drunk driving
illegal immigration
virginia beach
Why I hate Illegal Immigrants
By Smith2028
@Smith2028 (797)
United States
April 6, 2007 11:31am CST
My feelings on illegals is well documented and it is a position I will never apologize for. Here is another reason.
In Virginia Beach (MY HOME CITY) an illegal immigrant hit and killed 2 teens this week. Not only was he illegal, but he was also Driving under the influence.
Now I know what you are saying, "what does that have to do with your hating illegals?"
Why is it that the police in Virginia Beach didn't report him to the INS the first or second time? No.. it takes him actually killing someone to be punished for breaking the law. This is an outrage and the Mayor and police should be ashamed of themselves.
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19 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I am with you. I detest ILLEGAL immigrants. I was a LEGAL immigrant at one time. When I came to the States I had already worked for the US government for 12 years, 4 years in North Africa, 8 years in Germany, been married to an American for 8 years and I did not get any breaks. I paid taxes, obey all the laws, studied hard to pass the test and paid $400.00 to apply for citizenship. Why the hell should they get away with breaking the laws, reap the benefits that should only be for legally law abiding residents??? If they don't want to be legal in our country and get citizenship the hard way then send them back to wherever they came from!
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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
7 Apr 07
I agree with both of your comments.
You both immigrated by legal means, and that's the proper way to do things.
By entering a country illegally, you make immigrants look bad, even the ones who worked very hard to immigrate legally.
Illegal immigrants who break laws give the law abiding legals a bad name and reputation, and that's just wrong.
North America is a haven for immigrants who are trying to start better lives, and granted, they are forced to suffer with political red tape and B.S. They shouldn't have to do that.
This illegal, based on what the discussion starter has said, has broken the law, not once, but 3 times, and has gotten away with it. How much would you bet that he'd get a slap on the wrist for the murder of 2 people? The judge would probably laugh at him and only deport him(if the judge had the mind to think of that), and that would probably be the end of that, until the illegal snuck back into the country.
But I guess that's the problem with politics now-a-days.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I too was an immigrant - my husband was an American Airman - he was sent back to the USA and I was left in the UK with our daughter who was less than a month old at the time. All the paperwork etc that I had to go through to get the two of us into the USA makes me totally against illegal immigrants. I came into the USA the right way and others in my opinion should do the same.
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I can understand fully your feelings, they don't pay attention to any of our laws and they steal, rob and rape people....I'm sick of them too they need to be sent back to where they came from.....I don't care where that is just get them out of here......Here in Las Vegas if a person hurts one of them they are tried as a hate crime. But if you are hit it's the poor immigrant..
People better wake up before we lose our country.....I also found out here if the cops arrest one of them they are let go but if we are stopped for something they want to throw us under the jail....
It gets to be ridiculous the way they get away with things....The apartment complex I live in there are some living in a two bedroom with 7 or 8 kids with the parnets but if had been an american they would have been evicted....
What's wrong with this picture???????
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I you have said what I wish everyone could see
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I feel that their country should be made to abide with human rights for the people. This would eliminate the problems because they would not have a reason to leave their own country.Why the issues that make them leave are never dealt with , I do not know. That government should be sanctioned and dealt with by the united nations and every humans rights organization that there is.The people die trying to get out of that country because its horrible and they want a better life.Why do we fight dictatorship in other place but we ddont deal with this government when it has cost a fortune dealing with border problems ect? The only way to ever change this , is to make that government stand accountable for its abuse and horrible living conditions in that country. Those people are enslaved and make little money. The conditions outside of the tourists areas are sickening.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I am sick of them too and this is just another reason to want to get them out of our country. They slip in our backyards like thief's in the night. Use up all of our resources. Then get behind the wheels of cars with no license, no insurance and slam in to someone. No one wins here. They make so many stupid bad choices. I am just so sick of them for so many reasons.
The problem is getting worse and not better. These people that think they belong here need to start taking them into their own homes and providing for them. I would like to see them put their money where their mouths are.
@saseedharan (102)
• India
7 Apr 07
Illegal immigration is one of the major problems in many countries. For example, in the United States the census bureau's 2000 estimates put the number of illegal aliens in the Unite States at 8.7 million and that was a low estimate then and today some current estimates state there could be as many as 20 million illegals. These illegal aliens claim they are well to do, but they are the problem. It is not hard to see that what little productivity and benefit these illegals supposedly have, is so heavily overshadowed by the crime, violence, theft, and monetary burden on tax payers it is ridiculous to allow this to continue.
