Women OR Men are better Parents ?

Baby - ***Baby***
@4signup (104)
April 7, 2007 1:19pm CST
Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your answer.
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10 responses
@crackhead (1826)
• India
16 Apr 07
I guess both are good at parenting. Both are important for a baby. Many see the caring which a mother shares. Men do have that caring and the only thing is they can't express it properly or may be due to the heavy work load or jobs they are engaged with they can't concentrate much in taking care of children bit that doesn't mean that they are not good at parenting.
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
Yea , both are important i'm talking about the fact the reality experience , thanks for sharing :)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
The reason why there is a mother and a father in the house is because, there are aspects in married life and in raising children that women will do best, just as, there are things that men do best hence the need for a father therein. If you tend to disagree with this, just observe how come our kids feel bad to grow up in an environment wherein there is an absence of one of the parents? This is pronounced among my kids. I did everything to cover for the inadequacy of their absentee father, yet they still have some bitterness about this fact. They are all of majority ages now and I have never remarried in respect for my kids and for religious reasons, too.
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
Well said , and i think that affect on the kids on future ? hope your success and happy life , thanks for sharing :)
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Women by nature is more nurturing but there are lots of women too in this world that really stinks when it comes to parenting. So I say that parenting really depends on the individual, be it a woman or a man. There are children who were abandoned by their mothers who were raised to be great individuals by their father and the same also happened for those who were also raised by their mothers.
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
Yea , i think stinks parenting would affect on the kids growing with them and miror that to their kids in future too.
@lucy67 (819)
• China
16 Apr 07
most women are good at parenting because they are more careful, patient and gentle. besides, most of them are not the main family supporters so they will spend more time and energy in parenting rather than working.
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
Yea , regardless the careless women :)
@julaqq (141)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
I agree with women having maternal instincts and that gives them the edge in good parenting. Men are also good. In my case, my father is better in taking care of us than my mother.
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
May she's busy in work ! but whatever women should care of their kids well , thanks for sharing :)
• United States
16 Apr 07
It's difficult to say, for sure, but it's my belief that parenting comes a little more naturally to women. Perhaps it's because we are the ones to carry the child in our bodies for those nine months of gestation. I'm not a mother, but I would imagine that it creates a bond unlike any other. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and I'm just speaking generally. :)
@4signup (104)
• Italy
16 Apr 07
Well said , thanks for sharing :)
• India
22 Apr 07
I do think mothers have a definite edge over fathers because of that maternal instinct and bond with children also because women can freely express their feelings whereas men are sometimes stiff when it comes to be expressive and are emotionally drawnback but a Father's guidance in life is as important in life as a mother
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
21 Apr 07
I don't know. It isn't easy to say who's better, because there are very good mothers and very bad fathers and there are very good fathers and very bad mothers....I think that, generally speaking, women are better. I think that women are better, but not by nature, infact there are men who are better than some women. The problem is that for centuries mothers have always had the greater role in raising children, and only now, in these years, fathers are starting to be good parents and stay more and more time with their children. Children need parents who stay with them, who play with them, who help them when they need help, who start a good relationship, and fathers usually have no time for them, so they can't build such a relation with them, but they could do it if they wanted. I think that in the future more and more fathers will stay more time with their children and will able to build an excellent relation with their children exactly as mothers do now.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Men and women play different roles in child rearing/parenting. Women have more of a nuturing role which the child needs at birth and men tend to have an authoritarian role, in terms of disciplining, protecting and working to support the family. Women tend to be seen as the better parent because they carry the child at birth, nuture them, care for them and raise them because they are mostly at home with the child. I think both parents are important in raising a child and each have different roles to play.
@Kalikala (433)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I think that each one brings something different. There are certain aspects of parenting that women naturally excell at, and others that seem to come more naturally to men. I think it is important for children to have both a male and female influence when they are growing up.