Does A Person Influence The Way Your Moods Are?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
April 4, 2007 9:51am CST
Is there a person who no matter what they do or say, irritates the hell out of you? It's something about them, whether it's their actions, words or just being around you like a bad smell?
You can be really really happy, relaxed and totally stress-free but as soon as that person walks in or comes home you turn into a different person, like a Jekyll and Hyde persona? Like they've sucked all the happiness and peace out of you like a vampire?
Are there certain people that you hate being around? A particular friend, mother-in-law, or work colleague and how do you deal with them or the situation?
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27 responses
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I get along with 95 percent of the people i know because i put my self in their shoes. But the one I HATE are the ones who constantly complain and ask for advice and when you give it to them they tell you. why they cant do that.And no Wolfie I'm not talking about you. I like the fact that you confide i me. I used to have this one friend who was constantly putting herself down and i tried and tired and tried to build her back up but no matter what i said she had an excuse. So I gave up trying. She could bring me down very fast. I am not a down person and it takes alot to get me that way.
@spikey_monkey (759)
4 Apr 07
Yes I have experienced this b4. One particular person springs to mind. I used to work with her and she annoyed me sooo much. Anything she said just irritated me, especially when she used to ask me what I had bought for lunch every single day. I used to try and keep my cool but there was the odd occasion when I got narky and she would say 'sorry I was only showing an interest in your life. But she never seemed to get the message and carried on.
@spikey_monkey (759)
4 Apr 07
I dont know why she cared so much about what I was having for my lunch. Every day I would dread coming back from the shops with my sarnie becasue I knew she would ask. I used to have to sit opposite het, I used to try and hide behind my monitor and pretend I couldnt hear her talk.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Now that you mention it there was one person. I would feel myself tensing up when this person would walk into a room. And to make it worse I had to work with this person. I would just hide my feelings and be nice till one day I snapped. This person wasnt going to make me feel like this again. I simply told her how I thought of her and I didnt even care what I said. I no longer feel tense about seeing this person I can be myself. Ive overcome it.
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@patootie (3592)
8 Apr 07
YES .. ohhh yes ... and this is largely why I prefer my own company .. I am who I am who I am .. but only when i am on my own .. at all other times I suspect I am trying to be what other folks want me to be .. and not just being myself ..
I have to really force myself to go to see my mother 3-4 times a year .. and there are a number of people I simply refuse to go and see no matter how many times I am asked .. I just wish I could be blunt enough to say I don't want to go .. but to my chagrin always end up making lame excuses for my 'no show' ...
@Impervious (1147)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Oh god yes, We used to have a lady that lived in the apartment underneath of us and she always had something to say about everything. She was an older gal so I tried to be respectful but then whenever she opened her mouth she spoke as though she was an authority on everything and most of the time her concept was completely wrong.
And to top it all off she had a niece that gave birth right around the same time that my wife did so now she had to constantly compare the two. I could have cared less because I knew that my son was developing just fine and that he will do his things in his time but she really got to my wife. Started making her think that there was something wrong with our son. Which of course meant that now my wife wanted to talk to me. See what she did.
Anyway I finally had enough and told her look your head is so far up your butt you haven't seen sunlight in decades let alone know your butt from a hole in the ground and to mind her own dang business.
@rondsaint (3)
• India
5 Apr 07
Oh yeah thats true, the way a specific person can screw up smooth ongoing things really is one area of concern. But i also do believe its very psychological to do so, jus coz if the same kinda stuff is done by a person whom you care for or the one u like... its a different story altogether!!!
@summergorgeous (674)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
yeah, i know what you feel. i also feel that sometimes but the difference though is that the irritation that i feel toward this person would subside then i would begin to be irritated to another person. it's realy crazy. sometimes i would be angry at myself because the person does not do anything to me, even talk to me, and i would be really really irritated. sometimes i would cut them off in the middle of their sentence with a sarcastic reply and that person was not even talking to me. its really crazy. and as much as you want to like that person, you cant do it because their presence just pisses you off.
