Christians and Church
By stacyv81
@stacyv81 (5903)
United States
April 4, 2007 10:50am CST
I am a christian, and its not that I dont believe in church, its just that I dont really go...because it seems everytime I do, it becomes a stumbling block for my faith. I believe in tithes and donations to church, but I think sometimes when I go, there is so much gossip, and hypocrites that it sways me from that. Does anyone else feel this way? Do you think it is a necessity to attend church?
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16 responses
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
Wow I have found someone who thinks the same way I do !!! I was doing the books for our church for a couple years or more and there's a lot to that. It didn't take me long to find out why certain people were treated far better through the church. I always suspected but my thoughts were validated after I took over the books. The people paying the higher tithes and donations are those that have most input as to what the church will and will not do. I finally saw through everything and the gossip that went around that place, I finally announced at one of the church business meetings that I was wanting to step down my responsibilities. I was secretary, bookkeeper, treasurer and I did a lot for the church but it got the more I did the more they expected. I hate gossip and that was the one thing that upset me the most. I made a deal with God, he never comes to my house and therefore I choose to not go to his. I made the right decision.
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@countrylady28 (153)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I don't know what kind of church you were attending, but at my church, the leaders are well aware of their tendencies and "temptation" to treat people better who are able to give more (it's our sin nature). That is why the leaders have no idea who tithes what. The church treasurer and secretary count the tithes and offerings together every Sunday so they don't even know really. I guess when all is said and done, the church financial secretary knows because he gives us our giving statments at the end of the year, but he has not considered a church leader and has no bearing on how others are treated.
It's unfortunate that your previous church had issues with this. It's also unforunate that many churches can't get people to serve in the church so the ones who are willing to serve get bogged down with a lot of responsibility.
Our pastor and the deacon who is over the main ministry we are involved in at my church is regularly checking in on us, reminding us not to "overdue" it (we both work Full Time and have a young family).
I believe in attending church and I think God wants us to, but its important to find a church that does not have so many politics, an independent church, where you can go and praise God and worship without resentment in your heart.
I love my church more after reading some of these posts. I guess we've go a good system.
@cheezer (91)
• Singapore
4 Apr 07
Of my 10 over years as a Christian, I haven't really felt that way. The closest I could think was when I first accepted Christ. I had so much excuses for not going to church that everyone knows I was faking them. I would usually have headaches, legs pain, arm pains..etc on Sunday mornings. Now, I enjoy going to church...I remembered not being able to attend service one Sunday because of fever...I felt so restless the whole's like something is a miss. My church is not very big but has a very strong sense of spiritual family. That's why I kept going. And serving in ministries and being under discipleship helped me alot. So for me, it is a necessity to attend church...coz I find encouragement, joy and God.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
4 Apr 07
That is good, I am glad you found a church family that you like and that works for you, I am a strong believer in the little churches, more than the big ones. mine used to be little, but as it expanded I found I was less interested, no more sense of community, or helpfulness, it seems they have just been more focused on the size other than the quality.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I've adapted myself to my husband.. and sunday is our only morning off together.. plus I am bad with authority figures, and feel the churches have a big mistranslation, that actually blasphemes God.. but bottom line I feel like you do.. when I tried going to church, it would be great for awhile because what I was hearing was the Lord behind the verses and messages and singing.. but after awhile the glow wears off and you become aware of the inner church politics and things.. plus I always would find myself conforming to what everyone else was like and since everyone has somewhat of their best phony behavior on (and I say that affectionately) well I got to feeling uncomfortable and like I wasn't being me.. and being real is all I, personally can be.. I don't know, maybe some day I'll look again..
@countrylady28 (153)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I can help you find a good church if you want to start looking again, just request to be my mylot friend and you can give me your zip code or city and I'll do my best!!
@Mickie30 (2626)
5 Apr 07
I don't think it is a neccesity to go to Church, but personally I go because I enjoy the fellowship. Yes wherever there is people there are going to be problems.
The only necessity is that you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, that you have asked Him to forgive your sins and enter into your life.
Don't worry about not going to Church sometimes the people are not very nice and if you don't want that then you can worship God at home.
@twaambolee (260)
• Zambia
5 Apr 07
If you are a true christian and are on the path of growth in the Lord,you probably read the Bible and live your life according the doctrine of the bible and teachings of Jesus Christ.The bible tells us in Romans10:17 that faith comes by hearing,and hearing by the word of God.It is important that as christians we should be in the presence of other christians and hear the word of God from them.(but you might say you read the bible at home and hear the word from the radio or wherever)Which brings me to another scripture Hebrews 10:25 'not forsaking the ASSEMBLING(church) of ourselves(as christians)together,as the manner of some is;but exorting one another and so much the more,as ye see the day approaching.
In order for us as christians to grow in our faith, i feel it is important to attend church to HEAR the word of God.Pay no attention to all the gossip,hypocrites,whoever.Just keep your focus on the WORD of God.Isn't the whole reason of going to church Jesus Christ?So why focus on what others in the church are doing?We do not go to church to please anybody and we should not stay away either.From church(through the word),we receive words that are spoken to our souls.If you attend a church that is not grounded on the word of God,pray to God about it so you will be directed to the right church.I have no problems with staying away from church especially for the reasons you have stated,but i feel the need to be in the presence of other christians is important in order to grow in your faith as we exohort each other(you never know what God might reveal in your life through others).
@glass_slipper (56)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
First of all, what does it really mean to be a Christian? It should be more than just believing that Jesus is the Christ. After all, once you believe, shouldn't you follow the one you believe in? When you go to church it should be because of Jesus, not the people. Don't focus on people because they will eventually disappoint you. Instead, center on Jesus... Center on God.
