My kids found my stash!
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
April 3, 2007 12:38pm CST
Well, my kids found my stash today. There it was way in the back of the freezer, a pint of Breyers Butter Pecan ice cream. They were upset that I bought ice cream in a flavor that nobody here likes but me, and I don't even think I care. After they all go to bed for the nigh I get on MyLot with my spoon and pint of ice cream and relax. I also stash other goodies I buy and don't want to share, and so does my hubby. With him it's peanut butter eggs. I don't think this is selfish, we're good parents and I don't think it's too much to have a few simple things that we enjoy. Do you do this in your household?
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30 responses
@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all. If your kids want a flavor of ice cream that no one else likes, they should go out and buy it. It isn't as though you owe it to them to only purchase food that they like. You aren't equals. It isn't selfish at all! I don't have kids, but my parents never let us dictate what could be in the house. It was THEIR house, not ours.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
3 Apr 07
My hubby and i don't have kids yet, but we have 2 roomies that are just like kids, when we want something for ourselves, since we never get it otherwise, we pick something up and stash it in our dressers haha, oh yeah and in pockets of clothing in the closet, because they've found my stash before, and it's usually cashews or almonds, chocolate covered almonds, sometimes i get a little box of crescents, and eat them fast haha, oh there's so many things.
They go out and get whatever they want for themselves and get upset when my hubby and i go out to eat or buy something just for us, so this is our way around it. It's our only way for now. And I'm sure it'll be the same when we have kids, that way we can still have something for us.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's necessary sometimes.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
4 Apr 07
nope i dont do that...whatever i bought its good for consumptions for the whole family....i dont think you are selfish.its just that you have some liking on certain foods which nobody in the family likes ..have you ever bought them another one with their likes too..just asking..
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I buy them each their own little goodies every week. My oldest likes these giant pickles, my 4 year old likes chocolate chip cookies so we bake together every Tuesday and my 17 month old has this thing for tangerines! LOL It's kinda cute how they all think that they're "special" becasue I buy these things.
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
3 Apr 07
LOL, for a second there, I thought you meant your kids had found your stash of weed that you hid in the ice cream container! I was thinking that was a silly (though time-saving) place to put it.
But really, buying a flavor your kids don't like is pretty much the only way you are going to get to enjoy any of it, right? Your money, you get to buy the groceries. Tell the kids that if they don't like it, they can go buy their own ice cream and you promise not to eat any of theirs!
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@nietske (199)
• Belgium
3 Apr 07
Indeed I was attracted to the post, because I thought she was talking abou weed as well. LOL.
ANyway. I don't hide my favorites, I hate to revert to glutny by myself, so I take as many people with me as possible :), that way it's not only going to my hips :)
@boxervseible (143)
• United States
4 Apr 07
well thats a good thing :)
(that its not weed) you really know how to get people to read your discussions lol
3 people like this
• United States
3 Apr 07
LOL I have learned after 21 years and 6 kids there is no hole deep enough in the freezer to hide ice cream LOL
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
i think it's fine to treat yourself once in a while since we are working hard to earn our money and i think we deserve it... my parents also do it to me as well when i am still young... they buy something for themselves and hide it from their children and only eat it when we are already asleep... and we can't complain about it since it is their money and they are the one earning it... so i don't think there is something wrong with doing that...
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@Doramicoki (23)
• Hong Kong
4 Apr 07
I am not a parent,but well....It is alright^_^Well,may be sometimes you can buy a little treat for your kids so that they won't be upset.
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@lirael (501)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
I still don't have kids of my own, but I've been stashing my treats since I was in elementary! My mother used to find food all over my room (in the weirdest places), got exasperated, and gave me a large tupperware to put all my foods in!lol! I'm too lazy to go out and buy myself some snacks, and I get frustrated when my treats are eaten by whoever wanders into my room (be it my sisters, cousins, or nephews) as I am the youngest and I have to "share".
Now that I'm married, there's no reason for me to stash foods as there's only the two of us here and we do not have the same likes in food.
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@cockadoodledoo (337)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
Ahhh, dont you just hate that. If I get myself some chocolate or a soft drink and it needs to be cold, I hide them right at the back of the vegetable crisper because I can guarantee that they wont look there.
