American Idol or American Idiot
@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
United States
25 responses
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Apr 07
American Idiot, Sanjaya has to go. I am still going to believe that America will get it right in the end. If Melinda or LaKeisha get voted off, I won't watch it anymore. Jordon is really good too. Sanjaya is good, but he is far from being the best.
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@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
5 Apr 07
If Sanjaya would leave the show he would probaly get picked up for some Disney Movie,some teen fan sitcom or some kind of mag layout.I think he should bow down and let the real singers do their thing.Close your eyes the next time he sings.I laughed so hard.
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
5 Apr 07
That's why he's there , for entertainment value !
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@accioetoile (319)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I just can't believe that he wasn't in the bottom 3, and hasn't been for awhile. Has he ever been in the bottom 3? I don't even remember. I think it's horrible that this Vote For The Worse has such steam. I really hope that he won't be on the show that much longer. Meaning that I hope he's gone next week.
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@Jans5411 (72)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I have a crazy idea to combat the folks. Vote for everybody except Sanjaya. I have pretty much voted for Melinda each week because her performances have been flawless. Next week I plan on voting for her and everybody else except Sanjaya. He's just not that good. Nice kid but I think he thinks he is good. He creeps me - kinda reminds me of Micheal Jackson with a nose.
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Honestly, I got so fed up with the show when he wasn't voted off from day one, I quit watching. I come in here on Wednesdays and learn from all the myLotters who was voted off the show.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. The judges have no one to blame but themselves for allowing Sanjaya to make it to the final twelve. That is the part they control. There were more talented people they should have chosen. They failed miserably and now they have to live with the results of biased voting.
The Wednesday I come in here and I learn that Sanjaya has been voted off, perhaps I will tune in again.
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@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Howard Stern didn't start that site.
That site has been around even before Sanjaya. People only realize it exists now because of the current situation.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I like Sanjay, he sounds like a singer I heard a few years ago. That singer seemed to do only a few songs so I miss his sound. Sanjay is fun to watch, engages the audience and plays to the camera which is a good thing. America is voting, you should too.
Cher, Bon Jovi, and some other stars would not pass that show. They seem to only want a pop star!!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
6 Apr 07
OK- I also think that Sanjaya should be gone- But why should he step down? the judges put him there and the fans are keeping him in the competition. Someone is voting for him. I don't think that the show would keep him there if he was getting the votes. I think we can thank the Vote the Worst competition and website. Even so- he is getting the votes. I think he has as much right as the others- Hayley isn't much better in my book but because she has "nice legs" noone is saying she should step down.
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I don't think that if I were in the situation of being touted as the worst to vote for that i could stand up there and give any kind of performance. I would have to leave to save face I think. The sad truth is, this website has it right, he is the worst and should step down on his own. It just is not fair to the true talent.
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@kiwikidz (753)
• New Zealand
5 Apr 07
I think that is the million dollar question on every American idol viewers mind, what in deed is going on. Maybe the lad really thinks he can sing, his family seem to be supportive of him each show, I wonder though how the rest of the contestants treat him behind the scenes. I would like to know though whats up with the young girls in the audience do they really think he CAN sing, at this rate anybody could be the American Idol. It might make for a good idea for a future show 'The American Idol for the worst singers'
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@stormygrl (761)
• United States
5 Apr 07
That's what I though that he should bow out but apparently he likes the attention. I'm sure the judges may be sorry thay sent him through or it seems they always have one person to make fun of cause he sure can't sing. I'm pretty sure AI has a voting clause that they can reject the winner if they want, this I've heard from a couple different dj's on the radio , that one of them was promoting to vote for him.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I used to like Sanjaya.. I thought he was a good kid. He is getting very cocky.. I mean to tell Simon "welcome to the Universe of Sanjaya" really !!! The kid has to know that he is getting backed by "" and Howard Stern. Not because he's good either. I personally would have bowed out of the competition. I don't think I could stand to be the laughing stock of all America. And to top it off, see people that really deserved to be there at least one more week, go home. Out of the bottom 3, I figured it would be Phil, if not Haley. I never imagined Gina !! Hopefully she will get picked up by someone else. She has a great voice. I know Chris already did his Christian music, and he will probably go pretty far in that arena. It is really sad that the judges are reduced to just playing along or commenting on outfits, because it really doesn't matter what they say anymore !!