@shell52 (144)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I like your response about Going to church to worship God. I am one who loves music and the words are about Jesus and how we praise him. He is most important. My closeness to God is what matters. I like being able to just open myself up and keep my mind on him. All other thoughts are unimportant.
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@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
5 Apr 07
In the letters to the seven churches in Revelations, only two received praise from Jesus. Would today's churches fare any better? I think not. Church doesn't save you, Jesus does. We should have fellowship with other Christians but you can do that in ways that don't include organized religion! I attended church regularly for the last four years then stopped going for a while, now I go occasionally but I am not a member of any church. There are a lot of people who are there every time the door is opened who will be surprised to find themselves in a very fiery place in the end times! And there will be people in Heaven who never stepped foot inside a church. It's what's in your heart that counts.
@countrylady28 (153)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I agree with you about the irony of who will end up in heaven and hell. god knows the heart, which is most important, but it's still important to attend church. Finding a good church is definitely a challenge today. A good church would be a church that teaches the truth and adheres to the Word of God in every way. Churches are corrupt, we're sinners, consider it a challenge to find a good church in your area, unfortunately they are few and far between...

@mslena75 (561)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I think I feel very similarly. I consider myself to be a Christian, but honestly I do not go to church very often at all. Too many times I run into those nosy, gossipy types, they smile in your face and act like they accept you, then the next thing you know they are looking down their noses at the outfit you have on. God is not about clothes or how much money you have in your wallet. He knows your heart above all else. I do still like to go sometimes because I feel I really receive God's word when I am there. It gets to me and I almost always cry.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I feel the exact same way. When we were in Samoa we attended a Seventh Day Adventist Church (my hubbys church) and because I knew the elders that preached and their backgrounds i.e. steal, lie, cheat, etc it totally put me off when they preached about God, living a christian life etc when I knew full well they were not walking the talk. One of them was having an affair with another member of the church!!!! now how bad is that? how can you sit and listen to the Word of God when the person preaching it is living a lie ?!? I know I shouldnt judge but how can you not? Since we moved to USA I have yet to find another church, but have been thinking about attending one, even though it has been a few years now since I last attended one.
@countrylady28 (153)
• United States
5 Apr 07
God warns us about this type of corruption in the church - it shouldn't come as a suprise. There is so much joy in attending a good church. Sure, you'll always have your liers, cheaters, etc. - but God will judge them and it won't be pretty.
There will always be hypocrites at our churches. After all, we're all hypocrites - at least church is the best place for us to be.
I agree, it's different when your church leaders are the hypocrites - in my opinion this is what is causing our churches to fall. Our church leaders will one day have to give an account to the Lord for their spiritual leadership of the church. I wonder if some of them understand the seriousness of this...
@countrylady28 (153)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I am a fundamental, bible believing Christian and I have learned that God wants us to attend church. Going to church isn't a self seeking thing always - don't forget it's for the Lord too, not always for ourselves.
We may not always like what the preacher has to say (especially if it's the truth) and we might not like the person sitting next to us, but God wants us to come together and worship Him. My church believes in being spread out among communities so our membership will never exceed 150. If it does, we build another church in another community.
I may be a bible thumper, but here goes:
The Command -
Hebrews 10:25 - "...not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and even more so because you see the day drawing near"
To Praise God-
Psalms 22:22 - I will declare your name to My bretheren; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You"
To edify (build one another up):
Romans 14:19 - "So then, let us pursue what makes for peace, and building up one another."
Growing / Maturing as a Christian
Romans 10:17 - "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God"
This is just a sampling of verses that support church attendance. I believe that nobody should attend a church out of "guilt" or "duty". In fact, my pastor preached a sermon once on how toxic that is to the church. He would rather have disgruntled folks stay home if they don't want to be there.
I challenge you all to find a church that teaches the truth, if you want help doing so I can help -
I've seen other replies to this post and it seems some feel guilted by the Catholic church. Notice that you will not find the term or the word Catholic anywhere in the bible. You do not have to go to the Catholic church. If you want my opinion, Catholicism is a different religion than mine.
My faith is not based on works, it is based on a personal relationship with Christ. It is not based on confessing my sins to a priest, it is based on confessing my sin directly to Christ and if I choose to do it privately or publicly, that's my choice. My faith is not based on showing up for mass on Sunday and taking communion out of duty, it's based on having a desire to go to church every Sunday and worship the Lord from the heart.
@mike18642002 (41)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I am the only foreigner who attends my church here. I have been the topic of man gossip but I do not let it bother me. I believe church is a strong part of my life and I try to teach my family the same way. I grew up going to church regurlary. I do not agree with everything the church teaches, but I have found I have to choose what is right for me. Not everything that is said and done in the church will apply to my life. If it does not reply, ignore it.
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@darthboard (229)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
You still need to attend church as you are part of it. You never know, God could be leading you. You're able to discern something and it's just waiting for you to let this things come to light. If I were you, I'll talk to my Pastor or Cell Leader and express myself. There's nothing wrong with it. And please, continue to cling to your faith.
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
5 Apr 07
I'm a christian and avoid going to mass when I can because to be honest, I just don't like it. And I know that there are many people who go to church but are not so very nice people in their everyday lives. Besides, I don't think you need a church to talk to God..:)
@libranleonites (24)
5 Apr 07
Well christians and church , the relationship that they have are is a unique one. Christianity has been a relationship that has got followers from all over the world in all major countries.
Though there has been segregation in the relegion itself as cathloics, orthodox, protestants etc. Though the following is of the same God but the ritual practise is different and the beliefs but its all about just one God.