What do you think of being a new parent at over 50 years old?
By ironstruck
@ironstruck (2298)
March 31, 2007 10:18am CST
First of all, it takes a lot of physical and mental energy to chase after small kids. Do you really think that at 50 something is wise to be taking this on? Say the husband is 52 and his wife is 30. It seems that the burden would be mostly on her as the children aged.
It is also a time in life when one begins to think of an upcoming retirement. Well, I have news for the 50 year old. Being a late blooming parent will be far from the restful golden years they may have once envisioned.
There is also the age spread to consider. It would be stretching the limits to be able to enjoy your grandkids if you even lived that long.........
What do you think. Is it not really a good idea to be a 50 something parent or would you say......go for it?
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18 responses
@mamaof4toddlers (123)
• United States
31 Mar 07
think all you want i am 25 and my husband is 58 don't judge me I have 4 children and he loves being a parent and is already a grandpa and is also enjoyhi9ng his grand children its all up to them and not someone else. Its different for men than it is for women. women over at age 50 shouldn't get pregnant anymore as for adopting thats different. but everyone is different my husband may be 58 but hes is very intergetic with the children and loves it and is still looking forward to retiring and following his dreams of just buying a house.
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
Good for him.....and you.
That is the way it should be. That both of you go into the situation with your eyes open...
I'm 58 and when I was 52 had a 22 year old girlfriend and it was amazing for both of us. I could have cared less what people thought.
@Venus965 (36)
• United States
1 Apr 07
That's awesome! I am 22 and my husband is 46. He wants to have kids like now! lol, but i think i'm going to wait a couple more years to travel and school. But, i think that's really cool that it's working out. It's all what you put into it. I do believe it's difference for a man than it is for a woman who's older.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
31 Mar 07
That is a good question. I believe that it all depends on how both parties in the marriage feel and if they are in good health and are able to actively care for this child. I wouldn't see anything wrong with that. In response to "how will they be able to enjoy their grandkids if they lived that long" I mean lets think about it, life is full of risk. We walk out our door every day facing uncertainty. We could get hit by a car, shot, freak accidents, anything can happen. All we can do is plan ahead for security and financial reasons and cover all of those bases, but to worry about something like that at 20, 30 or even 50, we all face that risk. I just think that being a late bloomer parent is not so bad, they are more mature, most likely financially stable and able to take the time to make sure the child is happy and comfortable in life.
@edswarnok (4)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I think it would suck for the kid. I personally am still a teen and not being able to go plat ball with my dad because he has something like osteoporosis would suck.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Apr 07
Not for me, when I first met my fiance he talked about having a child together and I see now way we would be in our 70's before the child grew up and I didn't want that.
@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I think it all depends on the person not the age.I am 44 and my husband is 29.My son is 21.He wants a child,but I am too old to carry.We are considering adoption.However before I met him I wanted another child.I was kinda hoping that my son would meet someone nice and I would have a grandkid.I don't think I want to go through having to get them to school,doing all the doctor visits,and also all the activities for children again.I feel I am not up to all that.If the wife is 30 and the husband 52.I would say go for it.Especially if they don't have any children yet.If I didn't have my son,I would fell that there was something missing in my life.
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
I agree that it is an entirely different situation if the wife is the older one.
Because then you start to deal with health and safety issues of late pregnancy, and adoption sure seems like a far better alternative if another child is the dream you both share.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
If this is something the couple discussed and agreed they would like to do then I can't see how their age should be a factor . Being a parent is a big responsiblity , but when you are willing to take all the love you have and give it to a child , then this is all that should really be important . They may end up making better parents then someone who is younger and wants to go out every night rather then accepthing that they are a parent .
I don't believe that the golden years should be any more then what a couple envisions what would be good for them and if this makes them happy then I think they should go for it as happiness is more important then what others think .
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I would have to say that it isn't a good thing at all. My husband is 50 and I am 35. He has 3 children of his won who have grown up and moved out on their own. I have a 15 year old daughter who is still at home with us. She is a handfull herself. My husband and I are already trying to plan for his retirement in 12 years. His income will definitely go down. We cannot afford another child any way. As he has gotten older, some of the things he used to do, isn't easy for him any longer. I wouldn't want to be left burdened to raise a child by myself. I have one child and her real father has nothing to do with her. I have already experienced being a single parent and it usre isn't fun or easy. I think my husband will be able to enjoy my daughters children if she has any for his grandchild. He has a granchild now but we never see his kids or their children either. They do not come around since he met and married me. I don't know why. We have asked them for 15 years and we still don't know.
