Do you arrange the money in your wallet?

Do you arrange your dollar bills neatly? - A picture of several dollar bills.
April 1, 2007 10:58am CST
I am not sure if this is again another idiosyncrasy of mine... I like to arrange the dollar notes in my wallet. For instance, I might have $78 in my wallet right now. Making up this amount, I have 1 $50 note, 2 $10 notes, 1 $5 note and 1 $2 note. There is no missing dollar in case you are wondering. Singapore has switched to $1 coins and is no longer using $1 notes - so the "missing" dollar would be in my coin compartment. So anyway, what I would do is to arrange the notes in descending order from the back. This means that my $2 notes will come before my $5, my $5 will come before my $10, and my $10 will come before my $50. Well, I trust you get my point. :P Does anyone else does this besides me? Do you arrange the dollar notes in some particular order? Or do you just stuff it into your wallet or purse any old how? Do share your thoughts. ;-) PS.: I have given out some virtual medals for my discussion titled "Are you a channel surfer or a single-track viewer?" located at . Congratulations greengal, flowerchilde, Denmarkguy & crazy4mc! Those who have not responded can still give it a go, thanks. ^^ For information on the virtual medals, please refer to .
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232 responses
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
1 Apr 07
You are not alone. I know at the blind school they taught my roomie to do this & she gets unhappy if I happen to stuff a bill in there in the wrong spot. I, on the other hand, tend to just stuff my $$ in my pocket so I'll sometimes pull it out & put it in some kind of order, but I'm lucky if I just fold it together.
8 people like this
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
I rather not stuff notes into my pockets if I can help it. I might just forget and ruin the notes if I dump my pants into the washing machine without first removing them. What a big ouch if so! :P
8 people like this
• United States
1 Apr 07
Yes I always keep my money arranged in order and all the bills facing the right way and right side up. It is so mauch easier that way cause you don't have to dig in your purse for awhile when you need money
8 people like this
1 Apr 07
It's not just you hun, my partner and I both do this. I find it easier to organise my notes into the back section of my purse, and put the change into the zip section. At least I know where the notes are when I pay for things and I get less confused in the shops too
6 people like this
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
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@cabergren (1181)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I do arrange my bills in my wallet. It just makes it easier to find what you are looking for. And of course you can count it faster. I am super organized and this is just another way I organize.
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@davis123 (507)
• United States
1 Apr 07
i arange my money to haha it just seems more organized to me
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@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
Yes, I also arrange my bills in my wallet. This way I could easily get what I need. I love to organize things in order this makes things easier to locate.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Yes, I do arrange my bills...but not in my my purse. They go from smallest to largest. But they also have to be facing the same direction. I can't stand when they are facing some backwards or some upside down. So, whenever I have new bills to add, I always arrange them accordingly and put them back nice and neat. When I worked as a cashier some time ago...this was also a pet peeve of mine. And you wouldn't believe how many people would hand me money all sort of different directions! How do they truly know how much they had? These people I have found do not really know and often times it came to more than what they thought and they were left counting to see if they had enough. See, if they would arrange their monetary notes, they would know exactly how much they had. :)
4 people like this
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
I hope it doesn't drive you crazy when you get money stacked in different directions. :P
5 people like this
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
Guess we need to build more mental hospitals. *ahem*
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Apr 07
This is a really interesting question! Personally, my refusal to organize the money in my wallet has become a bit of a joke among my loved ones. I used to be a little messy, with my money, but I did occasionally arrange it. Then, I started working at a bank. At work, the money in my drawer has to be perfect. Everything must be facing the same way, in the right slots, and neat. Any bills that are mutilated are separated out and sold to the vault to be sent out to the Federal Reserve. Bills that are in the wrong places could cause me to not balance at the end of the day, so I have to be very careful. When I first started working at the bank, everyone told me that I would become just as careful with my own money after a while. Of course, me being the stubborn person that I am, I said it wouldn't happen. After three years of working at a bank, I am even messier with my personal money than I used to be, because I just can't give in to the pressure.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Apr 07
Yup, yup, that's a picture of me all right. =p And yes, I do have a rebellious nature! I just can't help it! I do dislike doing the same things at work as at home. I don't like being the banker in Monopoly or other such games, and I usually avoid math whenever possible. You won't catch me doing Sudoku anytime soon! If I read about anything "banking-related" at home, it's always stuff that is very different from the part I actually do right now. My goal is to someday do investment banking and such, so I often read about that, but that's pretty far removed from my current job. On a side note, thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea how excited I am to get a medal from you!
3 people like this
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Strange, you look very neat and organised in your avatar.:P And I think that it is the rebellious streak in you that is manifesting itself in your personal life. You just don't want to do what you are doing at work lol.
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• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Oh I love monopoly. Don't remind me. :P Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give you a virtual medal. I am very excited too! ^^
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
2 Apr 07
WHen my son was just beginning to carry a wallet and his own money, he happened upon a state trooper while standing in line. My son had arranged his money in his wallet, ascending to descending. The trooper said that is a bad idea, if someone sees the inside of the wallet and see the big bills, if they are inclined to rob you, they will see the big bill on the outside. He said to use your 2 lowest denominations for front and back, and but the larger denominations inside, so it appears that you have less money.
