Why Is It So Hard To Come To A Decision
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
April 2, 2007 9:05am CST
Here I am the day before an interview and I still can't make my mind up. I know deep down inside my decision and as soon as I decide I start thinking about other contributing factors and then I start questioning my motives.
I have weighed up the pros and cons but I still feel I'm not doing the right thing. I am a hopeless case!
Do you have trouble deciding? Do you have problems with decision making, how do you make it easier for yourself.
I have a bad record of decision making in the past and just know that the decision I make will be the wrong one as usual!
Am I trying to convince you or am I trying to convince myself that is the question LOL!
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29 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
2 Apr 07
Well - first I am going to tell you off! You are being negative again! Why should the decision you make be the wrong one? It may easily be the right one! It's 50/50 isn't it? I think all ofus are indecisive at times anyway - especially about something as important as our work. It is somewhere that we spend 8 hours or more a day, so being happy is important, as well as the obvious concerns of pay, and conditions etc. Just go to the interview, and try and keep an open mind.I'm sure you will get a "feel" for the place while you are there - especially when they show you around. If you feel at all unhappy once you've looked around, then turn it down even if they offer it - but at least you will have given it a go.
@rhinoboy (2129)
2 Apr 07
What is it, you're indecisive about? Or is it just a general condition?
I just weigh things up as best I can and take the best option. If you really can't forsee any outcome either way, just take a leap of faith. You won't die and it unlikely to be irreversible, so you can always try again.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
2 Apr 07
A job I'm going for tomorrow, it's long hours, changing nappies and working with 32 women and bad pay, but it's a job. It's not the age of the children who I want to work with. I would be much happier in a primary school with children 6-7 and not with babies or children aged up to 3.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
2 Apr 07
Best of luck, I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you get the job.
Our daughter started going to daycare last week and male staff are somewhat rare! I think they have a male chef and that's it. I certainly don;t envy you changing all those nappies though, I deal with less that half of a single child's 'output' and it's more than enough for me!
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@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
and all the while i thought i was the only one having a hard time deciding! from little details like where to eat, where to hang out, what to do with the rest of the day. so you can just imagine how much trouble i go through whenever i decide on major stuff like career and the important things in life. i usually write pros and cons on paper and compare them before jumping to decisions. it's also important to acknowledge the risk. also once i have come up with the decision i just take full accountability of the consequences of my decisions and be completely optimistic. there's no point in looking back once you've come forward with your choice.
@sensesfail (2251)
• India
3 Apr 07
Decision making is sadly one of the hardest things to do.I guess its mainly because of the consequences we might meet face on making them.I do spend a lot of time thinking before making a decision.I usually don't consult others on making decisions cuz I'm a antonymous when it comes to this.I don't have troubles making them though.
I make the decisions and those i've made till date are so far the best and i hope it turns out the same in future.
@kayesteph08 (174)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
well it is really hard to make a dicision..but i have a tips for you on how to decide..well at first before you decide you must think first the negative and positive side..and also think what will be happen next if you decide one thing..well when you already think the positive and negative sides.and you already have the choose..so you must sure of it..a 100% sure of your decisions.and accept what will be happen after your decisions.accept to make mistakes.accept to fail.and be positive.that will lead you to succeed
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
This is because human is not 100 % confident of something yea ... they have doubts which cause them to hesitate yea ...
@akuler_ler (675)
• Malaysia
3 Apr 07
It really hard to make a decision because it can be our future or what will happened after we make any decision. Before we make any decision, we must think carefully about what we decide to do. I also hard to make any decision. For example last year I can enter the famoust university. After that I must choose the faculty that I think is the best for myself. I need the opinion from a lot of people around me because if I make a mistake on this time, what about my future soon??? So, it really difficult or hard to make any decision.
@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Sometimes i do have trouble deciding.And if i am confused i have to ask for some suggestions, advices that my parents and friends would give me.I have tried also experience making a wrong decision and i just face the consequences of it or if i have something to do to prevent it then i will do.
@spikey_monkey (759)
3 Apr 07
Yes, Im extremely bad at decision making! I just want to make sure I make the best one and sometimes it's so hard. Even little things like what flavour of crisps to but in the shop. Sometimes I stand there for ages deciding then I start wondering if people are wondering why im taking so long. Buy a decisions ball!
@gkainth (279)
• India
3 Apr 07
dear first of all i want to share with you that decisions can make the life and decisions can destroy the life. some times decisions are not bounded only to a life but they can be go for the whole world
about me i experienced many times about hard to come to make a decision and when ever it is more hard i success in it too fast this is also my experience
@moweiflying (31)
• China
3 Apr 07
To be or not to be is a diffult thing to decide .just hear you heart, the deepest sound in your heart.this sound is what you really want to do.and then make a decision.after that, the only thing you can do is stick to it,never give up.be positive to your life. happy for everday.you'll find life is so different.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
3 Apr 07
i dont make decisions in haste..i always weigh things up and even consult my husband if it is right or his opinion and then after consulting ill decide and its quite effective and rewarding..
@Naomi17 (624)
3 Apr 07
I always say try everything once if you don't like it its not the end of the world try something else!
I have done jobs i've hated but used the job i had as a stop gap till i found the right job for me,i try not to be negative and start with an open mind, i can't afford not to work paying the bills with 4 children leaves little choice, i do think working makes you feel better and less time to think about why am i doing this?
I think a positive approach is the way and if it doesn't work you know the job is not for you, carry on looking but give it a chance nothing ventured nothing gained.
@denden (802)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
It is so hard to come to a decision because in every decisions the future lies on it and you really need to make sure that you come up with a right decision.I encounter problems that needs to be decided but i overcome it.If you come up with a wrong decision then you have to face its consequences.
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
3 Apr 07
You know, with some things i have a hell of a time making a decision. With other things, it is very simple. Brian, i think you are more trying to convince yourself that you will make the wrong decision and that is making this harder for you. PM me and tell me the whole situation and i will give you my thoughts on it, if you like.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
you know you are doing the right thing, you said you are weighing your options, you have pros and cons, i think if you've done that, you will come up with better solution. That is why it is so hard to come up with a decision, because it includes sacrifices, you don't know what will happen, you are not sure if your decision is right. i think if you will analyze the problem itself and you will also consider other factors you will have a better solution to have a best decision. Me, when i have a decision, i will think of the ways that can benifit all.
@fennimore (14)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Have you tried flipping a coin? Jk. I guess I just never think that much over a decision, unless of course it's a critical one, which I've barely had to face. Lucky me, I guess. But there was this one time I came face to face with the toughest decision I ever had to make, and I was like really scared and all. By then, my favorite idols of all time were Matt Stone and Trey Parker, you know, the creators of Southpark. I asked myself, what would they do in a situation like this? Then I just did the opposite :)