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
6 Apr 07
American Idiot to be sure! I've stopped watching because of it. I couldn't begin to tell you who is there; the only thing I know for sure is that Sanjaya is there, because won't let him go.
The judges have apparently given up on America's honesty as well. Rather than telling this dude the plain fact that he stinks and should have gone home weeks ago, I understand Simon himself has resigned to simply saying, "That was your best performance ever."
So, what happens now? Will Sanjaya Malakar be crowned the next American Idol, while the record companies take their pick from amongst the semi-finalists and/or the runner-up? I don't know, and frankly, I've long since stopped caring.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Definately American Idiot and there is no way Sanjaya will offer to leave. This is all going to his head and he is starting to think that he is better than he really is. I mean, he took Simon seriously when he said his performance was incredible. Get real, Simon was being sarcastic because he knows that what the judges think really don't seem to matter anymore. Sanjaya is getting a big head, which makes him even worse. One day, he will look back on this and maybe see just what an idiot he made of himself.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I am not an AMerican Idol fan...the past 2 or 3 weeks, I have sort of watched it, for the first time and not by choice.
That Sanjaya guy is awful, he should never have made the initial cut., to get on the show...the American Idiots are the people who are still voluntarily watching the show...when will they get it.
It is not a reality is a bad hallucination!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I must admit I liked Sanjaya at first but he wasn't top 10 material. I'm not sure he was top 12 material either. The past two weeks have been very disappointing. Last week they sent Chris home. It wasn't a great performance but it was better than some of the others and at least he didn't have a stupid "ponihawk" or whatever they called it. Tonight it was Gina, of the bottom three she was by far the best. I think she should have been in the middle three. It wasn't a really good performance but she did the best she could considering it was so different from her normal style.
I often wonder if they pick the themes based on who "they" want to keep and who "they" want to send home. This week's theme was perfect for the weaker singers and the two powerhouse singers, Melinda and LaKisha. I wonder if people like Gina and Chris don't fit "their" idea of an idol so they pick themes so far off from their style they couldn't possibly pull it off. I mean how much more different can you be...Tony Bennett and a "rocker girl". And at the same time it went well with Sanjaya's charming, smooth style. I am beginning to think the show is at least slightly rigged. Maybe not straight out fixed but "controlled". (that wasn't the word I wanted but I just can't get the other word off the tip of my tongue)
Oh almost forgot...should he offer to leave? No, sadly they are probably getting better ratings and more voting BECAUSE he is still there...everyone tunes in to see if this is finally the week he gets sent home. If and when he does go the show will lose the "so awful we can't NOT watch" factor. Also I think those that are sent home before their time actually benefit from it because of all the attention they get from everyone being so shocked.
@rainbowzr4ever (268)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I was on myspace and was sending a comment to a friend and noticed that one of her friends was a sanjaya page so went there to check it out I was astonished over all the people that r voting for him. to me he is the worse there is but he's a cute kid so he stays. I don't think he should have made it in the top 12 much less stilll be there gina could out sing him any day of the week. if things continue he will at least make it to the final 2 (that's my prediction anyways)... He won't offer to leave at all I mean why should he he's getting a lot of votes and I think he thinks he's really good.
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@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
5 Apr 07
My husband and I watched American Idol tonight and before the show he said Sanjaya is going to leave tonight and I said no he will stay. I won! Well I find this very funny and I don't watch American Idol regularly but now because of Sanjaya I am watching it just to see how he performs. I laughed hard when he sang Dancing cheek to cheek. That's one of my favorite English songs and he just butchered it lol Well I think many people are voting for him just for the fun of it.
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