Tenabrae Service
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
April 3, 2007 7:43pm CST
Has anyone ever attended a Tenabrae Service or heard of it before?
Our church is having one this Thursday evening and I'm really looking forward to it as it will be a first for me. My understanding is the service is to be symbolic of Jesus' last night with his disciples. Our small group is meeting together before the service for a light dinner of soup and crackers. We’ll then attend the service as a group and leave together to go to our homes. From what I hear these services can be very spiritual experiences.
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11 responses
@luintaurien (972)
• United States
4 Apr 07
This is a common service in the Lutheran church I go to. We do it on Good Friday. When the service starts the church is dark except for the eight or nine candles that are lit for the readings and the big white Christ candle. They also have a lot of black fabric drped on the altar and pulpits. There can be communion at this service as well if the pastors desire. After each reading one of the candles is extinguished. When the Christ candle is left Psaml 22 is read and then it is extinguished. This leaves the church in darkness. At this point at my church there is a loud niose made off to the side to signify the closing of Christ's tomb. This is a very deeply spiritual service and very serious. It is one of the most serious services you will go to. It touches me very deeply every year I get to go to it. I always leave feeling closer to God. Please let us know how you like the service after you have gone.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Your service sounds very much like ones I read about online and I am guessing how ours will be also from what my friends said. Pastor did say there will be communion available for any who want to take it.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
You are very welcome for the BR. I wrote a new discussion on the update
It was glorious, I was so moved and felt so close to Jesus, I still well up with tears when I think about it. I actually felt emotionally drained afterwards but such a small thing compared to what Jesus did for us.
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@luintaurien (972)
• United States
19 Apr 07
So how did you enjoy the service? And thanks for the best response.

@estherlou (5015)
• United States
4 Apr 07
It seems as if I've heard of it before. The word itself sounds familiar. In the Lutheran church, thursday night before Easter is Maundy Thursday. In the Catholic church it is Holy Thursday and a reminder of the Last Supper with a foot washing ceremony like Jesus did for the disciples. Then on Good Friday, there is a service reminding us of Jesus' crucifixion. We sing a song called "Behold the Cross" and all file past a rough, wooden cross to touch and remind us of what Jesus did for us. Then we have an Easter Vigil service on Saturday night when new people join the church and then of course Easter Sunday. This is the most spiritual and moving week in the entire church year.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Your Good Friday service sounds very emotion filled - I am learning so much about different services in honor of Jesus Christ our Savior. It's a blessing to hear how many others pay their respects to the one responsible for our salvation.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I'll do that - my friends the retired pastor and his wife said they've been to many over the years and usually they read scriptures and with each reading a candle is put out. They have it timed so when the last scripture is read the last candle is put out and everyone leaves in silence. I get shivers just thinking about it. I'm so excited I wish it was Thursday already.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
No sorry I have never attended a Tenabrae Service and never heard of this before in my church. It does sound a very spiritual experience and I wish I could of attended something like this please tell us more about it after you have been there I would like to hear more.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Hello faith,well i just got back from my 3 days of being out of town ,this is the 4th day,its good to be home...No i have never heard of a tenabrae service.I have been to many kinds of services at my church,and it might be that we had one but under a different name.It sounds as though it will be very good and uplifting.It sounds like it will be very good and maybe a real blessing.All the types of these services i have ever attended at my church always brought a real spiritual blessing.By all means go and enjoy the company of your christian friends,we all need that fellowship.let us know all about it...God Bless!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Welcome home Friend :) I was just doing a little research on the tenabrae (shadow or darkness in latin) service and one site said it's common for after the lights are dimmed or out someplace someone will slam a door shut and that is supposed to symbolize the stone being rolled in front of the grave.
I always enjoy time with my Christian friends - most of this group has been together for 3-4 years now, we have some new members from time to time but 8-10 of us went through church membership classes together. Pastor and his wife were our Sunday school teachers for 3 years. Their all the ones who moved me 2 years ago - Pastor called and asked when I could get in the house and when I said anytime he said great they would be at my place 9a.m. Saturday morning - trucks and all the group moved everything.
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@luintaurien (972)
• United States
4 Apr 07
We also do a Maundy Thursday service. This is where we commemorate the institution of the Lord's Supper or communion. We have communion at this service and the at the very end of the service, some of the church members clear the altars and pulpits of everything on them. These stay clear until Easter Sunday except for the black cloth used for Good Friday. This signifies Christ's loss of everything during His trial and crucifixtion. It is another very touching service and rather serious as well.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I certainly will - look for a post shortly after I get home Thursday evening.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I have never attended one. I bet it is a very Spiritual experience. I hope you have a wonderful spiritual day. Share it with me when you return.Isnt it great, the wonderful sacrafice that The Savior made for us!
@healer (1779)
• India
4 Apr 07
Tenebrae services include other psalms, readings, prayers, hymns, and choral works, but never Holy Communion. Texts used within the service usually include the book of Lamentations.
Lighting is gradually reduced throughout the service, initially being fully lit (often including candles), extinguishing and reduction of light occurring throughout, and eventually ending in total darkness (thus the name of the service).
In our place use of a "great noise" is included as part of the service. The service is not considered to have finished until after everyone has left the place of worship. Anyway it rare, and i have never attended one but i have heard of it.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
I have never heard of this Tenabrae Service yet. Our church doesn't have this kind of services. From what I can decipher, Tenabrae coincide with the last supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples. Afterwards, He was arrested and crucified. Our Church offered prayers and thanksgiving as well as share some light snacks and grape juice after the sermon. :)
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Yes it is connected with the last supper in a way but more of the time Jesus spent with the disciples after the supper, talking and in prayer. Our church has in the past had a church supper but their not this year which is why our small group is meeting in one of the fellowship rooms for a 'potluck' dinner together. There will be ten or fifteen of us for dinner and then we'll sit together during the service. I'm getting so excited I tear up every time someone responds to this discussion.
@Zloofah (83)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I know I am late in replying to this but this is the first time in a month I have been on I believe. I have been working 12 plus hours days at the office on a BIG project!
I have not heard of a Tenabrae service but thanks for the insightful discussion you started. I wish our church would do something like that. Although, a point to remember it can be good to show emotions but it also has to have a life change with it.
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