@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Hey, thanks for the info. That is handy information!
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• Singapore
2 Apr 07
You are very right, Debs. If security is your concern, then the way you suggest should be used. Hmm.. time to change my ordering manner? Hmm...
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I like the way you said "any old how" My parents who are from the Midwest used to say "any Ole how" lol. Anyways back on topic. I usually just throw my money in my wallet. sometimes it sticks out. lol I am not one to organize much.
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Hehe.. I will make sure the notes never stick out (if possible).. that's attracting unwanted attention! :P
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
1 Apr 07
wel its ok because its hidden in my purse. lol
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• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Fine fine.. if you have another "layer" of "protection". :P
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
If I'm in a rush, I normally just stuff the money inside my wallet or in the small pocket of my bag. At home, I will arrange the money from the highest to the lowest bills.
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
So you will still rearrange the notes to your satisfaction in the end. :P
5 people like this
• United States
1 Apr 07
If I am getting my change at a store I just throw it in my purse. Once I get home or to the car i will rearrange it into the proper order. I do it so that when folded into quarters the big bills are usually on the inside. This way when people see me pay they may not always know I have alot of money on me.
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• United States
3 Apr 07
I hope so! :)
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• Singapore
2 Apr 07
A good precaution. ;-)
4 people like this
• United States
2 Apr 07
Absolutely! I was a cashier for years in a gas station and was a complete nut when it came to the money. It had to be organized of course, but all the bills had to be facing the same direction. So my wallet is the same way...very organized, facing the same direction and in order, lowest to largest. I also heard that people who organize thier wallet have more money and those that don't organize are the one's who are always in need of money. Don't really know if there is a connection or not.
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@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I could organize all I wanted to, but it wouldn't make my bank account grow. : )
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Well when I was a cashier at a grocery store I noticed people with messy wallets dropped money and didn't even notice. I saw their money after they left, but I kept it to give it back to them (they were regular customers). They were so thankful that I gave it to them and they didn't even realize that they lost it. I am not sure about that organization because mine is organized but I just don't seem to have lots of money ;).
4 people like this
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
I don't mind picking the money up for them... and keeping it for their safety. LOL :P
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@hitesh23 (233)
• Hong Kong
2 Apr 07
Yup I also organize my wallet but in the total opposite way from you. I keep the highest denomination value at the back the lowest in the front.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
1 Apr 07
Yes, I always like my wallet to be organised. I place £20 notes at the back, then £10 notes and the £5 notes are at the front. It makes it far easier to keep track of what you have if it is organised properly. It really annoys me when I draw cash from a cash dispenser and find the notes back to front and upside down, which demonstrates a total lack of interest on behalf of the people filling the machines.
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• Singapore
2 Apr 07
Yup. I think especially if you are a cashier, you should be more organised.
3 people like this
• United States
1 Apr 07
I get your point and I also arrange them in the same order as you. I also separate my coins by quarters, nickels and dimes, then pennies.
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• Singapore
2 Apr 07
I take it there are separate compartments in your coin pouch then.
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• Canada
1 Apr 07
I would have to say that I just stick it in there the way it is handed to me . The only time I take the time to arrange it in order would be when I am checking to see how much I have left or if I am going to deposit some in the bank as I figure it will save a bit of time for them as well as for myself as they have to arrange it all in order before they can deposit it for you .
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I cant be so disorganized with my money I need to know how much I have available for making decisions about it. I couldnt meet my budget without that organization either.
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• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Yup.. though you can always arrange it if you want when you get back home.
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@lols189 (4742)
1 Apr 07
yes i always arrange my notes in order. the highest amount at the back and the lowest note at the front. the coins get put in a different compartment in my purse. i like my purse to be tidy.
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• Canada
1 Apr 07
I'm just the opposite. The big bills up front small to the back. Funny how we're all so different at times.
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• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Lol!! :P
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
1 Apr 07
wiz i wrote you a wonderful reponse that described my mental problem when it comes to organizing my wallet.. but the internet connection was disconnected everything was or not to lol........ well i will try to give you an idea on what i am talking about..i organize the money notes just like you do..not that i have alote to organize this days..but i still try to live my illusion and organize it.. but the notes are the simple story..the coins are the big problem i have to have my coins at my wallet and i have to have each different type of coin in a different section of the wallet so they won't get mixed shrink had any luck solving this do you have a solution to this?..:)
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
2 Apr 07
oops..didn't know about that..thank you and be sure i will buy that wallet after the holiday ends her..:0
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• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Oh liran, was that an April Fools' joke? Otherwise, please switch to Firefox and install the textarea backup script at . You will never loose your draft again. You have to get those hard kind of purse with inner compartments if you want to separate your coins as well..
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@wildhorse (1293)
• Egypt
2 Apr 07
Yes I always do that, it's easy to know how much i got fast and easy when paying for anything, I'm not the kind of person who is always organized with small details but with this I like to organize because I see it makes things easier for me.
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
Right. Easier if you can see everything clearly. ;-)
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