Subwoofers in cars
By craftcatcher
@craftcatcher (3699)
United States
April 6, 2007 9:40am CST
Ok, I really need to vent some serious frustration.
I'm a musician and I like my music a little loud while driving my car but not loud enough to disturb anyone around me or anyone in any homes I might be driving past.
There seems to be a growing trend for younger people nowdays to put huge subwoofers in their cars and crank it up so loud that you can hear them coming from 2 blocks away.
My house sits about 25 ft from a major road in town and all day and all night I hear these cars go by. My walls shake, my windows rattle and I for the life of me cannot understand why this is considered cool! There is absolutely no musical value in this since they aren't actually playing music, just a bass track.
Why is it cool to disturb your neighbors and everyone around you? Why is it cool to be so obnoxious and self-centered as to think that ANYONE would want to listen to their windows rattle and feel their house shake day and night? Why is it cool to force people to listen to something that they may not want to hear? Why is it cool to wake people up in the middle of the night?
People, this IS NOT COOL!! This is nothing short of just plain rude!
Ok, I'm done ranting, but I can't be the only person who feels this way about these incredibly rude people.
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21 responses
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Those sub-woofer attacks are the bane of my neigborhood and are just one the of the many damn good reasons that I'm moving out of Philly at the first opportunity...
There is a "highway" right outside my door, it supposed to be a residential "street" but the huge amount of traffic, makes it a "highway" to me...
This traffic contains heavy trucks, that shake the house nearly 24 hours a day... and the bass-blasts from the hip-hoppers is noisey beyond description...
Dude/Dudess please don't get me wrong... I'm a musician, too... I used to really enjoy Metal/Industrial/Techno/Hard Rock/Funk, you name it...
But the assaultive nature of some of this stuff can be really disturbing, because it's meant to be...
This really isn't a rant, my true Nature really is Peaceful, and always will be that way... but I'm also Practical, too... and I believe in taking actions which will resolve this situation...
So I can look forward to moving one day, and I'm already planning and packing...
There will be no looking back, either... this stuff has made me feel un-welcome, and it simply isn't wise to stay where one isn't wanted.
Wanna see how real ranters roll? Check out my latest post, it's worth a laugh or two, which I'm sure that you could use! :)

@peaceful (3294)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Back in my band days, we had Marshall and Sun PA systems with tubes and transistors... we could blow the door off an armoured car, if we wanted to... these amps were made to rock an arena... funny thing is... even cranked to 10, they managed to keep their sonic integrity, without all that bone-jarring vibration... we had to have special pedals for that! LOL! :)
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Our guitar player has an awesome vintage Marshall amp that he uses on stage. WOW, it can blow your doors off! We've got a couple of great SP2's with 2 added 15" JBL's we got from the local major arena when they revamped their sound system. Lots of sound with no MUSH! LOL! I'd love to have one of those old Marshall stacks... nothing will ever sound exactly the same. :)
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
It is becoming a real problem in my neighborhood too. Of course the biggest subwoofers in town have to belong to guy that lives right next door to me!
A few days ago he pulled up in his driveway with his hip hop blasting while I was talking to my friend on the phone and I had to tell her I'd call her back later because I couldn't hear her anymore. I'd had enough, so I walked out there and had to scream at the top of my lungs for him to hear me (he was only about 10 ft away), once I got his attention I asked him to please turn it down. Now every time he pulls up he sits out there for about 5 minutes with it cranked up even louder than before.
One of these days I'm really gonna lose my temper and haul our entire PA system out, put it in the yard facing his driveway and play bluegrass music or maybe some polkas or something. Our full PA system is huge and if I get it close enough it would just about blow his car windows out. See how he likes it. Ahhhh just a dream though.. I would never do it for fear of disturbing my other neighbors.
I think I am going to write to the Mayor and the Chief of Police though. I know there is a noise ordinance and they just aren't enforcing it. The town across the river passed a law that if you get stopped 3 times for a loud stereo, the third time you get your stereo confiscated. To say the least they don't have much of a problem with subwoofers over there. There needs to be a law like that here.
Thanks for your response. I read your other discussion, I got a laugh out of it. Thanks for that.