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
31 Mar 07
You make a good argument for the "no" side that parenting over 50 is not good for everyone.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Well, I don't see why not. Now days we are seeing more and more grandparents raising their grandkids anyhow so why not. Yes it does take alot out of a person of that age but it is well worth it also. It will keep them on their toes and their minds stimulated. My mom adopted my brothers daughter straight from the delivery room and she is now 5 and in school I give my mom breaks occassionally because even young parents need breaks. I say go for it. I think everyone no matter the age if they agree to be parents then it is ok.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
Well for one thing the wife is 30, That is something, most of the child caring and rearing are on the mothers shoulders, the 50 year old father will have to live up to the childs energy, but hey, there are a lot of energy booster around and at that age the man must be financially stable enough to sustain the families need, otherwise it will be a tough challenge indeed, otherwise, if love is in the air... go for it... move mountains.
@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I am 29 years old, and my husband is 53. I married him when I was 19 and he was 43. We have 4 beautiful children, all boys, ages 10, 8, 7, and 2 (the youngest was a bit of a surprise).
I can say in all honesty that age is nothing but a number. My husband has more energy then most 20 year olds, and he is CONSTANTLY playing with our boys. In my opinion, there are advantages to having children at an older age...most people are more financially stable as they age, and they also have their priorities straight. Some younger people (especially men) are very self-centered, and are not ready to give up their juvenile behaviors.
As far as the retirement situation goes....what better way to spend your golden years then to be surrounded by your happy, loving children? They bring so much joy and laughter, and they also keep you "young".
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I think it really just depends on the people, if they realize what they are getting themselves into, I'm sure they'll be fine. Retirement isn't what it used to be, and you don't find very many grandmothers who sit at home knitting on the front porch, (many of them don't even know HOW to knit, let alone have the time to) (: I personally want to be done having children by the time I am 30, I'm 24, and I want one more child, so that will be easy for me to accomplish. I don't want to be an old parent, my parents were young, and I want to be younger for my kids, so we can do things together.. (of course an older parent can still do things, it will just take more effort on thier part)BUt to each his own.
@sadgirl_1958 (1088)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I think this really has to be up to the individuals involved. You mention 50 as if it is so old - yet people are living longer and longer. The most rapidly growing age group in the world is now Centurians. Many people aren't thinking of retirement - the days of sitting in the rocking chair and taking it easy are over. Seniors are more active than ever. I think there are advantages to being older parents as well as disadvantages - but again the decision has to be on the parties involved. For a woman - it is risky health wise for her and the fetus if she is over 40 - that is perhaps the greatest reservation - yet women in their 50's deliver healthy babies too!
@txwoman36 (173)
• United States
1 Apr 07
well for a 50 yr old woman to get pregnant it would he hard to conceive. lets say shes able to get pregnant the pregnancy would be hard on her. she has the baby and once they can walk that is when she will get tired. when you have kids you want to be able to do things with them and being that age it would be hard. i have a 9 yr old niece and she tires my mom out.
@sebs89 (56)
• Australia
1 Apr 07
Firstly let me start by saying great topic. Also not such an easy one to answer as I think feelings could be very mixed. Personally I think along the same lines as yourself, at the age of 50 you are beginning to wind down in life not start. However I guess if the women is only 30 well she might have a different view. I would think that it would have to be something that they would have discussed in great depth before they made up their minds to go ahead with it. I am more inclined to think of the kids and the effects it can actually have on them haveing a older father compared to his friends. The man at 50 sure wont have the energy of the 30yr old father, therefore the child will miss out on things. As I said you could actually discuss this all day, And actually something which is happening more and more in society today.
Have A Great Day
@b_valentino (50)
• South Africa
31 Mar 07
in my own opinion, i dont think that it is wise to have children at an older age, as it tends to be unfair on the younger mother who has to perform more tasks, as the older father is unable to do so, also its unfair on the child as they miss out on valuable time with the father.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
31 Mar 07
If they have no child, I guess a child at 50 is a joy. After all, there will be someone to look after them too when they grow even older. But yes, lots of energy to be spent looking after the child - especially since they might need looking after themselves. But hey, if they think it is fine with them, I don't see anything wrong. ;-)
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Not a good idea at all, kids take and deserve alot more energy than a 50 year old can give. If she's 50 this should had been discussed before the marriage not to have children. He may or not live to see them grow , who knows.
@joyce959 (1559)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
It depends on the situation. If it is the first time that both wife and hubby will get a child of their own, then I would say go for it. There's no problem with the male who is 50+ years old. The age of the wife is more important. If wife is 30 years old, then there's no problem, she can still conceive and give birth. Taking care of the baby can be done by both hubby and wife even if the hubby is 50+. There are grandmas and grandpas aged 60+ who are still very willing to take care of grandkids, why can't a 50 year old father do that to his own child?