@faythlyn (94)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I think a big part of this issue is that he was stopped twice for DUI!! I hear stories like that so often, and it just seems like something that could be avoided!!
As for illegal immigrants, I really think it's a huge problem in America. Not just because they are driving drunk and killing people (and mind you, I realize that they dont all do this) but also because they dont abide by our other laws (ex. paying taxes) We have plently of legal immigrants who get in the right way, and it's so not fair to them that other people just waltz right in.
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Very well put. In my response, that is what my friend woke me up to, the one who is a legal immigrant and works for the INS, that many people in this country are "porch people", we stand there, with our mouths open doing nothing, and not thinking deeper, of what it all means. Like you said, they don't abide by our rules, they don't pay taxes, they get free medical care. I know legal Americans, who can't get free medical care. I am sorry to say this, but sure, some here are probably not thinking, but there are people here, who really do feel it, but aren't willing to admit it. It is time we see what is happening, and take back our country, in a civil, proactive manner. Once again, well said.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Apr 07
To those who think a sensible immigration policy should not be a part of the law and rigoursly enforced, I remind them of the immigration policy as was practiced by the native americans here before the white man.
What immigration policy you ask? That's right they did not have one and look what happened!
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@EconKnowMix (858)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
Well, as you have said "illegal"
so you do hate everything that is illegal?
I presumed you do and so be it.
Anything Illegal should be hated, of course.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Apr 07
He said illegal IMMIGRANTS quite clearly that is not everything.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Smith, even though I feel "hate" is a strong word, I have to say, I'm amazed you nad I found something we agree on! To be here illegally and then picked up twice and let go before killing someone is an outrage! I've wroked with quite a few illegals when I was a waitress, and they were always good workers, but I will never forget asking one of them once if they weren't afraid of getting caught and going to jail. He laughed! "AMerican jail is like a vacation" he said. Really, all he was worried about was that his mother got the money he sent every month. He showed me pictures of what his busboy wages afforded his mother in Mexico and it infuriated me. I was 8 and a half months pregnant working double shifts to pay rent while my hubby was at Camp Pendleton, and this guys mother was living like royalty! The busboy lived rent free in an apartment our boss owned, and had everything handed to him. I know a high school boy who would've loved to have that job to buy a car, etc...Maybe if we raised our kids with a better work ethic there wouldn't be so many jobs available to these illegals. Legislation needs to be passed, funded and enforced! Obviously the enforcement is one of the key issues we have in this country.
I know I've rambled, but I just have to say...I argued with my current boss because he said I had to learn Spanish, we were losing potential business in our insurance agency becasue nobody speaks it. My answer was "NO WAY". My grandparents learned the language, I'm not going out of my way to make it so these people don't have to.
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I have to agree with you, however, detest is a strong word. I don't understand how we Americans can forget that our ancestors were legal immigrants when the came here. At least mine were. They came here and strived to become American. No longer spoke their native tongue, learned English, worked hard, and contributed to this country, by paying taxes, and being the best they could be. I have a friend who is of a different nationality. He went to work for the INS, and he has stated to me several times that it really peeves him when he is paying taxes, obeying the law, and these illegal immigrants are coming in and sucking up our resources. I once defended them, and he finally got it through my head that we are being traders to our own people. He stated that most people today have become "porch people", we stand with our mouths open out on our porches doing nothing. He further woke me up as he stated, it isn't being discrimatory, or being intollerant to people from other countries, as we all were at one time, or our ancestors were immigrants, but did it legally. That is what the real issue is. Further he said that to add insult to injury, when they are illegal, they commit crimes after crimes, and are still permitted to remain??? He just loves these opportunities when he can send them back, and make room for ones who want to be American, and want to become a legal immigrant. If they don't want to be legal in our country and get citizenship the hard way then send them back to wherever they came from!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Based solely on the example you gave, you should be angry at drunk drivers and incompetent police officers. The fact that he was an illegal immigrant didn't make him more likely to kill two teenagers. Being illegal didn't cause him to have the accident, being drunk did. It's taking two unrelated facts and twisting them together to make a point. I do understand your problem with illegals in other ways but this incident should have nothing to do with your opinion on illegals and only affect your opinion of drunk drivers.