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@mitchb (254)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I understand how you can find this annoying and think these people are rude. Speaking as one of them...waiting for the weather to warm up to put subs in my new car...I can say that because of the nature of the speakers you might only hear the bass line outside of the vehicle. They could be playing some music you might actually like.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Whether it is music I like or not makes zero difference... it is still rude. When I'm in my own home I like to relax, watch tv, or whatever without my windows rattling and my house vibrating. It could be my own CD they were playing but if they play it so loud that it wakes me up at 3:00 am, trust me I don't want to hear it. I just want some peace and quiet in my own home. I don't think that's too much to ask for.
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@SKLC_PT (1234)
6 Apr 07
Here's an example that happened a lot with my sisters daughter.
She's trying to sleep, or trying to but her to sleep and one of those loud cars go past be it speakers or just loud engine sound, she wakes up, now try getting her to sleep. Are you going to ask a few months old baby hey but what if you like the song?
What about people with light sleep, elderly people.....
I had trouble sleeping sometimes, and having those cars sometimes as late as 4am didn't help!
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@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
Well that would be very annoying.
Back in my previous work where I handle a store which the walls are consist of glass always vibrate whenever there are those youngsters who have this car that even a whole street can hear the sounds. For me I don't really mind them cause me too I like the sound loud music but the problem with it is that most customer find it irritating plus the fact that the wall glass might have the tendency to break (or not really).
I think government should pass a law regarding this cause this may cause some accident in roads due to its loud music some may not hear the beeping of other cars.
(i think theres a law already about this)
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Like I said, I like my music loud too, but I'm always respectful of the people around me. The only time I really crank it up is when I'm out on the interstate. As soon as I get anywhere near homes or other cars I turn it down.
There is a law against it but unless the police enforce it it doesn't do much good unfortunately.
Thanks for your reponse :)
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@Servan (29)
• Malaysia
6 Apr 07
I know how you feel. Near my housing areas used to be a place where ricer kids and those with modified cars used to hang out and drag, until one day my uncle and some 30 guys in 8 cars came down and bash every kid and every car unfortunate enough to be surrounded by them. Cops did'nt even bother as the ricers were bothering us residents first. And after that incident my residential areas went back to its peaceful and quiet state.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
If I thought I could get away with that it would sure be tempting!! I have a few biker friends I'd like to sic on 'em. Sure would be nice to have peace and quiet again. It's a darn shame when you have to LEAVE your own home to get it. I think I'll go spend the weekend at my mom's. She lives out in the country.
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@CinnamorollTK (263)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I've lived in a community where they didn't stop people from disturbing the peace. On some weekends, a bunch of people would park along the road, get drunk, and play loud music. I've yet to find out what that was about. It didn't help that I had to keep my windows open because of the intense heat. I'd have to hear that all night. I once planned to make a machine that would interfere with the radios if they played too loudly.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
That's one of the things that makes me so angry. I haven't been able to open my kitchen or livingroom window for 3 yrs. The house next door is one of the only rental properties in the neighborhood and 4 different families have lived in there in the last 3 yrs and all of them have been horribly noisy. Everyone else in the neighborhood is extremely quiet, you never hear a peep out of anyone else. But of course it has to be the house right next to mine!! I do open the doors and the windows on the other side of the house and use a fan to get some air flow but I would love to be able to open all my windows in the spring and summer.
I'd give just about anything to have a machine that all I'd have to do is hit a button to blow a speaker. I'd be sitting out on my front steps all day every day for about a month. That'ld do it I think... ahhhhh I can dream.. :D
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@dedicated_28 (1383)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I can definately relate. I live very close to a high school on a one way street, so all of the traffic has
to travel right past my house. And if the noise isn't
bad enough, it's hysterical to see the condition of
some of the vehicles that they will put these systems
in. I would be ashamed to drive some of these cars,
let alone to have music loud enough to draw even more
attention to it. Amen, "Turn it down" ~dedicated_28
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I don't live near the high school but I live 2 blocks from the high school's football field. Game days are very noisy but I can ignore that, I remember what it was like to get rowdy after a football game. I can't imagine living near the high school. I'd go off the deep end.. not far from it anyway... LOL.