@weemam (13372)
10 Apr 07
i knew 2 people like that , mun hubby's brothers , they took everything of his mum ( we didn't know about a lot of this utill she was dying ), The were wasters and left her with nothing , I hated being in their company but had to be nice when she was there , I know hate is a strong word , but I do hate them for what they put that lovely old lady through , I used to feel physically sick when I aw them , I hope and prey I will never have to see them again xx
@weemam (13372)
5 Apr 07
I had a brother in law like that ( still have but haven't seen him since my MIL passed away ) he was a liar a cheat and a thief and I had to be pleasant to him so not to hurt her , he robbed her blind but I couldn't say anything , He showed his true colours though and everyone else saw him for what he was ( still is probably ) he is the only person I have ever met like that and I pray to God I never have to meet another . XX
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
7 Apr 07
I knew a person like this.He always complained about his life and no matter what I did or said to help him he just didn't change it.He thinks the whole world owes him a favour.Sometimes I just wanted to hit him he irritated me so much!.This guy is never happy,no matter what positive things may be happening in his life he just dwells on the negative.In the end I just had to cut him out of my life as he just drained me emotionally every time I saw him.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
11 Apr 07
oh my god, do u read my mind or something? yes, my mother in law, lives with us and i dread seeing her. okay, i'm gonna warn u this is like counseling for me. i try to wake up and stay in my room until she's gone, she leaves at ten, then when she comes home i lock myself in my room. then she has fridays off so i try to save my fridays to run my errands. she goes outta town on the weekends like once a month, and i dread the day she comes back, and once she does it's like my day just ended, no matter wut time it is. i tell my mom how sad it is i feel this way inside my own home. i can't believe it! I look forward to the day she leaves, idk when that'll be but she's been here for 4 1/2 yrs.
@lols189 (4742)
6 Apr 07
i hate being around my cousin as she is such a liar and so annoying. when i see her i dont speak to her as i wish she was not my cousin and i like to think i never knew her. this sounds bad as she is supposed to be family but she causes so much trouble for me when she can
@joey_matthews (8354)
10 Apr 07
I do try to be friendly even to those who aren't friendly to me but my brother's obsessive, ego-driven girl friend really annoys me.
I won't go into to much details, but she is like jekyll and hyde and that has a similar effect to me.
Awhile ago she stole some people artwork and said they was her own, now I've been contacted because she stealing poetry. (turns out every poem she posted was) and this doesn't include to articles which she claimed to write and didn't.
I'd really hate to see how she treats someone she doesn't like.
@anubias2 (64)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
I do have one now , friends for many years that lie to you, just by hearing the name itself it takes everything my parent teaches me to throw out the window, trusting people have never be the same, all feeling of peacefulness turn into hot weather, I don't know what I really feel , all I can say I not in good mood.
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
5 Apr 07
This used to happen to me, although he hurt me badly,
I still stay calm, and treat my mind with the religion,
No anger is no hell in mind. I keep doing and helping him some time, but I have never thought him as a big bug driven out the heaven to the the hell with him.
I speak coolly even I am not satisfied with that action, my mood is stable.
I learn from the mediation. Without the meditation, I can't keep my mind balance.
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
5 Apr 07
Yes I have a friend thats so negetive all the time.Even when I meet a guy she finds something negetive to say about him.Im actualy thinking about ending my friendship with her as she makes me feel depressed.She does have sonme good points but the bad points are starting to out out way the goods ones.
@Bizziebod (3497)
5 Apr 07
Gosh I could make a list of about 100 people here! I hate to say it but my mother drains all my energy from me, she makes me sooo tired! Although I'm not unhappy around her though. There are definatly a few people who can instantly put me in a bad mood when I meet them and again people who are so energetic that you just can't help being happy around them. I'm effected by peoples energies moreso, some people can really drain my energy!
@jackinthebucks (217)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
Oh yeah I used to hate a certain person for no reason, sometimes I even ask myself why do I hate this person that much...even I can't really figure out the answer.I don't know but whenever I see this person I just feel like digging a crave for that person...hmmm, I'm glad I'm over it.Well I don't see that person anymore, thanks goodness they moved out.
@ranjana11 (20)
• India
5 Apr 07
yes, it does. as you are happy when you are near a person you love, likewise a person you hate spoils your mood. if such thing happens, i try to ignor that person.