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@amigochama (113)
• India
6 Apr 07
You are just generallising and probably have some grudge. They may be illegal and that need not be the reason to hate . All are not bad elements. they have reason to be there where they are. may be oppressed in their country
@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
6 Apr 07
There is no generalization when I say that they are ILLEGAL and breaking the law and therefore should be punished ASAP so that something like this doesn't happen!
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
7 Apr 07
isn't it the fault of the police?
You cannot blame all illegals for it.In my countries we have a lot of illegals.At first they are very nice but now some of them are being criminals do you know why?Because of the natives.They're just copying our behaviour .People don't accept people look at them as if they are dirty.The blame is for ourselves.Look at your country America.Look hwo they have treated the Indians how they have treated afro americans and still do.That's the reason for some to get involved with crimes.
I'm not trying to accept their behaviour but if you want to blame someone blame your own governement and the people who has caused this.He killed the teens right?It could've been a whit person isn't it.Most of the crimes are convicted by white persons.We're the cause and now we have to pay for our behaviour.That's just the fact and ofcourse every country has its rotten criminals there's no doubt about it,but please do not say all of them are bad,because that is pointing three fingers back at yourself.It's not bad to have some feelings about illegals,but they didn't cause the hate.You already said it yourself it was the the police
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@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Maybe I should clarify. Here are the people tha I hold at fault for this incident:
The Illegal Immigrant
The Police
The Mayor of Virginia Beach
The Virginia Beach City Council
The Governor of Virginia
The State Assembly of Virginia
The US House
The US Senate
The President
The reason I hold the immigrant responsible and the reason I'm so vindictive towards him is because he has lived his life breaking the law and up to now has had no consequence.
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@dora81 (285)
• China
7 Apr 07
any person who has a sense of justice comes across such matter,can with you equally indignant generally.But the treatment thing cannot draw conclusions from a part.
certainly is not all illegal immigrants that are hateful.
you should regard the matter by the fair point of view.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Sad indeed. Not only is there a loss of life, you can best bet that the parent's of these kids will never see any compensation (not that this will bring back their child) and the immigrant will enjoy 3 squares a day in the comfort of air conditioning and cable tv.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Well, that doesn't seem like much of a reason to hate an entire group as a whole. I mean, if a black man kills someone you know, is that a good reason to hate all black people? Not really.
You have every reason to dislike the man who killed those people. He was an incompetant human being, and should rot in jail (a mexican jail, in my opinion. American criminals are treated way to nicely for my taste.)
I too, dislike illegal immigrants, but not for the crime an individual illegal commits (although crime does factor in on my distrust of illegals). I dislike it because many illegals can and do take advantage of American resources, and benefit to some degree while being a drain on the economy. I also dislike that, because of them, it is becoming harder for legal immigrants to become citizens.
@Doomsayer (115)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Yeah, I live in Santa Maria, and I see these damned illegals every day, clogging up our schools, our hospitals, everything! Illegal immigrants need to be flushed out, and our violent crime rates have shot up in the last few years. Why? BECAUSE OF THE ILLEGALS! They think they can just waltz in here and do whatever they want, and the sad thing is, they're right. Our government isn't doing squat, and they don't intend to. The illegals are simply offensive, not only to the real American citizens, but to the Mexicans who came here legally and did it right. The end.
@adinkle (45)
• La Verne, California
9 May 07
I agree with all of you your comments. I cannot understand why anyone who is in our country illegally should get any benefits at all . If I get caught driving with a tail light burned out I would probably get cited. Their benefits are ccausing many of our trauma centers to close because they never pay .
and on and on and on about how they are destroying our great country.
@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
14 Aug 07
I have heard about a lot of criminals that aren't illegals. People commit crimes, not only illegal residents.
As someone posted before, you should hate criminal acts, not everyone who seems similar to the criminal.
If this man weren't an illegal, you would hate all white people with brown hair (if he is like that)?
You should hate the police enforcement who didn't stop the man when they saw he was driving under the influence.
You should hate the man who shouldn't be drinking when driving.