Hey I remember my first car when I was 16! What a hunk 'o junk. But I was darned proud of it. Everyone else (except the rich kids of course) had junkers too so it was no big deal then. It was a rusty old army surplus car, army green, 3 speed on the column, bench seats, 150,000 miles on it and no radio. Ran great! I loved that car. :)
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@gberlin (3836)
7 Apr 07
I agree. I don't have this problem as I live in a rural area. I know my dad had this problem where he lived and he called the police. Well they could never be there at the same time as the noise makers drove by. Eventually they quit driving down my dad's street. You could try calling the police but unless they are there when it happens they won't do anything about it.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
It's very difficult to catch them and to get the police to take it seriously. I suppose it will take a bunch of people complaining all at once to get them to do something about it.
I have called the police and all I got out of them was that it is against the noise ordinance but all they will do is wait for someone to complain before doing anything. So I complained.... well since my nerves are completely shot and I get very little sleep anymore I know just how far my complaint went! LOL
Thanks for responding :)
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@rohit55_56 (2297)
• India
7 Apr 07
having woofers in the cars is bad for driving
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I agree they are bad for driving if they're played to loud. You can't hear a siren, you can't hear a car honking, you can't hear someone talking to you. It's very distracting and dangerous.
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@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
6 Apr 07
First of all, I would like to say that I am one of these people you speak of. I have 2 12" subs in the trunk of my car, not to mention an 4-channel amp and an 8-speaker system in the cab of the car.
I think that for the majority of people, it's just a music thing. I like my music loud, the bass to pump, and it to play as I drive by. For me, there is no disrespect directed at anyone, it's my musical preference.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do not do this after 10 PM through my neighborhood, drive with the volume down, the equalizer off, and my windows up so that I don't disturb anyone else. In the middle of the day, I don't see the problem in it. I play the music loud on major streets only. When on a major street, you can usually be bombarded by ambient noises all around, not to mention things like big trucks, loud motors...
I don't consider myself self-centered or obnoxious, that is not my intent and that is not what I do it for. I do it because I love the music I listen to... whether it happens to be rap music with high bass, or whether it's rock music, or what have you. I don't force people to listen to my music, my drive by consists of about 2 seconds of a rattle, if even that.
I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, I understand them and respect them. I would say to be more concerned about other issues than this, because there isn't going to be an end to it. It's the culture we live in... I am not ashamed to say that I am a part of it. We should be concerned about cell phone or so-called "multi-task" drivers, more dangerous on the road than someone innocently listening to their music on the loud side on the road. I agree with you that it is wrong for people to do it at night, but during the day, which I feel is almost public domain, we shouldn't be constricted in our musical selections or how we prefer to listen to it.
I take issue with being generally called rude because I am a younger individual who enjoys my music and plays it a little loud. Would there be a problem if I were playing music that everyone wanted to hear? I mean, a little Tchaikovsky or Wagner for you? Should I only play the 50's music like Frankie Lymon or the Penguins? What is acceptable... British invasion? Deep rock? Some bananarama or Dexy's Midnight Runners? I contribute to society. I have a job, I pay my taxes, I go to school... that is my entitlement to have the music in my car a little loud. Now, I'm sorry that people in your neighborhood do it at bad times or disturb you at inappropriate times, but not during the day. When a local government's quiet hours are in play, then absolutely I agree with you. I don't like the generalization involved in me being "rude" as you so put it.
I know people are, but I don't like being fitted into a category cause I'm young and have big speakers. I acknowledge your right to your peaceful nights, but I also have my right to my music during the day...
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@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
6 Apr 07
First, let’s take into account that you generalize “younger people” as doing this…
take into account, first of all, you said “growing trend for younger people nowdays .” We are not the end-all, be-all of this problem. I guarantee you that I have heard just as much mariachi, country music, and rock ballads being played at excessively loud volume through the streets of many of the town out here in California… And how many teenagers and “younger people” as you put it, do you know ride around with the latest Tim McGraw album blaring through their speakers? Not that many people… this must mean… *surprise* Adults and older individuals must be doing it to… there are all kinds of music, and all kinds of people doing this… to focus on one group for anything is irresponsible and downright insulting to our age group and those of us who have respect…
now to the meat of the issue…
first of all, if you actually read what I said, I stated:
“Now, don't get me wrong. I do not do this after 10 PM through my neighborhood, drive with the volume down, the equalizer off, and my windows up so that I don't disturb anyone else.”
