pet lovers and smokers are less and less welcome...
• United States
30 Mar 07
We own our house in the country so having one wouldn't be a problem IF they were legal to own in my state. :-(
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• United States
30 Mar 07
i have never had one but i would love to have one. they are illegal to have in alto of states though sorry yours in one of them. i think they would be relly cool as well. for his birthday though you can give him a good rep of one like a stuffed animal etc. i think some big stores like bass pro shop etc could get you one that would almost look real and tell him it was as close as you can get but you love him. ferrets are really cool pets too. maybe if you talked to him that wuld be a good pet for him. i know here we can get them with all shots, deskunked lol, and everything for like 100.00 not a bad deal . they are different and very playful. you could do like the cartoon and get him a black cat and paint a stripe on it and try to trick him lol. just playing thought i maybe able to get you to laugh. good luck hun and i think it is sweet that you are thinking this hard of a gift for him.
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• United States
31 Mar 07
lol Thanks for the laugh and responding, easymoney. We talked about getting a couple ferrets but it never panned out. I did get him a 'real' skunk several years ago which he loved but darn dog got ahold of it (have no clue how) and disassembled it completely which really upset hubby. Haven't found one yet that comes even close to the one I had got him then. Will email BassPro Shops and see what they can come up with.
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@taymouse (585)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Wow, that's weird, I was just commenting on how I wanted a pet skunk today! I think skunks would make great pets. People would be so surprised on when they saw it, and also you can have the part of the skunk taken out that makes it spray awful smell. I read about one person took in a bunch of baby skunks they found in their yard, and since they don't spray when they were babies, they had that taken out before the skunks grew. I've never owned a skunk and probably never will, so I can't give you much advice on caring for them, but I wish I could have one and they're just so cute. :)
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• United States
2 Apr 07
Yeah, hubby told me skunks make great pets and are very cute but smelly till you take out their scent glands. Thanks for responding, taymouse. :-)
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• United States
12 Apr 07
I have heard as these as pets, and also have them taken to a veternarian and have that gland removed.
• United States
12 Apr 07
Didn't read all those responses till after I posted this response. But have you ever thought of a ferret? They have many tamed ones and I am sure they have them at your local pet store.