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@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
Haha. Very soon your house will be a treasure cove. The parents hiding some stuff and the kids hiding some stuff. Why not just be open about it and leave it in the fridge and common area. Nobody else likes it anyway, so you can be assured that it won't go missing. The kids, they gotta learn that there is more to things then their personal opinion.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
4 Apr 07
lol you need a new hiding spot.. i think its fine to have snacks just for you and your husband...Adults need a few special things in life husband and i offer share a snack after the kids are tucked into bed...either something ive baked or a big bowl of popcorn...or ice cream with two spoons...i love our private time together
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Funny, I do this all the time, usually it is Kolaches, I always get one extra and stash it in the crisper for the next day.
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@jchampany (1130)
• United States
3 Apr 07
AH! You are so funny. I thought you were talking about something else with that title. I thought, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe soccermom does that!" Ha Ha, you got me!
Anyway, NO! It's not a bad thing. My parents did it. They used to have so much candy hiding in their closet that we weren't supposed to know about but we did. I do the same thing. Especially when it comes to alot of sweets. I don't like my kids to get into a habit of always having sweet stuff. I don't even eat sweets very often. But mmmmm, Butter Pecan, sounds good.

@jchampany (1130)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Yeah, I gave up the wacky tobacky about 3 years ago. For a while there I did the "occasional" thing but all I got was paranoid. lol. I don't know how I handled it. I smoked for 12 years! Now it's time to give up the cigs. Do you ever watch Roseanne? They had an episode about Dan and Roseanne finding some pot of the kids. They yelled at the kids then went and smoked it that night when all the kids were gone. Jackie smoked with them. They were in the bathroom freaking out. It was the funniest damn thing I have ever seen. Turned out it wasn't the kids weed, it was weed they hid years ago and had forgotten about. lol.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I remember that episode! It was hilarious. My hubby and I used to chief like crazy, but allthings must come to an end sometime. I went out with my cousin about a year ago and smoked some, my whole day was ruined, I don't know how the heck I functioned in that condition all the time. I guess when you don't think you have anything important to do...LOL
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
4 Apr 07
LOL! I was half way through typing the discussion when the title came to me. Soccermom gave up the wacky tobacky years ago! I tried hiding candy in our closet, but then I'd forget it was there. Now I just go for frozen treats!
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@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
Of course, I do! Not that they remain stashed for long--either the other gluttons in the household find them or I frantically eat all so they don't get a chance to eat my goodies! I absolutely love Breyers Butter Pecan ice cream! Actually, come to think of it, I like ALL ice cream. Sheesh. This is making me hungry. I think I'll go downstairs and get me a bowlful. Right now. Yum! ;-}
You may call me Pudgy (my daughter's pet name for me!) hahaha!
You know how we get stuff from Costco, so my stash I keep in the pantry behind all the bottles and cans (my stash would be boxes of Skor, White KitKat, peanut MnMs, Jello puddings, etc. you get the picture). If I may suggest: ask your butcher for some extra sheets of brown paper they wrap meats in and wrap your ice cream tubs in them. Guaranteed they won't get touched because the kids think they're meat for cooking (and nobody can be bothered to cook--only Mom cooks--so your stash is SAFE!!!) Hope they don't read this...
@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Yep I do it! All the time in fact! I am hording some peanut butter M&Ms and a Take 5 from my husband right now. I wait until he is out of the room or asleep to eat them. I do it because he will eat all of my candy if I don't. I also buy him candy that only he likes so I feel I am fair!
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
4 Apr 07
LOL I tend to horde the M&M's in my house too, if my son sees them he goes nuts! I hide candy at my office too, then there is no way my family will find it! LOL
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Don't all parents do this? I do this myself! My fiance is the same. He hides his kit kats and I hide my butter pecan ice cream or my fudgepops. I tried buying south beach bars for awhile and my daughter thought because they were diet bars, they wouldn't taste good. Well, her friend told her they were delicious, so there goes that secret treat! LOL
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@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I have to hide everything from my dad, or he'll end up eating it during his midnight fridge raide. Thank god he doesn't think to go in the vegetable container. =)
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