key point… DON’T DISTURB ANYONE ELSE. I sincerely doubt that anyone further than 15 feet can actually hear me anyways. I also said major streets, business areas and expressways and freeways where there would be little chance of my music, even if turned up to it highest point, would affect anyone outside of my own vehicle… do I drive through neighborhoods and disrupt them? NO. do I drive through school zones where little children are and bump explicit lyrics? NO. I do this in high-traffic areas where it might be hard to hear the music with the windows down and I don’t like using A/C because of gas concerns. I am not self-centered, I do it for my love of the music. Believe me, if it were my intent to annoy and disturb the peace, like you said, then I could… but I choose not to because that is not who I am… although you have so succinctly put that “label” on me for having my opinion on this…
I even went as far to say I understand your concerns and respect them. I could even understood if you wanted to pigeon hold me because I stated that I like to rattle different homes… but I do take issue with the fact that you even went to justifying calling me rude. I understand that there are people out there who are not as reasonable about this as I am, and that is justifiably rude and disrespectful, but do call me out for it because I spoke an opinion is incredibly insensitive and biased because of my age and beliefs.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
First of all, Mr. Thrwbck, if you are one of these people you are rude and desrespectful and all your rationalizing doesn't change that. Your personal listening preferences DO NOT give the right to disturb other people day or night. It would make no difference whatsoever what type of music you are playing, if the person in the car or house next to you can hear it, then you are disturbing them.
You are trying to justify "only 2 seconds of rattle". But what you and people like you fail to realize is that you aren't the only ones on the road with 2 12" subwoofers blasting. 2 seconds every few minutes is incredibly ANNOYING! It's like someone tapping a pencil on a desk, after a while it gets on your nerves.
Not everyone lives by your schedule either. There are many many people who work at night and sleep during the day. They pay their taxes too. Do these people deserve to be constantly awakened just because they work a different shift than you do? Hmmm, not self-centered huh?
Stay in school, you have a lot to learn about rights. There are just as many things that you DO NOT have the right to do. Disturbing the peace is one of them.
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Yep, I totally side with you on this one. It is very annoying to be driving with a car booming next to you. I've had my whole car vibrate because of an idiot behind me with the music cranked up so loud you couldn't begin to identify it even if you wanted too. Don't these people realize they are slowing making themselves deaf?
Our town passed a noise ordinance but it doesn't help because it isn't enforced. Not enough law enforcement on the road to make any difference with it at all.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I guess that's the one and only consolation. I don't wish anyone any harm but they are doing it to themselves. So many of them are going to be completely low end deaf by the age of 30. The really sad thing is a lot of these young people have young children in the car with them and only heaven knows what kind of hearing damage they are doing to these babies. It's nothing short of child abuse in my book.
When these people hit 30 and start having to wear hearing aids maybe they'll finally wake up and start warning their kids (or preferably forbidding them) to have such stereos.
One can only hope.
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@victorwzj (539)
7 Apr 07
I also have encounter similar people before. they open their music so loud that the surrounding that the car pass by vibrated. I can't really hear the music but all I can hear is the subwoofers sound "dush" "dush" "dush". It kinda pain in the a** since it is disturbing the neighborhood not to mention the sound pollution. Playing music in a car is cool but it is best not open too loud. If too loud it is not good for the ear drum and people will have hearing problem later. It also a distraction from driving and I personally consider it in driving under influence. I know some of people may disagree but hey .. it just my opinion anyway.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I agree, it's not going to be so funny and cool when they start having to wear hearing aids in their 30's. All that sound in such a confined space is horrible for the ear drums.
I also agree that it's a distraction while driving, they can't hear a siren or someone honking their horn or any kind of warnings that something bad is about to happen. It's just bad all the way around.
Thnaks for responding :)
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
i like loud music but on the proper time and the proper place when i cant disturbed anyone...i really cant understand why are some people are insensitive for everyones feelings..
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Same here, I love my music loud but at the proper time and place. And I don't understand that kind of insensitivity either.
Thanks for your opinion :)
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@fox123 (285)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
i too dislikes those kind of people disturbing others by their music making it so loud in the wee hours of the night..i dont know what they feel of this..maybe we can report it to the proper authorities if this incident always occurs inspite of our compalain to them..
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I have called the police and asked them about the city's noise ordinance. They told me that loud car stereos are against the law but until someone complains there's not much they can do. Since most cars are going by at 35 mph by the time I get out there to get a description of the car it's gone.
There's got to be a solution to this problem, I just have to think about it.
Thanks for your response :)
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@Gumball (793)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Have you checked to see if your town or city has a noise ordinance? If they do, you could ask that it be enforced and see if they will send a patrol car out to check it out. A lot of cities now have ordinances that prohibit loud noises or music over a certain decibel level and will stop and ticket cars that go over that. Any time you have a complaint, just call the police and let them know about it. If they refuse to do anything, go to the city council or even the mayor and complain that the law isn't being enforced. It's their job to make sure that the laws are being followed.
Just think, in 5 or 10 years those idiots that have their stereos blasting away like that will all need hearing aids - because they will be close to deaf after the prolonged exposure to all of that loud "music". Being constantly exposed like that will cause serious damage to their eardrums.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Yes I have called the police dept. and checked with them. There is a noise ordinance but considering how many times a day (and night) I hear them it's rarely enforced.
I was hoping that my town would take a cue from a town just a few miles away. If they stop you 3 times for a loud stereo over there, they confiscate your stereo. It's nice because you can drive anywhere in that town and never have to worry about a booming bass in your face!
Yep, maybe it'll stop when they all start losing their hearing and it will happen. I don't wish harm to anyone but they are bringing it on themselves. I don't have much sympathy.
Thanks for responding gumball :)
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I am going to do exactly that and I've decided I'm also going to write to the Chief of Police and the Mayor. I'm considering taking a trip around my neighborhood and see if I can get up some kind of petition also. Maybe if I make a little "noise" of my own, legally, something will be done to stop this.
Thanks again :)
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I agree.
I have been sitting at a stop light with my smooth jazz playing and had cars pull up with music so loud that I couldn't hear my own. It would be one thing if they were cruising a main drag on a Saturday night but this is 2 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, It's nuts! Then the people in the car that is booming for all it's worth, look at me funny when my windows go up.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I know, it's weird how they throw it back on you. They're the ones being rude and they look at you like you're the one being rude. It's just so completely backwards.
Thanks for your reponse :)
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
7 Apr 07
I'm young and i do subwoofing all the time.You gotta see it from our stand,it really gives us the urge when we do it.But i dont think subwoofing in cars would affect your house that way or atleast i've never thought about it.
You know as time changes the type of music we listen to also does.Moreover the numbers with good bass tracks sound good on the cars systems.Thats one of the reasons we blast those jams.Also the subwoofers get utilized to the max when the bass lines are good and heavy so that their full potential is actually exhibited.
I really don't know how to give a solution to this.You cant stop all of them from subwoofing when they pass around your house.Maybe if you are keen on doing it,try to stick a board outside your house that states "Anti noise area" or something.That way, they would turn off their music or atleast bring it down.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I don't have to see it from your stand when I haven't slept more than 2 hours 3 nights in a row and I have to go to work so tired that I'm falling asleep at my desk all because it gives someone "the urge".
I don't have to see it from your stand when I'm talking on the phone, in my own home and I can't hear the person I'm talking to because it gives someone "the urge".
Look, I may be older than you, that doesn't mean I don't like todays music. I sing in a rock band, my favorite music to listen to is hard rock and heavy metal and I have a killer stereo system in my car. But I also understand that there are people out there like me, who have to work and need sleep. I also understand that there are people who work at night and sleep during the day.
It is not difficult for me to be considerate and respect other people and turn my stereo down when I'm around homes or other cars. This is just common courtesy not a sacrifice.
I have felt this way and have done this since I was a teenager because my parents taught me to respect others. It takes very little effort to think of other people's feelings, try it sometime.
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@SKLC_PT (1234)
6 Apr 07
Well they are trying to show off to everyone else that their sound is the best. My boyfriend had this tendency in the initial stages of our relationship, but thankfully he stopped and now music is easier on the ears. I don't like it, it gives me a headache, you can't talk and sometimes even when you scream you can't talk to the other people, plus I ended up hearing worse. I'm glad the faze is gone as I didn't like it. I only think it's cool to have that much sound if you go to a secluded place with a bunch of friends and everyone is out the car.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I agree with you, it's just to show off. I have no problem with it as long as it's away from people who don't want to hear it. If your in a secluded area or out on the interstate.. crank it up baby! I do it. Just never where it could bother anyone else.
I'm glad your boyfriend doesn't do that any more. It does damage your hearing, especially in an enclosed area like a car. It just isn't worth it just to show off.
Thanks for responding :)
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@vashstampede992000 (2560)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
Well people have their own characteristics, same as you, same as mine, same as others.
We really cant rid of those kind of people, anywhere we go, there's still people like that.
Anywhere we go, there's still rude people, back fighters, talkatives, non sense people, etc.
Arrgghhh really hard to actually live with them but then we have to understand that people are all different that's why living in this world is exciting.
Just be cool and enjoy life to the fullest!
You are pretty and really sexy.
Cheers and have a nice day ahead from Francis.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Thanks for your comments Francis and the compliment!
I'm a firm believer in live and let live but it's hard to enjoy life to the fullest when you're so tired all the time that it's hard to keep your eyes open. All I want is to rest, relax and sleep in my own home. I don't think that's too much to ask for but they won't let me do that. I haven't had a full nights sleep in weeks and it's really getting to me.
I'm glad you don't have that problem. Cheers and hope you have a great day :)
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
7 Apr 07
Ok, well i am one of those 'younger' people (almost 26 though) with a subwoofer in my car - 2, 10" subs in the boot/trunk (depending on your country) - i DO NOT drive around at night with it going spastic to irritate people, the only time it goes up is when i'm on a longish trip somewhere - i live in the country so most of my trips are long & no, i don't listen to music with nothing but a bass line.
I listen to a lot of heavy metal, mellow metal, the radio even, Michael Jackson, you name it, it's in my car to listen to. A lot of the Michael Jackson songs that i crank up have a GREAT beat, Kelly Clarkson ones are pretty good too & they sound awsome coming at you from subs & the stereo.
To older people, no they're not cool, they're very irritating, loud, obnoxious etc, but to the younger ones it's cool! It's like all those older generations out there that think the Beatles are still cool (no offense to beatle's fans) - to the current generation, they are far from it!
I don't agree with subs going all day & night for the hell of it that's plain rude & thoughtless BUT i do like my music loud, i do like it bassy & i do like to have it thumping as i am driving along. It keeps me awake on my long trips & i can sing as loud as i like - without anyone hearing my awful voice! LOL!
I'm sorry there are so many inconsiderate people where you live, it gives the rest of us a bad wrap but all you have to do is call the police & have them picked up for disturbing the peace (It's noise pollution here in Australia) - hopefully you have something like that there.
Good Luck but please remember - not ALL us sub owners are inconsiderate jerks :)
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I don't think I said "all" sub owners are like that, and that's definitely not what I meant. There are people who do respect those around them and I think that's great. I thank you and others like you for doing the right thing.
Unfortunately the real jerks DO give the rest of you sub owners a bad name in a lot of people's eyes. I'm not shallow enough to think that what goes for one goes for all.
I listen to a lot of hard rock and heavy metal and love nothing more than to go out on the interstate, pop in a CD, roll down the windows and crank up my stereo, I have a killer stereo system in my SUV. I also sing in a rock band and my husband is our lead singer and our bass player so I do love my music loud and hard rockin'. But always at the appropriate time, place and volume that fits the surroundings. And I ask no more than that from anyone else.
Thanks very much for your response :)
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@ranatelugu (148)
• India
7 Apr 07
Subwoofers just drives people wild i have creative 7.1 Channel speakers i love distrubing people around me & I laughs loudly when people call me ARE U NUTS????!
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Laugh now and laugh hard because you won't be laughing when you need hearing aids and you're kicking yourself because you made yourself deaf.
Keep laughing because one of these days you're going to come across someone who just can't take the noise anymore and destroys your car because you've ticked them off once too often.
And all because you think it's cool. Ya man hearing aids are very cool! HAHAHAHA
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